The Port Townsend City Council has unanimously , received a total of 161 calls between Friday, Feb. 17, and Thursday, Feb. 23. 05 feb Afternoon Games at the Fort Fort Worden Hospitality 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Email Us! Business Sponsorships are being solicited to support this event with multiple advertising levels. Click here to see your options for becoming a subscriber. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review. Rhododendron Festival Port Townsend WA 2018 - YouTube * Having trouble? On Sunday will be the Jefferson Healthcare Rhody Run, the second day of the Jim Caldwell Memorial Rhody Open and the opening of Sather Park to the public on Morgan Hill from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to view newly planted Pacific Rhododendrons. By this time, the festival was one of the towns largest annual events. (with training wheels only) but must be 12 bikes or less! This Washington Festival will have no exhibit booths and no food booths. 201 rhododendron festival focus, 5 20 15, c1 c10 - Issuu Sumner High School Spartans travel to Port Townsend to participate in the annual Rhododendron Festival Parade. Rhody Festival parade now set for August | Peninsula Daily News Eight theatres include the dazzling Starlight Room (crystal chandeliers, food and bar), restored 1907 Rose and Rosebud Theatres. Fun items andlots of gift certificates - Quincy to Jackson. Try signature cocktails, local wine, hard ciders at the Festival Bar on the Dock, toasted cheese sandwiches on Pane dAmore artisan bread. looking forward to seeing everyone! PORT TOWNSEND The finale of the Port Townsend Rhododendron Festival and the Chautauqua Week will offer a robust variety of activities this weekend. Fundraiser for RITA Hubbard by Wyatt Ranson : 2022 Rhody Festival Port Townsend Rhododendron Festival 2016: Results & photos 8 amJim Caldwell Memorial Rhody OpenPT Golf Course 12:30pmSunrise Rotary Running of the Balls, Monroe Street GRAND PARADEParade begins at 1 pm: Uptown to Downtown 37 pmRhody Run RegistrationArts Bldg., JeffCo Fairgrounds 47 pmSpaghetti Feed at the Elks Lodge, MAY 22nd Rhododendron Festival, 360.301.0783,, Brass Screw Confederacy and Steampunk Hootenanny, An action-packed weekend bringing together a body of steampunks, Neo-Victorians, and sympathizers set in the Victorian seaport of Port Townsend to celebrate humanitys progress towards a more convivial world. A beautiful day and a very positive reception from the crowd. 25 players and volunteers of PTGC marched in this year's Rhody Festival Parade on May 21st. Discover Port Townsend | Annual Fairs and Festivals Dubbed the "Paris of the Pacific Northwest" by Sunset Magazine, Port Townsend has garnered a national reputation as one of the coolest small towns in America. Also check out other Nonprofit Events in Port Townsend, Festivals in Port Townsend. organizations like Rotary, Kiwanis, Soroptimists, the Elks, and the Chamber, to help carry the logistical load of putting on the event. All rights reserved. New blood is always welcome and helps keep Rhody alive. Races begin at 6:00 pm on Water St. from Madison to Monroe, May 19th Pet Parade 2022 Rhody Festival Parade Fun for All . If you are interested in volunteering, please submit a volunteer form: Port Townsend Police Log | Downtown window smashed Festival Pass includes Fridays wild salmon dinner with wine and dessert on Taylor Street. Calendar - Fort Worden Hospitality PO Box 489 Time Folks can also get in contact with organizers through the Rhody Festivals Facebook page, or by sending an email to Reservations coming for spring sailings. This item is available in full to subscribers. Excavators work along a section of Mount Angeles Road near the Olympic Continue reading, Morgan Hanna has been named executive director of Olympic Continue reading, Georgia Bullard recently spent a week as a legislative page sponsored by Continue reading, Jefferson Healthcare is expanding telehealth services by providing its Continue reading, This is the last day readers will see Dilbert in the Peninsula Continue reading, The East Jefferson Fire-Rescue commissioners will discuss updated commissioner Continue reading, Applications are being accepted now for a vacant seat on Continue reading, A rally near an active timber harvest site containing Continue reading, Government meetings across North Olympic Peninsula, Study confirms date on 13,900-year-old fragments, The family of a Lower Elwha Klallam woman missing, Lions president lauded for volunteer efforts at numerous festivals, North Olympic Peninsula residents have an online tool to help, Show to feature 200 drones, more activities this weekend,,,,, Race Street project underway in Port Angeles, New executive director named at Olympic Angels, Jefferson Healthcare increases access to telehealth appointments, Special fire department meeting set in Port Ludlow, Applications accepted now for PUD commission vacancy, Organizers: Rally to urge protection of old-growth forest, EYE ON THE PENINSULA: Serenity House, opioid settlement funds before county boards, Researchers: Sequim artifact oldest bone weapon in Americas, $1,000 reward offered for info on missing woman, Blakeslee selected Sequims Citizen of the Year, Online open house available for upcoming road projects, Sequim Sunshine Festival celebrates Blue Hole, Sign-Up for Peninsula Daily News Newsletters. Plan your trip and start exploring what Jefferson County has to offer! A Brief Festival History The long-awaited parade will start at noon . *Date changed from August 19 due to announced Hood Canal weekend bridge closures. Rhody Festival 2018 1 Getaway Guide 2022. May 18th Trike Races Centrum, 360.385.3102,, This is a week-long, total-immersion experience that passes down the skills, sounds, stories, laughter, and heartache of the authentic bearers of the blues tradition. The city of Port Townsend is switching to the cloud as it looks to beef up the financial software systems integral to running the municipality. Terry Hummel Obituary (1943 - 2021) - Boise, ID - Idaho Statesman Cake Picnic follows the Rhododendron Festival Grand Parade in Port Townsend, WA. The Sunrise Rotary Running of the Balls is 12:30 p.m. Saturday, May 2 by the Legion and the Elks Lodge Spaghetti Feed will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, May 21. Admission tickets are $10 - $120. HAIR & BEARD CONTEST Registration at 5:15 pm & Judging 5:30 pm Water St. at Legion Fun items andlots of gift certificates -, Events & Fundraisers for Club Service Projects, A Calendar Listing of our Club Projects & Events. Below is a listing of the annual Fairs & Festivals in and around Port Townsend. The Kiddies Parade and Bed Races/Beard Contest are May 20 with the Grand Parade on Saturday, May 21 and the Rhody Run on Sunday, May 22. 10 am 1pm Sather Park open to public to view newly planted Pacific Rhododendrons, Our community Rhododendron Festival is in dire need of more volunteers. . May 18, 2022 - May 21, 2022 Make plans to participate in this year's Rhody (as the locals call it) events. For more about Chautauqua Week, see the or There are no upcoming events at this time. Cake Picnic follows the Rhododendron Festival Grand Parade in Port Townsend, WA. Wooden Boat Foundation, 360.385.3628,, Choose from over 90 independent, foreign, narrative and documentary films, while mingling with new friends and a celebrity or two. Time. 2022 Rhododendron Festival Info and Discount Carnival Tickets Port Townsend, WA Cake Picnic 2015 Rhododendron Festival Some bits and pieces from the 2013 Rhody Parade in Port Townsend. It would be truly regrettable if the festival went away for good. Rhody Festival 2022, WA-20, Port Townsend, WA 98368, United States, May in & Assembly in front of City Hall on Water Street, in & Assembly at Van Buren & Lawrence Streets, 4:30 pm: on Lawrence St. from Harrison to Quincy, in & Assembly at Rec Center, Lawrence & Tyler. 12 feb Games at the Fort and Open House Afternoon Games and Open House 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm. To keep the Rhody Tradition going and help as a volunteer, go to * Having trouble? Activities began Wednesday, and all the usual events were scheduled this year except for the carnival. |. It will begin at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds, 4907 Landes St. A variety of street closures are planned over the weekend. Please visit our website for information and, Enjoy a good ol-fashioned fair where county residents and guests alike gather to recognize the talents and accomplishments of individuals and families in livestock, agriculture, home and fine arts, crafts, and industry. Subscribed to personalized events updates! HAIR & BEARD CONTEST Registration at 5:15 pm & Judging 5:30 pmWater St. at Legion The Big Show, will feature acrobatic, comedic, musical and vaudeville-style performances from more than 20 acts, among them The Flying Karamazov Brothers, which have been centered in Port Townsend since 1986. Below are selected reports. Otherwise, click here to view your options for subscribing. Congratulations to our 2022 Best of Show! Classes include chords, melody, improvisation, performing tips. Films announced late July. Now hiring in all departments with competitive pay and great benefits!Apply today, 20may(may 20)3:30 pm22(may 22)2:00 pmRhododendron FestivalRhody Fest3:30 pm - 2:00 pm (22) Uptown/Downtown Port Townsend The float will be the same as well, said Rita Hubbard, president of the festival. Rhododendron Festival Association | Port Townsend WA - Facebook Port Townsend, WA 98368. The Port Townsend Event Calendar - P Tscene The 2016 season includes the Opening Celebration July 16th & 17th, and continues with weekend concerts from August 13th through September 11th. Laina Amerson, a broker at Coldwell Banker Best Homes, said shes looking forward to introducing her kids to some festival past-times. If you'd like to post an event to our calendar, you can create a free account by clicking here. The four teams are eligible for the individual prize as well as the team competition. Its a great way to celebrate summer in Port Townsend! March 2022 Dear Friends of Rhody: Photo by Patrick J . The Rhody Run works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. 20 (Friday) 3:30 pm - 22 (Sunday) 2:00 pm. Tickets are sold on parade day at the top of the course at Monroe and Lawrence streets from 10:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Tickets are $5 each or five for $20. The 2013 Rhododendron Festival program, as published by the Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader. 2013 Port Townsend Rhody Festival Parade - YouTube We have recently launched a new and improved website. Celebrated the third week each May, the Rhody Festival in Port Townsend is a community tradition dating back to 1935. The community can also get involved and active by joining the Jim Caldwell Memorial Rhody Open Golf Tournament at 8 a.m. Saturday, May 21 or running in the Rhody 5k at 9 a.m. Sunday, May 22., Its in the spirit of tradition, exploration, and the lawless self-reliance of the gold rush that Race to Alaska was born. Please log in to comment by clicking here, 226 Adams StreetPort Townsend, WA 98368 Route is Lawrence at Harrison to Monroe. Visit the Rhododendron Festival website for more info. Come meet the filmmakers and strike up a conversation. This is dessert the ninth annual Cake Picnic for the 85th Rhododendron Festival Grand Parade, now rescheduled for noon Aug. 14. Without an infusion of new life and ideas, the town's favorite festival will be no more. A goat parade, some fiddlers, farmers, some food and craft and bunch of new vendors launch this years Farmers Market. Latest news. At the same time as the festival this weekend will be the celebration of the 40-year anniversary of the New Old Time Chautauqua today through Sunday. Rhododendron Festival 2013 by Port Townsend Leader - Issuu Representatives from Jefferson County businesses and organizations warned of catastrophic financial impacts from the planned four-weekend closure of the Hood Canal Bridge during a special meeting , The city of Port Townsend is switching to the cloud as it looks to beef up the financial software systems integral to running the municipality. Floats will continue on Water Street up to Adams and wait until the last float arrives after the parade. Registration at 5:15 pm & Judging 5:30 pm, Sunrise Rotary Running of the Balls, Monroe Street, Parade begins at 1 pm: Uptown to Downtown. The city council approved the measure during its Feb. 21 business meeting, and I cant wait to share my favorite Rhody traditions with my kids who are finally old enough to remember it.