Know any good inexpensive and real self-publishing websites that also help with marketing for me to republish with? To the point it made my head hurt. - a lot of their "marketing" services, though not crazy expensive, seem quite useless. Please. If you require any further information, feel free to contact us at ***************. As a rule of thumb, a small press can be considered legit if: How do I know if theyre legit? From what I gather, Book Baby is pretty good. Actually you dont have any goal for your book. The author has talked up a book he wrote on his site. As you put it, the "demands" not "inquiry" or "question" is why we parted ways with you. They became very dodgy and manipulative inferring I was ignorant about how independent presses work. Thanks Reedy for this information. I'm taking the case to the attorney general. If you want to confirm your suspicions, just look up the books they've published on Amazon or any online retailer. So, I'd be very careful. Your thoughts? I have reviewed their website and looks good. The website is here: I was called today by Amanda Gray of Gold Touch Press. However, I'm leery of putting my credit card info into their site, even if it does have the https in their URL. Dollar for dollar you pay more but thats the price of ease and convenience. Has anybody had dealings with Mulberry publishers? As always, approach with caution. Thats called business. They make most of their money from their authors. Please tell what you know about Covenant Books. The address is in CA yet they are actually operating from the Philippines. You can check a leaked website from these people Some of them don't accept unsolicitied materials, some of them do. Have you heard anything about FriesenPress, Trilogy Publishing or Authorhouse? Their goal is to make money. Is this a safe choice to invest my first book in? BBB Business Profiles are subject to change at any time. Does anybody know anything about them? Michael Roffman. What about dorrance publishing and page publishing? Hi, I just found your article, thank you for the info. I was also contacted by the New Reader Magazine & after many emails, they sent me their contract. The publisher kept stalling my historical fiction with accuracy checks, never mind that I has already done extensive research on it. What should I do? Still I would like to sell some books. Reviews research 2. If they want me to send them a case, I will want money up frontso thanks for sharing this. Great, Poets & Writers has a huge list of different small press, and i'm thinking which one to choose. I was sorely misled and after forking over close to $4000 sold very few books under their "guidance" (which supposedly included a decent amount of marketing.) They want me to pay them--need some information ASAP. Your Representative, ****** ******, called me to prospect business. I am already published with a registered copyright. Fees range from a few hundred dollars to more than $25,000. I did a reverse search on the phone number and it's legit as is the website. It just didn't add up, and something seemed fishy to me, in spite of links to their website and current magazine issue. I am responsible for paying the air time It seems fishy to me. AuthorHouse is extremely unethicalstay far far away. I also googled her company and I did not find it. In fact, it's the . It seems like it would cost me the same or more to do it all individually!- thanks much. These are all vanity publishers, with a really bad reputation. Only in business a year. After the book was published they kept calling me to spend more money on advertising at book fairs which I know is a total scam. All of ZipJob's resume writers are experienced in resume keyword optimization to ensure that every resume has the best chance of being scanned and accepted by automated screeners. The market for online learning has grown steadily in the last few years. I had terrible response times, incorrect information and a general lack of any consideration outside of when they were trying to sell me yet another marketing program. For $125, any author can buy an ISBN through Bowker in the USA or Nielsen in the UK: agencies that issue ISBNs and cannot profit from their sale. One supporting member of my web site gets vertigo, and sometimes nausea. Good info. I hope you get your money back and they cease preying on writers who are sincere about bringing the plight of mental illness to readers. Does this sound legitimate? They seemed trustworthy but after reading the blog I'm now a bit reluctant. Traditional Publishing. Are they reputable? His claims don't seem to pan out. What type of book are you publishing? We remove all the hassles that delay the project and direct your manuscript at the hand of highly experienced team.". Looks like they are a member of the IPG and partner member of ALLi, which vouches for them. community avengers joke Facebook; alone season 6 did tim break his leg Twitter Publishing is a people business. Hi there, I submitted my novel to Breaking Rules Publishers, based in Florida. Most of the time, I say, "Thanks but no thanks." However, BBB does not verify the accuracy of information provided by third parties, and does not guarantee the accuracy of any information in Business Profiles. Sometimes vanity presses pose as hybrid publishers, so head to our post on hybrid publishing to understand that model better. This rating has been stable over the past 12 months. They use fighting stigma activism to conceal narcissistic maneuvering. There is ample material everywhere (including on this blog) about every step of the way. The work you will do will involve writing presentations, literature reviews, other sample papers such as dissertations, podcasts, posters et. But, one wants $3400 and the other almost $5000, I used x-libris cost me a few thousand and didnt sell much. If you're going to spend $800 on anything, invest them in a proper marketing course, or on a reputable freelance marketing professional: Just curious as to what their standing is, in the self-publishing community. You assured me of a refund . As we mentioned in the post: ***Be wary of unsolicited offers. Be the first to contribute! I would personally avoid them. We're looking to try out writers on a . I baled. Should we contact the person saying he wants to re-publish my father's work? I submitted my rsum only 2 days ago. They offered me a book deal but i have to pay some publishing/editing costs and get 10% of the profits. New Wave Security Solutions. Hi Cy. For more control over what you subscribe to, head on over to our subscription page. Thanks for weighing in Reedsy. However, it's tough to know what to think without seeing their agreement. My intention is to have my LLC as the publisher 1 million authors trust the professionals on Reedsy, come meetthem. It LOOKS good, but how am I to know? She is demanding payment for her time, though she was the one dragging her feet. You just saved me from making a horrible decision. Become a member today to discover how we can help you publish a beautiful book. However, if they do everything they say they will do, the fee is not that bad. A curious soul. To understand why publishing with a vanity press is a terrible idea, head on over to the next post in this guide, which discusses the dangers of paying to publish. It's current status is DTI-Registered. I can't see what they're charging, but I suspect they're not cheap. 25% of employees would recommend working at Writer's Relief to a friend and 16% have a positive outlook for the business. thanks, Hi. My guess is that their services will involve little more than making you a book trailer, maybe setting up some Facebook ads and perhaps getting you a "guest blog" on some site you've never heard of. This week I was contacted by Atlantic Publishing Group and had a discussion with them. I am glad that you emailed me back. Are you suspicious of a certain company? I'm a novice author, and used a "fully supported self-publishing firm" to publish my first book in 2016. We were never given an advance and were told it may take 2 or 3 years to get a return on our money. Branding Brand is full of amazing people who are just absolutely brilliant. The weird thing is that I have researched Self Publishing School online and I haven't seen any bad reviews. I suspect you'll find that a lot of them have few-to-no reviews. I lost a considerable amount of money and prior to severing my association with them realized just under $40.00 in royalties. Building out the listing 1. What's your opinion on WebNovel? Some massively prolific vanity presses you may wish to avoid include: Some scammers even masquerade under the name of Big Five imprints. i was about to deposit 5000usd but i stopped. They are a company who is questionable in its ethics. However, with editors and book coaches, whose work is invisible to the reader (if theyve done their job right), you have to do some research before signing a contract with them. 1. Did you go forward with them? Hi Edwin. Is Rushmore press legit. writers branding complaints. I appreciate you looking out for writers but this is biased nonsense. Hi, I've been presented with a deal to re-publish my first book; and then to publish my 2nd book (manuscript completed). And if that wasnt enough, he decided to send me an email and call me names. If their editors contact YOU, then that's a red flag. Thank You. I have already talked to a representative and of course they want $5,000 and I told the man that I don't have that kind of money to spend right now. Has anyone heard of SOOP? <br>Gains fluency quickly in terms of new things. I stated that he had several ways to verify me. Try to get editing done before submission. Export for ebook and print. They cold-called me numerous times about marketing my book SAVING ME, and want $2500 up front. Stay away from these people , there are better ones out there. High-profile authors like Margaret Atwood and Ian McEwan have been targeted, along with Their staff is quite knowledgable, and I do so appreciate the updates. I'm writing a biography for a local family and community leader. We've had a few people in the comments here ask about Gold Touch. If you do it yourself, it might cost the same or a little more but you'll know who's working on the book. Download now Facebook 5. Great insight! Date of experience: August 10, 2022. Balboa Press was set up in 2013 by Hay House, as its "self-publishing arm". I am currently working on a book, and I was found a publisher she seems nice but her contract is 3 years at a time it stats that she can republish etc. For one thing, traditional publishers take ALL RIGHTS for the life of your copyright in exchange for whatever they offer the author. They do do good job for their authors, and if you know nothing about book marketing they could be the right option for you. Hi. Do not give them any money. Developed an HR department from . 50% royalties may sound good but is that something they offered you because your book has already been published, and they won't edit it? Wanting to put two currently out of print books out again as ebooks + paperbacks, a colleague recommended BLKDogpublishing which does the whole thing for free and has a respectable-looking list (her fantasy novel is on it.) Also, do I have to worry that they'll steal my manuscript? Was that deleted? Or should amateur authors hire out sub-optimal designers on fiverr and hope they get something that looks professional? GREAT information. What kind of small press is legit at this point? Join a community of over 1 millionauthors. I would be very cautious of any company that contacts you unsolicited there are plenty of bad-faith presses out there who are looking to snatch up author's old books and hold on to them. They will publish my book, and want me to sign a 3 year contract, but they want me to buy 45 books at 30 % discount, which raises my flag. All they care about is upselling you as much as possible. Launch your book successfully with our tried-and-true strategies. That puts me on the fence about this company. Watch out for what they define as production costs as that could eat into your proceeds. I had my book published a year ago by Crossbow. I have had a telephone interview with both . Thank you! Certain publishing companies will offer to write up a coverage package to make it easier to sell your book to Hollywood production companies. Check out the section in this post about hybrids for some tips on what to look out for. My father, David Duncan (not to be confused with Dave Duncan from Canada) wrote 13 novels, mysteries and science fiction books, as well as a couple of science fiction screen plays and lots of screen plays for television. What is the best way to reach and get accepted by a traditional publisher? The whole thing. Specialties: Looking to better reach your audience with relevant marketing, better email campaigns, and smart design and branding? is this a genuine offer. And that covers most of the publishing companies you want to steer clear of in your career as an author. My question is: do they sound legit to you and if so, which other similar publishing companies would you recommend that have open reading periods earlier than in December 2018 since the author of the book doesn't want to wait for so long? 100% free, always. They do a trailer and press release & radio interview the effectiveness of which I am yet to experience. What about Rushmore Press? Thank you for that. I have received an "invitation" from EC Publishing to represent the book at the Frankfort Book Fair in Oct. Any advice about working with Dudley Court Press, advertised as a hybrid publisher? It's not a scam, but it certainly is an *expensive* course If you want to go the course route, I'd rather recommend Mark Dawson's "Self-Publishing 101" course (it only opens once a year, but you can get on the waitlist). any feed back. I believe that Gold Touch was mentioned in the Writer Beware post we linked to in this post. Would only print 100-150 books (hard cover), with the option of ordering more, if needed. This is ****** ****** from Booktimes. My novel "Reflection of Memories" has been doing well . Sent in my children's book, WOW--TO A CHILD CHRIST RETURNED--to Covenant for review. They look like they submit short films to festivals. Do you know anything about this company? They are located in Richmond, Virginia. Anyone ha e experience or knowledge about FolioAvenue. Others will even get an anonymous screenwriter to adapt it into a Netflix pilot. They say they can send my story on to the Hollywood Data Base to possibly become a screenplay. Lets talk about traditional publishers and their insanely small royalties (while offering very little and requiring the author to do most of the marketing still) Just got an email from them. Plus from my understanding of the entertainment business, producers aren't commonly trawling a database looking for spec scripts. It looks like they do some level of editing. . Have you heard anything about Authors4Authors Publishing? Is Author Academy Elite, with Kary Oberbrunner, reputable? As a first-time author, I am naive to the ways of the publishing world. No editing was all. By the way, their solicitation for services is up to $7500.00 US, as of this comment-writing. Before We pay for their services. There, I started my LLC, Windy Peach Comedy, teaching humor writing, producing live comedy shows, and supporting other creatives with my production and project management skills. March 3, 2023. *In Canada, trademark(s) of the International Association of Better Business Bureaus, used under License. Becoming a published author is a dream shared by almost every writer. Some people have seizures when something on a screen jiggles. I would like to know as well. Secondly, your agent should never ask you to pay for anything. Atlantic publishing/ Dorrance publishing either of these legitimate? The continuously lost requested info from me including blurb, bio, and even book. I just realized that I had been taken by cindyhill@bookthoughtspublishing. Shady as hell. I didn't sign the contract. Aelurus is my publisher. During #pitchmad at Twitter, I was contacted by Uproar Books, which is a fairly new hybrid publisher. It will be bookmarked and studied. They seek out the mentally ill/unstable on social medias with false promises of helping people get their stories out there and published for the world to see. Book Fairs. For one, their website misspells "Hollywood" more than a few times. I'm trying to do my due diligence on publishing companies but I'm having a hard time deciphering between a traditional publisher and vanity press. With vanity presses, the big risk isn't them stealing your manuscript. Loves operating within dynamic environment. They are a wonderful company to work with. Facial structure suits the character. Take this quick quiz to see if you're dealing with a legit publishing company. He said that tomorrow will be late. Not only do I not appreciate his attitude or his blatant disrespect for anyones time, but I will be certain to report this to the better business bureau and the national do not call list with the government. I'd be wary of any publisher who asks for a fee irrespective of sales. My manuscripts are ready for print. Reading all of these comments and responses has been informative -- very helpful! They do offer a self-publishing track, where they provide all the usual publishing services for a fee instead of buying the book, but they're a legit publisher. For example, if youre planning a wedding, you could do it yourself and buy silverwear from this company, buy plates from that wholesaler, order food from that restaurant, and freelance some waiters to help you out and pull together all the moving parts OR you could hire a wedding planning/catering agency that does it all and alleviates the headache. I think they are a hybrid, but not sure. I am glad I found this website. Just got accepted to Page Publishing? What is one to do? I was just contacted by someone claiming to be an editor from them wanting to offer me a contract on one of my works on another site. Having your book displayed in a random stand there is not going to sell a single copy, because readers don't go to book fairs. What can you tell me about Outskirts Press. Cons Rude staff Makes promsies to customers writers can't keep. It's your money you need to be worried about. BBB reports on known marketplace practices. Law firm MinterEllison pulls branding from Writers' Week over anti-Jewish authors Top national law firm MinterEllison has removed the firm's branding from the Adelaide Festival Writers' Week despite being a major sponsor. I googled BBB and Xlibris and saw an A+ rating but only one star and I didn't see Xlibris anywhere, but the name Authors House. Thank you so much for this information, it's so helpful! I have bought a self publishing package with Balboa press. I can 100% guarantee that they do not work with Neil Gaiman. Thank you for sharing your experience about Author House, though, it corroborates the experience of many other writers we've heard of. Yes, the long-running Children of the Corn franchise is back yet again with another installment. Would appreciate any information you have on him. Below, in alphabetical order, is a list of the literary agencies (not all of them currently active*) about which Writer Beware has received the largest number of complaints over the years, or which, based on documentation we've collected, we consider to pose the most significant hazard for writers. And "The Author agrees to place a non-refundable deposit, which represents the "plus $2.00 per unit" equal to $5,000 upon the execution of this agreement". Do you have any information on AAXEL Author Services or ebookpbook ? Ive seen several vanity publishers that were either rip offs or scammers who went out of business. NO one has asked for money or made any kind of sales pitch. i have been getting harassing calls from their sales people, and despite me saying they are doing a sales a pitch they continually deny it. I was searching on a list of publishers accepting submissions, and found The New Press. What dangers do authors face from scammers and shady 'publishing companies'? I'm entertaining the idea of having my work published through Plowshares Media which operates out of La Jolla, CA., and am interested in any information you might have on their credibility. Do you have any info on this company? It was a mess. I found out later that my book was never presented at the events as she claimed, and I had been taken for a fool. Since September 21st, The Visitation has been released under Writers' Branding. I was contacted by a consultant from happy media consulting. But if you actually want to make a living out of writing, or have any chance of getting decent sales on the book, you'll want to keep control over the people you hire (making sure they're good and avoiding the huge hidden fees of vanity publishers), keep control over your distribution, and keep control over your metadata. Is this a real site or exactly what? - they don't solicit you in the first place What I'm finding out is that a true publishing house will never ask for money. How was this possible? The books they profile on their site actually have Amazon reviews, which is better than what most vanity/hybrid presses have. You don't know how much their services actually cost. As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business. Please advise. I want to publish an inspirational/spiritual book. No legitimate traditional publisher would ask you to foot the bill. Avoid companies that offer grand (yet vague) promises of instant stardom. Does anyone have any informations before I move forward. Do you pay a little more sometimes for the convenience of your file preparation being consolidated to one place? If they contacted you unsolicited, then chances are that they are a vanity press. Just a few days ago I got a phone call from their marketing advisor who offered me to pay $5000(!) What about halo publishing International?