For as long as there has been a country called Canada, there has been a Don Jail, and for as long as there has been a Don Jail, it has been infamous. When the cops see someone doing somthing wrong they arrest them to protect anyone they could harm. Officers saw several pickup trucks with trailers congregate around 5 p.m. Saturday in the Electrolux parking lot. He was caught up in something that was more than he could handle.. Spectators Seriously Injured By Flying Debris At Donk Drag Race - Dragzine Youve changed all howve walked your ranges and tried to stay unaffected., Your email address will not be published. "That's crazy," Kevin Spragg said. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. This article first appeared in the March 6 issue of Autoweek magazine. All rights reserved. At first, they seemed to ignore him. He also saw gang members wave off their guards and proceed to beat senseless other inmates who had drawn their ire, his mother said. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. As crime rates across the country fall, the popularity of tough on crime policies only increases. She calls what happened to Jeff a beating that went too far. Its a phrase that contains an important distinction: beatings are commonplace at the Donits only the ones that get out of hand that are cause for alarm. 'Donkmaster' is a high-octane drag-racing competition that airs on Vice in the US. Bylines: Paste Mag, Humungus, and more. what i saw n heard while i was going through the SYSTEM i would be scared to live in toronto and not because of street crime. Speaking on Boss Talk 101 in 2022, Donkmaster said that he was "caught for trafficking marijuana. How could a mintally ill person be in preson without some one noticing that he is ill?? What is a donk and how do I build one? - Autoweek , Post and Courier, an Evening Post Publishing Newspaper Group. How did "A" separate Spencer from the Liars? There are no incentives, says Almeida. And she wants to know how the province allowed the Don to become the place it is today, a jail almost universally acknowledged as an inhumane, overcrowded tinderbox waiting to erupt. The rights of victims are pitted against the rights of prisoners, as if the two somehow had an inverse relationship. She and her husband felt it was wholly on them to keep their son safe. AP Photo/Sean Rayford, Evans Correctional Institution is located in Bennetsville, S.C. File/Tonya Brown/WPDE. Got a SURPRISE phone call from Donkmaster while he's on his "vacation" and he wants his fans and supporters to know he'll be home soon! A Complete Timeline of Gucci Mane's Incarcerations - DJBooth not one stab, but multiple stabs and do you think they did anything, no. However, it sounds from this article as thou our local pound has better hygiene standards than this place that is housing human beings! If you want 20-inch wheels, 24s, 32s or 13s, you can do that, too. Were guessing your first question is, What the heck is a donk? Let us explain. Over 100 pounds of trafficking marijuana." He added that after seven months of serving time, he got a call from a farm in California, adding: "I get a . Why dont you take some time and read the article a little slower before posting another comment. Donkmaster has one more race before six months in prison. Over her 13 years at the institution as a CO and now acting president of Local 530, she has become intimately acquainted with the way the Don works. So she paid. Have some compassion and sensitivity if you choose to repost on this article. YesI get that maybe Jeff was more appropriate for CAMH and eventually would have been assessed and transferred therebut you dont admit everyone to a hospital, who is exhibiting unusual behaviour. Akoo x Donkmaster Legends Acid Lime Tee, Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, choosing a selection results in a full page refresh, press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". ", "I was a basket case," she said. We wish both individuals a speedy recovery after this terrifying incident. The Donkmaster has put $60,000 into his cars powertrain alone. And in the cramped maximum-security facility, there arent any privileges you can take away from a prisoner. Why was Jeff Munro, with his history of mental illness, placed in the Don? Pressed up against the grey stone of the old Don Jail, which closed more than 30 years ago, the current facility, built in 1958, is a drab, anonymous building. what if that was you; your brother; your dad; uncle even No one deserves to be treated like sacks of bones and useless. Subscribe NOW to BOSS Talk 101 its a Unique Hustle:, Instagram: the stack seaburn menu. Hell House: Why the Don Jail is a wretched, dangerous dungeon that should have been shut down ages ago, DIY Makeover: This renter glammed up her one-bedroom with vintage French farmhouse-style decor, Its not as easy as putting two things together: A Q&A with the Toronto chef who created McDonalds new Chicken Big Mac, The Questionnaire: Four industry leaders on the mind-boggling problem-solving potential of quantum computing, I burst into tears when John Tory called me to say he was stepping down: A Q&A with Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie. And he needed it fast. Admittedly, Ive never been to the Don or any other jail for that matter. In an email the son sent to his mother, he begged her not to tell the authorities. Last year, Jeff Munro was beaten to death at the Don Jail over a bag of chips. Currently, two officers are in charge of up to 79 prisoners in a single unit. This one persons story is a way of relating how all these problems manifest themselves. Come on, it is a press of a button. The ingredients it takes to be a true donkmaster include: Having patience, keeping your head when there is nothing but chaos around you, being a good listener to the loyal team thats with you day-in and day-out, having the foresight it takes to stay one large step ahead and take the calculated risks necessary, not being complacent and always being willing to try something that has never been done before a true trendsetter. instead of focusing on the semantics of the article, perhaps you should focus on why it is you find it so easy to sweep those in need of mental help under the rug and out of sight. No one is certain where the term came from. *Terms apply. Because prisoners are, in theory, supposed to spend no more than a few weeks at the Don, there is little attempt to rehabilitate. There were no cameras supposedly so nothing was seen. Based on a British model, it would have a central observation post from which guards could watch their prisoners, who would live in cells that had access to light and heat. Correctional officers dread working there because of the smell and the noise. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Corrections officials said they had no record of such a complaint. Toronto Life is a registered trademark of Toronto Life Publishing Company Limited. If we stop, they wont like that. In 2015, the NHRA (National Hot Rod Association) threatened drivers with Matching search results: There are few things the average man takes as much pride in as his woman and his car. According to standard operating procedures, prisoners are entitled to 20 minutes of fresh air a day. MPD towed away the racing vehicles. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Why did Donkmaster go to jail? The you did something bad = you go to jail mentality of dealing with Torontos criminal element is only a band-aid solution. Donkmaster was In and Out of jail in 2018 and served seven months When training new recruits, she likes to play something called the no game, designed to teach a rookie CO the necessary attitude for the job. Jeff is a victim of the prison system. I was on the last hanging team in 75.Prisoner was commuted to life.He did his 25 and he is now back on tnhe street. This time, they took him to the Toronto Jailthe red brick building at Broadview and Gerrard that, despite its official name, just about everyone still calls the Don. The ingredients it takes to be a true donkmaster include: Having patience, keeping your head when there is nothing but chaos around you, being a good listener to the loyal team that's with you. The burnout box might seem relatively safe since cars arent moving at a high rate of speed, but there is still a possibility for danger due to flying foreign objects. They have the right to humane conditions and treatment. She describes him as a quiet guy, an easy prisoner. However, the creator's name, DonkMaster, explains it all. The trailers contained racing motorcycles and off-road vehicles. Get your subscription here. A $90 Walmart money transfer there. Shakur and his stepbrother Maurice Harding were arrested, but the charges were later dismissed. By clicking submit, you agree to receive emails from Rolling Out and accept our web terms of use and privacy and cookie policy. Still others say its from the slang term for, ahem, a womans rear end. "Somebody driving more than 100-150 miles per hour anywhere in this city.". ", It angered her that every time she went to visit her son she would see the same plaque in the lobby spelling out the prisons' mission statement. The Toronto South, according to the Ministry, will be a vast improvement over the Don. The original Don Jail was designed as a modern institution built on advanced ideas about punitive justice. NO ONE deserves that even if they ARE guilty but especially not for his alleged misdemeanor crime. Prisoners are human beings too and they will enter society at some point. Thomas has a six-figure 1971 Chevrolet Caprice convertible known as the Z06 Donk because of its powertrain (an LS7), interior and brakes, all sourced from Americas Sports Car. She raced to the store and did what he asked. Whatever helps you sleep better at night. He had fallen victim to gangs who controlled Evans Correctional Institution, a medium-security prison in rural Bennettsville near the North Carolina border. This place is messes up, the cops are messed up, there is no protective custody,"he wrote. After a tour of the Dons segregation unit in 2009, NDP justice critic Peter Kormos reported seeing urine flowing out from underneath the door of a cell where a mentally ill patient howled ceaselessly. Watch Donkmaster S01:E07 - Donkmaster's Last Stand Free TV | Tubi Known as Donkmaster Z06the first part of its name is actually the nickname of the enthusiast wielding the beastthis open-top beast is animated by a turbocharged V8 churning out at least 1,500 horsepower, which works with an FTI automatic tranny and was referred to as the world's fastest donk in the said velocity When somone is scared they tend not to say anything and a person who is schizophrenic AND SCARED, usally they wont say anything for sure so it was proply very hard for the cops to see he was mentally ill rather then a crazy person. Did you read them? Donkmaster Defends His Home Turf This video is currently unavailable September 1, 2020 23min TV-14 Orangeburg, South Carolina is where Sage Thomas became Donkmaster. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. We'll send you the most interesting Dragzine articles, news, car features, and videos every week. Its a poor, poor environment. To throw your hands in the air and say hey, its jail. He was left shaken after witnessing one inmate slit another's throat with a tuna can lid, the mother said. Watch DONKMASTER Season 1 | Prime Video - His death, while tragic is probably not an unusual occurrance in the prison system in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, North Americahellthe world. Staff writer at Looper. He has been studying the sport of racing from a very young age. His fate was not unusual. In solidarity with the Georgia Prison strike, the largest in US history happening RIGHT NOW but the media monopoly has chosen to WHITEOUT any coverage. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Around the 23-second mark in the video after the burnouts begin you can see parts begin to fly out from underneath the Caprice. At least we can proudly say that correctional officers go home safe everyday and have always at the Don Jail which unfortunately is not so true of correctional officers working in jails around the world. A classic Impala anybody can enjoy! You can find me tweeting about pop culture at 2 AM (@akospeterbencze) The jail is also overrun with mice, cockroaches and a generous variety of infectious diseases. You mean the the Don Jail is a dark usually underground prison or vault (taken from the Merriam Webster Dictionary)? This is not a 5-star hotel. He was known to police, but in the past theyd usually delivered him to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. #Donkmaster I like anyone, know that jail is not a Disneyland but there are standards that should be met, none which have been with the Don. Donkmaster Season 2: Everything We Know - The Cinemaholic "Well," he said, "my son wouldn't be in prison.". Apparently potential guards were lying on their applications. What do these people expect? And yet prisoners at the Don are treated worse than the most dangerous convicted criminals serving time in federal penitentiaries. Other humans did. Everything is flush-mounted.. In 2018, Donkmaster was sent to prison for seven months. Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his familys 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. I have seen more than my fair share of murders, beatings, sudden deaths and suicides, she told me. The point.if you were being held @ the Don, and died before being found innocent it would rock your family. Good riddance and thanks for nothing Don jail. I truly believe that if this was you in this position, there would be no comment as above. More than a third of all inmates in Ontarios prisons suffer from some form of mental illness, though the Don routinely houses a higher percentage than other Ontario jails. I opened my door and said, Please dont tell me its about Jeff., It was. But when youre doing it yourself, youre also doing it for yourself. In some cases, girlfriends of gang members were enrolling to become COs. If the history of Torontos most notorious jail demonstrates anything, though, its to be wary of high-minded talk of prison reform, Guards believe that a larger staff would make the Don a safer place. First we need to find a car. Why did Donkmaster go to jail? The Don Jail is a rare case of a public institution with no defendersnot the ministry that runs it, not the people who work there. stop letting ur corupt cops put everybody in. A lot being said here, but my thoughts are this. It may be true that the Don jail isnt our finest stab at correcting criminal behaviour but what jail is? Lets start by treating people who have been arrested, but not convicted, with decency and respect, and have a proper regard for their health and safety. Is this how we rehabilitate the delinquent? She stepped away from the popular monthly event in October 2021. He did research, traveled, tried a few things, made mistakes, celebrated wins and nurtured his love for the sport. On a visit home in 2005, he brought a collection of stuffed animals that he wanted to give to Brittany and Devon. The trend used to be about height, and the term was hi-risers, says Cabrera. Prisoner assaults happen every day, she says, sometimes in front of correctional officers. Now think about living all ruff for a while, and all of a sudden somone takes your snack, YOULL FREAK OUT and in jail theres a lot of people who think there big shit, SOOO people hurt other immates when they touch there stuff. My brother-in-law is in there right now actually and for something that he did not do what so ever. How Another Innocent Dallas County Man Spent 23 Years in Prison police, crown, even your lawyer and judge, co-operating with big fish, and people innocently go to jail and losing their life, I am one of them, more than two years, I am back and forth to court, no one helping me, I know I did mistake, but when they threaten you and your family life in other country, what do you do,you cant talk to police, police does not give you witness protection, police doesnt care, police get paid, to torture you, I think Canada has worst system to defending on innocent people. Prison is for punishemen, however it sounds as though some of the individuals being held at the Don, have not been convicted yet. @Gina, you are a heartless person. DONKMASTER on Talks about going to prison for Trafficking Marijuana over 100lb's also White Guy's starting to race Donk!#Donkmaster#PrisonSubscribe NOW to BO. After the wheel choice, the skys the limit. Thank you! You have no facts, you are simply stating the obvious. Someone else had the gun, his mother said. She hoped it would be a one-time payment but they soon demanded more. We must change a system that punishes the innocent along with the guilty. MEMPHIS, TN (WMC) - More than two dozen people were arrested while drag racing on a public street. Until you walk a day in my family shoes, you should know that we will fight to have things changed in our correctional facilities, as Im sure you would if the tables were turned. Hell House: Why the Don Jail is a wretched, dangerous dungeon that Her son is still behind bars, and her family remains within the gang's long reach. Gina said what needed to be said, and she is not heartless or any other non-sense u people were claming she was., Instagram: Its not fair to mislead your readers into thinking that those pictures are accurately showing what the Don Jail is today. I hope you guys look him up in pc where he cant harm other people. My heart goes out to the Munro family. But when she began wiring hundreds of dollars weekly, she finally confided in him. Read moreSoapstone Church's famed fish fry in Pickens will return for one day, Medical students at MUSC's College of Medicine are reminding parents to start thinking about sun safety for kids of all ages, especially newborns. When your locked up u have NOTHING, soo anything that is yours like a bag of chips and whatnot are your prized possesion and u dont let anybody take that away. and theres a unit called tower four that deals with criminals with menal illness,I have seen A search of eBay Motors will net you a ton of results, with the cheaper donor cars starting at around $7,000. Upon its closing I will thank the gods that Ill never again have to go through A&D take an elevator ride to 2c, 3a, 4c, south side or north and deal with a staff or prison population that is indifferent to the rights and dignity of any one human being. The trend began in the 1990s in South Florida and has since fanned out across the country. "Doing something like this is unacceptable, especially when it comes to putting people's lives at risk," Memphian Armstrong Wilson said. It is a brick-and-mortar monument to civic and political indifference. How many of you posting to this link have ever done time in the don? document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "© " + html; I Held on To It For a Very Long Time (Part 4), Dj Bootzie on Lil Jon Who You Wit to Bih Bih He Came To Louisiana Stole The Sound (Part 2), Mr Mike on I START BUSSIN AT HIM! The Dons guards have one of the highest sick rates of any correctional officers in the province, not just because of the unhealthy conditions, but also because they hate going to work. Whats The Reason Enthusiasts Cant Get, Full Factory Tour: How Edelbrock Makes Its Cast Aluminum, High-Performance Racing Fasteners: How ARP Fasteners Are, Dobbins Clocks First 3-Second Mountain Motor Pro Stock, BirdDoc: The Six-Speed GT500 Record Holder And Its High Flying, Video: Installation Time-Lapse Of The Fresh New 3M Wrap On, Vortech Superchargers Unveils Tuner Kit For 2021 Ford F-150, NHRA Pro Mod To Feature New Playoff-Style Points Competition, Summer Richardson And Her Swoop Motorsports Enter NHRA TAD Ranks, Drag Pak Racer AJ Berge To Fly Iconic RAMCHARGERS Colors In 2023, Retro Injection: Modern Fuel Injector Tech Gives Us Room To Grow, How We Fixed The Unsightly Wheel Gap And Stance On Our 2010 Camaro, Lizzy Musi Preparing For Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings Season 6. Racers who came to Cordova International Raceway for the Racing On Rucci event were trying to pick up the $5,000 purse on the line, so they all had their cars set on kill. "Doing something like this is unacceptable, especially when it comes to putting people's lives at risk," Memphian Armstrong Wilson said. oh please to some of you bleeding hearts out there JEFF was sick he couldnt help himself no he didnt deserve what those lowest of lowlifes did to him unless you have had an experience where this has happened to your family member then Id say dont judge my son was murdered his killer only got 3yrs in prison when it comes to Justice I say our courts and jails are corrupt and our politicians as well and Canada I have lost all my respect for this so called country we live in I AM AN ASHAMED CANADIAN BOOOOOOOOOOO~. It is a warehouse. IN CONCLUSION i can sure as hell bet most of you only know a person in jail and havent have a clue how WELL the system actually works. Ed Bell is a Georgetown-based attorney who has filed multiple mass tort lawsuits against the Corrections Department on behalf of inmates who allege that understaffing, poor training and inadequate supervision leaves them exposed to violence. When the 1961 Riverdale Hospital "half-round" building was torn down last year, some mourned the loss of a local landmark. The mother said that during the months her son lived at Evans she placed seven to eight calls weekly to the S.C. Department of Corrections begging for her son's transfer. See Details 3.Going to Prison for Trafficking Marijuana over 100lb's & White guys Post date:22 yesterday Rating:5(339 reviews) Highest rating:3 Low rated:3 Summary: jail is not a pretty thing to go through and cases where people are getting beat up in there for absolutely nothing is the "norm" at the Don. Yes it is over crowded and at times under staffed but unless you have been there personally yourself, which conveniently all those who condemn it havent, please refrain from using your imagination. So to those who feel as though the inmates are getting what they deserve, .. take a step back and think. @ EVERYONE except Gina. Im sure the cops saw this dude showing his dick off in public and quickly arrested him and brought him to the jail. Others swear that when the rear end of a Chevy is raised up and bouncing, it reminds them of the pack animal. Clear skies. Sixteen things to see, do, read and hear in Toronto this March. Theyre essentially saying any responsibility for Jeffs death lies with the jail and with his murderers. It was the site of 70 hangings, including the executions of Ronald Turpin and Arthur Lucas, the final hangings in Canada before capital punishment was abolished in 1976. By the time SCDC finally transferred her son, she said the family had paid nearly $3,000 to the gangs to accomplish that mission. Donk racing is a form of drag racing in which immaculately prepared classic American cars with massive rims go head to head to win the acclaimed prize of Donkmaster. You have permission to edit this article. He was deported and settled in Toronto, where he bounced between homeless shelters and was admitted several times to CAMH. How do we want to treat our prisoners? The woman immediately sensed an unfamiliar tremor in her son's voice. why did donkmaster go to jail for 6 months Her son had been behind bars for six years but he had never sounded so panicked. Rolling out sat down with Sage on the premiere night of the new show, Donkmaster, which airs on Vice, Wednesdays at 10:30 PM EST to learn more about this underground phenomenon and what drives the passion in the participants of the super-niche, but super cool sport. With hundreds of men living in cramped quarters, many of them taken directly off the streets, the smell is intense. I dont really see much difference. The sound of the toilets is so loud, prisoners follow a self-imposed no-flushing policy throughout the night, and in the morning, the stench of human waste is unbearable. In the years since the original Don was first built, there has been much discussion among criminologists, public policy analysts and legal scholars about what corrections should do. Being accused of a crime does not mean one is a criminal. Vice crowns a new 'Donkmaster' for the culture - Rolling Out He was arrested on Yonge near Davenport. The Don Jail is overcrowded, understaffed and ill-equipped to deal with the subtleties of criminal behaviour. The jail is overrun with mice, cockroaches and infectious diseases. Gina, there are 7 pages of reasons why this is a story before the very last line of the article that you parse out. The prevalence of gangs and the indifference of corrections officers are persistent themes in the lawsuits. Abby Lee Miller was sentenced to 366 days in prison in 2017 after being convicted of bankruptcy fraud. Donkmaster was In and Out of jail in 2018 and served seven months July 11, 2022 Helen Williams Vice TV viewers are asking Why Donkmaster Sage went to jail. Public officials vow to change things. The Don is always about to be fixed. It, too, had initially been touted as the ultimate in sanitation and health, and it, too, became as notorious as its predecessor. The closing of one of Torontos darkest chapters seems pretty significant to me. He initially refused, but a vicious beating made him realize he had little choice, she said. Before the mother made the second payment, she said, she called a staffer at Evans. Maybe we need to look at our mental health laws/act and change aspects of it.