The district has a total of 22,547 students enrolled. School Board Election / 2023 School Board Election - Prosper ISD School Board Forgoes Election. Prosper ISD hires firm to investigate handling of sexual assault I do not know the legalities behind the election, but if you could add a place to the election it seems like a no brainer. Family rights activists decry the program as absolutely unbelievable.. While I understand the desire to hold an election for the open seat because voters should have a say in that seat, I would like to point out that voters have chosen all 6 current seats, and elections do not always get it right, Janette Church said. PROSPER, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) - The president of the Prosper ISD school board has been arrested and charged with indecency with a child/sexual contact. The candidate filing deadline is February 17. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. In order to run, candidates must have lived in the state for over a year and lived in the district for at least six months. "With the latest arrest, I have so many emotions," she said. School Board Election / 2022 School Board Election - Facebook:, instagram: This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. Early voting runs April 19-27 He stepped down last month after he was arrested and charged with indecency with a child. I understand the important of education and making sound decision to ensure all children are value and provide the opportunities to be successful. I am proud to have been a part of PISDs past, and more excited to be an integral part of its future Maintaining our standard of excellence in all areas! Despite these challenges, its critical that our leaders within the district are equipped to ensure teachers and students can be successful. Get the latest Little Elm sports delivered to your inbox every week. All of the speakers reside within Prosper ISD boundaries, most were parents of Prosper students. When you vote, choose me, as I stand for Faith, Family & Future! This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. "Based on previous history we do not trust you to appoint another person as the one that you appointed was just arrested," another parent said. Dial is replacing Trustee Jana Thomson who decided not to run for reelection. When asked to identify 3 priority factors on my mind as our district continues to grow, know that Im mindful of: Our son is currently in the 3rd grade. Email her with story suggestions at After gathering the necessary information, we informed our community as quickly as possible. On Tuesday, several parents were in the board room once again, like James Pope, who said he spoke to Wilborn the night before his arrest. Sunny. Who I am in a private conversation is who I am in public. I need your vote. Incumbent Bill Beavers secured a re-election victory with 42.2% (1,878) of the votes. Prosper ISD, like other districts are facing issues with school bullying on campus and in virtual classrooms. In his free time, Alex loves to engage in the community and travel with the family due to his fascination with the history of the Viking Culture. The board spoke in private . Be Nice. More information about Chris Kern is available at http:// She also plays for the varsity tennis team and looks forward to combining her love for sports and journalism together. The motion failed. Dallas police said while acting as an executive pastor at Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Southwest Dallas, Wilborn sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl. The meetings take place at the Central Administration Board Room located at 605 E. 7th St., Prosper, TX 75078 Addressing the Board The Board of Trustees encourages families with students in the District to work first with your teachers and campus administration to answer questions or address concerns. One Rock Hill High School student spoke during this time. There was an error processing your request. Christy Escobar, a senior at Prosper High, started this year as a teacher's aid for adviser Lisa Roskens, but then she joined the staff of ENO. Thom Vars received 393 and 472 respectively. Our kids deserve nothing less. Jeremy Sandusky . My focus moving forward will continue to include: As we look to the future, my goal is to strengthen our outreach to Austin by building our relationships with state elected officials and keeping them informed of our districts interests. Wilborns resignation from Prosper ISD leaves a vacant seat on the seven-member board of trustees. Prosper Voting Locations > Times, Dates, & More At Tuesday's school board meeting, parents also expressed their heartache over a Prosper ISD bus driver accused of sexually assaulting two sisters last year and the recent arrest of two high schoolers for the murder of a 19-year-old from Little Elm. As we approach the upcoming school board election, I want to make sure that you have a thorough understanding of who I am and why I want to serve our Prosper ISD community. "If you make an appointment, you are making a mistake," one parent said. Prosper Parents Unleash on School Board Over Sex Abuse Cover-Up, Demand Next, the trustees discussed Item 6C: Consideration and possible action regarding filling the vacancy for Place 7.. Get exclusive content delivered to your inbox! I am one of two board members who sit on this sub-committee. Meet the Prosper ISD School Board Candidates: May 1, 2021 Prosper ISD Board Room | Image by Prosper ISD Donate. More information can be found on his social media page. I think we have more than enough qualified candidates for three spots. The seat for Place 3 will be filled by Cavender, who earned 54% of the vote. First elected in May 2019, this is Cavenders second term. We should also expand the Hope Square program to all grade levels. Get breaking news delivered to your inbox from around Star Local Media when it happens. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. Get the latest Mesquite sports delivered to your inbox every week. Aside from the state propositions, Prosper residents had six elected officials to select this period: mayor, council member place 1, council member place 3, and Prosper ISD School Board trustees in places 1, 3 and 6. LISA FERGUSON / PROSPER PRESS. I cannot win this election without your support and your vote. May 7 Election Day: Where to vote, who's on the ballot, key races I have decided to run for the Prosper School Board to bring the following major changes in a step-by-step collaborative way: Alex is a Senior Cloud Architect and a technology transformation expert who partners with CEOs, senior executives and principal engineers to grow and transform their organization in the 21stcentury. Tenured PTO President at both the elementary and middle school level, 4 years of PISD PTO involvement allowing me to better understand student, staff, parent and administrative perspectives, Actively involved in the Prosper ISD PTOCouncil currentlyserving as Vice President, Selected member of the 2019 PISD Bond Political Action Committee, Currently part of the District Site Based Planning Committee. She plans to strengthen the newspaper as a team, and help promote brilliant reporting and coverage this year. Our children are, indeed, our future. We'd love to hear eyewitness The PISDBoardhas an important role in developing the educational vision for the district. 2023 Prosper Press, a CherryRoad Media Newspaper. Be Truthful. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. Prosper ISD Board of Trustees have few explicit dutieshiring and firing the superintendent is chief among them. Dial took the Place 1 seat by earning 49.6% of the vote, followed by Kristin Meier at 27.4% and Kerry Antwine 23%. RELATED: Parents sue Prosper ISD, alleging bus driver sexually abused their daughters. He is focused on Prosper supporting local businesses. Prosper ISD should use a growth model and statistical data to determine when school are needed. It maintains high expectations ofourstudents andstaff,and itstrivesto prepare students with the strength of character to make future contributions to our society. "Every incident that occurs here at Prosper just brings everything back to light," Pope said. A weekly recap of all the sports news from around Star Local Media. . I want to leverage this collaborative and effective leadership experience to help serve my community in the best way possible. The filing window for this position is 101-71 days prior to the election. Collin County voters will be available to vote for the school board members, as well as vote for the general election, in the designated community room in the Prosper Town Hall. The majority of the speakers suggested the board hold a special election to fill Place 7, rather than appoint someone to the seat. The chairperson of the Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB), Prof Mary Okwakol has called for national strategies to empower girls to pursue science subjects at A'level . School Board Members / Board of Trustees - Prosper ISD The district has been embroiled in another scandal, involving sexual abuse of students, since last August when word got out that a Prosper ISD bus driver had been arrested in May for molesting two elementary school girls for almost a year. I hope that you decide that the best option for everyone is a special election for Place 7.. My aspiration and goals are to be able to serve our students, families, staff, district, with the support of our great community, to provide optimal education and career opportunities. UPDATE: Dial, Cavender, Linker earn seats on Prosper ISD board We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Police say Wilborn inappropriately touched a 16-year-old last April while he was an executive pastor at Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church. Three people have filed to run. Prosper ISD mom Tiffany Kearney reminded board members of the district's 2015 attempt to cover up sexual malfeasance, in which school administrators admonished teacher MariBeth Thomas for reporting a student's claim of sexual advances by a teacher's aide to the Prosper police instead of to the district's own police department.