. Replace any fluids lost during pruning by giving your plant a good drink and returning it to its original location to recover. Youll want to use the root division process for the best results. Letting the cut sides dry overnight before replanting as well as the use of fungicide helps prevent this. This article has been viewed 38,009 times. Then, place the vase or glass containing the plant in a light and warm spot to provide the perfect growing conditions. Rex Begonia Care Indoors (Simple Tips For Success) Make sure the plant never dries out. How to Grow and Care for Begonia Rex Indoors - Homeplantsguide Place your plant in the shade if grown outdoors. But be careful not to let the plastic touch the leaves or you could risk fungal problems. Begonia roots are prone to rot immediately after dividing. We empower you to efficiently solve each new challenge and make your life better and easier. They also thrive on humidity but don't like direct misting, which encourages powdery mildew. See those tiny plants unfurling? 10 Best Begonia Rex Care Tips - Growing Guide - Plantophiles By cleverly planting multiple plants in the same space, each with sprouted cuttings from the parent plant, you can give the appearance of a bushier plant. They should always be your last resort because they contain chemicals that can harm the environment. Rex Begonia Crispy Leaves Just as Begonia's do not do well if overwatered, it is also important to ensure that your plant does not dry out and die of thirst. If youre afraid to damage the roots, use pruning shears for this step. You can use a mixture of perlite, vermiculite and peat moss, if you prefer. They bloom in several colors, including pink, orange, and red. Cultivars which are usually derived from Begonia tuberhybrida are a favourite of gardeners for their bright colours and long flowering season. 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Avoid direct sunlight, but any location with good diffuse light will encourage your begonia to bloom with an abundance of alluring foliage. Aggressive Drainage. Silver Limbo is a compact, small-leafed variety that offers beautiful metallic-silver foliage that has purple-red backsides. These elegant plants arent hard to propagate. Move your Begonia Rex to an eastern exposure and the new leaves will be fine. It's best to divide the tubers in the early spring, after the buds have begun to swell. A great way to prevent powdery mildew is through a spray mix you can make at home. Snip off flowers and older leaves first to give the division more energy for root growth. Underwatering is one of the most likely reasons your . [], [] want to dilute the neem oil with water in a spray bottle. Dig up the begonia and then look to see where it naturally sections. Begonias are just as at home in a pot as they are in the garden. A brief period of unusual warmth will inspire your begonia to make the most of the summery conditions, resulting in a leggy plant. Dont forget to rotate your plant whenever possible, so all parts are getting equal amounts of light. #begoniarex #waterpropagation Its much easier to propagate begonias from leaves, and you can do this with most kinds of begonias.To make babies from leaf, start by snipping a few healthy leaves from your favorite begonia. Grow them there until theyre big enough to put in the garden or transplant into more permanent pots. Giving your leggy begonia a haircut is the absolute best way to deal with it! Begonia 'Escargot' (Rex Begonia) - Gardenia.net But you can also propagate this plant through leaf cuttings. The begonias eye-catching, asymmetrical leaves make it the star of any collection, but what if your begonia is more stem than a leaf? Your begonia, regardless of variety, requires partial shade to bright, indirect light to thrive. The flowers can turn orange, pink, and white. Place this in a warm area of your home, but out of the path of direct sunlight. Let the soil dry between waterings and avoid overwatering as it may cause fungal diseases or rot. How to Propagate Rex Begonias from Leaf Cuttings - Garden Gate Humidifiers allow you to adjust the humidity as needed. And the soil should be porous and fast-draining soil. Don't water the leaves, only the soil to avoid fungal disease issues. Water when the top 1 of soil becomes almost dry about once a week. A Beginner's Guide to Begonias: Begonia rex-cultorum Harrington's specialties include small business information, crafting, decorating and gardening. Cissus discolor, also known as rex begonia vine, is an evergreen, perennial, flowering trailing plant in the grape or family Vitaceae native to Southeast Asia, . Rex begonias do produce delicate flowers but are usually grown for their spectacularly colored and intriguingly textured leaves. Its a great way to get your begonia bushing out instead of legging it upwards. This will help make it stand up. Water once the to 1-inch of soil is dry once a week. Above: Moist soil, happy begonia. These leaves are arranged in an asymmetrical manner on the stems. These plants can grow wide. Keep a Rex Begonia plants soil moist. 2. Young leaves should be removed before they unfurl. Then, to keep the cuts in contact with the mix, start pushing T-pins through the leaf into the soil. The best temperature is 65-75F (18-24C). Make sure the medium is evenly moist but not wet or soggy. Mixing plants in a small indoor pot is not recommended in general, but when it is literally parts of the same plant, you can avoid the pitfalls of over-planting your pot. I hang fluorescent lights 6 inches above the cuttings and leave them on about 12 hours each day until the new plants start to grow. Its a natural oil and isnt known to harm many plants. Brush fungicide onto each cut surface of the roots to prevent disease. Simply keeping your new dense delight well-watered and well-lit will result in thicker, more luscious growth. You start by filling a tray with smooth pebbles. Begonia Propagation: Rooting Begonias From Cuttings - Gardening Know How Here are some other cool Begonia species to check out. Painted-leaf begonia can be propagated in different ways, including: Leaf cuttings; Stem cuttings; Dividing the rhizome; Of the three, the most common is leaf cutting because it requires less work to set up. The rex begonia requires at least 50 perecnet humidity and careful watering that keeps the soil moist but not too wet. How to divide begonia tubers - Patient Gardener And the Begonia rex isnt the only wonder species out there. Get the plant pot ready. How to Divide Bearded Irises. Cut the germinated tubers longitudinally, each with 1 to 2 buds, and plant in a pot after the incision is dried. Once a nice cluster of roots has formed, they can be potted as a separate plant in their own right. All rights reserved. But theyre covered in a cotton-like substance that protects them from outside forces. Use a well-draining soil mix to care for Begonia rex and provide bright indirect light. have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality. Divide rex begonia in early spring right before the plant begins growing again. It can affect the animals breathing and cause excessive drooling. Using a little bit of root tone and a small amount of fungicide to keep the roots healthy as they grow, you can propagate a Rex Begonia like a pro. How to Propagate Rex Begonias from Leaf Cuttings | Garden Gate Warm spells are unavoidable I personally avoid using air conditioning if possible due to my other, more heat-loving plants but its best to keep your begonia in a cooler part of your home or office. Begonia fungicide is available at garden centres. Avoid putting a pin through a main leaf vein, or that vein may not root. The plant requires less water during winter, when it often enters a dormant . We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we Then, to keep the cuts in contact with the mix, start pushing T-pins through the leaf into the soil. Press seeds onto the surface of the medium and cover them lightly with milled sphagnum. Learn more Rex begonias are striking known as painted-leaf begonias or fancy-leaf begonias because of their stunning leaf coloration. Cissus discolor: How to Grow and Care for the Rex Begonia Vine To get rid of an infestation naturally, you should try neem oil. Step 1 Snip off flowers and older leaves first to give the division more energy for root growth. Theyre perfect for the pastel plant lover. Cut the leaf into wedges to do so lay the leaf flat on your work space. Now that weve restored your radiant beauty, lets look at how to keep that legginess from reappearing. To water propagate your Begonia, all you have to do is partially submerge the stem in water, leaving the leaves sticking out. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we Begonia 'Tiger Paws' (Eyelash Begonia) - Gardenia.net I am personally against misting the leaves of plants manually as mist on the leaves can cause leaf rot if the airflow is not sufficient to dry them quickly. This is especially true of cane begonias, which can grow to look almost like bamboo with careful, consistent care. Care guide highlights: Known as the painted-leaf begonia, Begonia rex performs quite well in standard potting mix with the addition of peat moss or leafmold for increased acidity, in bright to moderate light with good ventilation and high humidity, higher, in fact, than other begonias. Begonia rex is toxic to pets such as cats, dogs, and horses, according to ASCPA. In the video, Alan of The Plant Farm talks about the unique Rex Begonia and how to propagate it. Step 2: Take a leaf cutting from your rex begonia. The most toxic parts of this plant grow underground. Do you want to save any of the leaf patches? It needs bright but indirect sunlight and the soil should always be slightly moist. Get daily tips & tricks to help make your best home, The 5 'It' Plants of 2021, According to the Pros, 10 Varieties of Begonias for Gardens and Containers, 9 Great Foliage Plants for Container Gardens, How to Grow and Care for Begonia Maculata, 34 Best Plants That Grow in Water Indoors, How to Grow and Care for Black Bat Flower, How to Grow and Care for Persian Silk Trees, Northeastern India, southern China, and Vietnam. Stand the stem into the bottle, and keep foliage above water or on top of the bottle. Begonia rex plants can quickly get mildew or fungal diseases. Cover your container with its dome or plastic wrap. When used sparingly, this will encourage the growth of those lovely leaves without inspiring them to reach for the stars. Water Rex begonias like regular water but hate being overwatered. Your begonia has indicated this need by stretching its leaves in the direction of a brighter light source. It came from Assam, India which is in the Himalayan foothills. What if I told you that you could propagate a bunch of beautiful rex begonias for almost nothing? Plant with the flat or concave section of the root facing up. Keep the temperature setting at about 70 degrees. . You need to remove all dead or harmed roots right away. Consider using a grow light if you cant find a good bright spot. Jon VanZile was a writer for The Spruce covering houseplants and indoor gardening for almost a decade. Potting soil, peat moss, perlite, vermiculite. Typically grown for their beautiful leaf markings, most rex begonias have large leaves with intricate swirling patterns in a variety of colours including green, red, purple and silver. Cover your container with its dome or plastic wrap. NCBI BLAST name . Rex Begonia Plant - Care, Growing, Watering, Propagation Trim the cutting to just below the next node along for cane or tuberous begonias. When peat moss is unavailable, Ive had success substituting coir or sphagnum moss for it in this blend. Sow so the surface of the tuber is right at or right beneath soil level. Using a little bit of root tone and a small amount of fungicide to keep. It can harm or even kill your plant. You can also use artificial lights for this Begonia. The part that's green is all the way at the top and would defeat the purpose. Fading leaves on a Begonia rex indicate too much direct sunlight. They thrive on humidity but be careful if misting leaves that they don't stay too wet and encourage powdery mildew. Start as many leaves as will fit in your tray or pot without the leaves touching. Mealybugs are the biggest plant pest problem with this Begonia. Rex-cultorum begonias can be propagated in three ways, based on their type: by softwood cuttings, by leaf cuttings, or by dividing the rhizomes in summer. Brush off the excess soil and inspect the rhizome to find the buds. How to split begonias? Once the plant pot is ready to go, you can go ahead and plant the leaf-cutting. Avoid nicking or cutting the tuber if you are using a spade. Step 1 - Find a suitable tuber. 1. Begonia rex 'Putzey' came into cultivation as a stowaway plant that germinated on an orchid which was imported into England at the height of the Victorian plant collecting fever. The cutting should then be placed in a clean pot filled with moistened potting mix. Are Begonias Deer Resistant & How To Keep Them From Eating Begonias Use liquid fertilizer weekly at quarter strength or at half strength every two weeks. Begin by removing the tallest, thinnest stalks. Toxic to pets such as cats and dogs and horses. It should have drainage holes. Even though high humidity isnt required, it keeps the plant full, lush, and healthy. Allow the top layer of soil to become completely dry in between waterings. The resulting hybrids are often known in the trade only by fancy trade names used to market the plants. Gently remove the Rex begonia from its nursery pot, handling the root system with care, and place in the middle of the new container. When a previously lush and leafy specimen produces an excess of stems and stalks, it shoots up until its nothing more than a tuft of greenery on a long bundle of sticks. Place each leaf cutting on the surface of a tray of moist seed raising mix. When to Start Seeds Indoors Mermaid Tail Succulent Care #1 Best Tips. Finally, pinch back stray leaves on a regular basis to keep your begonia lush. Rex begonia can be difficult to grow because of its need for high humidity. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. Rex Begonia House Plants - Begonia rex Picture, Care Tips tall and wide (25-30 cm). Now you care for the new plant like you do the mother, Rex. Fill a small pot with moistened seed-starting medium. Its not uncommon for a clipped cane to produce two new shoots, resulting in an overall thicker and bushier plant. I have a question. I hang fluorescent lights 6 inches above the cuttings and leave them on about 12 hours each day until the new plants start to grow. Water the begonia transplant and acclimate it in an area out of direct sun. This is it! To be cautious, I always rinse all my supplies (and my hands) in a solution of 1 teaspoon bleach to 1 quart of water. The most common affliction from too much direct sunlight is the scorching of leaves. Lush Garden 5.95K subscribers 108K views 2 years ago #begoniarex #waterpropagation #begoniarex. Remove the stem with a sharp knife and slice the leaf into wedges, each piece with a main vein. The leaves are hairy and wavy. Begonia rhizomes are sensitive to soggy soil or overwatering and may rot. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. A very well draining potting mix with added sand and perlite. It contains soluble calcium oxalates. If you must use soils in your growing medium for any reason, make sure there is plenty of organic material scattered throughout to allow for proper drainage. But doing this can mean accidentally over-watering your plant, which makes using fast-draining soil super important. The seeds . Brush off the excess soil and inspect the rhizome to find the buds. After youve pruned your begonia, it will begin to sprout new leaves. Her published articles have appeared in various print and online publications. But if you place a piece of paper under your plant and shake it, you should see them fall. Well walk you through both methods step-by-step down below. Since you must wait for the roots to dry, prepare the plant pot. Use as many as you need to hold the leaf flat. Youll know you have a mealybug infestation if you see cotton fluff covering your plant. Because rhizomes have shallow roots, a shallow pot will do. Leave them in place until they start to get in the way. Begonia Plant Pruning: How And When To Prune A Begonia Plant Slightly moist soil is ideal for painted leaf begonias, but excess moisture will cause root rot, so make sure the water drains properly from the pot and you empty the saucer of excess water. Because your begonia cannot afford to produce both stems and leaves, it focuses on stems in the hope of achieving better illumination. Replant the original piece and pot or plant the remaining piece. The bright side is if you find an infestation early, its easy to get rid of. Tiny White Bugs In Soil The Truth Revealed! We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. They can take up to 6 weeks to emerge, so be patient. Keep your leaf cutting near 70 degrees and give it plenty of humidity. The weaker stems lean and nod, and your plant takes up more room in your arrangement. How to Grow Begonia Rex - Healthbenefitstimes.com The rhizome is cut apart and divided in order to propagate new plants. Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension Plant Disease Handbook. These elegant plants arent hard to propagate. Propagating Begonia rex. How to Root Succulents with Leaf Cuttings Flip the begonia leaf over and use your knife to make a 12-inch cut across five or six of the main veins. If you grow cane or wing begonias, give this technique a try with them, as well! These resemble pink or red bumps, similar to the growing eyes on potatoes. The water will evaporate over time, keeping humidity in the air at all times. It's available in various colors. How to Divide 45 Favorite Perennials A systemic fungicide can help. You can purchase this Rooting Powder in our retail store, The Plant Farm located in Spokane Valley, WA. 6. BBC Gardeners' World Magazine. Cissus discolor Care and Propagation - Rex Begonia Vine But if all the roots are rotten, there isnt anything you can do for the plant. Keep the seeds in temperatures of between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit until they germinate. Begonias are easily propagated at home. The plant needs more light, but not intense light. Unlike other houseplants, bigger plant pots are better. How to Divide Bearded Irises Pin the leaf down so that each cut makes good contact with the seed-starting mix. Fill containers with fine-textured potting mix and moisten it. You should also make sure theres good air circulation near your plant. Begonias shed their lower leaves as they grow older. Indoor begonias thrive in soil-free mediums. Taxonomy browser (Begonia rex) - National Center for Biotechnology Use a sharp knife and divide into as many pieces as you like, as long as each piece has at least one bud on it. Stick the leaf petioles or wedges into the soil, and slip the tray into a plastic bag. He is a professional writer whose articles on plants and horticulture have appeared in national and regional newspapers and magazines. But the air in the plants environment cant be dry. Stick to the plan above, and your bundle of twigs will be restored to its verdant glory in no time. Begonias - University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Use a well diluted balanced plant feed monthly in the spring and summer. This makes them easier to work with because theyre easier to see. You can use a pair of sterilized pruning shears to do this. You could also put your leaf cuttings in an east window as long as the temperature stays consistently warm. This will double the chance of being successful with propagation. Its easy to do, especially when keeping the soil moist. This article has been viewed 38,009 times. Gently tease away some of the soil, and split the horizontal rhizome along with its healthy root systems. Remove the begonia from its container and gently tease the roots apart, position it in the pot and backfill around it. Anthurium Light Tips, How Cold Can Anthurium Tolerate Temperature and Humidity. I mist mine daily and water the soil once a week. Advice on chopping top half do you have to cut where - Reddit Houseplant Help: 5 Tips to Keep Finicky Begonia Rex Alive While begonias are prone to becoming leggy, there is a relatively simple fix that can result in even more begonias! Ensure it bears at least one leaf node. First, let's talk about the best light for Cissus discolor when it is grown as a houseplant year-round. Water Rex begonias require regular water, but be careful not to overwater them. Or pink with silver edges. Expect one or two plants per cut. Examine your begonia growing environment. Find out to divide your rex begonia house plants, in our step-by-step guide. Join our Facebook Group About Houseplants and Gardening, propagate using water as a medium for Begonias, Mars Hydro VG80 Seedling LED Grow Light Review, 11 Worst Signs of Anthurium Root Rot Fix Anthurium Root Rot. Keep your leaf cutting near 70 degrees and give it plenty of humidity. Within minutes youll see plant pests popping up deceased. It suffocates the pests within only minutes. The easiest method to turn one Rex Begonia into two (or more) Rex Begonias is by dividing the . It may seem brutal, but there really isnt much to it. By dividing/propagating plants you can continue to enjoy them throughout the years. Provide 50% humidity. Dip each piece into hormone rooting powder and shake off the excess. Make sure you sterilize the pruning shears with isopropyl alcohol. Step 2 - Prepare the New Location. You may have everything you need at home already. Use a sharp knife and divide into as many pieces as you like, as long as each piece has at least one bud on it. Take a close look at the shape of your begonia first. Bright indirect sunlight, and can tolerate direct sunlight too. Begonia rex 'Putzeys' | The American Begonia Society Begonias: outdoors / RHS Gardening - Royal Horticultural Society How to Divide Perennial Plants - The Spruce