Everything is going wrong with the Squirrels today. This feels like a bad episode from a show thats running out of ideas. (It cuts to the beach, Lincoln is in sunglasses and a hat.). Now, let me make this clear! Lincoln After Dark | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom The Loud House Revamp: No Such Luck (Full Episode) Luan added. Nobody wanted to answer, but they knew things would get uglier if they didn't, so, Luna made the decision to walk slowly to the door and open it just enough to see who's out there but not to let them in. Rita asked. Rita: Honey, please. But in hindsight, I guess I should've thought about it more before lying to you guys. "Room 5," Felix answered with, "On the 11th floor." Rita: (Gasps) Lincoln! Lincoln: (to the viewers) Welp, I may be forced to stay here for quite a long time, but at least I finally got away from my so-called "family"! loud house alternate ending deviantart - segiteknoloji.com Lynn Sr.: Come on, let's go find Lincoln! N Eddy's big picture show . My family learned not to let something as stupid as superstitions get to them and tear us apart, and I learned to just be honest about things like this instead of convincing them about something ridiculous just take a break from going to certain events. Luck. "Wait," Lori interrupted with, "How could our parents get us kicked out just for taking a late night dip?" ", Lola: (with a sad look on her face) "No. tears began to fall out their eyes. No Such Luck - Lucky Carol by TriassicLane Cartoons Comics Funny Comics Loud House Rule 34 The Loud House Lincoln The Loud House Fanart Loud House Characters Funny Comic Strips Movies Coming Out Sonic And Amy More information . The furniture was all over the place, the shower was ruined, the air conditioner was gone and he noticed a 17-year old girl with blonde hair in a blue shirt outside, about to jump from the side of the balcony. Re-Uniting With Lincoln by KingMercury254. I even threatened you to go to my game! Did anything bad ever happen at your concerts with me there? DeviantArt Protect. Why did you kick me out of the house? Lucy: Lincoln, stop! (He gathers up a sleeping bag, pillow and snacks. And with that the parents ran into the room and closed the door. Lynn: Stop being such a baby and just put that suit back on! I hate the fact that you all act like spoiled brats! They were thinking that they should've told their kids no and that they were going to stay at Aunt Ruth's for the weekend. WE WERE NEVER PARENTS!!!! Lynn: NO! I don't want this stupid bunch of brats in my life anymore! Lana: Gee. It spawned dozens of fanfics about it, and caused his whiny fanbase to go haywire on the sisters. Lynn: (coughs) You know, if I knew that my superstitions would make Lincoln disown us I never would have started this nonsense in the first place. At least this thick skin won't let me down! As in, how ill knock your head over heels! Summary: Taken from the episode 'No Such Luck'. Felix turned to the clock on the wall, it was almost 1 in the afternoon, why were these kids still in a room they were supposed to have been long gone from. WE'RE BRUTES!!! Lynn Sr. asked. Lucy: Lincoln's right! I hate that you put your own lame pride and wants above everything else! Loud House - FierceSquid276 - Wattpad Sell custom creations to people who love your style. After a few seconds, the same pounding noise was heard yet again, this time even louder. [Normal - Remake - Original - Alternate Ending] 11 Louds a Leapin' Intern for the Worse / The Old and the Restless. "But, as usual," Lincoln added, walking towards his parents, "We didn't and as a result you got angry and grounded us." But, if what this guy was saying is true, then the only reason the room would show up as vacant is if the family was checking out. WE MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE!!! QUIET! Honey, we're back. Anyway, here's my fanfiction. "Aunt Ruth," Rita said, trying to stop the kids from doing something they'd regret, "hang up the phone." ), (It cuts to the main street. I WISH YOU'D NEVER EXISTED!!!!! My disgust for them is almost as strong as Edwin's lust for blood. The school bell rings at Royal Woods Middle School. Post an update . Anyway, enjoy. (sniffles) I'd better make a home fast. I hate how pathetic and chicken you all are! LYNN LOUD HITS A GRAND SLAM!!! Ugh!" "No," Lucy, the goth said, "Since you don't want us to be here, you can go up to the room and pack everything by yourselves." When Vanzilla pulled into the Loud Family driveway, Lori turned to her parents and said, "We're going to take our luggage up to our rooms. Leni: WE DON'T DESERVE LOVE OR THIS TRIP TO THE BEACH!!!! Later, in jail). Lola: We are your family, we do want you, we promise! Are you saying that our parents are responsible getting us kicked out?" EVER!! (closes the door to the room) Lincoln: Okay then. And then, as quickly as it appeared, the noises disappeared. Mentioning their Aunt Ruth's bunions caused the siblings to gag, before returning back to normal and glaring at their parents. It centers around an Alternate Timeline involving the events of the infamous episode "No Such Luck", where the Loud family thought that Lincoln was bad luck. I don't expect it to be good, I just felt like doing an alternative ending. the family opens the door to see a ticked off Lincoln. They were wondering how could this room be these three idiots, they were booked until tomorrow. When the officer entered the room, he was shocked at what he saw. It's been a day since Lincoln tried to convinced them that he wasn't bad luck. ", Lincoln: "Guys, it's me!" Not a loud alt ending6. You're nothing, but an embarrassment to sports. Instead he found comfort in being hugged by Leni, glaring at her parents as she did so. Ive often helped feed your pets and come to your stunt moves. "And we're glad they did," Lisa added, "Because thanks to the man that stopped by as well as a woman at the front desk, we were able to learn that you and dad apparently couldn't keep your own promise." ", (the sisters cheers. Speaking of, I plan to do another alternate ending to another Loud House episode, the ending for it might have been wholesome and good, I just feel that the events that happen in the episode could've been prevented if the siblings did this, that's all I'm going to say. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. * (pauses for a second) "You know what, I'll decide when we get there and see what movies are playing. We're already hanging on a thread as it is! Lynn Sr.: Look, son, families will have bad days every now and than. No Happy Ending (UP FOR ADOPTION) Chapter 1, a loud house fanfic Angus: (surprised by the question) Oh my. I hate presentations! I hate that fact that you never make up for anything! Lola yelled. (The family screams in horror. That response caused an immediate reaction of confusion from the kids. Said baby had an angry face and she glared at her mom and dad, "Poo poo!" Lincoln: yeah. ", Lincoln: "Lynn, don't say that. Things were starting to get intense in the Loud family hotel room. No Such Luck, No Such Love (Fanfic) - TV Tropes Luan then walked up to Leni and whispered into her ear. Lola: Hey, Lincoln . (Points at Lynn) Nothing, but a stupid sore loser and a nasty, brainless brute! (The family submerge, coughing up water, covered in seaweed and muck, their sunnies, hats and sandals floating in the water and their swimsuits in tatters. Lincoln: That's what i always say. Lynn Sr.: He wrecked our trophy case to!? Even Ronnie Anne was there too. Patching Things Up / Cheater by the Dozen. Lincoln: (crying berserker tears) NO!!! I wonder if the windows are locked?" Luna: That was rockin'. (They arrive home. I feel like a fool! You try dancing in this heat! And Lily was doing, whatever 15 month old babies do when nobody's really watching them (another author interruption: I know this sounds vague and it sounds like Lily is going to hurt herself but she's not. Lincoln: Shut up, you loud-mouthed dope! (Lincoln picks up the remains of the squirrel suit, blows a spiteful raspberry to the family and runs off in fury and sorrow. Lincoln blushed and hugged Ronnie Anne. Looking at her parents in shock, she said, "You got us kicked out because you decided to go skinny dipping?" After a minute, "Hello," the gruff sound of their Aunt Ruth was heard. Lisa: (sighs) Obviously one that needs our cerebrums and mental spirits adjusted. How can I help you?" We don't need to get violent here. That answer definitely caused this man's brain to get straight to work. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. You took it too far! Lynn: Stop being such a baby and just put that suit back on! SQUIRRELS WIN! You tricked us in the first place. In order for him to not have "bad luck", his sisters forced him to wear a squirrel suit from Lynn's baseball game. One of the Boys alt ending4. No such luck: alternate ending 2 by iann28 on DeviantArt N literature No such luck: alternate ending 2 Add to Favourites Comment By iann28 Published: Apr 5, 2018 Favourites 0 Comments 4.9K Views *Lincoln approaches the front yard with a megaphone. Lana: (tearful) He might tell everyone in town and everyone will hate us. What kind of family would do this to one of their own? Rita: Honey! I can't even begin to imagine what they'll do their parents when they find them.'. You going to dress me up as a chipmunk or a donkey!? If you dont want to wear the squirrel costume, dont wear it. He had a glare on his face and he was tapping his foot on the ground repetitively, showing that he was serious. Lynn Sr. also tried to say something, but he couldn't either. Just a head's up. Ive come to many grave-digging events and cemeteries with you! We get it. ", Baseball Announcer: "I think you're rubbing off on me, Pep. I do not own the Loud . Note: The reason why I am doing this is because I hate No Such Luck, however I hate most of The No Such Luck fanfictions as well. i certainly didn't expect something like that, but i guess curiosity must be fed. The Loud House: No Such Luck (2 Alternate Endings) View source Ah yes, No Such Luck. YOU'LL BE HAPPY TO KNOW YOU WON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT DEALING WITH ME OR MY CATS OR MY DISGUSTING PUDDING OR MY BUNIONS ANYMORE! He's just really mad, isn't he? "Yeah they did," Luan responded with. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Yes." Maybe I should just quit the team. On the other end, Maddie, an African-American woman in her mid-20's with short curly hair, heard what Felix said and got worried. Lola: Hey, Lincoln! The family and Bobby are there to support Lynn. The Loud siblings appeared in the lobby, completely red in the face, as angry as a bull seeing red and they looked ready to destroy everything in their path. Honest! Morag: well, if you insist I suppose. NO!" Ronnie Anne sees Lincoln kicked out of his home and decides to take him out of there. SO I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION!" ", Lola: "Don't try to fool us! While this Season 2 Loud House episode might not be as bad as 'Brawl in the Family' or 'No Such Luck,' it's up there. It was against the law. We feel so ashamed!" Rita: (with a broken voice) "We're so sorry Lincoln! Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. But Lynn Jr. yelled, "SIT DOWN!" Lynn Sr. and Rita wanted to say something, but saw the glares on their kids' faces and knew that they wouldn't get anywhere arguing. ", Lola:[to the mascot] "Um, do you mind, fur ball? Sighing, Rita turns to her children and said, "Look I know Aunt Ruth isn't your favorite relative" She was interrupted by Lynn Jr. saying, "That's the understatement of the century." I guess this proves it! I hate grave digging and poems and I HATE DESPICABLE SPORTS!!! I messed up and maybe i did want to support some of you guys! I thought you were my family! They knew they not only had the bill from the hotel to worry about, but also the possibility of getting sued. ", Lynn: "We forgot to lock the windows! "Aren't you guys going to help us?" HATE ME FOREVER!!! 5 months of research ruined. I need to hide! The kids, of course, still had some demands to give their parents. This is a family moment. We wont! Lynn Sr.: But son..if you wanted time off, all you had to do was just say so! Spell it out alt ending7. And Lori and Lisa. No Such Luck (Alternative ending, my version) . "I can't believe we didn't do that sooner," Lola responded back with, "She was nothing but an icky leech. "Listen to what?" (Lincoln, without hesitation, hugs her, with the rest of the sisters joining in for another group hug. SEE YOU NEVER!" Lincoln: I said NO! No Such Luck part 2 | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom #The loud house #lincoln loud #lori loud #leni loud #luna loud #Luan Loud #Lynn Loud #Lucy Loud #lana loud #lola loud #lisa loud #lily loud #the loud house headcanons #the loud . IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!! If you didn't show up, I don't want to think about what would've happened." Okay this episode has already been hated enough you can pretty much type in the rants for 'No such luck' and there will be a lot of those, I too hated this e. Plot. No more Loud Family? "And just remember," Lori said, and then she and her siblings yelled one last time, "WE HATE YOU!" 2022 - 2023 Add to Favourites Comment (He picks up the squirrel suit, jumps up and down on the head and starts ripping the chest)", Lynn: HEY! I hate it that you don't have any feelings or care anymore! ", Lincoln: "No. ", Rita: "I think we heard enough. I hate pageants! "What she said is, that you two are grounded for two months and you can only leave this house to head to work or to go to the supermarket." I hate that you all act so smart and serious and important when you're not! My own family, locking me out. No Such Luck - Lucky Carol by TriassicLane | The loud house fanart No such luck alt ending5. (he goes to the living room window. I hate that you don't care about anyone, but yourselves! Lynn Sr.: (tears up) I can't believe he said we're not a real family. Lana: You know, on second thought, I don't want to be at the beach. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. He just looks away as he enters the police car, and is driven away to jail. Felix got up to see the siblings storming downstairs, ready to give their parents a piece of their mind without a care for who or what gets broken in the process. Youre our brother! I can take being kicked out of family activities and being locked out of my room, butbeing locked out of my own home?! The way she said 'Don't Move,' made Lynn Sr. and Rita flinch in fright, they knew from Lori's tone that she dead serious so they knew better than to disobey, it worked all the time they did so it should work when she did it. Lincoln: So where did this looney belief that i was bad luck suddenly come from, huh!? I was being selfish!. Leni was working, even though she wasn't even hired and what she was doing is illegal (author interruption: ok I know, to be fair, this is Leni we're dealing with and she means no trouble, but still, what she's doing is unreported employment, which is against the law, look it up if you don't believe me). He managed to, but with a twist. She hoped the kids would say something, but all they got were grunts of disbelief. Luna: We dont go to everybodys events all the time bro! We're supposed to be here until tomorrow. Pulling out his walkie talkie, he said, "This is Hotel Officer Mooresfield. The heat increases. Baby Steps / Brawl in the Family. "Good," Jeffrey said, stepping aside and point to the doorway, "Now get out! Lucy: This was all just a complete tragedy and not in a good way. Rita: Sweetie, please! ", Lynn: "After how badly I treated you? He then grabs one of the sofa cushions and screams all his frustration into it.). This Fanfic is a MASSIVE critique on every fanfic that is targeting the Episode "No Such Luck" of the Western Animation Series "The Loud House." No Such Luck Alternate ending (Bad) Deviation Actions. ", Lola: (slightly sad) "Well, I probably would've before, but, from now on, you come to my pageants when you want to, and if not, it's fine by me. The Loud House (My Version) - Season 2 by LuisLoudestFan on DeviantArt Hahahaha! We are no longer grounded to the room. After half an hour, Lincoln begins to sweat like crazy and lose his mind. They felt nothing but guilt and shamein their hearts, even the goth child who claims to not have one. And even if you don't always succeed, your a good at it. ", Lincoln: "Still, I wish I would've just told you guys the truth, then maybe none of this would've happened. [Later, Lincolns room is unlocked and his furnature was back. Opening the door slightly, Luna stuck her head out and saw a man, somewhere in his early 30's with Caucasian skin and short brown hair, wearing a security uniform. Making Lincoln think we don't care about him? Lincoln finally got through to them, but he didn't feel happy about seeing them cry, he knew he was still partly to blame), Leni: (with a broken voice) "What have we done?! You don't care about me, you think I'm nothing, but a thing, you care about no one, but yourselves, you never wanted a boy, you don't have feelings, you all feel NOTHING ANYMORE!!! And after that, the whole room was silent. More information No Such Luck - Lucky Carol by TriassicLane More like this House Cartoon Cartoon Fan Cartoon Shows Lynn: Put that suit back on Lincoln! And, as a result, everyone, including the obnoxious guys and Lucy, were terrified. ENOUGH!!! After a few moments of static, a female voice was heard on the other end, "Hello, Felix. And with that, Lori started driving the van out of the hotel and back towards their house. So we've been in here trying to pass the time. After one loss, she claims that Lincoln is bad luck. *, Lincoln: It's not fair. (cries). You're like some mindless mob and I hate that! (The sisters tear up over their passions being so heavily insulted) I hate it that you lowlifes never learn a thing! The Louds. As much as she didn't want to, she knew that slamming the door in his face would make the situation even worse than it already was, so she opened the door enough for him to get in. Well just grin and bear it. Luan: (with a broken voice) "We treated you like an outcast because we were stupid enough to believe that junk! (pauses for a few seconds) "Do you guys notlove me anymore? We messed up too. The parents were shown to be hypocritical at the end, telling their children to behave when they cause the whole family to be kicked out and then tricking them into going to Aunt Ruth's and letting them have a nice weekend at a homemade spa (yes I'm aware the Aunt Ruth thing happens more or less unintentionally but come on, it doesn't really make a massive difference). Especially Miss. "YOU THINK I ENJOY BEING VISITIED BY YOU LITTLE MONSTERS?! Most of the fanfictions involve Lynn being more unlikeable, they contain Luna and Leni feeling sympathy over Lincoln because the fanbase is mostly biased between the relationships between Lincoln and Luna and Leni and the fanfictions don't even fix the episodes . Luan: Maybe these silly superstitions werent such a good idea. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. The siblings began agreeing with that statement, but Lynn Sr. and Rita were frightened. "Not cool, guys." This triggered events that none of the Loud House family could have seen. "Lincoln," Rita said, about to get up from the couch to comfort him. ), Lincoln: But you know what!? Post-Story Notice: Anyway. (Luna gasps) You all dont quite grasp the concept! (She sees the smashed trophy case and gasps). Hearing that made the parents sigh in disappointment, they should've known their kids would break things and hoped the bill wouldn't be that much, but also knew that odds were that the bill was going to be massive. Learn more. (Tugs at it), (They tug and pull while the rest of the family backs away nervously). Luna: Bro, why you so upset? "They have a point there honey," Lynn Sr. said, before immediately clasping his mouth shut, his wife glaring at him for saying that. "Uuhhh," Luna started, unsure of how to start the conversation, "Hello, security dude. After she said, water came rushing out of the bathroom, ruining the carpet and drenching their footwear in water. Lincoln: (marches up to Lynn) Straight from you, you big bully! ", Lincoln: "Oh, and I'm sorry for breaking your golf clubs, Lori. Now, while this episode is nowhere near as bad as "Brawl in the Family" and "No Such Luck," the episode is still pretty thumbs down, especially with the ending. In. Honestly, while Rita still a little sad that her dear aunt disowned her and her family, she thought it was for the best, if Ruth felt it was right to call her children monsters then that wasn't someone she wanted her family to be around.