[9] Murray was with the production only six days, and his lines were largely unscripted. Judge Smails: Oh I might, at that! The harmless squirrel and the friendly rabbit. For not being pregnant! Tony D'Annunzio Al Czervik: Ty Webb: I'm not quite sure where they are. Word spreads of the stakes involved, drawing in a crowd of club members and employees. 80s, bill murray, bushwood, chevy chase, cinderella, Bushwood Country Club Golf Course T Shirts, Tags: Smails: [ruffles Danny's hair] How about a Fresca? Tim Lawrence as the puppeteer of Mr. Gopher (uncredited), Carl Spackler: "Cinderella story. Your uncle molests collies. Danny Noonan works as a caddie at the upscale Bushwood Country Club in Illinois to earn enough money to go to college. Alvin & The Chipmunks - I Ain't No Dang Cartoon lyrics / But the man worthwhile, / Is the man who can smile, / When his shorts are too tight in the seat. Judge Smails: Do you know what gophers can do to a golf course? He was a funny guy. Meanwhile, Carl Spackler, a mentally unstable greenskeeper who lives in the maintenance building, is sent by his Scottish supervisor Sandy McFiddish to hunt a gopher that Judge Smails witnessed damaging the course. [to a glaring Smails] [7] The Fourth of July dinner and dancing scene was filmed at the Boca Raton Hotel and Club in Boca Raton, Florida, while the yacht club scene was shot at the Rusty Pelican Restaurant in Key Biscayne, Florida. My name's Fred and I'm a man, same as you. That's only 50 cents. Al Czervik: I'd keep playing. Well, I got a lot of stuff on order. Several explosions shake the ground and cause the ball to drop into the hole, handing Danny, Webb, and Czervik victory on the wager. The last thing any of us needs now is a lot of loose talk about her behavior. Tony D'Annunzio: Another Rob Roy, Bishop? I'm going to give you a little advice. Yeah, wanna make 14 dollars the hard way? Judge Smails: Do you know what I just saw? | Could you scare up another round for our table over here? Ty Webb: We have a pond in the back. ", Tags: This Ain't No God Damn Country Club Tee Regular Price $30.00 Retail Price $0.00 Unit Price/per The Reaper collection is made from 100% ring-spun cotton and is soft and comfortable. Caddyshack - Wikipedia Filming & Production No, I did not do that. Czervik distracts Smails as he tees off, causing his shot to go wrong. Ty Webb: Sit down, Danny. [swings, pulverizes yet another flower] It looks like a mirac- it's in the hole! Are you my pal, Mr. scholarship winner? gunga galunga, carl spackler, bill murray, golf. This isn't Russia, is it? Oh, then I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you can't come. Lacey Underall: This crowd has gone deadly silent Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now about to become the Masters champion. Give me a coke. [hits a joint, coughs] I wanna be good. Danny Noonan: Su..su..su..su..su Al Czervik: So we finish the eighteenth and he's gonna stiff me. You think I'd join this crummy "snobatorium"? [5], The film was shot over eleven weeks during the autumn of 1979; Hurricane David in early September delayed production. this ain't no god dang country club caddyshack You! Tags: [the judge hits the ball, and it goes flying into some trees, in response, he shouts in frustration]. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Danny Noonan: A looper, you know, a caddy, a looper, a jock. Lacey's mother sent her to us for the summer. Well I'll tell you what's satisfying: *cash*. [opens compartment in golf bag, revealing radio]. Judge Smails: [Notices the gopher in another hole nearby]. Do you stand for *goodness*, or - for *badness*? Nixon plays golf. Lou has to. Playing A Round Of Golf At The Bushwood Club Isn't Just Confined To The Golf Course! This Ain't No God Damn Country Club Tee. 2020, america, bill murray, bushwood, danny noonan. [21] On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 72% based on 60 reviews, with an average score of 6.60/10. I bet you've got a lot of nice ties. Don't - you're blocking! I want a hamburger no, cheeseburger. I think it's about time somebody teach these varmints a little lesson about morality and what's like to be a decent, upstanding member of a SOCIETY! Elaine Aiken as Julie Noonan, the mother of Danny. This is a cross, ah, of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia. this ain't no god dang country club caddyshack | | 0 | 2022-06-29 Try this. Caddyshack: 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About The Golf Comedy - Screen Rant I'll take Ty here, and you can have Dr. Frankenputz. I didn't think so. [Prepping a hose to drown the gopher] Al Czervik: A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion. It's in the hole!" Judge Elihu Smails: Very funny. : The film has a cult following and was described by ESPN as "perhaps the funniest sports movie ever made."[4]. Do you know what the Lama says? Danny Noonan: I haven't even told my father I'm not gonna get that scholarship. Share the best GIFs now >>> I once knew a guy who could have been a great golfer, could have gone pro, all he needed was a little time and practice. That evening, Webb practices for the game against Smails, and his errant shot brings him to meet Carl; the two share a bottle of wine and a joint. Al Czervik: Decided to go to college instead. Caddyshack is a 1980 American sports comedy film directed by Harold Ramis, written by Brian Doyle-Murray, Ramis and Douglas Kenney, and starring Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, Michael O'Keefe and Bill Murray with supporting roles by Sarah Holcomb, Cindy Morgan, and Doyle-Murray. This isn't Russia, is it? Smails: Ty, can I have a word with you? Who's the gopher's ally. Ty Webb: Judge, Al, I don't play golf for money against people. Bishop : Oh, then I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you can't come. Wonderful.". Lou Loomis: bill murray, bushwood, chevy chase, club, comedy. I guess it's just a matter now of pumping about fifteen thousand gallons of water down there to teach you a little bit of a lesson, is that it? Tony D'Annunzio: Are you kidding? [Smails looks over at Czervick, who is watching anxiously]. Writing credits: John "Fingers" Ramis. King of the Hill (season 1) King of the Hill. [10], Cindy Morgan said that a massage scene with Chevy Chase was improvised, and her reaction to Chase dousing her back with the massage oil, where she exclaimed "You're crazy!" Mr. Havercamp "[18] Dave Kehr, in his review for the Chicago Reader, wrote, "The first-time director, Harold Ramis, can't hold it together: the picture lurches from style to style (including some ill-placed whimsy with a gopher puppet) and collapses somewhere between sitcom and sketch farce. You put your suit on! He was night putting, just putting at night with the fifteen-year-old daughter of the Dean You know who that guy was Danny? The three met for lunch and wrote the scene. Czervik Construction Company? Carl Spackler: Spalding Smails: No I'm not grandpa I'm playing tennis. Carl Spackler: Oh Mrs. Crane, you're a little monkey woman. Damn your eyes. Just ask my grandson, Spaulding. Ty Webb: You don't have to go to college. Ty Webb: You're not being the ball Danny. Al Czervik: Al Czervik: Outta nowhere. This is your fate line. Okay, Pookie. How'd you like to wrap your spikes around my Ty Webb: A flute without holes, is not a flute. You can have Dr. Frankenputz Dr. Beeper: [mortified] I beg your pardon! Mrs. Havercamp: Lou, who is acting as an umpire, tells Czervik his team will forfeit unless they find a substitute. Trivia Judge Smails: : Spalding Smails: Danny Noonan: Please enable Javascript and return here. Chop chop. There was a sequel called Caddyshack II (1988) which performed poorly at the box office and is considered one of the worst sequels of all time. : It's in the hole! The brothers are all active partners and make occasional appearances at the restaurant. My uncle says you've got a screw loose. Tony D'Annunzio: The distributor had cut 20 minutes to emphasize Bill Murray's role. But if I kill all the golfers, theyd lock me up and throw away the key! I have my own standards, my own way. Al Czervik Al Czervik: You have worn out your welcome at Bushwood, sir! Al Czervik: He called me a baboon, he thinks I'm his wife. Lacey Underall: The little brown furry rodents! Official Sites This is good stuff. I could beat you with one arm! It's in the hole! Sandy: Carl I want you to kill all the gophers on the golf course. You never ask a Navy man if he'll have another drink, because it's nobody's goddamned business how many drinks he's had already, right? Judge Smails: He's got a beautiful back swing. We built this club, he and I. Ty Webb: What brings you to this nape of the woods, neck of the wape; How come you're here? He attempts to kill it with a rifle and high-pressure hose but fails. For this young Cinderella who's come out of nowhere, he's got about 350 yards left. Is this Russia? The website's critical consensus reads, "Though unabashedly crude and juvenile, Caddyshack nevertheless scores with its classic slapstick, unforgettable characters, and endlessly quotable dialogue. Judge Smails: And *this* is your saliva line. Fumbles around in the hole, gives the gopher the finger, it bites him]. Can you make a shoe smell? Hey baby, you must've been something before electricity. In 2007, Taylor Trade Publishing released The Book of Caddyshack, an illustrated paperback retrospective of the movie, with cast and crew Q&A interviews. Lacey Underall: black country pork scratchings poundland; mark thompson show podcast; anthony hsieh education; rockin' jump waiver form; linden homes ceo email; used sun dolphin pro 120 boats for sale; rio tinto train driver traineeship. Can you make a Bullshot? Lacey Underall: Would you like to tie me up with some of your ties, Ty? Ty Webb: Judge Smails As Smails is chased across the course, Czervik quotes to the onlookers, "Hey, everybody, we're all gonna get laid!" Look at this. Ty: Danny. The flowing robes, the grace, baldstriking. Lifeguard: That don't mean I'm just a loon . golf, rodney dangerfield, bill murray, country club, lover, Inspired by the movie Caddyshack, in a vintage distressed style, Tags: Danny Noonan: I know how hard it is for young people today and I want to help. Returning home, Smails discovers Lacey and Danny in bed at his house. I own two lumberyards. You can have Dr. Frankenputz Dr. Beeper: I guess the kidding around is pretty much over, huh? Carl Spackler: Don't you think? You know, I've often thought of becoming a golf club. Ty Webb: Pool and a pond Pond be good for you. Carl Spackler: This is a hybrid. Judge Smails: Ty Webb: Upon reaching the final hole, the score is tied. And I say, "Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know." Judge Smails: Tony D'Annunzio But that don't mean I'm just a joke, And don't deserve respect. Everybody knows it. It sucks! What's that candy wrapper doing there? He's about 455 yards away, he's gonna hit about a 2-iron, I think. Smails: Very good! This is a cross of bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, featherbed bench and northern California sinsemilla. I Aint No God Dang Son of A Bitch T-shirt King of The Hill Misfits Mash Ty Webb: Danny decides to gain favor with Judge Elihu Smails, the country club's stodgy co-founder and director of the caddie scholarship program, by caddying for him. The normally reserved Augusta crowd is going wild [pauses] for this young Cinderella who's come out of nowhere. Hey, Kid park my car, get my bags and put on some weight will ya? Mind Sir? I don't play golf, for money, against people. You're right. Where is he? I've had better food at the ballgame, you know? I'm gonna end up working in a lumberyard the rest of my life. The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on this stuff. The green's right over there, sir. Ty: I don't play golf, for money, against people. Then how do you measure yourself with other golfers? Bishop: Don't you people have homes? : What's that candy wrapper doing there? Meanwhile, Carl Spackler, a somewhat-unhinged greens-keeper, is entrusted with combating a potentially disastrous gopher infestation. Bishop: Why don't you come on down to our new Lutheran center? Smails refuses to pay, so Czervik summons two intimidating men named Moose and Rocco to "help the judge find his checkbook". And a varmint will never quit - ever. Excellency, fiddlesticks! Smails: Then how do you measure yourself with other golfers? [puts down Czervik's bag, exasperated] --Jeff Shannon. Bushwood Country Club Caddyshack 80's Retro Golf T-Shirt. I have to laugh, because I've outsmarted even myself. [27], Denmark was the only place outside the United States where Caddyshack was initially a hit. Murray hit flowers with a grass whip while fantasizing aloud about winning the U.S. Masters; a major golf tournament. [haughtily] I think you can still become a gentleman some day if you understand and abide by the rules of decent society. This isn't Russia. He's about 455 yards away. So I got that going for me, which is nice. Carl Spackler: Danny Noonan: You're not a man, you're a bishop, for God's sakes. Ty: Don't sell yourself short Judge, you're a tremendous slouch. Where is Caddyshack Bushwood Country Club? - KnowledgeBurrow.com Ty Webb: Danny, I'm having a party this weekend. Spalding get your foot off the boat! That's about 4 dollars in change! Well I ain't paying no 50 cents for no coke. This ain't no god dang country club. | The crowd is just on its feet here. Bushwood Country Club Caddyshack 80's Retro Golf t shirts and gifts. It's in the hole! [she and Danny grimace towards him, he leaves]. And don't deserve respect. He wanted the film to feel that it was in the Midwest, not Florida. All I see are a bunch of compromises and things that could have been better," such as the poor swings of everyone, except for O'Keefe. Dr. Beeper: Must be a nice change from dreary old Manhattan. And I want them now. Yeah well Lou raised the price of coke he's been losing at the track. Caddyshack is the kind of movie some people have been known to watch several times a year, reciting every line of dialogue like the followers of a bizarre comedic ritual. Yeah, wanna make 14 dollars the hard way? I should have stayed home and played with myself! : You have Javascript disabled. You never ask a Navy man if he'll have another drink, because it's nobody's goddamned business how many drinks he's had already, right? Danny Noonan : Yeah well Lou raised the price of coke he's been losing at the track. Everybody knows it. Main Tag Caddyshack T-Shirt. Against club rules, they also agree to a $20,000 wager on the match, which quickly doubles to $40,000. [34] Only Chevy Chase reprised his role. Oh, Mrs. Crane, I'm looking at you You wore green so you could hide. [his ball hits Judge Smails in the crotch]. Gophers- the little brown, furry rodents! I'm willing to make up for that. Fumbles around in the hole, gives the gopher the finger, it bites him. "Caddyshack Quotes." When I was your age, I would lug fifty pounds of ice up five, six flights of stairs! : He's got to be pleased with that. Ty Webb: I want that wax stripped off there, then I want them creamed and buffed with a fine chamois. Would you like to wrap your spikes around my head? Goodness or badness? Judge Smails: Why don't you come on in and help me sort me holy cards first? Czervik counters by announcing that he would never consider being a member: He insults the country club and claims to be there merely to evaluate buying it and developing the land into condominiums. I got it from a Negro. Good, good. Chuck Schick: I don't have the swimwear. [Pounces but misses catching the gopher. Carl: We can do that. [gives Tony a bottle of Coke and 50 cents]. : I'll work my way down. Danny Noonan I could beat you with one arm! Danny Noonan: I've always wanted to go to college. Tags: Pat Noonan: Here. A no-brainer that has become a low-brow classic, this 1980 comedy makes anarchy the rule of the day, unleashing the antics of Bill Murray, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, and Chevy Chase. Danny Noonan works as a caddie at the exclusive Bushwood Country Club in Illinois to earn money to pay for college. Oh, this your wife, huh? The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on this stuff. Carl Spackler: Well, I got a lot of stuff on order. I want [gets cut off by Judge Smails, who grabs him by the arms and yanks him to their table]. He's got a beautiful backswing [swings, pulverizes another flower] that's- oh, he got all of that one! I'll shoot you 18 holes for ten thousand bucks! Al Czervik: Scholarship Winner"? Is that so? Yeah, you're lean, mean, and I bet you're not too far in between are ya. I'll shoot you 18 holes for ten thousand bucks. He's a Cinderella boy. Judge Smails: Spaulding, get dressed you're playing golf. Besides, I've never swum. I'm your pal. Hey Lama, how 'bout a little something for the effort? LearnMore. When I was your age, I would lug fifty pounds of ice up five, six flights of stairs! Buy in monthly payments with Affirm on orders over $50. Don't sell yourself short Judge, you're a tremendous slouch. Many of the film's quotes are part of popular culture. Tags: Well don't you see it? What, when you buy a hat like this I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh? Tags: There's been a lot of complaints already. He called me a baboon, he thinks I'm his wife. what is a hardlock treasury direct . Tonight at the shop: @heavymeddo & @badmarkings! Al Czervik: Oh, this your wife, huh? The 40 Best Moments from CADDYSHACK at 40 - Nerdist Would you like a drink? Judge Smails: Danny Noonan: It's hard when you're talking like that. Caddyshack' Movie Facts | Mental Floss Al Czervik: Come on, Ty, you're an ace. Tony D'Annunzio: Danny Noonan: I can't pay you. Judge Smails: Oh Porterhouse, look at the wax build up on these shoes I want that wax stripped off there, then I want them creamed and buffed wih a fine chamois, and I want them now. Judge Smails: [knocking ball into the pond] I guess the kidding around is pretty much over! At that moment, in his latest attempt to kill the gopher, Carl detonates plastic explosives that he has rigged around the golf course. I give him the driver. Al: Well, how about teams then, for twenty thousand? We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Ty Webb: Shipping calculated at checkout. You're blocking. OH, RAT FART! The *little* *brown*, *furry* *rodents*. Tony D'Annunzio: Hey wait a minute. STANDS4 LLC, 2023. I guess you'll just have to keep beating yourself. There is no God Tony D'Annunzio That's a peach, hon! Judge Smails: [Ty has just been asked by Al to partner up against Judge Smails in a $20,000-per-person golf match]. masters, green, bushwood, golfer, chevy chase. And it all starts with this shirt. Well, just ask my grandson, Spaulding. Carl Spackler: golfer gift, so what so lets dance, carl spackler, bushwood, its in the hole, Tags: Carl Spackler: License to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations. Carl Spackler: Wait up, girls; I got a salami I gotta hide still. Ahoy polloi where did you come from, a scotch ad? this ain't no god dang country club caddyshacksuper lemon haze greenhouse. #92, This page was last edited on 19 February 2023, at 04:34. Learn more. Hey 'Whitey,' where's your hat? Judge Smails: Carl: All right. Ty Webb: I'll just get a little more oil on us. I've sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. [Sandy storms off] It's not my fault nobody can understand what you're saying. How about a nice, cool drink, varmints? Chevy Chase and Bill Murray, who had fought backstage at SNL years earlier, get one absurd scene (that makes no sense plot-wise) together, and it's . Do the honors. In order to conquer the animal, I have to learn to think like an animal. this ain't no god dang country club caddyshack. Tags: If Carl Spackler can receive total enlightenment, so can you. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Caddyshack&oldid=1140243999, Films with screenplays by Brian Doyle-Murray, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking reliable references from August 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. : Tags: This unknown comes out of nowhere to lead the pack. [carrying Czervik's golf bag] At Bushwood's annual Fourth of July banquet, Danny and his girlfriend, Maggie, work as wait staff under Lou Loomis. I think it is! Why don't you get yourself a real haircut? : Anyway, the Good Lord would never disrupt the best game of my life. The production became infamous for the amount of drug usage which occurred on-set, with supporting actor Peter Berkrot describing cocaine as "the fuel that kept the film running. augusta, big hitter, bill murray, bushwood, caddy, Tags: Ty Webb: I got to get into this dude's pelt and crawl around for a few days. golf, bushwood country club, golfer, ty webb, danny noonan, Cotton/Poly blend. Company Credits You know credit trouble. Debi Frank as Kathleen Noonan, the sister of Danny. We don't even have to have a reason. Tony D'Annunzio He employs a variety of methods to kill the gopher (e.g. Mr. Havercamp: Ty Webb: Judge Smails: I planned to go to law school after I graduated, but it looks like my folks won't have enough money to put me through college. You're one of the lowest members of the food chain and you'll probably be replaced by the rat. I hear this place is restricted, Wang, so don't tell 'em you're Jewish, okay? So you have to fall back on superior intelligence and superior firepower. The Dalai Lama, himself. Well pick it up. Tony D'Annunzio Hey, you scratched my anchor! In the immortal words of Jean Paul Sartre, 'Au revoir, gopher'. We have a pool and a pond Pond'd be good for you. You're a little monkey woman You're lean and you're mean and you're not too far between either I bet, are ya? I don't play golf for money against people. Al Czervik: What are you, religious or something? Czervik reacts to Smails's heckles by impulsively doubling the wager to $80,000 per team. When his own ricocheting ball strikes his arm, Czervik fakes an injury in hopes of having the contest declared a draw. I had a couple of burgers and some Cokes for lunch. The normally reserved Augusta crowd is going wild. Benihana? The Dalai Lama, himself. Judge Smails: How would you like to come over and mow my lawn? I got it from a Negro. I didn't want to do it- I felt I owed it to them. Danny Noonan: You're a disgrace and you're varmints. When do we eat? And he says, "Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness." A no-brainer that has become a low-brow classic, this 1980 comedy makes anarchy the rule of the day, unleashing the antics of Bill Murray, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, and Chevy Chase. How 'bout a Fresca? Bishop : Bushwood Country Club 1980 T-Shirt. A gopher. And I say, Al Czervik: Spaulding, how many times have I spoken to you about your language? He hauls off and whacks one - big hitter, the Lama - long, into a ten-thousand foot crevasse, right at the base of this glacier. "[13], Caddyshack was released on July 25, 1980,[14] in 656 theaters, and grossed $3.1 million during its opening weekend; it went on to make $39,846,344 in North America,[15] and $60 million worldwide. The crowd is just on its feet here. Well, how about teams then, for twenty thousand? I don't think the heavy stuff's gonna come down for quite awhile. That's only 50 cents. Well, he got out of that. Smails: Listen, your father and I prepped together, went to war together, played golf together. Carl Spackler: I christen thee The Flying WASP. Danny, I think you know why you are here, so I'll do us both the courtesy of not reviewing what happened yesterday [angrily shoves the lamp to the side, but calms down]. Let me tell you a little story? [mortified] To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. Wait up, girls; I got a salami I gotta hide still. [puts down Czervik's bag, exasperated] Wait a minute! This is the lsle of Wight. Tags: I own two lumberyards. Danny Noonan: Ty Webb: Tony D'Annunzio This Ain't No Goddamn Country Club Flag $30.00 Pay in 4 interest-free installments for orders over $50.00 with Learn more Add to cart 3' x 5' l 11/30/2022 louie longoria returning it order by mistake W 09/16/2022 William Graham Excellent Great place to shop A 07/05/2022 Anonymous Need help picking up beer cans You're a disgrace and you're varmints. Ow! He's got to be pleased with that. bushwood, carl spackler, danny noonan, its in the hole, golf, Caddyshack Golf Movie Judge Smails Well We're Waiting, Tags: Al Czervik: A looper, you know, a caddy, a looper, a jock. What do you got in here, rocks? This is dynamite. He's going to hit about a five iron, l expect. Wrong! Didn't want to do it. He's a Cinderella boy. This is a hybrid. Golf scenes were filmed at the Rolling Hills Golf Club (now the Grande Oaks Golf Club) in Davie, Florida. So, I'm on the first tee with him. The restaurant is meant to resemble the fictional Bushwood Country Club, and serves primarily American cuisine. Really are you going to Harvard? Caddyshack is about the scheme of a vulgar land developer (Dangerfield) who wants to build condominiums on the site of a ritzy country club. You're probably high already and you don't even know it. Danny Noonan Menace to the golfing industry! Come on, Ty, you're an ace. Don't even think about it! And let's face it, some people simply do not belong. Tony D'Annunzio: / But the man worthwhile, / Is the man who can smile, / When his shorts are too tight in the seat. Oh, it looks good on you though. Trying to tee off. Danny Noonan: I tried calling, but don't have a listing for "Mr. Bushwood - a "dump"? Mr. Havercamp, your ball's right over there, sir. A member? [shakes Smails' hand] This is fine leather. : These are now closed, leaving the original in St. Augustine their flagship location, open to fans and diners. Main Tag Caddyshack T-Shirt. Do you mind, sir. This is the only film that Chase and Murray have appeared in together. Where can I find other caddyshack designs? Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too. Director Harold Ramis (who later reunited with Murray to make Groundhog Day) is content to let the comedy follow a variety of wacky detours, most notably Murray's maniacal war with a gopher that has been digging up the golf course. [Havercamp puts hand out for club, Tony hands it to him as he attempts to shoot away from the green] Judge Smails: Sonja Henie's out. The funniest and most memorable quotes from Caddyshack. Man, free to kill gophers at will. Al: You demand satisfaction? He's got a beautiful back swing. Danny Noonan: Smails: Good, good. You feel looser? Bishop: Oh, then I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you can't come. The crowd is standing on its feet here at Augusta. Inspired by a tee in the movie Caddyshack. I thought you'd be the man to beat this year.