Will You Get Refunded After Canceling the Planet Fitness Membership? Such a plan will cost you $15 a month, along with an initiation fee of $15 and an annual fee of 39 dollars. But at the same time, you can hardly get a gym membership for as low as $10 except at Planet Fitness. How do I downgrade my membership? Planet Fitness is a great membership, but despite this, you may decide that you want to cancel it. How to Cancel Your Planet Fitness Membership in Person Planet Fitness is a place to go for those who want to start an active lifestyle without being judged for what they currently look like or without feeling any inferiority complex by working out around big muscular guys doing 1000 pound deadlifts. The No Commitment Membership is priced at $15 per month. If you have the Planet Fitness Black Card, you can go to any club located at around 600 locations inside the United States. Planet Fitness Just so you know, Dr Workout is reader-supported. Planet Fitness. You can grab a classic membership for $10, along with an annual fee of $39.00. This way, you will be able to cancel the membership without going through all the frustrating cancellation methods. This means you can start working out at Planet Fitness for $20. Witnessed too by other people. BEST MANUAL TREADMILL FOR HOME WITH PRICES. Most of the centres have dumbbells weighing maximum up to 75 pounds. Planet Fitness Planet Fitness fees for month to month membership with no commitment are $15.00 per month with a $39.00 initiation fee due at signing and $29.00 annual fee. Their joining fees range from R100 R300. Yes, Planet Fitness really does charge as low as $10 dollars per month and up to as high as $22.99 for a Black Card membership (billing all members on the 17th of every month). The gym originated as a cooperative organization back in the 90s and has been providing affordable gym membership options to Americans ever since. Following a similar playbook, other high-volume, low-cost (HVLP) chains have benefited. When the initiation fee is accounted for, the total annual price for a World Gym membership ranges from $221.88 to $473.88. Yes, Planet Fitness really does charge as low as $10 dollars per month and up to as high as $22.99 for a Black Card membership (billing all members on the 17th of every month). The membership cost for the classic membership is just $10 per month. Yes. This place started out great! Planet Fitness That seems like a lot, but in actuality, its $17.33 and $29.32 per month. If you want to have access to every Planet Fitness location and no limit on tanning and other services offered by this fitness center, you can sign up for the Black Card membership that costs around $23 per month. Still, at some point, you may decide that the service is not right for you anymore or maybe you want to take a break and save money for other expenses. Web56 reviews of Planet Fitness "Perfect for me! So, before you ask for a pause, you should contact customer service at the location where you have your subscription. You can trial Planet Fitness for free. So, when I received the yearly $60 fee I was shocked and called Planet Fitness asking them if there was some sort of error. PF BLACK CARD CLASSIC. This means you can start working out at Planet Fitness for $20. For more details, you can contact the club near you. Planet Fitness pricing is set to suit budget gym goers. Along the way, collaborating with industry leaders like Michael Yessis, Mark Rippetoe, Carlo Buzzichelli, Dave Tate, Ray Williams, and Joel Seedman. Planet Fitness does not plan to raise the $10 price anytime soon. Hours are great. If you want to have access to every Planet Fitness location and no limit on tanning and other services offered by this fitness center, you can sign up for the Black Card membership that costs around $23 per month. Planet Fitness prides themselves on being judgment free, critic free. Planet Fitnesss inflation-proof $10 membership has attracted new members amid cost-of-living increases. Lifetime Fitness Membership, Prices & Cost. Unlimited Access to Home Club: Yes. Membership If you want to have access to every Planet Fitness location and no limit on tanning and other services offered by this fitness center, you can sign up for the Black Card membership that costs around $23 per month. They always have smiles and are cleaning some type of equipment. For all members above the base membership, you also get access too: If the topics in thisarticlepiqued your interest and you want to know more or do an interview, don't hesitate to reach out to Nick Rizzo, theFitnessResearch Director, at nick@runrepeat.com. A link has directed you to this review. If you have an illness, physical injury or some medical condition that prevent you from working out, then you can freeze your Planet Fitness membership for a period up to 3 months. If youre considering buying a Planet Fitness membership you might want to hold on for a little bit. Planet Fitness Unfortunately, Planet Fitness does not provide features such as a sauna, a steam room, or pool. PLANET FITNESS Are new versions of running shoes even better? The Planet Fitness gyms offers great value to those who are just starting out on their fitness journey. The price can vary slightly from one Planet Fitness facility to the next. WebPlanet Fitness is an affordable gym with three membership options: Black Card, Classic, and No Commitment. What Are Black Card Membership Perks With Planet Fitness? Location. 62.5% of US gym chains charge less than $500 for both their high and low-end plans with the overall annual prices range from as low as $159 for Planet Fitness's low-end membership to as high as $948 at LifeTime Fitness. I apologized and said it wouldn't happen again and told them that I was just upset about people parking in the handicap zones illegally, and some of them were young kids. Again I apologized and promised not to do anything wrong again so what is the deal with this club to treat a retired Air Force Vietnam veteran that way??? You cannot cancel your membership by mail or by phone, but you can use apps like DoNotPay for an easier cancellation process. The existence of cancellation fees depends on the type of membership you took and the duration for which you are a Planet Fitness member. Whether you wish to run some miles on a treadmill, do some spinning or looking for a training session on an elliptical machine, you will almost always find a machine available. How Long is the Total Body Enhancement at Planet Fitness? Our content is intended to be used for general information purposes only. Can I Freeze My Planet Fitness Membership? $ 10.00. A Detailed Look, How Often Should You Use Total Body Enhancement at Planet Fitness? Often, Planet Fitness Black Card memberships come with a contract, usually of 12 months. However, canceling your membership may be quite confusing, because Planet Fitness did not incorporate modern practices. WebMembers can sign up for a one year contract and access to any club of their choice for $19.99 per month. FAQ. Membership and PF Black Card Membership. It would cost you $22.99 per month and gives you access to all the PF clubs worldwide and has much more perks to offer. All that is good and bad about the Planet Fitness is listed here. The employees are all helpful and friendly. Best Budget Membership : Planet Fitness Key Specs Price: $10$24.99/ month As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. ConsumerAffairs is not a government agency. After all discussion, your Planet Fitness membership costs. Planet Fitness Prices & Membership Cost WE CAN HELP Our goal is to deliver legendary customer service to our members at all times. Maybe you dont want to cancel your Planet Fitness account permanently. Also, they claim you can even visit any Planet Fitness anywhere around the globe. Stronger applications get better loan offers. Many upper-level memberships include unlimited access to pools, basketball courts, saunas, hot tubs, premium machines, personal trainers, meal plans, daycare, multiple gyms across the state or country, guest privledges, weight machines, cardio machines, fresh towels, locker rooms, and showers. My brother had a very similar situation which has caused my entire family of 10 to stop doing business with them. Is Planet Fitness Worth It The hours are very accommodating and close to my home. Here is how you can cancel your Planet Fitness membership: If you want to cancel your Planet Fitness membership from the comfort of your home, you might be thinking that you can just do it over the phone. God bless you all. Regardless of what plan you choose, you will have to pay $39 as an annual Planet Fitness membership fee. To cancel your membership, you can call or email your gym or the main support line and tell them you wish to cancel your membership. Planet Fitness is open 24-hours a day at many locations. Membership can only be used at this location. Mostly, you may need a black card in order to bring a guest, but at some locations, even classic members can bring guests. Planet Fitness Prices & Membership Cost PF App Workouts: Yes. Free fitness training through their PE@PF program with a certified trainer. WebPlanet Fitness classic membership has a $10 initiation fee followed by a $10 monthly fee. Yes, you can pay for an entire year at Planet Fitness. Nothing done, about it. On top of it, they stole my savings account information which I did not give them access to and drained it because I had closed my regular account due to their theft. Yes, unless you opt for the no-commitment plan, planet Fitness is mostly a 12 month membership. This way, your account will just be on hold and you will be able to focus on other things, then come back to your Planet Fitness membership later. The Classic membership is $10 a month and the PF Black Card membership costs $24.99 a month. For the gyms, like many other things it mostly depends on the perspective if they are good or bad. WebHow Much Does Planet Fitness Cost In South Africa A 12-month contract is R250 per month and their 24-month local membership with access to a single club is R225. Planet Fitness fees for month to month membership with no commitment are $15.00 per month with a $39.00 initiation fee due at signing and $29.00 annual fee. Total Body Enhancement Before or After Workout: Whats Better? About | Contact Us | Privacy Policy I am able to come in late at night to get a workout in. Also the staff there don't seem to smile very much. If you have some medical situations, you can contact the gym directly and submit a request to put your membership on hold. drworkout.fitness is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. However, in order to cancel your membership, you need to give a 30-day notice. Can I freeze my Planet Fitness membership? Thank you, you have successfully subscribed to our newsletter! Planet Fitness It includes a T-shirt, unlimited access to one Planet Fitness club and unlimited access to training. Yes, Planet Fitness really does charge as low as $10 dollars per month and up to as high as $22.99 for a Black Card membership (billing all members on the 17th of every month). After speaking to them about it they ran me around saying it was a bank institution issue, as if the bank was giving them my money. Planet Fitness is hands down the most affordable gym membership available right now. Planet Fitnesss inflation-proof $10 membership has attracted new members amid cost-of-living increases. The classic membership gives you access to your home club, free training and free wi-fi. To do an account downgrade, you will have to go to the Planet Fitness location you have the membership at. You can save 68% from the annual plan which is $39 per year, and there is no cancellation fee for Planet Fitness. They will then walk you through the process of canceling. To cancel your Work Out World membership, know that they do not accept phone, fax, e-mail, or in person cancellation requests. Membership details may vary by location. 2. Hey there! Planet Fitness Prices $10 membership: Planet Fitness offers a no-commitment $10/month membership option. Planet Fitness Is Planet Fitness black card no commitment? It helps us keep the lights on. Select. Is Planet Fitness Worth It ALL OF THE INFORMATION WHICH HAS BEEN COLLECTED BY WWW.FITNESSMEMBERSHIPPRICES.COM But at the same time, you can hardly get a gym membership for as low as $10 except at Planet Fitness. To join World Gym, it costs anywhere from $15.99 to $36.99 per month. The machines are great and there are plenty of machines for everyone. WebMembership fees start at $10 a month, making it more affordable than other fitness clubs, but there are other membership types available that you can sign up for such as the PF Black Card membership as it offers you everything the $22.99 does plus you get access to every Planet Fitness location, no limits to tanning and more. They offer a one dollar joining fee on national TV. WebGym Memberships | As Low As $10 | Planet Fitness Home Memberships Select the right gym membership for you. If you are not much of a traveller, wishing to use only your home club and dont want to spend any significant amount for the gym membership, it is better to go for classic membership at $10 a month. Gym Memberships How do I downgrade my membership? Hence, price wise, there is hardly any match for Planet Fitness in all of the United States. You can grab a Planet Fitness black card by paying a nominal initiation fee of $1.00 and a yearly fee of $39.00. A YouFit membership costs anywhere from $10 per month for the basic level membership to as high as $24.99 for their best value Lime Card membership. Planet Fitness Membership He is always greeting everyone with a smile and he is always professional. When including the annual fee, which some gyms charge by the second or third month, that's another $20 to $60 added to your total cost. Membership and PF Black Card Membership. The cost of joining Planet Fitness depends on what kind of membership you opt for. Planet Fitness has four different membership options. You can pause your membership so you dont have to close it for good. Regardless of what plan you choose, you will have to pay $39 as an annual Planet Fitness membership fee. Planet Fitness Prices The No Commitment Membership is priced at $15 per month. WebThe monthly cost for this is only $19.99, with a yearly fee of $39. The only way to cancel your Planet Fitness membership is by going to your gym physically or by sending them a letter. If you wish to cancel your membership, you will have to go to the club personally. For instance, you can visit only your home gym. The membership cost for the classic membership is just $10 per month. Select $ 10.00. It is uplifting to walk in the door. The higher tier plans at these gyms are still relatively inexpensive, ranging from $22.99 to $36.99 per month. Even the premium membership that they call PF black card at Planet Fitness is cheaper than the basic membership at any other club. Hours are great. FIX IT PLANET FITNESS, NOW!!!! To top it all, they offer free Tootsie rolls, pizzas and bagels every now and then, that makes you wonder if its a gym or a social gathering club. All the memberships have an additional annual fee of $39. In that plan, however, you will be getting the classic Planet Fitness membership with which you can access only the home gym, along with free Wi-Fi and Fitness training. Gauteng: JHB. The monthly rate of higher tier memberships cost an average of 43.29% more than low tier membership. This means you can start working out at Planet Fitness for $20. Planet Fitness makes it easy for patrons to complete a full cardio and strength training circuit in half an hour, using ten strength machines and ten cardio machines. In the table below you will find the average costs of different types of memberships offered by the Planet Fitness center. Lifetime Fitness Membership, Prices & Cost How to make the most of a gym membership. This will allow you to talk to someone at the front desk regarding your account. Get a Planet Fitness gym membership now, and join a squeaky clean and spacious club! Both get you access to our Judgement Free Zone, and tons of cardio and Why would you want to freeze your gym membership? At as cheap as $10 per month what more you want. It helps us keep the lights on. This applies to Black card, classic, as well as no commitment Planet Fitness memberships. Where do I go if I have questions or need help with the billing for my account? For Black Card Membership $351 Annually. Good machine equipment. To learn about final rates, do contact them directly. However, you can negotiate this fees under some circumstances. In addition to these monthly costs, Planet Fitness charges an initiation fee of $29 for Classic members and $1 for Black Card. Memberships I have been going/been a member since the The Classic membership is $10 a month and the PF Black Card membership costs $24.99 a month. Your email address will not be published. The Crown Point fitness center is always kept very clean. To complete the entire process, your Planet Fitness Keytag will be required. The rules, available equipment, services and the overall atmosphere of the Planet Fitness is not suitable to all. Cost $ 24.99. WebMembership fees start at $10 a month, making it more affordable than other fitness clubs, but there are other membership types available that you can sign up for such as the PF Black Card membership as it offers you everything the $22.99 does plus you get access to every Planet Fitness location, no limits to tanning and more. Planet Fitness Membership Cost If you wish to prepay for a years membership, the cost is $199. How do I transfer my membership to a different Planet Fitness club? $ 10.00. The price can vary slightly from one Planet Fitness facility to the next. Considering all those facilities and unlimited access, a PF Black Card is actually cheap. Still, not all of them want to be members forever. Black Card membership: Those are not big numbers. Here is how you can cancel Planet Fitness with DoNotPay: Once the account is canceled, you will receive an email from DoNotPay. At only $9.99 extra from the basic membership, its a testament to Planet Fitness prices. About Planet Fitness; About JustGym; Our Partners. Home Fitness & Wellness Fitness Centers. Most of the centres dont even ask for any long term commitment. Therefore, you will not be charged for the membership. WebAnnual Membership Fee of $49.00 plus applicable taxes will be billed on or shortly after April 1st. Hiit Running Workout Program To Improve Your Running, Squat Challenge: Transform Your Butt Today. They breeze over the $49 ANNUAL membership fee and don't tell you at all that you must give 5 days' notice and that once it is billed they will not refund. Memberships This includes unlimited access to all franchise centers, along with a host of other amazing services, such as unlimited guest privileges, use of tanning, and unlimited use of massage chairs. PF BLACK CARD CLASSIC. A Detailed Look, It is the most inexpensive gym you can find anywhere, It is a climate-controlled exercise space, Plenty of cardio machines, you never have to wait for one, The gym is open round the clock throughout the week, No one will judge you here for being too fat or too thin to go to a gym, The staff is inexperienced and unskilled in terms of physical training, You cant grunt while exercising, that means you cant try to push your limits, there is actually an alarm for that, Too few free weights are available. Here, you can find shoes for various purposes like running, training, basketball, and even stylish sneakers. However, for the black card and classic memberships, the initiation fee will be only $1.00, and $10 respectively. The contents of this site may not be republished, reprinted, rewritten or recirculated without written permission. Planet Fitness The pandemic is unpredictable, and some Planet Fitness locations may end up closing for social distancing and safety reasons. It also allows you to use the massage chairs, hydromassage, tanning which is not included in the classic membership package. Fitness The Planet Fitness Member Services phone number is (844) 880-7180, and you can call them for various issues. How do I transfer my membership to a different Planet Fitness club? Gauteng: JHB. WebPlanet Fitness classic membership has a $10 initiation fee followed by a $10 monthly fee. There will be no cancellation fees if you have opted for the no commitment membership. And, if you are looking for a gym membership with no strings attached, you can also opt for their no-commitment membership plan. Black Card. For canceling your membership, you are charged an early termination administration fee, as well as an additional cancellation fee for a total of $200. Normally, there is no cost to cancel a Planet Fitness membership. Love the massage beds. WebMemberships Select the right gym membership for you. How much does it cost to join Planet Fitness? Fitness Yes. Its location on this page may change next time you visit. Planet Fitness Where do I go if I have questions or need help with the billing for my account? The Classic membership is $10 a month and the PF Black Card membership costs $24.99 a month. How to Cancel Your Planet Fitness Membership in Person It is uplifting to walk in the door. $ 10.00. Therefore, you can visit the club near you on the first of a month, and enquire about special coupons, deals, and discounts. A Detailed Look, How Often Should You Use Total Body Enhancement at Planet Fitness? Bedfordview Megaclub Schedules; Benoni Lakefield Classic. For more information about reviews on ConsumerAffairs.com please visit our WebMemberships Select the right gym membership for you. Gym Membership Cost PLANET FITNESS A Detailed Look. Bloomsburg PA. In addition to these monthly costs, Planet Fitness charges an initiation fee of $29 for Classic members and Planet Fitness Cost When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. With a Planet Fitness Black Card, you can: Now, if you are looking for the literal cheapest gym membership, you can go for the classic Planet Fitness membership. PRICES, TIMES AND Apply online for the loan amount you need. But at the same time, you can hardly get a gym membership for as low as $10 except at Planet Fitness. Yes is the short answer. Both get you access to our Judgement Free Zone, and tons of cardio and It is refreshing to know that the staff truly care about fitness and customer service. How do I upgrade my membership? An average 24-Hour Fitness membership ranges from $20 to $50 per month, putting it right in the middle, budget-wise; its not the cheapest, but its far from the most expensive, and you get great features and services for the price. Compare all our membership plans. It is advertising on TV at $10 per month What Planet Fitness fails to inform the TV viewer about is a yearly fee (that is on the order of roughly $60 per year). That fee could be anywhere from $60 to $240. His work has been featured in publications such as Mens Health, U.S. News and World Report, NPR, People Magazine, Shape, NY Post, Fitness Magazine, Women's Health and many more. In this case, you should know that if you have a Planet Fitness subscription, it will be frozen automatically when the gym is closed due to the coronavirus situation. What Time Does Fantastic Sams Open Close ? Gym Memberships Membership Type. You can opt-out at any time. When all fees are accounted for, the total price tag annually ranges from $179.99 to $419.87.