Some popular choices include Greyhounds, Beagles, and Coonhounds. Required fields are marked *, Click this to send email to Michael Broad, the site's owner and author. On the other hand, the eagle has been known to take domestic cats and would likely swoop down and capture a little bobcat kitten if given the opportunity. Keep in mind that a bobcat will not attack a dog unless the dog is attacking or harassing the bobcat, and always keep your pets supervised when outside and avoided keeping them inside with small animals like rats or mice. Do bobcats mark their territory? You will see some very variable answers from about one million in Bobcats are good climbers as you might expect. GRANT COUNTY, Ind. Pit bulls already have two strikes against them before stepping up to the plate.. They are all fair game if the size is right. There are some good ones here. Coyotes have caused none, ever. Loose dogs caught on camera killing cat - YouTube Shes not a vicious attack cat at all, Del Thompson told CHEK News. What Dog Can Kill Coyotes? (12 Dogs Make Our List) And lastly, make sure to teach your dog not to approach wildlife. But it was a dog named Bandida who wound up getting hurt. Small ground mammals, birds, and reptiles are among eagles favoured prey. The common denominator is the owner who has consistently overfed his/her cats who look like siblings. Bust Its Head, Break Its Knees, Or Choke It, New Allegations Against Andrew Callaghan , How to Defeat Someone Made Furious by 'How to Defeat a Pit Bull with Your Bare Hands, Seattle's Crackdown on Low-Level Crime Targets the Poor, Mentally Ill, The More I Learn About Breast Milk, the More Amazed I Am, The Queen Protester of Baton Rouge: An Art Review, What a Year of Lockdown Tells Us About the Nature of Human Time, My Whole Life I've Been Asked If I'm a Girl or a Boy. Honestly, I don' know if even with size equalized the bobcat could beat the Pit Bull. Bobcats do attack small dogs as shown in this video. Pit bulls and other large dogs are too powerful and too aggressive for the bobcat and they will keep clear, whereas small dogs like the one in the video are considered to be prey animals to the bobcat. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit then welcome home, my friend. Part of HuffPost News. It's faster, more agile, and it can win by mauling the pitbull's vulnerable points or just by bleeding the dog out. Great Pyrenees males weigh 100 to 160 lbs. "Any one of those dogs could have killed that cat if they wanted to, but they didnt. "At this point, I can't take my dog out in my backyard unless I have her on a leash," Dinsmore said. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! The Osage County Sheriff's Office said . It is not just about size but aggression. The wild one will win every single time. Make sure to keep your yard clear of clutter so the bobcat cant hide. Realtree is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible experience to everyone, including those with disabilities.2023 Jordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. Can you point to some research other information on this? I think not. It wouldn't even be a battle. Adult male bobcats weigh between 20-22 pounds whereas the average pit bull weighs between 55-60 pounds. Other breeds like Bullmastiffs and Cocker Spaniels may take more effort and bloodshed, but they can still do it. Grover said that Bandida stood there and took it for quite a while before grabbing the loose skin on the back of Babys neck to hold her down. "So, there's no way I can let her out now until we get this problem solved. Bobcats have indeed been reported to hate innocent antelope, whose weight is between 140 and 300 pounds for a filled man. #endbsl #educationnoteuthanization #pitbullnation #pitty #pitbullsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #dogsofvictoriabc #dogsofvancouverisland #showusyourpits #showmeyourpitties, A photo posted by Javiera Catalina Rodriguez (@javieraandherpitbull) on Aug 14, 2016 at 3:52pm PDT. Yeah, I wasn't gonna say anything, but that was predictable. When it comes to wildlife, its important to be aware of the dangers that come with them. Bobcat Scientific Name: Lynx rufus Type: Mammals Diet: Carnivore Average Life Span In The Wild: 10 to 12 years Size: Head and body: 26 to 41 inches; tail: 4 to 7 inches Weight: 11 to 30 pounds. Bobcat attacks can happen to anyone, regardless of their experience or skill level. I typically post the Realblog twice a week, but this week, I'm bringing you the best from the Realblog every day! Coyote hunting bobcat; things go south. Bobcat vs Coyote. Back to top Reply Replies (2) 0 0 CrimsonFever Alabama Fan Gump Hard or Go Home Member since Jul 2012 15211 posts Bobcat like lynx and cougar or mountain lion is a member of the Wildcat family.credits:bear:@pet.mealpaca:@maso_edenalpacashark:@jalilnajafovcrossing the street:@destabilisatorseal and orcas:@jalilnajafovbull:@kebon.binatangeating octopus:@makan.trussstiger sound:@pet.mechurning butter:@baperviral @buatviralmachine:@baperviralbobcat and coyote: video offers information as well as commentary on animals and objects. When a pitbull was pitted against a wolf, it was a good example of this. If you find yourself on what feels like the verge of being attacked: "Don't runthe movement can make the dog more excited and chase you. Dinsmore is now afraid to let his other dog . Does that help us? This has a significant impact. Is there something heavy you can grab? Easy Explanation. If you have to leave them outside, ensure they are confined in a secure area like a house or dog fence that is large enough for the animal to move around freely. I am not sure the video changes my opinion., when cats attack from the front they aim their claws to the eyes of the opponent so its a very dangerous scenario for any dog since bobcat can even kill bigger animals than dogs theres very little chance for a dog to prevail, Your email address will not be published. When one of David Dinsmore's two Yorkies went missing from his backyard in Richardson, Texas, he decided to check his security camera for answers. Can a bobcat kill large dogs like pit bulls or Rottweilers? This is up to 2 times the weight of a bobcat. If they ask her which dog attacked her \"first\", we're almost certain she would say it was the pit bull. (WANE) A Pit bull fatally attacked a woman in a home in Grant County Monday. Since some media have played up Babys tenacity, calling her hostile and even thuggish, the Thompsons are trying to clear their elderly cats good name. The picture on this page I think is worth any number of words that Im going to write. Thanks for contacting us. If an incident does occur and your dog bites or scratches the bobcat, be sure to report it to animal control as soon as possible. Once the dog loses interest, back away," says Wiley. If you can stand on a car, stand on a car. Had it not been for that video footage, Dinsmore would have never known of the bobcat's attack. Bobcats can be quite small you know. Kirstie Jane Bennard, 30, was severely injured by the dogs when she tried to pull them off of her 5-month-old boy, Hollace Dean, and 2-year-old girl, Lilly Jane, just outside of their home in Shelby County, Tennessee. Mountain lions hunt and ambush their prey, frequently executing them with a bite to the back of the neck, shattering it and causing paralysis, if not death. She added that while the fight was taking place, the other dogs simply barked. If you find your pet attacking or chasing a bobcat, the best thing to do is to get them away from it as quickly as possible. Despite being less common than the small bobcat, the two species occupy a large portion of the same area. Also, the dogs were not killed but injured. Its always important to use caution when introducing new animals into your home, even those that seem harmless. Thanks for this. Although the dog is a greater combatant, the cat is more nimble. I added the video to the page and added these words: That opening introduction appears to be undermined by the video below but we dont know the ages of the dogs and the size and age of the bobcat. homestead high school staff. However, if your pet has killed a bobcat, then you must contact authorities so they can investigate and take appropriate measures. When does your lost cat become someone elses? A stalking cat could feed on injured or unwary birds on the ground. Is this a plausible outcome? A 28-year-old Oklahoma woman was apparently mauled to death by a group of pit bulls she was dog-sitting, officials said. I'd say the bobcat. The rodent may munch its route to the main artery and cause the dog to haemorrhage out whether the dog was confined while incapacitated. The cat presumably fled at some point in the attack. But when it comes to wild cats, they are just hot dogs!Note that both mixed and American pit bulls were killed. The mountain lion, a second relative of the bobcat, is one of their principal enemies, reaching nearly twice the size or weighing about 100 pounds more than bobcats. Puma vs Dogo real fight reports of killed pits by cougars: dead pitsPitbulls can be a serious threat to children. Responding to the pit bull threat, Atlanta representative Keisha Waites in February 2017 introduced Logan's Law, HB 313, which would require people selling or rehoming dogs to tell the truth about their breed identities and characteristic behavior. Pictures of the dogs that mauled her: - Jacqueline Durand was catastrophically mauled by a Pit Bull and a "Germ. I think my assessment on this page is correct judging by the available evidence which is mainly opinion as bobcats dont get into fights with large, aggressive dogs in the interests of their survival. Round 1: Wild bobcat vs trained pit bull. Bobcats are. The coyote is willy and smart but is not a huge dog. Simple Steps To Do, Why Does My Guppy Have White Poop? A filled guy never weighs and over 60 pounds. Mom hospitalized after her 2 kids killed in pit bull attack. If so, smash it against the dog's head until it retreats or loses consciousness. Bobcats aren't large enough that they could kill a Pitbull, or at least, kill them MOST of the time. Jan 16, 2007. Dinsmore is now afraid to let his other dog, Denali, out of the house. (You can worry about possibly denting a stranger's hood and roof laterjust get the fuck up there.