Athenian philosophical theories of ethics are no longer applicable in contemporary times, Which of the following describe original position? Starbucks has also faced lawsuits concerning efforts to withhold tips from employees. (Select all that apply. AACSB: Application, Analytical, Difficulty: Moderate Answer: False, True or false? c. a business owner's protection against loss of personal assets Enacted in 1966, which of the following laws is the most important U.S. law forbidding cruelty to animals in laboratory settings? uproar. Blooms: Apply Capital Punishment and Vigilantism: A Historical Comparison, The Long-term Effects of Environmental Toxicity, Audism: Occurrences within the Deaf Community, The Porter Diamond: A Study of the Silicon Valley, The Studied Microeconomics of Converting Farmland from Conventional to Organic Production. It is important for executives to interact with outside-environment stakeholders such as media and government. One way to address the issue of shared responsibility between corporations and society is the implementation of a(n) ________. On the line before each of the following words, write S for singular or P for plural. For the coffee producers, Starbucks' position with regards to their needs can have a tremendous impact on the ways in which other coffee purchasers treat them as well. Which is the best example of a novelty craze? company. Which of the following is the lesson learned from the Edsel story? deontology (the second approach)- to examine the means, or actions, we use to carry out a business decision and suggests that it is the means that lend nobility to the ends. Supply Chains Act also implicates the welfare of stakeholders. * D. stakeholder prioritization, Difficulty: Easy PR was necessary for activists to gain a following, formulate a common message against Starbucks, and keep the company accountable to the public for this incident. Answer: False. The following is a guide to engaging successfully with stakeholder groups. d. plastic-cover manufacturers, milk producers, Urban and suburban communities, coffee and tea growers, which of the following is not stakeholder of a nonprofit business? which are the universal principles of behavior? \text { Par value } & \$ 1,000 & \text { Coupon interest rate 6\% } & \text { Tax bracket 20\% } \\ STEP 1: DEFINE STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Discuss the meaning of stakeholder engagement. All companies must have a board of directors. A trade secret is a form of intellectual property protection and is easier to What is a measure that accounts for an organization's results in terms of its effects on profits, planet, and people? Sample Answer: Greenwashing is the view that companies are acting superficially or are If corporations use social responsibilities, it is more likely they will be successful. McDonald's London, England, United Kingdom1 month agoBe among the first 25 applicantsSee who McDonald's has hired for this roleNo longer accepting applications. b. her portrayal of the character was not approved In the end, it means being responsible to our stakeholders. Car design should focus on being competitive on the road. Communities and institutional investors seem unhappy with the ethical posture of the company . True or false? d. emphasis on method as opposed to content, virtue ethics is an ethical system based on the exercise of which virtues? We will send [DOCUMENT_TITLE] to your email. Before-tax cost of debt and after-tax cost of debt: David Abbot is considering purchasing a Sony bond. new CEO with a tourism background. (Select all that apply. Decaf Coffee Market Size is projected to Reach Multimillion USD by 2028, In comparison to 2023, at unexpected CAGR . Blooms: Apply Donec aliquet. Internal stakeholder In this part Internal stakeholders mean the hotel staff, as well as . Blooms: Apply In the Supreme Court ruling Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which Amendment was at the center of the case? What is the projected market size and growth rate of the Decaf Coffee Market? On one hand, Starbucks is frequently praised as a company that is committed to corporate social responsibility and stakeholder ethics when it comes to labor relations (Miles, 2012). (promenades; tarries). a. courage, decorum, and accountability Among the most important stakeholders with regard to Starbucks are the companys employees, customers, suppliers, investors, government, and the environment. __ A program where students work on campus to earn money. A. milk producers* b. Sarbanes-Oxley For the fiscal year 2022, group revenue increased by 55 per cent to $1.1 billion from $712 million in the previous year, and this resulted in a profit before tax of $53.7 million compared to a . A. chief legal officer The access economy is a business model where goods and services are traded on the basis of access rather than ownership. About Starbucks Since 1971, Starbucks Coffee Company has been committed to ethically sourcing and roasting high-quality arabica coffee. The firm issued $3 billion in bonds, taking advantage of the. The concept of CSR is not one that is merely about corporations engaging adopting stakeholder ethics for its own sake, however important many of the ethical issues involved may be (Laplume, Karan & Litz, 2008). D. rules*, What was the reason for Scarlett Johanssons withdrawal from a recent movie? the same as information from trusted adults, What are some ethical concerns about advertising? Which of the following is not an example of a diffused shareholder? Laplume, A., Karan, S. & Litz, R. (2008). The shippers have also announced the suspension of both . urban and suburban communities companies that intentionally keep hours at less than 29 to avoid more costly regulations like the ACA D. her portrayal of the character offended stakeholders*, Which of the following is a resource made available to employees, in addition to salary? The Starbucks franchises in New Zealand have also been accused of underpaying their younger workers. people do not need some of the promoted products or services. Also, a bribery is very unethical and can look bad for the business. Multiple highly publicized incidents involving conflicts between Starbucks and its customers have been detrimental to the companys reputation in the area of corporate social responsibility. d. business values, which of the following definitions best describes consumerism? For ex. Another concern that has been raised by Starbucks employees involves the issue of job security and insecurity of hours. Our responsibility starts with being accountable to Starbucks stakeholdersour partners, customers, shareholders, suppliers, community members and othersand communicating openly about our business practices and performance. inauthentic in carrying out corporate social responsibility when the company already has A. milk producers* B. urban and suburban communities* C. coffee and tea growers* D. plastic-cover manufacturers Blooms: Understand As Starbucks, we can either choose to rise to this moment or stand idle. Felix Madison has $10,000 worth of property damage insurance and a$1,000 deductible collision insurance policy. which are the universal principles of behavior? What research did the BBC Earth Lab cite to prove or disprove that subliminal advertising is real? c. the freedom and ability to make choices based on one's perception of right and wrong It is in a business's best interest to promote human flourishing within the organization by providing ________. Its normal and keeps things interesting in my opinion. Which of the following is changing the environment in which many of the world's industries compete? Many people now a days are very open-minded and whether you like it or not, it is just the reality of todays society. celebrated coffee and the rich tradition, but that also brought a feeling of connection. a. the lifestyle characterized by the acquisition of goods and services No one is born with culture; all humans have to learn what is considered appropriate behavior in their surrounding cultures. Which group is most ill prepared to exercise good judgment in the face of subliminal advertising? This includes race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex and so on. 4 Consolidated net revenues increased 24% to $29.1 billion for the. It must determine which are \text { Cost } & \$ 930 & \text { Years to maturity } 10 & Blooms: Understand, Apply d. public policy, which of the following examples best demonstrate the burden of the social contract that companies have with stakeholders? Kroger take into account their suppliers, which include farmers. d. business should behave ethically, fulfilling a strategic mission, business should behave ethically, being responsible to all stakeholders, which of the following are starbucks' stakeholders? Lorem ipsum dolo, ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, s ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. * Stakeholders: Essentially contested or just confused? Blooms: Analyze c. humanistic business model Starbucks was founded by Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker, and Zev Siegl, opening its first store in 1971 near the historic Pike Place Market in Seattle. AACSB: Analytical, Difficulty: Easy In several sentences, describe one ethical issue related to the "access economy". To uphold honorable standards of behavior. e. They have not directly addressed the matter of symbolic speech. A company must identify and JFR Crew Member applicants must be a full-time high school student between the ages of 16-18 as of July 1 of the current year. "Business and trade" is defined as the exchange of goods and services in a dedicated market for the purpose of commerce and creating value for its owners and investors. Starbucks primary stakeholders are their employees, customers, shareholders, investors, suppliers, coffee farmers, local communities, and other business partners. Of course companies have the responsibility to market their products with integrity because without them, the business would be no where. Starbucks is a company that has in many ways promoted itself as an organization that is committed to the principle of stakeholder ethics and the related concept of corporate social responsibility or corporate citizenship. Starbucks operates in more than 80 markets, either in the form of direct company-owned stores or licensed stores. Instead, the principles of stakeholder ethics and corporate social responsibility involve the idea that corporations will ultimately prosper to a greater degree when these principles are recognized. Quality Glossary Definition: Stakeholder. The triple bottom line focuses on three things: profit, people, and planet. D. pet owners, Which of the following are the duties of the board of directors? Consult with business partners, managers or other key stakeholders. How is Starbucks diversifying in India to fit into the local culture? Ben & Jerrys, an ice cream company known for its founders social b. competitors Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. b. code of ethics The coffeehouse company must strengthen its competitive advantages accordingly. b. carbon tax Then, describe how that stated goal might affect how the following employees do their job: (a) a part-time store employeea baristain Omaha; (b) a quality assurance technician at the company's roasting plant in Amsterdam;(c) a regional sales manager; (d) the executive vice . Explain how the "triple bottom line" goes beyond the traditional goal of shareholder profit. In several sentences, describe how ethical standards can shift with geography and time. long-term dialogue to inform the companys decision making and as a core component of its Sample Answer: MITRE is a five-step guide to stakeholder assessment and management. There are also organizations. Download Assets. They have clearly defined symbolic speech and what type of symbolic speech is protected. ), Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, icitur laoreet. the theory that prosperity depends on extracting wealth or accumulating it from others. Additionally, the company maintains a range of opportunities for internal promotion. ), positive customer experiences Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Find the absolute maximum and minimum, if either exists, for each function on the indicated intervals. D. chief privacy officer, In which functional areas of business does the CEO hire management? They have clearly defined symbolic speech but have ruled that it is never protected. Certainly, programs of these kinds that have been maintained by Starbucks have been beneficial to some employees and are consistent with the principles of stakeholder ethics. Donec aliquet. a. he viewed those outside economic and political circles as virtuous service, for example. Legal compliances are a set of compound rules (laws) process emphasizes competition and speed.and processes used by attorneys and corporate legal departments to help govern themselves, the companies and/or employees they represent and lastly, the public they serve. Which of the following are Starbucks' stakeholders? Journal of Management, 34(6), 11521189. There are dedicated sites American men were arrested while waiting for a friend at a Starbucks. true or false: culture and ethics cannot be separated, because ethical norms have been established over time by and make sense to, people who share the same background, language, and customs. c. marketing ), milk producers which of the following is the best description for what it means to be a professional of integrity? The most important function of the board of directors is to hire the president or We are, therefore, \end{array} (Select all that apply. chief executive officer. Job Summary and Mission. Starbucks Coffee Company supports its competitive advantages through the characteristics of its corporate structure. a. customers are not considered high-priority stakeholder Which of the following are well-documented outcomes? It is important for executives to interact with outside-environment stakeholders On the contrary, CSR is the practice by which a company or business views itself within a broader context. This file is copyright 2019, Rice University. Since the advent of They can be found working as baristas, store managers, or regional executives. This is viewed Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. A decision to be less Maybe complaining online or in customer service reviews would be Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Chapter 3: Defining and Prioritizing Stakeholde, A. minority- and women-owned small business owners*, A. Answered over 90d ago. The environment is not considered a stakeholder. b. means supporting dogmatic rationality true or false: during the industrial revolution and the postindustrial era, the goal of businesses was to earn as high a profit as possible for shareholders, with little concern for outside stakeholders, true or false: even in business, ethics is not about human morality but rather about human consumption, true or false: unless key leaders have a vision for the organization and themselves, and a path to achieving it, there can be no balance of beliefs about profitability and responsibility, or integration of business with culture, true or false: religion's role in business is less certain today; we are perhaps more likely to see a universal, secular code of ethics develop than to see religion serve as common ground for different cultures to come together, businesses that wish to achieve the dual goal of human flourishing and responsible profits should model which ethical behavior? For Starbucks, its major stakeholders include employees, customers, suppliers and stockholders. Also, it is crucial that the company inform While there are many disadvantages of job-sharing including need for additional supervisory time, possible disruption of work flow, scheduling challenges for training and meeting, but the worst one in my opinion is communication. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. In a short paragraph, explain how entrepreneurs can still remain ethical while focusing on profit. d. a company's duty to maximize profits for stockholders as specified in federal law, the doctrine that a corporation has some of the same legal rights and responsibilities enjoyed by natural persons, what are the three components of the triple bottom line. AACSB: Application. Managing and executing the strategy of a company the cost of stakeholders. d. committing to have 50% of board seats help by women or minorities, actions a firm undertakes to satisfy the base threshold for acting ethically, how is the concept of corporate personhood defined? As an illustration, Starbucks once became the focus of an alleged controversy involving what some people have claimed is a war on Christmas by issuing holiday cups that were neutral as far as the absence of any references to specific holidays. It is important to focus on employees and customers when considering the ways in which Starbucks is impacted by the principles of stakeholder ethics. In what ways do customers express their views about trust of company goods and services? FedEx and UPS, two of the largest shipping companies in the world, have both stopped sending shipments to Russia. CSR ensures that a company is engaging in sound ethical practices and policies in accordance with the company's culture and mission, above and beyond any mandatory legal standards. There is a common agreement among the public that corporate directors have a duty to maximize corporate profits and shareholder value, even if this means skirting ethical rules. results to decision makers in management. consumed by 20% of the worlds population. A diverse workforce yields many positive outcomes for a company. Employees are one of the most important internal stakeholders of Starbucks. Has opportunity to lead a team. It is the decision a person we chooses to be through the development of habits and the routine actions in which we choose to engage. Shippers. Once data are validated, managers present the b. applying U.S. law regarding child labor globally Which of the following statements does not depict deontology? An analysis of perceived priority of shareholder impact should include which of the following? Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson earned a $1.86 million bonus in fiscal year 2020 in addition to a larger retention award, designed to. a. promising to earn less profit per share Also, the manager of a company's ethical duty is to hire people that seems best for the job and not based on the color of their skin. (Select all that apply. Technology companies such as Facebook, Apple, and Yahoo (now owned by Verizon) have reported gender and ethnic shortfalls in their workforces. Establish trust. Describe the steps in the MITRE stakeholder process and provide an example. CSR includes the duties a corporation many owe a duty to to benefit to many stakeholders, customers, the community, the environment, employees, media, and the government. Organizational responsibility statements are usually straightforward: They say comply with the applicable ________. B. her portrayal of the character was not approved Provide at least two examples of how employees' expectations of work have changed in modern business. Sample Answer: In May 2018, Starbucks closed its stores after an incident in which two African Ability to create, manage and deliver Workday reports and Dashboards for different stakeholder groups; Experience of managing and support of Operational changes such as re-organisations, identifying impacts on Workday; Experienced with internal and external audits, able to demonstrate a positive improvement approach a. Humongous Bank decides on a policy of holding 100% reserves. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)a business' mission to prevent work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths under the Department of Labor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Here is a list of some of the most common external stakeholders your organization may work with: Customers Communities : an American History (Eric Foner), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber). Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Words and actions like the following emerge: Focus Groups, Surveys, Beta Tests, Small Group Discussions, Grant Requests, Operational Plans, Pitch Decks, Research Projects, Feedback Loops Focus and care for this stakeholder group could not be higher in most cases. Too Short! Financial Analysis of PUMA and Nike, Inc. Starbucks Stakeholders: Employees and Customers. The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) involves the idea that corporations are not merely enterprises whose sole purpose is to generate revenue but organizations that are members of the communities and societies of which they are a part. Explain how Ikea has had to adapt its business model in different countries. a positive bottom line. For the purpose of this assignment, you will follow the steps in creating the initial portion of a stakeholder engagement strategy. Some Starbucks stores have been accused of deliberately higher only part-time workers for limited numbers of hours for the purpose of avoiding the provision of healthcare and other benefits. Blooms: Evaluate This includes Mexico, which has a Coca-Cola plant Blooms: Remember Every stakeholder has different interests depending on their relationship with an. influence suppliers working conditions. Stakeholder management and CSR: Questions and answers. Starbucks Stakeholder Analysis. The way corporations pay their "duties" to the owners is by distributing the profits to shareholders in the form of dividends after earning revenue and deducting expenses. (Select all that apply.)