Fountain Valley California, Sprint/T-Mobile Palm Springs Sales agent name: Gerardo R Was misrepresented and told by the sales person that my screen protector would be replaced at no charge if damaged. I am the only one that ever has access to any of my accounts or cards, Yes I feel my information has been breached. Wow this blows my mind as why dont companies take the nessacery precautions to avoid this type of thing. T-Mobile preyed on consumers who were buying phones from Metro by T-Mobile (Metro), which was formerly known as MetroPCS and is T-Mobiles lower-priced prepaid (no contract) wireless service. Please add me. Three Target stores paid up as well, shelling out $13,810. Add me!I found MULTIPLE dark web info on myself leaked out! Can I be added to the suit? This is sad. More than 30 class action lawsuits have been filed against the company in response to the data breach, according to T-Mobile, which implored a federal judge in California last month to stay an individual complaint in the face of possible multidistrict litigation. I then contacted T-Mobile and the representative said that I was notified of the breach and that yes I was a part of the breach. I have been notified and want to know how to take legal action. In the proposed settlement. 10:08 PM. I received a survey from T-Mobile just this week and I filled it out. Stay updated with smart tax tips to help you file your return, track your refund and get the most money back. Remember, you will be serving T-Mobile's "agent for service of process". |, Ruby 9, MCS Global, Impact wireless, T-Mobile Steve Tichi, Lara Coombs. Make sure to review any contracts you have received from T-Mobile. Instead, the judge will tell you that their decision will be mailed to you (usually takes a few weeks to two months or so). Each Small Claims Court has a different procedure for filing. I was affected by this breach. Yet T-Mobile lives up to these descriptors as they prey upon New Yorkers, all in the pursuit of turning a profit. If anything comes of this I will definitely be claiming. Records Found On 01/24/2022 Ive been alerted that my info is on the dark web. Id like to be included in this class action lawsuit. T-Mobile Deceptive billing practices, post dated payments while the account is supposed to be on credit T-Mobile will bill your card as a post dated payment, continually xharge unlawful amounts of late fees and reconnect fees. Ive had T mobile for years, I been with T-mobile for 4 years sing me up. T-Mobile sued by NYC for 'deceptive' practices - amNewYork My social security number was compromised during their data breach. I was notified that my number was found on the black web pls add me to the lawsuit. You have several options, including suing Vroom in small claims court. T-Mobile Data Breach Settlement - Please add me. For more settlements, find out if you qualify for Avis' $45 million dealover hidden fees or AT&T's $60 million data-throttling payout. And countless calls. I received a notice from Experian and others I use for monitoring saying my data was exposed also. Please add me! I appreciate that the City has taken action, and I am hopeful that consumers receive appropriate redress of their grievances. said Assembly Member Michael G. DenDekker. Yes I found out I was too no the dark web info stolen, I have had my identity stolen. T-Mobile Data Breach Put Customers at Imminent Risk of Identity Theft, Class Action Lawsuits Allege, Scams targeting T-Mobile customers have already begun to surface, including one where customers were sent a text. Ive been told that my information is on the dark web. Add me my information was stolen and I was notified that now it is on the dark web. I have T-Mobile as well and have been experiencing an outrageous amount of spam texts saying they are my bank and sending fraud alerts telling me to click a link its been ridiculous since the breach please add me to this list, I just found out that my SSN is on the dark web because of TMobile. Took me days and days, to call and freeze my creditetc. DL State NY The Better Business Bureau may be able to help you with your complaint against T-Mobile. Yep identity shield sent me an email indicating that my email phone and SSN were found on the dark web. I actually got hacked several times. Sim cards are also a problem with Tmobile. If Ms. Bensen had known that the defendant would not adequately protect her PII, she would not have allowed Defendant access to this sensitive and private information, the class action lawsuit states. 6:21-cv-06628, in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York. Please complete this form to request a review of your complaint by an attorney. I have proof. Your email address will not be published. Los Angeles, CA. Received this alert the other day via my ATT Mobile Security App which monitors my information: Identity Risk AT&T customers can get share of $14million pot after 'overcharging errors' So add my name to the list. The lawsuit alleges that T-Mobile, its subsidiary MetroPCS NY, and more than 50 of its authorized dealers and corporate stores across New York City violated the City's Consumer Protection Law thousands of times. The lawsuit comes as T-Mobile engages in an aggressive marketing campaign dubbed the "un-carrier" strategy. All my wife and my info was exposed and T-Mobile is playing stupid with me. The USJustice Department approved T-Mobile's $26.5 billion bid to merge with Sprint in July after thedeal was OK'd by the Federal Communications Commissionin May. I just ran s scan on my credit with Experian and found my information was on the dark web from T-Mobile. t mobile lawsuit for overcharging Yes, please add me. PLEASE ADD ME TO THE LAWSUIT. Please Add Me, All the sudden I have noticed some strange things happening. Example of the premium services outlined by the FTC include subscription content that provided flirting tips, celebrity gossip, or horoscope predictions. Overland Park KS, Sprint T-Mobile Stole my trade-in device and refuses to provide me with the promotional agreement Overland Park Kansas, At&t I have a phone that I am trying to unlock. Please add me to the lawsuit. If so, please include me. Dan is a writer on CNET's How-To team. Why t-mobile is keeping my personal data in their systems when I closed my services a few years back? that reports on class action lawsuits, class action settlements, Im with sprint who now merged with T mobile my information has been exposed. I was alerted my email address, ssn, and drivers license info was compromised. So far, I have a business loan out there. I too received an email from Experian Works stating that I have been compromised. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. T-Mobile has doubled down on fighting hackers, the company said in its July 22 statement. Verizon and AT&T said they will settle a lawsuit alleging they overcharged state and local government customers in California and Nevada. What concerns me most is T-mobile never even sent me anything regarding said breach. I had my first smart phone with T-Mobile which was Nexus s and even used a Sidekick for a while many years ago. The judge will ask T-Mobile's representative to tell them their side of the story. Add me to the Equifax. The FTC explained that when customers discovered they were paying for services they didnt actually want, T-Mobile in many cases failed to provide customers with full refunds. I am still with T-Mobile and to see this problem is still continuing is very scary so what will have to be done from here? File your review. Consumers educating consumers., Complaints Reviews Scams Lawsuits Frauds Reported.. I think I know what offer you're talking about. My drivers and social security number were both compromised during the August data breach. Up until just recently nothing had been affecting me. Tmobile is responsible for spam calling and texting me several times daily. Albuquerque New Mexico, T-Mobile Fully paid, Device activated over 2.5 months and unlock denied by T-Mobile. If your information was compromised in the 2021 T-Mobile Data Breach, you are eligible for benefits from a class action settlement. TMobile flat out lied though and were simply trying to make sales. Contact your nearest DMV to received text, emails from lawyers, and responded to both, this is going to be good. Please add me to the law suit. All my info was found on the dark web due to the T-Mobile data breach. We use intelligent software that helps us maintain the . Please add me, I also received a letter stating my name, drivers license, date of birth, and social security number were all hacked. Please add me to the list as I was and still am a T Mobile customer. This depends on The easiest way to answer this question is that a lawyer will not be representing T-Mobile since lawyers cannot represent parties at the initial small claims hearing. Plaintiffs in the case argued AT&T failed to inform . T-Mobile's negligence was responsible for millions of customers' personal information being exposed in 2021, according to a class action suit. Ive been with Tmobile 8 yrs, add me to the list. It listed my phone number, birthdate, and social security number. your claim status, claim form or questions about when payments are The City alleges that T-Mobile has engaged in multiple deceptive practices, including selling used phones as new, enrolling customers in expensive financing plans without their consent, deceiving consumers about its refund policy, overcharging customers and failing to provide customers with legal receipts. In 2013, T-Mobile merged with MetroPCS, which already served consumers using a lower-priced, prepaid, no-contract model. Thank you, Ive had T-Mobile a very long time and I didnt know until my credit report said my information was on the dark web so please add me, I have had T-Mobile for 15 years and three (3) lines. It's boosting employee training, collaborating on new protocols with industry experts like Mandiant and Accenture and creating a cybersecurity office that reports directly to CEO Mike Sievert. My information should have been properly discarded many years ago. DCWPs lawsuit is being handled by Senior Staff Counsel Glenna Goldis, under the supervision of Associate General Counsel Nicole Arrindell of the General Counsel Division, which is led by General Counsel Tamala Boyd and Deputy General Counsel Michael Tiger. Yes Ive received a notification everytime my data was breached via tmobile and scammers have constantly been sending text,emails and calling all my numbers associated with tmobile. 1 month after getting service my info gets leaked thanks T-Mobile. been involved in 2 T-Mobile data breaches. Please add me to the t-mobile class action suit.I also received a letter from t-mobile saying I was included in the data breach. Only Tampa and I have never lived there nor been there a day in my life. I have done as much as I can as far as passwords, bank acct info. Uber Commits to Changes and Pays Millions to Resolve Justice Department I received that notice. By Nicole Asbury. The f---ers hate you.. Please add me, I also received an email that my information is out on the dark web because of TMobile. Fun fact, lawyers are not allowed at the initial small claims hearing! Author: Tracy. The company also agreed to bolster its data security practices to keep another event occurring in the future as part of the class action settlement. Its very annoying. Please add me as I am part of the breach. I recently was forced to report identity theft because I woke up last month to a hard inquiry on my credit from a credit union based in Tampa FL . It told me to contact them if it wasnt me. My drivers and social security number were both compromised during the August data breach. My SS # and phone number is on the dark web, I also got an alert that my information was breetched by T-mobile please add me, I have 4 data breaches on my credit report from t-mobile.. Im a metro pcs customer and Im sicken by this entire situation. Los Angeles CA, T-Mobile Deceptive billing practices, post dated payments while the account is supposed to be on credit T-Mobile will bill your card as a post dated payment, continually xharge unlawful amounts of late fees and reconnect fees. T mobile Promotion said trade in old phones and get new iPhone 11, sent 4 phones to them with their mailing label for trade in. document.getElementById( "ak_js_5" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); @2023 Top Class Actions. Now Im red flagged on some kind of checking thing that I have no clue and it will never go away unless I win the dispute. I refused and told them when they got it right they could contact me back. Patrick Ames sued T-Mobile under California consumer law after he gave the company his personal information to get a quote for telephone services. Deadline Passes on T-Mobile's $350 Million Settlement Days After I was never contacted or informed of this breach by t-mobile, I learned from my banking institution & notices mailed to me for denied banking applications. But who?? Experian scan of darke web for my SSN was positive. I live in the northeast and have been a T-mobile customer for over 10 yrs. T-Mobile my information was breach please add me. Or we can file your case for you! What can I say? Please add me my information was breached, Add me my information was put on the dark web, I also need to be contacted due to my information being found on dark web due to T-Mobile data breach, Please add me to the T-mobile lawsuit. When looking at my credit report it was on the dark web and I have proof please add me, My information was compromised due to the data breach Aug 2021. Please add me. I was effected by the breach. Use our visualizations to explore scam and fraud trends in your state based on reports from consumers like you. City of New York. They said they could do that without my other information first. AT&T, Verizon settle $116M lawsuit for overcharging government Yes I too am very concerned about the data breach and compromising of my personal information. 2022 by Courtam, Inc. Please add me to the tmobile lawsuit. We still have this same issue!!! Add me please, I have been affected by this issue. Tmobile can be extremely careless and they can exonerate themselves. My last thing I can think of is to call the news channel for help. Verizon, T-Mobile face class action lawsuit claims over accessibility is this why I have received emails from the credit bureau saying my email address was found on the dark web Should I be concerned, Please add me to the suit . According to plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit, T-Mobile should have better protected sensitive consumer data. I am a customer of T-Mobile and I have proof that my information was compromised in their Data Breach!! Let us know in the comments! Bensen filed 54 causes of action against T-Mobile in her class action lawsuit, encompassing all 50 US states, and including consumer protection, consumer fraud, and deceptive trade and business practices act violations. added myself payupsuckers i broke a phone that was just to dang strange behaving.i still have the photo and box of that phone t-mobile used against us to ruin or opportunities. Been with sprint over 16 years then since take over now t mobile. license and email address were compromised. SACRAMENTO (CBS / AP) The nation's largest cellphone providers will pay a combined $116 million under a settlement approved Thursday in a California lawsuit alleging that they overcharged. Please add me. It also agreed to invest $150 million in improving its data security. T-Mobile failed to Protect my Personal Information!!!!! Told there was nothing they could do! Notification that my dob, ssn everything was out there and if automatically listed TMobile breach. I will be going into a physical T-Mobile store to try to get this issue resolved, if not were hitting up the consumer protection agency and probably going to a new service provider as well. I have been notified that my personal information (social security number) has been compromised by the T-mobile security breach in August 2021. Learn more about your rights as a consumer and how to spot and avoid scams. Please add me my social and other personal information was compromised. houses for sale hervey bay $250,000 to; gwinnett county gun show 2021; eagle point elementary school staff; super shuttle sanford airport I get lots of emails and text messages saying its Tmobile. December 26th, 2016 I opened a digit line with T-mobile to be assoicated with a new Apple Watch. Getting numerous reports from my credit companies and cards that T-Mobile didnt protect my information and was put on the dark web and now Im going through numerous things to freeze accounts and so on and so forth this was unfair and need to figure out a way to fix this because Ill be doing this for the rest of my life, I got several notices that my name, ssn and drivers license number were found on the dark web and in the t-mobile data breach. I would like to be added. Bubba Wallace Doesn't Work At ExxonMobil, So Far As We Can Tell, But 25 years with T-mobile. T mobile customer. The site is secure. BFE CORPORATION LIMITED Dashcam offered as premium for completing survey about T-Mobile GuangZhou TianHe District, T-mobile False advertisement Albuquerque NM, T-Mobile Retail Store Manager - James Sales Agent - Dean Outright lied on trade-in value of iPhones Kalamazoo MI, Assurant T-Mobile Phone Insurance American Bankers Insurance of Florida Did not deliver as promised when purchased Wayne PA, T-mobile Apple T-mobile did a scam on me where they took my Apple SE as a trade, said they would give me 480.00 only got 100. credit off my billbut it gets much worse. Very disappointing! A letter was sent to me by T-Mobile that said my information sensitive info was apart of a data breach. My information was breached on the dark web! I was never advised that there was a breach of T-Mobile until I received a notice from my credit watch company. It is disturbing that T-Mobile would allegedly engage in these dishonest practices, taking advantage of working New Yorkers who are simply trying to find an affordable wireless plan. Jan 02 2022. Even if they turn off your unlimited data plan. I called social security on Friday 2/18/2022 for some guidance and the lady first giggle at my whole ordeal then proceeded in saying Im not sure how to word this, but I am even on the web with another giggle and I should let this consume my life and there is nothing they can do for me. to bill me for a paid. I had to lock all my credit reports and file fraud alerts due to all the new credit inquiries on my account. And a hacker selling the information on the dark webtoldVice they had personal information relating to more than 100 million T-Mobile users. Please include me in on this class action. T-Mobile US is trying to force customers into arbitration in order to avoid a class-action lawsuit that accuses the phone carrier of violating federal law by selling its customers' real-time. Find legal resources and guidance to understand your business responsibilities and comply with the law. Once the lawsuit is filed, you have to notify T-Mobile that you have sued them. Now charging full price for new phones with no credit. My social security number is now on the dark web thanks to t-mobile please add me. report a lost or stolen drivers I got a letter saying I was affected from T-mobile .Plaintiff Jessica Lukasiewicz my last name is spelled Lukaszewicz lol thought this was interesting as its a rare last name! Scam calls have increased drastically since breach. You have several options, including suing Carvana in small claims court. How to file a small claims lawsuit against T-Mobile. The data breach also put T-Mobile customers at a heightened and imminent risk of becoming the victims of identity theft, Bensen said, arguing that the loss of privacy, value of personal information, and necessary mitigation expenses will cause ongoing injury. The implications of Walgreens' decision on abortion pills Please add me. We were with Sprint for 20 years and had no issues until the t-mobile merger. 2023 CNET, a Red Ventures company. After over a year of trying to get them to fix it they finally did a 500 credit settlement. drug injury lawsuits and product liability lawsuits. AT&T Overcharge Lawsuit Settlement With District of Columbia Totally unacceptable. Please add me. T-Mobile is being sued for alleged violations of consumer protections laws. Would love to know what comes of all of this. It was never correctly fixed nor was I ever told if anything would ever be actually done about the problems. The process is faster in small claims than in other courts as your hearing will usually be scheduled 30-70 days after you file the lawsuit. I have been notified that my personal information (social security number) has been compromised by the T-mobile security breach in August 2021. Please add me, I received an alert thar my data was breached by t-mobile please add my name. If you have any other questions, please call the refund administrator at 1-844-746-4695. t mobile lawsuit for overcharging - I got an email about this and would like to be added. West Palm Beach Florida, Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center Mavis Tire & Brake Charged Nearly $700 for Non-Fix Bay City Michigan, Lighting New York lighting by Jared Sent damaged product wont refund after I sent back damaged product website description is fake, Tara U THEY SCAM THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WITH THEIR FLOWER ORDERS. The lawsuit alleges that between Feb. 10, 2010, and the present date, Runway generated in excess of $200 million in revenue from providing roadside assistance and towing services on NYC Arterial . Can you imagine all t my info they have and that is now on the dark web. I had to prove I was the proper person when updating accounts due to fraud activities. Im not even a T-Mobile customer any longer. I was notified that i am a victim of this by Tmobile employees. I also have received an email from McAfee which is SPAM! I am actually part of this and have already filed a claim because I got an email from them saying that I was part of the breach. Headquarters 12920 SE 38th St,. I received notice my information is on the dark web. Over three dozen entities . Bensens personal identifying information including her name, date of birth, social security number, and drivers license number were all compromised in the data breach, the class action lawsuit alleges. T-Mobile's $350 million settlement was one of the largest data breach payouts in US history. Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? Please add me, my information has been compromised. Which all I wanted was the free lines and now I would never add a new line because the Plus feature is not free so the value is permanently lost from my older Simple Choice plan. Ive been on the dark web for years now too, but only my email and passwords. Click Change Settings if you want to tailor the use of your cookies. I just received a notification that my social and phone number are now on the dark web. Hello February 25, 2023 just wondering when are we getting paid from T-Mobile because my information is still in the dark web even my drivers license!! Please add me, Include me in class action lawsuits. Please add me..Experiencing sent me a notification that I was part of the data breach..I still have that information.. I am an old customer of t-mobile. I am concerned about my private data.