After that, 2x Gunners with Zetki Talyn + 1 Engineer (5 Repair, 3 Combat, 5 Endurance)can clear things (no Crewship tho) on their own. I didnt memorize them Buuut Blackout seemed slightly more interesting cuz it chains into more targets?? LAVOS:Has no energy, and has a 10-second cool time system like the frame abilities. For ordnance, use the Tycho Seeker missiles. I've seen every single turret used well since revisited, but stick to zetki (even taking heat into account, it's still the highest DPS house), I stick to carcinnox for pilot and apoc for side, but I've seen pulsars used to great effect for detonating tether and cryophon is okay on side turrets for cleaning up stuff the pilot missed. The mod can be obtained easily from various fighters. You can trade Platinum with other players for free. It's useful when soloing for a quick breather to teleport back to your Forges or repair something quickly. Forward ArtilleryIt saves you the time to go to the forge when you run out of ammo. Plexus build guide - three builds for everyone! | Warframe - Railjack Just like Ordis runs your Orbiter, a Raijlack is empty without it's Cephalon. That's where Cephalon Cy comes in. Good evening. All players now have a Plexus, a piece of equipment they are automatically given that comes into all Railjack missions with you. -Battle : I choose Shatter burst over tether because you can mining with it; I Let Phoenix Blaze to test it if It can destroy this annoying Ice As for crew, always bring an Engineer and two Gunners. Hexis has the coolest looking Crew members. If missiles were more helpful in new RJ I STILL would not recommend Ordinance cheapt shot.. Overloader ups your max missile count. One mod grants shields per kill +another grants max shields per kill + plating for shields > hp. He is currently a Freelance writer for TheGamer and Game Rant. For the trait, it doesn't matter; none of them are any good. At the beginning of missions, there are only two forward artillery rounds, so you will need this to replenish them.If you dont have one of these, you will need to board Crew ships. Weapons are separated into three categories for Railjacks: pilot weapons, gunner weapons, and ordnance. Here are the crafting components for building a Railjack. This ordnance weapon has good critical stats, excellent base damage, and the MK III variant carries quite a bit of ammo. Rector - better to have the one that has a chance to repair Electric instead of Fire, because when you have a Fire malfunction you can remote repair it with the tactical screen (engineering 10), but you can't remote repair Electric, because it disables tactical. We've also added a proper builds section to the article, showcasing Railjack configurations tuned for fighting the Grineer and Corpus, respectively. They should have a small shot to REFILL all ammo. Standard RailJack Build for Grineer Crewship - Overframe With the AI crew as defenders / engineer crew I was able to solo all the railjack nodes except for orphix venom missions (mech was building). I also go into. As there are new mods and metas to consider, here are three builds you can use to get the most out of your Plexus. Only thing is I like to passively level my stuff up while doing railjack, and if irrc the AI kills dont give affinity :(, Zetki are better with enough gunnery for manual heat deletion, otherwise nicely done. Warframe: The Best Railjack Parts And Builds, This article is part of a directory: Warframe: Complete Guide, Railjack is one of Warframe's most unique game types, Warframe: Modding Guide Basics, Polarities, And Mandatory Mods, something you can completely bypass with the R9 Gunner Intrinsic, Warframe: Styanax Complete Guide Drops, Abilities, And Builds, Warframe: A Complete Guide To The New War Quest. Building a turret that's mainly useful to railjack beginners who haven't had Seeker Volley drop yet isn't a great use of resources, though there's no harm in building it anyways once the rest of the ship's done. For the Plexus itself, I recommend putting an Aura Forma on it and using the following mods; Orgone Tuning Matrix (aura, reduces most damage, increases turret heat cap) Conic Nozzle and Cruising Speed (for higher railjack speed) Hyperstrike, Predator, Section Density (increased turret damage/crit/crit damage) I use this a lot when Im a squad member. Shatter Burst is the best secondary ability for your Railjack, bar none. While the MK II variants offer more Strength, they forgo Range entirelya stat that most Battle Mods require. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor Players collect materials and weapon upgrades Scrawls can be earned in-game from the Vent Kids, earned through Twitch Drops, or Warframe features space combat in the form of Archwing and Railjack 0 patch, console gamers will see this as Our intent is to make Railjack The Plexus is . Could replace cheap shot or war if u need the juice.. Oh quick lock would be nice also. As far as guns go, you want to use Zekti house guns pretty much exclusively - they have the best overall stats when calculating DPS, and while they do have higher heat accumulation that's not a problem when you have level 9 Gunnery. Here's a preview of Warframe's biggest update in eight years There is a new console in the Orbiter to the left of the main navigation console that will allow you to see your Plexus and Intrinsics menus. Even tether that works so well isn't universal. ENDGAME IMMORTAL POWER: STR 244% (2% HP PASSIVE), INFINITE HP AND ENERGY, DUR 127%, BREACH SURGE Opt. So just tell me what the best assembly of railjack is with everything installed and whatnot then id go googling things to see where to get them. I don't see this mentioned in any? Fixed a script error when viewing the Plexus. [Warframe] Railjack Recommended Build | (rocken) Engineers want all of their points put into the Repair and Endurance talents. The hitscan turret makes you less sensitive to distance and speed, and the NPC gunner will shoot down fighters with its highly accurate fire. Restore your health with Magus Elevate. I'm sure it will be helpful for people getting into Railjack. Tactical Mods determine which Railjack Abilities you can use in the Tactical Menu.Upon first interacting with the Plexus. Like Warframes, the Railjack possesses an Ability Strength, Ability Duration, and Ability Range stat to enhance Battle abilities which can be increased with the Railjack's Reactor, but are unaffected by Warframe ability enhancement mods. Battle Mods determine which Railjack Abilities you can use on a Railjack. a smart youtube mathed out the new stuff and i have all the supposive best in slot stuff in these pictures. For weapons, we're rocking Laith for the absurdly high base damage and Talyn for our crew members. I would have had to sacrifice too much to get it to work with very little benefit, so didn't go with it. Intrinsics about Archwings, Necramechs, and Air supports are not listed here, but they apply even outside of Emperian missions. Tactical mods provide special abilities that are used from the Tactical Menu. No need for forward artillery damage mods. We'll be showcasing two builds in this section, each tailored for a specific faction. And as with everything in this game, the internet is your bestfriend when it comes to learning how different things work. So I usually have a long distance to travel to deal with the bases/poi. Got any questions? Apocs are about 60% more DPS than pulsars, but you really don't need it for the pilot if the only thing you shoot at is detonating tether (and possibly engine cones.) If there is only one I BFG it, If there are more I disable them all, then BFG them all real fast. this all i can help as i am a poor console framer so wont be able to give any other advice. SpeedIt is much faster than moving with Archwing. I'll be posting a few pics, and I want to hear those suggestions! Use whichever array gives you the most shields. railjack plexus build overframe Artillery was very useful. Fixed the Plexus opened from the Orbiter not maintaining the mod equipped in the 8th slot after closing and re-opening screen. It cannot be revived. I considered cheap shot a waste of a slot tho. Zetki: There is an automatic recovery from Hazards, which increases range and strength of the Railjack ability. If you have more points, invest them in Combat. A full squad will nearly double your Railjack's armor and HP. That would be way better. Tether is only 50 flux so the 550 I get from raw Lavan reactor is more than enough. If there is a problem, its that you use a lot of points first on turrets that you dont use very often (lol). Plexus Mods can be found in Railjack missions. Votes 224. Surprisingly, your mod configuration is much less important on a Railjack than Warframes or weapons. None of the engine bonuses really matter, though. Blackout Pulse can stun Crewships, making them easy targets to Forward Artillery. Crew can be colored and fashion-framed much like Warframes. While you are in the pilot seat it casts dispenser right next to you and with equilibrium you can spam skills on cooldown with just about any frame. Both are fairly niche and don't offer a major benefit. 2020 Digital Extremes Ltd. All rights reserved. Tactical mods provide special abilities that are used from the Tactical Menu. Before we dive into Railjack builds, we want to quickly go over which Railjack Intrinsics are worth taking. We'll be going over each section separately since AI Gunners prefer different weapons than a typical player would. "Railjack damage" increased by 25% - does that not include seeker volley? Introducing the Plexus, your all-in-one Railjack Loadout tool. Neat. It is possible to level up the Plexus to increase the overall capacity, however. Fighters: Use Railjack abilities to destroy them all at once.Crew Ship: Peel off the special invincibility state and shoot them down one by one with forward artillery.Any additional targets clear.Main targets clear.Corpus territory: Exterminate, Defense, Orphix*.Grineerterritory: Assassination, Sabotage. Use Lavan plating, because it has the best effective health when accounting for armor. It fires a rocket that can easily break ship engines. The Photor should be your main weapon, as this is the only Railjack weapon that can bypass Corpus frontal shields. The only three mandatory mods are Hyperstrike, Predator, and Section Density. Usually the argument is made that Zetki are the best guns, because they have higher damage stats, however they overheat way too fast, limiting their DPS potential. With the death of Tether I dont know how much missile use will go up? To place mods, open the Plexus and you will see the below screen. Until this week I had not played Warframe much in a awhile. The stab effect also lowers armor and increases forwardartillery damage. Considering how armor gives diminishing returns and HP doesn't, Lavan is the best House for Railjack armor. Now that Ive finished collecting the exclusive Empyrean rewards, I can complete the game in a short 5-6 minutes. For other Warframes, subsume Protea's Dispensary ability to give yourself Energy. It would never trigger that often, plus in th tough parts of RJ it took more than one artillery shot to bring down crewships so I would just board them lol. Did it? Overloader ups your max missile count. They are pretty much space Supras.