The Coastal Plain from South Carolina to Florida, west to Louisiana. 8 to 20 feet tall with a spread of 5 to 15 feet. It is pyramidal to rounded in form. Along the forest floor a profusion of small flowering plants thrive, including mountain skullcap ( Scutellaria montana). Floridas Best Native Landscape Plants. Reported to be rare, but it is fairly common in south central Georgia. Young seedlings have a unique grass-like appearance, which may last two to seven years or more because the tree first uses its energy to put down a deep tap root. It also tends to retain numerous dead branches within its canopy. Flowers are an important nectar source for honey bees. Maine to Minnesota, south to Florida, west to Texas. It is a tetraploid with larger flowers than other species. The inner bark is orange. Tubular pink to lavender flowers are borne from August to October. Red Oaks are in the subgenus Erythrobalanus. This is a tough plant for hot, dry to moist sites in full sun. By: Dr. B. E. Williams, NBCT Coastal Plains Vegetation - soil is not fertile. Coastal Azalea grows in a wide range of latitudes and soil conditions, and up to 200 miles inland in sandy coastal plains, damp ditches, sandy swamp margins and dry pasture sites. They persist on the tree for two seasons. Absent from the upper slopes of the Appalachian Mountains. It is tolerant of adverse conditions and poor soils as well as a wide range in pH. To perform well, this plant must have moist soils high in organic matter and light to dense shade. Fruit are round, spiny balls on 2- to 3-inch pedicels. It is commonly found along waterways. It is not shade tolerant and does not like growing under a heavy overstory. The top sides of the 2- to 4-inch-long leaves are dark or pale green, and the undersides are brown and scaly. Loblolly pine is an evergreen tree with medium texture and a fast growth rate. Dig a large hole at least two times wider than the root ball of the plant and as deep as the root ball. Avoid planting in drought-prone sites. It does not like hot, dry sites. Coastal Plain from southern New Jersey to the Florida Keys, west to east Texas, southeast Oklahoma into Central America. The leaves are a glossy, dark green. Use Fringetree as a flowering specimen tree. If other species are introduced, their cultural requirements should be compatible with those of plants already there. In fact, some native plants, having a limited growing range and very specific growing requirements, may decline or die when subtle alterations are made in their native habitat. The fall color of all hickories is glowing, luminescent yellow. They are conspicuously veined on both surfaces. Use Live Oak as a specimen tree in large spaces. Size is extremely variable over its extensive native range. Foliage is glossy green. Longleaf Pine is a canopy tree and is best used as a specimen. "First, when you buy an azalea, turn the pot upside down. Red Titi is a large shrub or small tree with medium texture and medium growth rate. It often requires one to two growing seasons to determine when a plant can adjust to the specific light environment provided. The fruit ripens in June and is enjoyed by birds. Many cultivars have been selected for ornamental use in residential and commercial landscapes. They are lustrous dark green above and pubescent underneath. Plant it in full sun to light shade. It can be pruned into a tree form or shaped as a hedge. It can be invasive. Massachusetts to Florida, west to Minnesota and Kansas. Fall color is pink to red or red-purple. Typically found in wet, acidic soils of pine flatwoods, savannahs, bays and swampy streams. The piedmont azalea (Rhododendron canescens) is a hallmark of spring in Georgia: delicate, light pink blossoms dancing at the woodland's edge to celebrate the change of the seasons.Southeastern gardeners can also readily employ the charms of this native shrub in the home landscape, so it's no wonder the Georgia Native Plant Society selected it as its 2001 Plant of the Year. Use Narrow-Leaf Crabapple as a specimen flowering tree in full sun. Mapleleaf Viburnum is an attractive, loosely branched, deciduous, low-growing shrub. Rare or endangered species are not described. Bark is mottled and exfoliating. Moderately acid pH is preferred. University of North Carolina Herbarium, North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, N.C. Online publication at, Status and Revision History Suggestions are made for using the plant in the landscape. Virginia to Florida, west to Texas, north to Oklahoma, Missouri and Illinois. Moist soils in low woods and lower slopes in woods and thickets from the lower Piedmont to the southern Coastal Plain. It is a low, spreading palm with stiff leaves and spiny leaf stems. Moist alluvial flood plains or hammocks with mixed hardwoods in the lower Coastal Plain. Climbing Hydrangea is a deciduous vine with medium-coarse texture and a medium growth rate. Form is variable but usually is broad-rounded at maturity. Ogeechee Lime is a deciduous tree with medium texture and a medium growth rate. Several cultivars are available. Black Walnut is a fine shade tree for stream banks and flood plains. Showy white, pendulous flowers have leafy bracts. This set aims to build skill with Social Studies standards regarding the regions of Georgia- Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, Appalachian Plateau, Coastal Plain, Piedmont. On dry sites, plant growth is often sparse and stunted. Yellow-Root is a low-growing, erect shrub that spreads and forms colonies via root suckers. Fall color is variable yellow to red. Wild Olive is useful in a naturalized landscape or as a foundation specimen. The land is used for pasture. Bloom color ranges from nearly pure white to pink, rose pink or red. Fall color is burgundy red. It also can be outstanding as a small, multi-stemmed tree. Carolina Buckthorn is a small, deciduous tree. It prefers moist, well-drained soils in full sun or partial shade. Orange to scarlet trumpet-shaped flowers, 2 inches long, are borne in March and April. It provides lightly-filtered shade, so other plants will grow beneath it. In nature, it may be somewhat invasive. Form is pyramidal when young (sometimes narrow) and becomes broader with age. Fruit appear only on female trees and are bluish-black drupes about 0.5 inches long, borne two to three per stalk. Oconee-bells ( Shortia galacifolia) and Florida Torreya ( Torreya taxifolia) are examples of plants that require specific habitats and are rare in the woods of Georgia. 30 seconds. It maintains a central leader in youth with an even distribution of branches. The underside of the leaf is lighter than the upper side. Piedmont - 3rd Grade - Google They bloom best if provided morning sun and afternoon shade. It transplants easily and prefers moist, well-drained soils and full sun. It is subject to several pests, including the woolly adelgid, which has recently invaded the north Georgia mountains. Numerous cultivars exist, including some with variegated foliage. Use Deerberry in a mixed-shrub border with azaleas or along a woodland edge. The plant is stoloniferous and spreads outward over time. What animals live in the Piedmont Region? - Sage-Advices Some bottomland species of trees grow well on upland sites once they have germinated. Hot, dry, rocky areas in the lower south. Form is narrow upright, pyramidal, with strong horizontal branching. Fruit is a dry brown capsule. Piedmont Rhododendron is found along stream banks and wooded slopes in the lower mountains and Piedmont and the upper Coastal Plain. The cones are up to 3 inches long and approximately 1 inch wide, grouped in clusters of four. It can easily be pruned back to about half its size. Green Ash and White Ash (Fraxinus americana) look identical except for their seeds. Virginia to Florida, west to Louisiana, Arkansas and eastern Texas. It is considered by many to be a short-lived "weed tree" on upland sites and is a vigorous early succession tree in Zones 7 to 9. It is one of the most widespread and valuable pines of the southeast. Blueberries thrive in acidic, well-drained soils that have been enriched with organic matter. In early spring, fragrant yellow blooms are borne in dense clusters along the stems. The 5 Regions of Georgia! The bark is dark and scaly. Valley and Ridge Ecological preservation is another reason for using native plants. It adapts to most sites, including moderately dry sites. Eastern Hemlock is used as a specimen or screening tree and for a windbreak. In Georgia, there are three geographic regions: Mountains, Piedmont and Coastal Plain. Rock outcrops (rocky ridge tops and bluffs), 5. North Carolina to Florida, west to Arkansas and Texas. This oak is also called Spanish Oak because of an association with early Spanish settlements. Shortleaf Pine is a fast-growing, medium to tall tree. Fruit are sweet tasting and dark blue with a white bloom. 9 to 12 feet tall with a spread of 3 to 5 feet. It can be used as a specimen or in a grouping for naturalizing in moist woods. The mature berry-like cones are eaten by many kinds of mammals and birds, including the cedar waxwing. It prefers moist, fertile soils in full sun to partial shade, but it is moderately tolerant of adverse conditions. It prefers a more basic soil. Fruit are brownish-red, about one-third of an inch in diameter. It has a graceful pyramidal growth form. Whitney What region are the Appalachian Mountains found in? Leaves are alternate, bipinnately compound, and 3 to 4 feet long. Scarlet flowers are borne in panicles 4 to 8 inches long and 2 to 3 inches wide in March and April. With age, the plant has a very picturesque branching habit. They prefer full sun to light shade. Form is oval to round and commonly multi-stemmed. North Carolina to Florida, and west to Mississippi. Use Dwarf Smilax as a ground cover plant. Evergreen Rhododendrons are flowering shrubs/small trees with dark green, leathery foliage. Use Possumhaw as a specimen tree in the shrub border or at the woodland edge. It is also nice when used as an understory plant. There are male and female trees. Use Yaupon Holly as a specimen tree or hedge for screening. There are many cultivars in the trade. Occurs in areas that are wet during winter months. 80 to 100 feet tall and 30 to 40 feet wide. Flowering time varies from late February in south Georgia to mid April in north Georgia. Mountain Stewartia is a large, deciduous, flowering shrub or small tree with medium texture and a slow growth rate. It spreads outward by root suckers to form colonies. Eastern Red Cedar is an excellent specimen tree. The terminal leaflet is often missing. Recent updates, initiatives and programs from UGA Extension. Additional Resources. 2004. Sap is milky. Flowers are fragrant, white to whitish-pink, and are borne in erect terminal clusters from late June through August. Fall color ranges from yellow to red or purple. Several cultivars of both Drooping Leucothoe and Coast Leucothoe are available. In the Piedmont area of Georgia, the plant life includes pine, oak, white yellow poplars, and hickory trees. Bark on old plants is smooth and red-brown. It is a ground cover plant rather than a climbing vine. Fetterbush can be used as a specimen plant, to screen patios or yards, or to soften the corners of structures. Fruit appear on female trees only. Several cultivars are available. Animal Habitats Georgia Teaching Resources | TPT It is similar in fruiting habit to Yaupon Holly (I. vomitoria), except it is deciduous, which makes the fruit more obvious. It has glossy, evergreen foliage in the Deep South and is deciduous farther north. Also found in southern New Mexico and southern California. Use White Pine for a windbreak, screening or as a specimen tree. Lance, Ron. White oaks are in subgenus Leucobalanus. Occurs in forest openings and along fence rows. Brackish coastal soils; wet depressions and bogs to fairly dry upland sands in pine or pine-oak forests. It is not our intent to describe all native species just those available in the nursery trade and those that the authors feel have potential for nursery production and landscape use. They are alternately oblong and lance-shaped, and are 2 to 4 inches long and 1.25 inches wide. It adapts to both moist and dry soils. Fruit mature in early fall and are an orange-brown color. Bloom time is from late April to early June. White, occasionally pale pink flowers open in July and August after the leaves are fully developed and have a clove-like fragrance. Leaves are occasionally deformed by infestations of aphids. South Carolina to Florida, and west to eastern Mississippi. It also grows in wet, acidic, sandy soils such as bogs and bays; blackwater seepage wetlands; and swampy thickets in the lower Piedmont and Coastal Plain. Coastal Virginia to northern Florida, and west to Louisiana. Planting sun-loving plants in shaded areas will result in spindly, weak growth, while planting shade-loving plants in full sun may cause leaf scorching or anemic-looking foliage. The female flowers produce berries about 0.25-inches in diameter; they change from white to orange, then to black by late summer. This hands-off approach is more environmentally friendly. It is vigorous when young, then grows slower with age. It is very common in middle and south Georgia. Foliage turns golden-brown in fall. The fruit is a prickly cone 1.5 to 2.5 inches long. Nova Scotia to Manitoba, south to northern Florida and west to Texas. Avoid planting it in drought-prone sites. Use American Beech as a shade or specimen tree. Begin your journey by exploring Georgia's cities below. Along Coastal Plain stream banks and at the edges of swamps and hammocks. In terms of toughness, it is often the tree still standing after hurricanes. Post Oak is not usually planted as a landscape tree, but it would be a good choice for dry reclamation sites. Growth form is spreading with medium-fine texture. Female trees bear tiny, greenish-yellow flowers during leaf development in April or May. Fall color ranges from bright yellow to fiery orange or vibrant red. It prefers moist soils in sun to shade and is not drought tolerant. Foliage is aromatic when crushed. North- or east-facing slopes are preferred. 30 to 40 feet tall with a spread of 20 to 35 feet. Use Southern Magnolia as a specimen plant or for screening. Habit is round and spreading, somewhat bushy in appearance. Maryland, south to Florida, west to Texas and Oklahoma. Use Trumpet Honeysuckle on arbors, trellises, fences and walls. Georgia Piedmont Soil Leafspot, mildew and root-rot can be serious problems. Moist soils along shaded stream banks or on wet, rocky ledges. It will adapt to full sun. The different soil, derived from a different geologic history and supporting a different vegetation, produces the two major geographical provinces of Georgia, the Piedmont and the Coastal Plain. These species are well adapted to drought stress and fire. Prune after flowering. Loblolly Bay is an evergreen tree with medium texture and a medium growth rate, having a narrow, pyramidal to oval shape. Leaves have five to seven star-shaped lobes and are a lustrous green in summer. However, it adapts to a wide variety of landscape sites. It prefers acid soils and full sun to partial shade. The family is given as a point of information since some unifying threads are common to plants in the same family. It requires adequate moisture and some shade for best performance. It prefers full sun and moist soils. Red Basil is a small, semi-evergreen shrub with aromatic leaves. It does well in full sun. Sandy, alkaline soils, including coastal dunes and ridges, near marshes and inland hammocks in the lower Coastal Plain. Geographic Regions of Georgia - New Georgia Encyclopedia The White Ashs samara wing extends less than halfway down the cylindrical fruiting body, and Green Ashs samara wing extends halfway or more down the cylindrical fruiting body. Some plants in this region include mountain laurels, pine trees, maple trees, beech trees, tulip poplars, magnolia, azaleas, and the Cherokee rose. Students could also look at the land and see the possible habitats in each region. Stems are green. PPT The 5 Regions of Georgia! - Atlanta Public Schools Contact your local UGA Extension office to find out how our team of county agents can assist you. The tree is a honey source for bees. Use Laurel Oak as a shade or street tree. Gently remove the plant from the pot and examine the roots. Southern Sugar Maple may be used as a shade, specimen or street tree. Majestic specimens are found in old cemeteries. Nova Scotia to Minnesota, south to north Georgia and west to Oklahoma. Fall color ranges from yellow to deep purple or maroon. 2. Weather extremes, either temperature or drought, have shown us one of the best and most practical reasons for using native plants their adaptations to local climate. Some plants found in the piedmont (our own backyards!) Large, fragrant, showy white flowers appear in early summer. Leaves are pinnately compound with five to seven pairs of leaflets. Sugar Maple is a deciduous tree having a medium texture, medium to slow growth rate and an upright to oval form. The top sides of the 4- to 8-inch leaves are shiny and dark or olive-green; the undersides have a thin layer of hairs. Trumpet Honeysuckle is a good choice for people allergic to bee stings. The piedmont has forests, lakes and rivers. Flower color ranges from clear yellow to yellowish-orange, orange, reddish-orange or red. PDF Returning NC Native Plants to Piedmont Landscapes It needs full sun and plenty of room. The dark bluish-green needles are 3 to 5 inches long in fascicles (bundles) of two or three, sometimes on the same tree. Its form is round with many upright branches. Black Walnut produces the chemical juglone in its roots and leaves, which kills or inhibits growth of other plants nearby. Manual of Woody Landscape Plants. Leaves are tulip-shaped with four lobes. It is sporadically found in the Piedmont, especially in the Chattahoochee drainage area and in hilly sections of the western Coastal Plain. 20 to 25 feet tall and 10 to 15 feet wide. Woody Plants of the Southeastern United States: A Winter Guide. It is fairly easy to transplant and prefers moist, well-drained, acid soils and partial shade. Fall color is usually yellow-brown but may be russet-red.