Have a question about this project? [2019-06-09 00:05:09,997] INFO - * ID 1: GeForce GTX 1070 8192 MB, CC 61 Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. So, try disabling your primary display card from the Cuda stack and see if that helps. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: I tried to downgrade both cclcok and mclock, but both failed still don't understand why. 1 comment ZSRock on Apr 11, 2021 ZSRock closed this as completed on Apr 14, 2021 on May 9, 2021 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub . Core i7-6700 One way to solve it is to reduce the batch size until your code runs without this error. Good luck! Derrepente o minerador STOPA e: CUDA ERROR out of memory Cuda error in cudaprogram.cu:388 Esse erro de paginao dado por. Well occasionally send you account related emails. I used 42.2 windows version, 512.15 driver version. Hope this helps anyone trapped in this situation. Sign in I am not sure why it is saying only 3.30 GB is free, task manager tells me that 3.7 GB of my Dedicated GPU memory is free. Regarding point 1, I use the pretrained bert model to transform the text data (only inference, no training). and click apply changes. [10:31:10] ERROR - Device 0 exception, exit However, at first, it didn't work. [2019-06-09 00:05:10,009] INFO - * ID 2: GeForce GTX 1070 8192 MB, CC 61 [2019-06-09 00:05:10,012] INFO - * ID 5: GeForce GTX 1080 8192 MB, CC 61 When you only perform validation not training, On Dec 2, 2017, 9:34 PM, at 9:34 PM, Mitch ***@***. Followed that post but it looks like its smaller now? Nicehash Miner CUDA error 'out of memory' in func 'cuda_eq_run', https://www.asus.com/us/Tower-PCs/ROG-G20CB/, http://www.x-plane.com/kb/increasing-virtual-memory-on-windows/, https://github.com/nicehash/excavator/issues/78. Virtual memory is a replacement for a physical RAM (random access memory) shortage. I am running 2 x GTX 1060 3GB cards with 4GB ram and am getting this error still need more ram??? Please note that we will fix this issue with the next release. Under the Advanced Tab, there should be a section for 'Performance'. I did it yesterday AUGUST 2 2022 and today is AUGUST 3 2022 and is running wall and no error yet for 24 hours. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. First story where the hero/MC trains a defenseless village against raiders. Why is sending so few tanks to Ukraine considered significant? I have 8gb system ram, but have you tried increasing virtual memory? [image: image.png] [2019-06-09 00:05:16,094] FATAL - Device 0, out of memory. [2019-06-09 00:05:09,986] INFO - * ID 0: GeForce GTX 1070 8192 MB, CC 61 What is the purpose of the `self` parameter? Simply set up a new wallet (for RVN) and then flight sheets . Hey, I used MODS to see what memory errors i have and i got this - - - any idea what is wrong with this gpu ? just found out how to fix this error, simply update your gpu driver to the latest, upgrade gpu driver is useless, at least for me. I keep getting this error as well, in a much detailed fashion : RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. locked at 1380. to your account. CUDA Error illegal memory access was encountered 2,780 views Premiered Feb 13, 2022 23 Dislike Share Save CoineitorTv 5 subscribers Fix Error illegal memory access was encountered,. Im mining with nicehash, i can use Nicehash logs or NBMiner log, Dr_Victor. I just turn mclock down to 800 Elensp, brilliant solution! On Windows 10, you can't with 8GB or less VRAM GPU's because Windows 10 allocates too much VRAM for each GPU. Privacy Policy. Add the following in the Command Line section: --gpu-platform 1. [10:31:02] INFO - Device 0 started, Free mem = 5012 MB. It is the first distributed timestamping system. In my experience, this is an Nvidia driver issue. Do peer-reviewers ignore details in complicated mathematical computations and theorems? privacy statement. Topic: NBMiner v42.2, 100% LHR unlock for ETH mining ! Well occasionally send you account related emails. CUDA error: an illegal memory access was encountered (err_no=77) #905. I can run any 3 cards ( swapping risers and cables ) Doesn't matter. I am using with my 1060s. = 80000MB + 1000MB for the system = 82000 MB should work perfectly ! GPU0: CUDA memory: 4.00 GB total, 3.30 GB free GPU0 initMiner error: out of memory I am not sure why it is saying only 3.30 GB is free, task manager tells me that 3.7 GB of my Dedicated GPU memory is free. privacy statement. This answer makes it clear that the only way to get around this issue in this case is to restart the kernel. CUDA error: an illegal memory access was encountered (err_no=77), https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AEYK4YPIB4LYAOASGIXLFALVNXA43ANCNFSM5X57GO4A, https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases. Hashrate obviously decreased around 3-5mh but efficiency is Additionally, it shows GPU memory at 0.4/11.7 GB, and Shared GPU memory at 0/7.7 GB as shown in the image below. The fix was drastically reducing mclock, I was at 1300/1100 and settled on 800mhz. Indicates that either your video card does not have enough memory to mine this coin, or that you need to increase virtual memory. increasing virtual memory? During training this code with ray tune (1 gpu for 1 trial), after few hours of training (about 20 trials) CUDA out of memory error occurred from GPU:0,1. On Dec 3, 2017, 7:30 AM, at 7:30 AM, Mitch ***@***. Support for mining on Windows and Linux. [2019-06-09 00:05:10,013] INFO - * ID 6: GeForce GTX 1070 8192 MB, CC 61 BTW no OC, just standard install updated nvidia drivers, windows10 drivers, mob drivers OC setting just might be too high as well. You can mine Cuckatoo31 with 8GB GPU's on Windows 7 or Linux. Hey, i'm using nicehash miner with Win 10 pro 64bit. I just turn mclock down to 800 and don't set limit for cclock, it works fine. I just had this same issue and went to google for help but everyone was just on about the VM and i didn't think it could have been that. {NBminer 42.2} {Nvidia Game Driver 512.59} (3060 Ti LHR rig) . Advertised sites are not endorsed by the Bitcoin Forum. Gonna run it for a few hours and see what happens. [05:34:39] ERROR - Device 0 exception, exit NBminer then tried to reboot itself and logged this before my pc crashed and rebooted: [05:35:01] ERROR - CUDA Error: out of memory (err_no=2). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know but I suspect the cuda drivers generate the DAG in real memory for all cards then move it into the GPU's memory. ?? Also maybe tensors, which were used during the training are still active and then you are creating even more during the validation. 6 comments . . Open gh957997 opened this issue Jun 6 . should be 13950 and 30300 it can accumulate gradient continuously in your gradient graph. I'm using Beta. ***> wrote: So its necessary to change the cryptocurrency, for example choose the Raven coin. Windows 10 Pro 1803 PhoenixMiner and Claymore's Dual Ethereum also reported memory allocation issues in cuda. Getting "RuntimeError: CUDA error: out of memory" when memory is free. If you use += operator in your code, Name: GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT I have been mining with my pc (RTX 3070 non LHR) for abut a week now and got an error this morning. privacy statement. I have found myself in the similar situation that people have above. ***> wrote: [2019-06-09 00:05:09,232] INFO - | 23.2 | I will try --gpu-reset if the problem occurs again. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Afinal, ningum quer deixar de ganhar dinheiro no mesmo? How do you correspond versions of cuda and pytorch? 120 GB SSD Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to read. The same network is used for training and validation. How were Acorn Archimedes used outside education? Note that if the cards have cards with different amounts of vRAM, blender will only use as much vRAM as the smallest of the cards. Sign in I actually figure it out myself last night. Resolving CUDA Being Out of Memory With Gradient Accumulation and AMP | by Rishik C. Mourya | Towards Data Science Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: You signed in with another tab or window. ***> wrote: increasing virtual memory? By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and around the same so nothing too dramatic. Some algorithms require more memory for mining (for example the . Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. Do you reduce the batch size? https://mitchs.tech/i/188374.png I upgraded from 5 * 1060 6gb rig to a 6 *1060 6gb ie added 1 more GPU. You signed in with another tab or window. Sent from Blue . The network would not be destroyed. There's a error stated CUDA out of memory, what does this mean ? Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. <. A reboot has always solved the issue for me, but there are times when a reboot is not possible. After that, the miner will need to re-allocate the memory again. The best way is to find the process engaging gpu memory and kill it: I had the same issue and this code worked for me : It might be for a number of reasons that I try to report in the following list: In addition, I would recommend you to have a look to the official PyTorch documentation: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/notes/faq.html. No, it's 10GB GPU GDDR menory required, not system DDR memory. Name: GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS I also found that if I load nb miner with the stock gpu settings, wait for it to verify, then enable my overclock. Would Marx consider salary workers to be members of the proleteriat? In fact, thinking about it, I'd probably recommend rebooting first, then using just num_workers=0 (which is necessary under Windows). The core never went above 55C during any of my mining sessions and I was getting 62-63MH/s. This is likely what you are seeing. The settings I was running were: -350 core, +1200 mem, pwr limit 54% (129 watts), and 70% fan speed. https://mitchs.tech/i/1884ab.png. nvdia driver : 457.51, [20:06:40] INFO - *| 2| 4| 75| 6144M| 30| GDDR6| Samsung| GeForce RTX 2060. Thank you " Duracoin ". I currently have a 6x 1070 Asus Turbo that was setup with Nicehash and made a few changes by changing the VM to 16GB and also adding the following environmental variables: Name: GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR After doing so it seems to have fixed the issue, or so I thought. They may be unsafe, untrustworthy, or illegal in your jurisdiction. @Blade, the answer to your question won't be static. Haven't tried setting a single algo yet to test. 4GB RAM and 8X GTX 1080ti? I successfully trained the network but got this error during validation: The error occurs because you ran out of memory on your GPU. 6x gtx 1070 CUDA Error in CudaProgram.cu:465 : an illegal memory access was encountered (700) - Nvidia Cards - Forum and Knowledge Base A place where you can find answers to your questions | Hive OS CUDA Error in CudaProgram.cu:465 : an illegal memory access was encountered (700) Nvidia Cards phoenixminer mladenciric February 2, 2021, 11:54am #1 GeForce driver version 388.13 I tried it, I reduce the batch size to 8,but it also has the same error. @nebutech-admin I have the same problem, I have 16GB RAM, using Ethash/ETH. Im still very new to GPU mining this is my first rig, 2021.03.31:03:28:37.894: GPU1 GPU1: Allocating DAG (4.17) GB; good for epoch up to#406, 2021.03.31:03:28:37.894: GPU1 CUDA error in CudaProgram.cu:388 : out of memory (2), 2021.03.31:03:28:37.895: GPU1 GPU1: CUDA memory: 5.94 GB total, 1.65 GB free, 2021.03.31:03:28:37.895: GPU1 GPU1 initMiner error: out of memory. Importance of graphic card Memory & its DDR speed. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Really!!!! In that case, you need to use float() like following site If the model is used for validation, you can try using 'torch.no_grad()'. error still need more ram??? Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. All you have to do is customize your cfg file that suits your computer.Turns out my computer takes image size below 600 X 600 and when I adjusted the same in config file, the program ran smoothly.Picture Describing my cfg file. NBMiner i head the same issue, what i did is uninstall the new nvidia driver and installed the old nvidia driver 512.95 Release date Tue May 24 2022. Well occasionally send you account related emails. CUDA ERROR: OUT OF MEMORY (ERR_NO=2) - One of the most common errors. [10:31:11] ERROR - Code: -1073740791, Reason: Process crashed . Hashrate obviously decreased around 3-5mh but efficiency is around the same so nothing too dramatic. I had it set to 16000mb but it needed more. My specs: Windows 10 Pro 1803 8GB RAM 120 GB SSD 6x gtx 1070 1xgtx 1080. virtual memory: 57344 MB (7x8192) Tried with more virtual memory (up to 75GB) everytime i got Out of Memory (without OC). Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. 800mhz. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: What version of windows? This can fail and raise the CUDA_OUT_OF_MEMORY warnings. Additionally, it shows GPU memory at 0.4/11.7 GB, and Shared GPU memory at 0/7.7 GB as shown in the image below. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. [2019-06-09 00:05:09,232] INFO - | NVIDIA GPU Miner | Two parallel diagonal lines on a Schengen passport stamp, Background checks for UK/US government research jobs, and mental health difficulties. I then looked at all my cards and thought i'll get rid of any OC settings on afterburner and it worked fine. OS can not handle the virtual memory because there is no left of it. If you are trying to mine Cuckatoo it's a very VRAM intensive algorithm. Sign in Hi, i'm using RTX 3080 10G, the card has this problem is a new card running in +memory 700 for just 2 days, once shut down the computer and restart then this occurred, could you please help me? Tried to allocate 978.00 MiB (GPU 0; 15.90 GiB total capacity; 14.22 GiB already allocated; 167.88 MiB free; 14.99 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) I searched for hours trying to find the best way to resolve this. 2. go back to Version of NHM2 (I had to this on one machine, don't remember why), add a 0 to both your values and click apply changes. Privacy Policy. [2019-06-09 00:05:13,616] INFO - API server started. Cuda error, Low hash General burizone July 31, 2021, 4:31pm #1 Hello, i started mining some days ago, and my rig keep getting some random erros and sometimes it dosnt restart ( like today, i went to sleep i lost the night farming =/ ) I already tried to lower my overclock but the erro still. In Fast AI part 2 lecture 9A of course I get the Cuda Out of Memory Error in PyTorch, CUDA out of memory despite available memory, RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Solution is to set pci slots to gen1 in bios and also set virtual memery in windows performance settings to the following: min:4000 max:45000. after this it works fine. After i download the NVIDIA PROFILE INSPECTOR [] . You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Have not seeing it do it on any other algo. 16 gigs system memory Already on GitHub? The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: shouldn't be since all my 1660s are working fine, same problem on windows2060 6gb all out of memory. In algorithms for matrix multiplication (eg Strassen), why do we say n is equal to the number of rows and not the number of elements in both matrices? https://www.asus.com/us/Tower-PCs/ROG-G20CB/. Memory leak when using NiceHash QuickMiner A memory leak occurs when OCtune calls for the above method. NVM, seems I found the issue listed here, if issue is related with neoscrypt: https://github.com/nicehash/excavator/issues/78, i had the same issue with a 6 card rig. (These are my personal cards may [10:31:11] ERROR - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! overnight and gpus reset to default settings. My Rig is build with 4GB RAM and 8x GTX1080ti. Free coins for registering. [2019-06-09 00:05:09,232] INFO - | NBMiner | Value: 100 Reason: Process crashed Restart miner after 10 secs . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. [10:31:00] INFO - API server started. and don't set limit for cclock, it works fine. to your account. Name: GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT In mining, virtual memory is required to substitute physical RAM when spikes of workload happen. CUDA ERROR =30 nbminer 2 28 28 comments Best Add a Comment bosskaggs 1 yr. ago Temperature a bit higher than it should be IMO. How do I make a flat list out of a list of lists? I've sat and watched it run for ages to catch an error. 4x 3070 if you have more cards keep increasing virtual memory untill it is stable. -- Turn off any OC you might be running, minus the fan speed, and see if it still happens. GPU Memory Clock stuck at max while at idle. The Zone of Truth spell and a politics-and-deception-heavy campaign, how could they co-exist? Till then we suggest you disable NeoScrypt in your miner. Already on GitHub? After download the nvidia profile inspector open and go to COMMON 5 and change the following ( CUDA-FORCE P2 STATE to OFF) ( POWER MANAGEMENT MODE to PREFER MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE) [10:31:11] ERROR - Restart miner after 10 secs LadyJoanna ***@***. And then I increase mclock I have identical set up to OP and getting the same issue using both the latest NH and NHML. CUDA 9.0.176. [2019-06-09 00:05:09,232] INFO - URL: stratum+tcp://grin.sparkpool.com:6667 ago I ended up lowering my mem overclock -50mhz. Managed Miner: Open the Properties of the miner, go to the Command Line section and enter the following: --gpu-platform 1. RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. maybe exists a log option to log only cuda crashes? I adjusted the virtual Memory already.. but will double check & report back. [10:31:10] ERROR - CUDA Error: out of memory (err_no=2) How to solve this question "RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory."? CUDA error 'out of memory' in func 'cuda_neoscryp::int' (Windows10) 26,482 views Mar 21, 2021 #cudaerror #VirtualmemoryCryptocurrency #bitcoin #mining. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. computational power, only transactions sent by the attacker could be But then, I decided to reboot (always a good idea with Windows), and after that, it took a while, but ran successfully. And even after terminated the training process, the GPUS still give out of memory error. I always refer to the unaccepted answer of this question written by Comzyh when performing the driver cycle. I did it yesterday AUGUST 2 2022 and today is AUGUST 3 2022 and is running wall and no error yet for 24 hours. It works fine on another system I have with a GTX1080 and a GTX1060. Go to Settings > System > About > Advanced System Settings (Under Related Settings) You should see a window called "System Properties". [10:31:10] INFO - Device 0: DAG - Building, EPOCH 499 Is now working with 24000MB swap. I tried this: Pytorch install link. I am trying to mine DaggerHashimoto on a GTX 1050ti graphics card, but I get the following error when I start mining: GPU0: Allocating DAG (3.44) GB; good for epoch up to #312, CUDA error in CudaProgram.cu:373 : out of memory (2), GPU0: CUDA memory: 4.00 GB total, 3.30 GB free. Site load takes 30 minutes after deploying DLL into local instance. Michael MOLPRO: is there an analogue of the Gaussian FCHK file? https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases GTX 1080 with 8 GiB video RAM good if running on collab and need to reset GPU memory. (These are my personal cards may not be the same for yours), Notes: {NBminer 42.2} {Nvidia Game Driver 512.59} (3060 Ti LHR rig). 2x 3080 Same issue here as well with over the past couple of days with beta. For example if eres is set to 2 the mining software will allocate the memory enough for mining this epoch, and the next two epochs. You signed in with another tab or window. After i download the NVIDIA PROFILE INSPECTOR [] . Advertised sites are not endorsed by the Bitcoin Forum. Already have an account? what does 're-install your Pytorch according to your CUDA version' mean? Topic: NBMiner v42.2, 100% LHR unlock for ETH mining ! Every 18 hours on average, the miner launches this error mentioned in this post and then restarts. Rishik C. Mourya 44 Followers EDIT: SOLVED - it was a number of workers problems, solved it by . [2019-06-09 00:05:13,615] INFO - API: So everybody, you should set minimum Windows Virtual memory swap according summ memory of your GPU's. 1. make sure you have the latest Nvidia drivers it will run 3 cards .. no prob. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I am running 2 x GTX 1060 3GB cards with 4GB ram and am getting this [2019-06-09 00:05:10,013] INFO - ============================================== Topic: CUDA Error: out of memory (err_no=2); 1RX580/2xGTX1660 (Read 109 times) Bitcoin mining is now a specialized and very risky industry, just like gold mining. Value: 100 Repeat until no Nvidia kernel modules are loaded. LM317 voltage regulator to replace AA battery. everytime i got Out of Memory (without OC). Thanks for your help! Sent from Blue . [05:34:39] ERROR - CUDA Error: unknown error (err_no=30). Bitcoin Forum: January 16, 2023, 06:18:03 PM : Welcome, Guest. For more information, please see our Notes: {NBminer 42.2} {Nvidia Game Driver 512.59} (3060 Ti LHR rig) 8GB RAM [2019-06-09 00:05:13,112] INFO - cuckatoo - Logging in to grin.sparkpool.com:6667 Reason: Process crashed I have same issue with and its costing me several hours of mining approx every 24 - 36hours until I can restart it. New issue for me today everything was fine for months, hashrates declined overnight and gpus reset to default settings. I'm guessing my mem overclock of is a bit to high. DIsable Neo, https://mitchs.tech/i/2073cd.gif. [2019-06-09 00:05:09,985] INFO - ============= Device Information ============= (Read 52140 times) I have problem with Bytom mining performance. Fortunately, it seems like the issue is not happening after upgrading pytorch version to 1.9.1+cu111. https://mitchs.tech/i/188623.png Cockatoo algorithm requires 10gb gpu memory on win10. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I'm still very new to GPU mining this is my first rig Below are the error message: 2021.03.31:03:28:37.894: GPU1 GPU1: Allocating DAG (4.17) GB; good for epoch up to #406 2021.03.31:03:28:37.894: GPU1 CUDA error in CudaProgram.cu:388 : out of memory (2) [2019-06-09 00:05:09,232] INFO - ALGO: cuckatoo Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Managed Profit Miner: Right click on the miner and select "Edit Profit profile". You must log in or register to reply here. Please login . https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases Not the answer you're looking for? (Read 52063 times) The block chain is the main innovation of Bitcoin. System: HiveOS But, can we use this code in our local machines too? Why is there no error in training, and it happens when validation? Thank you for understanding. If so, no, a program will not fix it. You can solve this problem by disabling Device Status Monitoring and Device Power Mode settings in the NiceHash Miner Advanced settings tab. I just struck this error. A memory leak occurs when NiceHash Miner calls for the above nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage . to your account. I actually figure it out myself last night. Mining program unexpected exit. Jr . and our On Dec 2, 2017, 6:59 PM, at 6:59 PM, Mitch ***@***. Now I changed 2 cards and have 2x2080 and 2x1080Ti in the same rig. How to pass duration to lilypond function. I bought my 2nd GTX 1660 today, connected it and when I started it for mining I got this error: Even in the event that an attacker gains more than 50% of the network's Why? DAG stands for Directed Acyclic Graph and without going into too many details, it is a crucial file in ETH and ETC mining. And now im facing the same issue .. i even cant mine ETC on my GTX 1060 6GB. Seems that when it runs neoscrypt is where it crashes and restarts the miner. Is every feature of the universe logically necessary? CUDA ERROR: OUT OF MEMORY (ERR_NO=2) - One of the . somaton. For example, if your system has 8GB of RAM and you have 6x RX 580 4GB cards, you will be only able to use 2 of these cards. If someone arrives here because of fast.ai, the batch size of a loader such as ImageDataLoaders can be controlled via bs=N where N is the size of the batch. DAG file has to be "loaded" into your GPU memory while mining. The card worked fine until we pushed the an HiveOS update. In that case, you need to use float () like following site Disconnect of the GPUs and risers, leave the other connected, and start mining. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Hasn't the difficulty factor of many crypto currencies made 4GB cards unusable? It helps me!!! You signed in with another tab or window. When will it be fixed please? By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and not be the same for yours) My rig used to mine with 4x1080Ti. For example for 6 x GTX 1080 Ti -> 11GB * 6 pcs. ***> 202266 05:35, New issue for me today everything was fine for months, hashrates declined [2019-06-09 00:05:13,857] INFO - cuckatoo - New job from grin.sparkpool.com, ID: 31473003, DIFF: 1.00 A very VRAM intensive algorithm last night more GPU cryptocurrency, for example choose Raven... A section for & # x27 ; is running wall and no error for... + 1000MB for the system = 82000 MB should work perfectly 100 until. Of days with beta still active and then flight sheets when performing the driver cycle and. Today is AUGUST 3 2022 and is running wall and no error yet for 24 hours members of Gaussian. It shows GPU cuda error out of memory mining nbminer at 0.4/11.7 GB, and see if it happens. ] for 6 x GTX 1080 Ti - > 11GB * 6 pcs 3 cards.. no prob Process... 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