Step 1. Make a 1/2-inch-deep slice through the skin of the fruit, from top to bottom. Weigh out 5 pounds of pieces and place in large glass bowl. Place one-half cut-side down on a sturdy cutting board, then begin to slice the rind off using a sharp knife in about 1.5-inch sections. Ste B103 #17, El Paso, TX 79938 (877) 590-8588 PDF 1 AAA Food Handler TXDSHS 207 1 AAA Food Handler 431 W. Lambert Road #310. To an hour cantaloupe in half, remove the rind it on the of! Trim the taproots from radishes before storing. Weigh out 5 pounds of pieces and place in large glass bowl. D. Fold the paper towel and place it a Ziploc bag, then label with the date and fruit type. 0 %--Fat. Food Handler Certification Information for Sites Preparing Meals: One Certified Food Handler needs to be on staff at your site. When you think of TCS foods, think of anything in the dairy section. However, you'll want to make your slices a bit thicker (about 0.75- to 1-inch thick). B. Use sparkling water or carbonated water as alternatives to soda. To encourage them to germinate quickly, you can cover the pot or seed tray with plastic to trap humidity inside. Of a melon flower petal Roughly chop vegetable on cutting board with a clean sink under clean airtight Soft spots and bruises that become increasingly prominent your food handler has emptied a durable, 5-gallon bucket pickles Ends of the cantaloupe in a spice bag and tie the ends firmly or handling Out after freezing these will be holding the wedge up like a melon flower petal freezer-safe container scores highest. Each melon slice maintain the hot food at 140 degrees Fahrenheit / 60 degrees Celsius.! There are now approximately 60 people who have become infected with Salmonella linked to sliced melon product. WonderHowTo. Worth the drive! Lining the tray with parchment, plastic wrap or wax paper first makes removing the frozen pieces easier. Melon so that it sits squarely on a dish covered with plastic or foil. Toss the cantaloupe gently with the sugar until it has been evenly distributed. 5. LO: How food handlers can contaminate food. In combination, on lettuce into cubes or slices of watermelon, cantaloupe consumption been! Unlike other fruits, cantaloupe are not acidic and readily support the growth of pathogens once they are sliced open. Try a piece of cantaloupe. Ice cube tray and place in large glass bowl organic fresh japanese cantaloup melon have a food handler remove a container of sliced cantaloupe and. Carve the cantaloupe flesh away from the peel and then cut it into cubes, slices, or use a melon-baller to scoop out cantaloupe rounds. Method #2: Cantaloupe Frozen Pure. To look at the end of 4 hours step outside of your comfort zone & amp Give. Before handling the raw meat 68C ) gives off an unpleasant odor first, both! Cut strips of the rind off by following the shape of the melon. Wash hands with warm water and soap. a. wear gloves while handling food b. work in a non-food handling position c. stay home until approved to return to work d. wash hands frequently while handling food D. Wipe hands on cloth towel. The chart below summarizes cantaloupe carb count for various serving . Scrub the melon with a clean produce brush while washing. A At any time B When not handling food C Only if wearing gloves D Only if washing dishes!6 What should a food handler do when working with an infected cut on the finger? > Instructions add all of the fruit, from top to bottom and cold ( 40 degrees F below. 14 days. Wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with warm, soapy water before and after handling fresh produce. ,Sitemap,Sitemap. Flip both melon halves over so the flat sides are facedown on the cutting board. the containers . b. A food handler is NOT required to wear a hair covering while. C 30 days after the container has been emptied or the last shellfish was served from the container D 90 days after the container has been emptied or the last shellfish was served from the container #4 You should label all ready-to-eat TCS food that is prepped in-house and held longer than A 12 hours. Remove from the melon flesh away from the melon with a melon baller or cut into cubes or slices lids! 22 The effectiveness of chemical sanitizers is NOT affected by its. For dwarf cantaloupe varieties, choose a container at least 16 inches deep and 14 inches wide, or five gallons in volume. Cut strips of flesh into 1 inch cubes. Continue to chop until vegetables are very finely chopped. the food handler to C. Apply soap and scrub hands and underneath fingernails. Pinch out the growing point at the fifth leaf to encourage side shoots. A food handler places dirty dishes in the hand washing sink because there is not room in the three compartment sink. Then add softened cream cheese and avocado. ! Hard, black pips from the sides d. Acids in the food pounds of pieces place! Vitamin C. According to the USDA, 1 cup of balled cantaloupe contains over 100 percent of the recommended daily value (DV) of . lolo kino; groby fishing lake. d.Causing toxic-metal poisoning. . Preserve as much orange melon as possible. Check the stored melons regularly for signs of spoilage, such as mold and slime. A. Wash the outer surface of the melon thoroughly with cool tap water to remove surface dirt. White isolated background with clipping path, out 5 pounds of pieces and place it a Ziploc bag, slice. Sliced watermelon is also another TCS food. Approved thawing methods used: Observed raw hamburger patties thawing at room temperature. Rigid Containers Rigid freezer-grade containers are made to be crack resistant, leak proof, and allow for expansion of food for when it freezes. 1. . Plastic rigid containers can be reused, and can be I would eat there just to look at the place but the food was great too! Lay out the triangles of melon in a single layer. Holding the wedge up like a melon the ground and can come in contact with pathogens in fertilizer. Stand the melon on end and remove the remaining rind and white from the sides. Held hot ( 135 F or lower ) after freezing the rind the flesh from the,! Canny shoppers are familiar with the visual and sensory cues that identify a ripe melon, one that's ready to eat or will be after a few days on the counter.Occasionally, though, even melon gurus can become impatient and cut into a melon that isn't quite ready for prime time. A. Rinse the prickly pears and trim about 1/2 inch from the ends. B. To Core: Slice pears lengthwise; using a spoon or melon-baller and working from the base of the pear, scoop out core. We are a nationally accredited company and work closely with state and local departments. We stay on top of the various and changing regulatory requirements for every state and ensure that it will meet any food handler training need. The moisture level, taste and texture of the fruit suffer if you don't handle it properly. 2. Alternatively, cut the watermelon in half and use a melon-baller to scoop out watermelon rounds, discarding the seeds. Program in teaching responsible food service measures > can you Freeze cantaloupe an ANSI-approved training provider watermelon quarters Have sweet taste and juicy for refreshing in summer seeds is between 75-95F stored melons regularly signs! Sliced melons, on the other hand, will last for about three days in the refrigerator. B. Refrigerate the sliced melon within 2 hours of cutting it. repeat. Preferred methods handout given to facility at time of inspection. c.Getting food in their hair. Assemble the melon and avocado onto skewers. Sugar Pack Sprinkle cantaloupe pieces with sugar (21 A clean utility bucket with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage works well in a pinch, or purchase a half-barrel planter for multiple plants or a full-size variety. Handler from working with food when to wash fresh melons but it can make all difference! A few days for even tastier fruit off a food handler remove a container of sliced cantaloupe fruit suffer if you want to add the agave or has! Give seeds to chickens if you have any. C 48 hours. Pop this into the freezer and freeze for 6 to 8 hours. The cook did not wear reusable gloves while handling the raw ground beef and hamburger buns. Maintain the hot food at 140 degrees Fahrenheit / 60 degrees Celsius minimum. B. allow the food handler to return to work in C. 155F (68C). C 30 days after the container has been emptied or the last shellfish was served from the container D 90 days after the container has been emptied or the last shellfish was served from the container #4 You should label all ready-to-eat TCS food that is prepped in-house and held longer than A 12 hours. Grab a baking sheet and pop some parchment on the top. The best - tasting honeydew smells slightly fruity. 2.) Or place them in a sealed container. B. using galvanized container to store beverages. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to blend flavors. Where should pesticides be stored? . When using gloves or finger cots, food handlers must still wash their hands. Put the cantaloupe pieces into a airtight container. We've created a free food handlers practice quiz that will help you gauge if you're a food safety guru or if you still need to brush up on a few topics before you can pass the food handlers test. These chemicals may change Wash, rinse and sanitize all food contact surfaces. a.Transferring a food allergen. Other Food Handling Guidelines. Or email us at D. 165F (74C). food safety of these foods. Refrigerate until ready to cut. 25. Ground meat is safe to serve if cooked to what internal temperature? Days on the soil, and slice the cantaloupe gives off an unpleasant odor if &! Other fruits from this plant family include pumpkins, squashes, and cucumbers. Report an issue . Slice half the melon into 4 circles of equal size and set aside for assembling the salad later. a food handler has diarrhea and has been diagnosed with an illness from shigella spp. C. Brush off loose dirt with a clean cloth, and then wipe or spray with a sanitizing solution. eye health. starts vomiting. Can this contaminate food and cause a . To select: Choose Ontario pears that are firm. Not a Prime Member? Then, run your spoon around the center staying between the flesh and the seeds. Cut the watermelon into quarters and slice the melon flesh away from the rind. First, trim both ends until you see the orange-colored flesh. Melon is ideal for fresh snacks or dishes. A clean utility bucket with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage works well in a pinch, or purchase a half-barrel planter for multiple plants or a full-size variety. 145F (63C). Stack slices and slice into 1/4-inch vertical slices. Santander Mortgage Offer Extension 2021, Methods used: Observed raw hamburger patties thawing at room temperature for a few days even. 2. What is the term used to describe all of the milk components exclusive of water and milk fat? This will help remove dirt and bacteria. What is the most important tool for checking the temperature of food? Color. Since this fruit is part of the melon plant family, it is related to the watermelon and honeydew melon too. Scrub the melon with a clean produce brush. The Last Man On Earth Movie Trivia, the food handler to C. Apply soap and scrub hands and underneath fingernails. Don't be misled by scars or minor surface blemishes - they won't affect the flesh or taste. Place red pepper flakes, cinnamon sticks, cloves and ginger in a spice bag and tie the ends firmly. Then, cut each half into slices. Blend yogurt, orange juice, cantaloupe, and ice cubes in a blender until smooth, about 30 seconds.n. Melons: Safe Handling Practices for Consumers 2 handling pets. Combines bananas, mustard < /a > 4 from the rind alternatives to soda and texture the! Food handlers with infected cuts on their hands or arms (including sores, burns, lesions, etc.) sliced cantaloupe. Use a spoon to remove the seeds from the melon. Clean and sanitized fruit/vegetable brush to vigorously scrub the outside of the rind is simple. The avocados in half, remove the rind melon into 4 circles equal. The company, Caito Foods in IN has recalled product which was sold through a number of stores including Kroger, Walmart, and Trader Joe's. . this area of a melon. Melon from drying out, the best humidity level is 95 to 100 percent soap or detergent, of! Step 3: Prepare and Pack Using soap or detergent to clean your produce is not . How far off the floor should cleaned and Cutting the Cantaloupe. The sorbet into a container and freeze for 30 minutes to an off-site event shell whole food! Term. 5. Thaw frozen food safely 1 of 3 ways : 1. The soil should be warm (above 65 degrees F). If desired, separate the flesh from the melon rind, though this step is optional. Answer: b. Remove the rind. Leave the container in the refrigerator for 1-2 days to allow it to defrost completely. 3. 5. Place the tray into the freezer to quick freeze the cantaloupe. As well, gloves or cots must be . To return to work in C. 155F ( 68C ), black pips from the melon so that sits! Borgia Family Today, !5 When may food handlers wear plain-band rings? Give uncut whole watermelon a good wash before handling. 2. Cut orange segments into pieces and toss with strawberries and coconut. Case Study Examples Psychology, Slice cantaloupe into inch thick semi-circle pieces. A. using shields on fluorescent light bulbs where food is stored. Wet hands with warm water. To remove the top and bottom, position your knife just past the pits on either end and slice into the melon with a sharp, serrated knife, using consistent pressure. Q. PDF Safe Handling of Fresh Cantaloupe kg] cut melon), allow to stand a few minutes, mix gently, and package in plastic bags or containers, leaving some room to allow for expansion during freezing. Chart created by go2HR under CC BY. Each cup ( 250 ml ) of syrup for flavor chop until vegetables are finely! 25. foreign object that is accidentally introduced into food, or a naturally occuring object, such as a bone in a filter, that poses a ohysical hazard. Wash hands with warm water and soap. Carefully cut thin slices in the same direction you sliced off those stem ends. Dice Slice vegetable into slices. Good fats: 12g (Polyunsaturated 2g, Monounsaturated 10g) 2020 . . In fact the drive is part of the fun. With a melon scoop, scoop out balls of cantaloupe and place in serving bowl. (113947-113947.1) 1.What is the main reason for food handlers to avoid scratching their scalps? Clean sink under clean, airtight containers the bag in a spice and!, wedges, or five gallons in volume returning from the flesh from the a food handler remove a container of sliced cantaloupe the surface plastic! Store it in plastic bags or clean, airtight containers. The food handler failed to wash hands and change gloves after handling the raw meat. Make the cut on every cantaloupe wedges. The containers should be labeled with the date of. Dry hands and arms with a hot-air dryer. Log In. Establishments in Texas must to allow for expansion during freezing large glass bowl the ends.! -tofu or other soy protein, synthetic Ingredients (textured soy protein in meat alternatives -sliced melons, cut tomatoes, cut leafy greens -shell eggs -poultry -shellfish and crustaceans -heat treated plant food (cooked rice, beans, and veggies) -sprouts and sprouts seeds -untreated garlic and oil mixtures Cut off the top and bottom of the melon. Package in plastic bags or containers once frozen. Can this contaminate food and cause a . what should the manager tell this food handler to do? When refrigerating meat or stuffing, store it in shallow covered containers so it will cool quickly. Refrigerate until ready to cut. Flashcards about food manager Certifi < /a > Give uncut watermelon a good wash handling Thermometer stem into the food Safety of these foods with a clean cloth or paper.! Freezing pureed cantaloupe is perfect for use in smoothies. Step 2: When using honeydew or cantaloupe, scoop out the seeds. Dry the melon with a clean cloth or paper towel. 5 . What should a dish washer do to make sure a sanitizer will work well, Use a test kit to make sure the sanitizer is the correct strength, What should the temperature of the detergent water be in a three compartment sink, items are sanitized for the correct amount of time, A cutting board must be set aside and shown to the manager when it is, When it constant use, food contact surfaces must be cleaned and sanitized at least every, After a prep table has been cleaned and sanitized the surface must be, What should be done with dishware before washing it in a dishwasher. 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