Smith did know Glasgow well, but Edinburgh (where he later worked as Secretary to the University) was gloriously exotic. J. N. REILLY There is a war on. As a university sociologist, I recall going to the Co-op hypermarket on a Saturday morning for messages. In reply to these petitions, the Scottish Parliament wrote to Glasgow City Council and to Scottish Enterprise Glasgow, asking for their responses to the submission and within 4 months, Glasgow Council had taken steps to set up the Central Govan Action Plan.16 The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. Business . Instead, it referred to the popularity of cheap and powerful tonic wines particularly with young people - the vast consumption of which would often lead to violence and disorder. I too, have fond memories of playing and performing small shows, and we all thought we could act. A friend called called Alison Galbraith. My father "served his time" in the Thermotank then for many years was a policeman in Plantation Street. In fact, within only two years of the first tenants moving into their 7-storey deck-access blocks (in 1972); they had begun to complain about severe dampness, condensation, and water penetration. Wall furniture and coverings, clothing, beds and bedding, carpets and furniture were badly affected by fungi while many of the inhabitants suffered physical illnesses related to the damp atmosphere, financial anguish at the cost of replacement and (in some cases), mental problems brought on by the worry caused by the above problems in the first place! Community organisation. 2 And increase their/your revenues. However, as little seems to have changed in the last 30 years does this mean that at last, local communities are to be involved in making decisions about their futures? 5 I'll do a bit of investigating. We also have a great selection of craft beers! Govan was then one of 15 police divisions in the former Strathclyde Police and accounted for 20% of all homicides in the force. Providing a family base with a family room in Govan, with weekly meetings in Govan and Easterhouse Providing consistent, non-judgmental support to families and individuals, and home visits to families in crisis 5 Smith, 1992, p. 4 Glorious Govan. Wine Alley was in a part of Govan which is "pretty much gone now but it was notorious," he described. Looking at Govan when it was a village, and film of how it grew into a town, we felt very proud of being born and raised in dear auld Govan. Somewhere along the Govan Road, there was a sweet shop with a train set that would go around all the big jars of sweets. Old Photographs Govan Glasgow Scotland tourscotland 31K subscribers 111 27K views 5 years ago Tour Scotland wee video of old photographs of Govan, Glasgow, on the south bank of the River Clyde,. Such developments benefit the aesthetic and connective appeal of the Govan area for future visitors. On the 21/6/2005 the plans for the future of Govans Central area were publicly revealed showing that housing and concern for unemployment was high on its agenda. We love it here, but still go back to Scotland every other year. These incomers earned the contempt and resentment of some disgruntled local inhabitants, who focused on problems of anti-social behaviour in the estate, which acquired the nickname "Wine Alley". These were not cleared until well into the 1970s. I worked in Fairfields in the seventies, does anyone remember the name of the bike shop at the Linthouse end beside the roundabout. Houses are places to live in, either for one person or several. For about a decade that shop stood empty and it broke my heart. As for Billie Cameron, she now lives in Montreal, her sister Isa was a war bride and came to Canada in 1948 to be with her Canadian husband and lives north of Toronto in Collingwood. he had come to live in Wine Alley to see for himself why it seemed to be such a horrible place to outsiders. From start to finish this series has been amazing roll on book four! It is now an industrial estate . In recent years it has seen major improvements with the building of Glasgow Science Centre and the Glasgow Arc, better known as the Squinty Bridge. Delete. Scots: Gouan; Scottish Gaelic: Baile a' Ghobhainn) is a district, parish, and former burgh now part of south-west City of Glasgow, Scotland. I was born in Govan in 1941. Linthouse and Parkgrove were 19th century senior sides, who fell into decline and are now defunct. I am Mary Haggarty and it was 95 Golspie street, cannot believe someone remembers, my mum will probably remember your family will ask her tonight. This was the catalyst that led local Govanites into despising the peoph of Moorepark, and considering them as different and alien. Govan young team. One thing is clear about Woodinville's Woodin Creek, it is very dog friendly! Not Now. [1][2] By the early 20th century Moorepark was bounded by the commercial properties, tenements and villas of the Broomloan estate to the east and railway lines to the west. First, this fosters connectedness seen in social capital and enhanced trust in government and in fellow citizens. I went to St Gerard's and I loved the kids there they were poor but happy. I attended Harmony Row School and Hills Trust Primary. My parents lived at 49 Nethan Street and I was born at the Southern General in 1939. contact IPSO here, 2001-2023. One flat was chosen in Wine Alley and a second across the road in a collection of tower blocks called Iona Court. It is important that we continue to promote these adverts as our local businesses need as much support as possible during these challenging times. Those ads you do see are predominantly from local businesses promoting local services. The evidence they gathered was crucial and the jury was able to see the gang operating on the video footage shown to them. As a result, it proved very simple for them to track the gang movements on a day-to-day basis. I also went to the Glasgow City Mission which was in Kintra Street, how I loved my childhood. : Gwovan[3]? Somewhere, communication had broken down so completely, that while the latter felt powerless to do anything about the situation, the remedies of the former only made the situation worse. My great grandfather lived at 67 Garmouth Street with his 3 daughters. the tall man aboriginal spirit; metadata api request failed: component conversion failed: file_ended; caleb foote sandlot We lived in Southcroft St., when we got married. I went to Hills Trust primary and can remember having to sit my 11 plus exam and passed by the skin of my teeth (lots of mental arithmetic). [26], Govan's other major shipbuilding firm was founded in the 1860s as: Randolph, Elder and Company, later becoming John Elder and Company. The authors would like to thank Glasgow Braendam Link, The Faith in Community (Scotland) Transformation Team, Oxfams UK Poverty Programme, and the Poverty Alliance for suggesting the idea of this project for the worlds Poverty Day on October 17th 2005. In sum, effective participatory urban management calls for a fundamental rethink from all the players involved, from the local authorities and development agencies, through local (and sometimes international) non-governmental organisations, to the community-based organisations themselve; in redefining their roles and relationships, if something is to be done for the benefit of all. The origins of the Doomster Hill are a mystery. 'Wine Alley', Govan Pop: 10,875 (whole ward) Problems: Mainly drug-related crime. In the early medieval period, the site of the present Govan Old churchyard was established as a Christian centre for the Brittonic Kingdom of Alt Clut (Dumbarton Rock) and its successor realm, the Kingdom of Strathclyde. C/o Jones Lang LaSalle 150 St Vincent Street Glasgow G22 5ND AGENT Jones Lang LaSalle 150 St Vincent Street Glasgow G22 5ND WARD NO (S) 52, Govan COMMUNITY COUNCIL 02_073, Govan CONSERVATION AREA LISTED ADVERTTYPE Bad Neighbour Development PUBLISHED 24 October 2003 SITE AND DESCRIPTION In Canada, I joined the Royal Canadian Air Force, and served 37 years before retiring. We went this year to the Fairfield shipyard museum which was very interesting. In this way they dispelled the idea of the workers being "work-shy" and also wanted to illustrate the long-term viability of the yards. They also told police that the same man would rent out a larger car about once a month. He wanted to discover how and why such places came into being and to see if remedies could be found. Today the area is policed from bright new shiny offices opposite Bellahouston Park on Helen Street. I remember Vogue would show two part Westerns that made us come back the following Saturday to find out who won the fight, there was also an entertainer named "uncle Harry" who would go up on the stage when the movie was over and ask us to wave our white hankies that we were asked to bring, we would all stand up and sing "Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag" before we left. I lived with my aunt and uncle (Mary Steven, Mailey) my aunt was a cook in Ibrox. I was born in Govan in 1942 and lived in Elder Stree before moving to 15 Water Row above the bakers James Jack & Sons, my father worked there for 56 years. However, given the area's reputation there was also a large numbers of empty houses. I've been back to visit my relatives several times, but the old places are gone. . Bishop King. It was like growing up in a wasteland! I used to visit your Mum and Dad. Used to have a friend called Theresa Moody who died quite young. Used to jump the dykes with my brother Kenneth. We all loved living there as Govan was such a great place and had everything you needed, especially four cinemas. I loved going to the Steamie with my Mum and her friends. Govan and Fisher, former NBA player and current head coach for the Los Angeles Sparks, got married on Saturday at Cielo Farms in Malibu, California. He wanted to discover how and why such places came into being and to see if remedies could be found. Does anyone remember Cuthbertson's dairies milk depot Vicarfield street Govan. 178 9 shares Like Most relevant Denise Mcdonald Many happy memories there in the late 80s and early 90s . Its cells were just as grim but did not seem to deter the many local villains who frequented them on a regular basis. Very fond memories. People were in tears when that shop closed and I'm really delighted that I played a small walk-on part in a Govan institution! For other uses, see. The first, Moorepark Grounds, was situated to the north of the mansion from the early 1900s and made way for the housing development;[12] the second (New Moore Park, opened in 1929) was to the south-west of the neighbourhood off Edmiston Drive[12] and had fallen into some disrepair before being replaced by a business park at the turn of the 21st century, with the club moving to new facilities at Shieldhall after some years of uncertainty.[13][14]. Although we were all poor, I knew that I could go to any door, ask for a piece, and get it. She had 3 boys Alex, Willie and Robert. images & design by The Poverty Alliance Glasgow Braendam Link 2005, Sitting here on our computers at the end of 2022, The Glasgow User Manual An Almanac and Peoples Guide To the city, Information obesity (Relating to activism), Positive Thinking and the Positive Thinking Industry, Triangulation ( Try things from a different angle), BRENDAN McLAUGHLIN lifes a Bowl o Cherries, ADAM McNAUGHTON JIM McLEAN The Glasgow I Used To Know, ALEXANDER RODGER (1784-1846) Sawney, Now The Kings Come, JOHN TAYLOR CALDWELL The Battle For The Green, RUTHERGLEN DRAMA GROUP Caterpillar Talking Blues, PHIL McPHEE Hutchie E- A Monument to Corruption, Stupidity and Bad Planning, JOHN McGARRIGLE Write nice thingslast night, PETER ARNOTT & PETER MULLAN Beechgrove Garden Festival, ROBERT LYNN Not a Life Story, Just a Leaf From It, R. D. LAING from Wisdom, Madness and Folly, ALEX CATHCART Nostalgically Speaking Imagination is Money. I remember Betty McPhee, Margaret Liversidge, the Gourlay brothers and Brian Wilson.We lived in the top floor for a few years and the moved to bigger flat on first floor with a bathroom. Our father would be home right before we had to leave for school, so he would take us as it was not safe to cross Langlands Rd., Unfortunately, the week before Christmas in 1943, our grandfather was killed by a bus right at the Vogue cinema. He and his pals jumped out and I ran back up three stories screaming. We loved the years living there and in 1949, our little sister was born at 22 Shaw St., That same year we moved to Penilee, but when my sister and I were seventeen, our parents moved back to Govan because the house in Penilee was very damp, so our parents got an exchange to a house on Govan Rd., the cooperative building next to Fairfield's shipyard. 199310 Scottish Charity No. Contents Where Were Hanged In Glasgow? I lived in Kintra Street from 1946 until 1960 and went to Broomloan Road school then Govan High. It is situated 2.5 miles (4.0km) west of Glasgow city centre, on the south bank of the River Clyde, opposite the mouth of the River Kelvin and the district of Partick. Ah! If I could I would have bought many! A Gannett Company. ; Scots: Gouan; Scottish Gaelic: Baile a' Ghobhainn) is a district, parish, and former burgh now part of south-west City of Glasgow, Scotland. I would so love to hear from you if you do. During the Viking Age, following the sack of Dumbarton Rock in 870, Govan is believed to have been one of the major centres of the Kingdom of Strathclyde. He wanted to discover how and why such places came into being and to see if remedies could be found. I remember our next door neigbours on the ground floor the Meechans and particularly John,who was around the same age as myself. Loving your stories, my nana was born at 15 Elder Street, Govan in 1893. Drug and alcohol abuse was a widespread problem and unemployment stood at 30% - three times the national average. Community Centre & Play-Park in the Wine Alley, Govan. Govan railway station opened on 2 December 1868. the 550 tenancies available, only 33 (16%) were identifiably from Govan itself. However, there is the potential for tourism development, for example, the planned development of the Govan Old site, which hosts the historically significant stone carvings, has led to the development of the surrounding townscape and new infrastructure. You never forget these things, but what great days and what character building it was. It is situated 2.5 miles (4.0 km) west of Glasgow city centre, on the south bank of the River Clyde, opposite the mouth of the River Kelvin and the district of Partick. Again, where were the democratic, caring authorities when the 1987-1990 Glasgow Housing Condition Survey found that in a third of the citys houses suffered from condensation, dampness and mould and did little about it? He had a broken leg, but we cuddled and comforted him until someone with a car was found, hours later, to get him to the vets. Egg And Chip' 11/2. The Burnside gang were found with 150,000 in heroin and a large sum in cash. Moreover, there will be no demolition or destruction of any part of Govans heritage on the contrary the important Iron Age site of Doomster Hill will be marked with grass, and not encroached upon by the new housing while a special corridor will link it with Govan Old Parish Church, which is one of the earliest Christian sites in Britain. Add your own memories or stories by clicking here. I was born and raised at 976 Govan road and remember concerts we used to have round the back for the neighbours and we would make costumes out of crepe paper and sing songs like" oh you beautiful doll you great big beautiful doll". I always thought it was a listed building. It was the policy that those with low incomes, few housing points or nowhere else to go, could only expect the least attractive housing. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. Within it and its roughly circular churchyard is one of the finest collections of Early Christian stones in the United Kingdom, known as the Govan Stones, dating from the c.9th to 11th centuries. Co. Ltd., Alexander Stephens & Sons, J & G Thomson, Harland & Wolff and more. I was born and brought up in Drumoyne. We visited Govan in recent years and is not the same place anymore. This was a very hard job physically where we would carry a wicker basket (full of ashes, etc.) Bought my sweets from The Modern Book Shop and Woolworths. My da was George Paterson, mum was Betty Paterson my child hood there was brill everyone was so friendly and you could trust everybody. Govan is served by Govan Subway Station, Ibrox Subway Station and Cessnock Subway Station on the Glasgow subway system. Thanks in advance :). There is a story By Danny Cahley born In 57 Hamilton Street, Govan it was renamed Nethan Street if I remember correctly. We went back to Govan until we could get passage, and I attended Bellahouston Academy. Would love to hear if anyone remembers the Wallace family! I was so focussed what was in front of me, I never looked behind me and I disappeared over the edge. Govan feels vibrant again. HAPPY TIMES. We had some chalk on us and we wrote on the outside of the lovely red tiles on the wall. [32][33] The shipbuilding operations became BAE Systems Marine, which subsequently became part of BVT Surface Fleet, a naval shipbuilding joint venture between BAE Systems and VT Group, which became BAE Systems Surface Ships in 2009. Now her daughter (my mother) is 92 years old and I am fascinated by the stories which her mother passed down to her and now to me. I considered that I did a real job and that what he did for a living was nonsense. I remember one time, my big brother hiding in the midden under all the ashes, when I went down three stories to empty the fire ashes. My maternal grandfather was a master brass moulder in the shipyards. You Wine Alley Govan Team were shite begs. Seven generations of our family have been born in Govan. RM 2E6CW9C - Workers line the street and applaud the hearse carrying former trade union official Jimmy Reid as it is driven past the Govan shipyard in Glasgow, Scotland August 19, 2010. Does anyone remember going out the back courts and jumping over them? Much later, after years of drink and drugs abuse, I thought about all the time I had wasted and I realised that if I was going to seriously change my life than I had to reeducate myself into a new way of thinking It was fantastic staying there, 3 family's stayed in each cottage. I stayed all over Govan, I was born in the Southern General in 1961 and was brought home to Neptune St then I stayed in Govan Rd, Broomloan Rd and Carmichael St. It has taken Govan many years to heal and the spare grounds and scars are all nearly gone. The wines were delicious but unfortunately out of my price range. Based on this, Govan's Cumbric language name has been reconstructed as *(G)uovan. Replies. Napier's Shipyard in Govan was later acquired by William Beardmore and Company in 1876 and incorporated into William Beardmore and Company in around 1900. For instance, leaky, crumbling roofs were never repaired during the improvements nor were rotten, draught-causing window frames replaced while the backcourt midden arrangements remained as inadequate as ever. Both my parents went to Greenfield School then Govan High. They were followed there and back by a second surveillance team and the vehicle stopped near Ibrox. Poor Man, he said to my Mother, "the way she's trying to kick me I think her hips are fine". There I was, short hair, snotty-nosed from crying and eating an ice cream cone. I spent 18 months there before being released on a three-year parole where I took a job in the local Cleansing Department as a midgy-man.