Will you be passive or active? Please use the document number (499) to identify the guidance you are requesting. Labeling people by a characteristic ignores other important dimensions of their identities and reduces people to labels, robbing them of personhood. Risk: The manner in which this device is being used for this indication for use is a significant change in the standard of care for treatment of localized prostate cancer. Avoid technical jargon so that you do not confuse or intimidate your audience. Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast Region. 2 Please note that the addition of a specific use to a device may result in a product that is considered a combination product or otherwise requires input from other FDA Centers as presented in the intercenter agreements effective October 31, 1991. Writing Letters of Recommendation for Students, Business Writing for Administrative and Clerical Staff. For example, the words foreign, ethnic, and exotic mean different things depending on who you are; it is generally better to be specific. The description avoids the use of abbreviations such as Sept. to ensure proper reading by screen readers. Mentioning personal information signals to the audience that there is a reason for doing sothat the information gives necessary background, for example. We want a productive, happy and agile community that can welcome new ideas in a complex field, improve every process every year, and foster collaboration between groups with very different needs, interests and skills. Keeping an eye on concision in particular while rereading and revising can allow you to find areas that are repetitive or wordy. << Previous section: Introduction | Main Table of Contents | Next section: Specific Guidelines >>, Return to main table of contents | Return to top of page | Next, Return to main table of contents | Return to top of page | next, << Return to main table of contents | Return to top of page | Next (Specific Guidelines) >>. This question will not be directly addressed in this document. It should also be noted that the agency has received previous Congressional guidance which bears directly on the issue of substantial equivalence in the Report of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce on the Medical Device Amendments of 1976 (Senate Report): The committee believes that the term, substantial equivalence, should be construed narrowly where necessary to assure the safety and effectiveness of a device but not narrowly where differences between a new device and a marketed device do not relate to safety and effectiveness. This photograph and caption are from a fifth grade science textbook in a section about our solar system. General indication for use-Skin resurfacing, Specific indication for use- Wrinkle removal. All written comments should be identified with this document's docket number: FDA-2020-D-0957. Consider specific guidelines for your audience. When people of a marginalized group choose their own names and terms, they reclaim some amount of power. Thankfully, they structure the guidelines into a set of links from a Guidelines home page. The accompanying caption provides sufficient information about the photograph, so readers should be directed to the existing text. There are a number of reasons medical device manufacturers may seek to add a specific indication for use to a general use of a legally marketed predicate device. If theyd cover it on TV news, its probably off-topic. That said, were also here to make parents lives easier, so where necessary, we will use our discretion to delete posts (or ban posters) if it seems to us that doing so is in keeping with this aim. Theories about why diverse teams are more effective include that they are more fact focused and innovative, particularly when a group commits to diversity and recognizes the challenges that it poses. It is a way for the writer to connect with . You should also avoid being too casual with new or unfamiliar audiences. enable you to manage abuse and problems effectively, explain to members how to flag content or members in violation, Inflammatory (flaming or stirring up controversy), remove a piece of content, comment or post. It may be via the "Create site" link on the SharePoint start page or you may have a unique provisioning process for your organization. Organizations predicated on preventing or treating obesity, a medicalized term for higher-weight people, advocate for person-first language using the term obesity or overweight. But fat activists oppose this wording. The National Center on Disability and Journalisms Disability Language Style Guide recommends, If the source is not available or unable to communicate, ask a trusted family member, advocate, medical professional or relevant organization that represents people with disabilities. But its essential to ensure the organization truly advocates for the people youre writing about. do not bump posts because that actually prevents a topic from being noticed by volunteers). are required to send scanned copy (PDF/JPG Format) of the relevant Board Resolution/ Authority letter etc. The following are examples of sentences rewritten to emphasize a more positive and courteous tone: In both of these examples, the statement has been rewritten to be less critical of the reader. This website collects and publishes the ideas of individuals who have contributed those ideas in their capacities as faculty-mentored student scholars. In a volunteering context, acknowledge their contributions. Consider doing the same if your community guidelines are very long. 1.2 These guidelines apply to the use of the term halal and equivalent terms in claims as defined in the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods and include its use in trade marks, brand names and business names. So they should be. Give a brief overview of the picture, i.e., a basic illustration with an embedded graph, and then provide the detail. Privacy policy. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. Methods used to assess other laser applications do not apply. The fewer words you use, the less likely you will lose your audience's attention. Descriptions for the same image may differ vastly depending on context. Public health impact- Because breast cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in US women, any change in the management paradigm for suspicious lesions may have a profound impact on public health. And even familiar audiences should still be written to with a respectful, positive tone. The removal of large quantities of body fat raised questions of safety and effectiveness not posed by the labeling of pre-Amendments aspirators, e.g., possible metabolic changes, and permanent bagging of the skin resulting when the fat removed from the area exceed the ability of the skin to contract. Begin with the things you want to encourage your community to do emphasizing the behaviors you want to see. Sample text: The caption and text describes the image and the inset text, so Description 1 is a good fit. Outline your moderation philosophy at the top of your community guidelines document. The articles in this resource reflect national clinical practice guidelines and are free of racial, gender, or other bias. Its important that the community knows you dont do this lightly nor are you trying to silence certain voices and not others. Although this appears as a single image in the book, it is actually two separate images. In the graph there are numbers in parentheses that are not explained in the caption or the surrounding text. The MumsNet community guidelines are very well-written, clear and easy-to-understand. Professional writing should always be clear and easy to read and follow. Use vocabulary and phrases appropriate for the reader. These criteria should be evaluated in connection with the Levels of Specificity4described earlier in this document. Sample 1 Based on 1 documents Examples of General Guidelines in a sentence General Guidelines for shareholders1 Institutional shareholders (i.e. 2. For the purpose of this guidance, the definitions for "general to specific" and "level of specificity" listed below are used. Let your site owners know when their site will expire, how they will be notified, what will happen and what they need to do to extend their site. This guidance does not offer a bright line rule to answer these questions. Sample text: 5. The criteria that follow are provided as guidance on the Agencys decision-making process for determining substantial equivalence or non-equivalence for general/specific uses. Risk: The risks related to ablation of the entire endometrial lining as well as a portion of the myometrium under ultrasound guidance are far greater than ablating isolated lesions of the cervix and other, more circumscribed, gynecologic abnormalities. 1. Rather, these criteria should be seen as important contributing factors, which, when used appropriately, can help the agency consistently arrive at reasonable regulatory decisions that relate to the safety and effectiveness of medical devices. You may also send an e-mail request to CDRH-Guidance@fda.hhs.gov to receive a copy of the guidance. A map highlighting various regions of Kentucky shows 3 photos of different regions. 39.1 Every tenderer must quote strictly in accordance with the conditions and specifications prescribed by MRPL. Office of Device Evaluation. The most important information is that which your audience will be most interested. Poet and screen readers will discover these as separate images (often times separated by text and other images). Public health impact- A device intended to predict stroke has a far greater public health impact than a device intended to identify a Factor VII deficiency both in terms of the individual and the public at large. Know your target reader (e.g. Insets 1a. Collaboration is vital because no one person can realistically assume all perspectives when writing or editing. Dont omit uncomfortable or controversial content, such as images associated with politics, religion, or sex. While this image is very colorful, describing the color of the orbiting paths for example would be excessive and not necessary for understanding the concept of orbital paths. Their use of the first person for each guideline emphasizes the fact that each person must take a personal responsibility (almost like making a pledge) to be a good community member. But in a piece about the experiences of Black scientists, it may be appropriate to note that someone is Black. Purdue OWL is a registered trademark. List text in legend that corresponds to picture on map. Copyright 2022 by The On-Campus Writing Lab& The OWL at Purdueand Purdue University. If so, the image is a critical part of the learning concept and should be described as thoroughly as possible. When asking for someones help in an employment or workplace context, recognize their contribution and fairly compensate them for the value added. Seattle Times Diversity and Inclusion Task Force. See also Recognize the diversity of Indigenous peoples.. Sometimes the identification of a specific intended use is the result of the evolution of medical practice once a device is marketed. See Description 1. At the same time, do not make assumptions about peoples characteristics. Never use a dash to indicate a stutter. They should not be ignored in the description. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind FDA or the public. Videos of pratfalls or disasters, or cute animal pictures. It appears in a book about national parks in the United States. Alternatively, a new competing device may enter the market with a specific claim resulting in a potential loss of market share for the device without that claim. Layout and Formatting 2a. After hearing about the violent storm in the text that precedes the image, the use of peeking to describe the blue sky creates the right tone. If the surrounding text does not contain the inset text, use Description 2. Asking a colleague or friend to look at a piece of your writing before sending it out may also benefit your writing, especially when you are working in a new or unfamiliar genre. Knowledge base- A significant body of knowledge is available regarding the use of this test in different age groups. Risk: The specific indication for use adds no significant risk to the general indication for use. (Normal is subjective and demeaning when used as a contrast to people with a disease, disorder, or other health condition.). Risks: The safety and effectiveness of the device are related to size, shape, flexibility, and biocompatibility for both sets of indications. Less important details may include background information about the meeting (who called it, the decisions that went into deciding the time and place, who is included, et cetera). The inset text may not need to be called out separately but can be incorporated seamlessly into the description. Researchers created a sensor about the size of a bottle cap. Use a bulleted list if there are many pieces of information. Tone is the way in which something is said and the effect it hopes to produce. By focusing on the positive, you provide a more consistently professional tone in your communication. When writing about someones race, ethnicity, gender identity, health, age, or other characteristic, ask how they would like to be described. Xenophobic rhetoric and scapegoating of Asian communities, including Muslim and Sikh communities, can make us more vulnerable to gun violence (Everytown for Gun Safety, May 28, 2021). Writing, editing, and communicating information are inherently interpersonal activities. A short paragraph at the top of your community guidelines can help to explain your involvement and why you are taking the approach that you are taking. [enter your IT/productivity service org] administers the Microsoft 365 service your site is built on. 2. Conversely, when does a specific indication for use become a new intended use that requires submission of a PMA to establish the safety and effectiveness of the device? Does your organization set site expirations automatically or with a managed process? When you set up your site, it's important to select the appropriate site classification level. In contrast, naming smaller, specific groups can be powerful, especially when those groups feel invisible. Search for FDA Guidance Documents, Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts, Search General and Cross-Cutting Topics Guidance Documents, General/Specific Intended Use - Guidance for Industry, Identification or measurement of a physical parameter (e.g., image, heart rate) or biochemical parameter (e.g., analyte), Identification of a new or specific target population (e.g., women, children of a certain age range) or anatomical location (e.g., MR of the brain), Identification of the clinical use of the measurement (e.g., diagnosis, screening), Identification of or implication of an effect on the clinical outcome (e.g.,screening mammography reduces breast cancer mortality), Identification of tissue type (e.g., soft tissues), Identification of an organ system (e.g., GI tract ) or, Identification of a particular disease entity (e.g., resection of hepatic metastases) or target population, Identification of an effect on clinical outcome (e.g., use of medical device improves the rate of durable complete remissions with chemotherapy). Do not repeat information. Is it part of an assessment or activity? When its not possible to ask an individual or group, use the language recommended by organizations that advocate for the identity youre trying to describe. In either situation, review of the 510(k) submission is how the agencys experts determine whether the device is substantially equivalent (SE) to the predicate device to which it is being compared. Use Simple . But otherwise, you should trust your audience enough to assume they only need to be told something once. pencil icon represents a writing exercise, headphone icon represents a listening exercise), highlight the functional role to facilitate navigation. Check spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Instead, use adjectives with nouns. Does your organization allow custom scripts and add-ins? Two specific examples may help us to understand the need to address the general/specific use issue. But use caution when choosing the organization to use as a source; avoid choosing ones that arent led by people they aim to serve. If surrounding text and captions contain the inset text, describe the picture only. General Guidelines Use the appropriate Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) based on code descriptor. Provide information on the way your organization has set up sharing. If the group of people on a project is not diverse, add people with different experiences or identities than those represented on the project team, and give all members real power and support. In order to keep your audiences attention and focus, only give information once. Generally, its better to use a plural noun for large groups in which the individuals do not have personal connections to one another. A second example, cited in Blue Book Memorandum #K86-3, relates to powered suction-aspiration devices, which were initially cleared to remove tissue and fluid from the body during surgery. Dont be that guy line. However, when we discover you stepping across any of the lines listed below, we will take action, which may mean deleting your account with or without warning. If you have modified the settings from the defaults, you can tell your site owners what the sharing settings are for your organization, including for external sharing. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions of fair use. Instead, direct readers to existing descriptions, when available (e.g. When it is necessary to discuss a large group, it is important to use language that recognizes the diversity within the group. This is a more technical point, but you shouldnt tell Google or other search engines to not index your community guidelines (ditto for your privacy policy and/or terms of service). For example, rather than using the word chairman, use chairperson in order to avoid gendered titles. While the description is an incomplete sentence, it is clear and brief, which ultimately benefits the student. See also How to mention weight.. The Center for Disability Rights Disability Writing & Journalism Guidelines explains, Just because an organization claims to represent disabled people, that does not mean disabled people are actually included. In addition, Just because an organization is run by disabled people does not mean that accurately represents the Disability Community, either. A similar problem occurs in language on body size. For example, June through September is not summer for the entire world, so it may be clearer to use months instead of seasons when referring to a time period. Learning to be a concise writer takes time and practice, but there are some general rules you can follow: 1. Specific uses that ordinarily fall within a general use for the purpose of determining that the device with the specific indication for use is substantially equivalent to the general use device include: Specific indications for use that ordinarily fall outside a general use for the purpose of determining substantial equivalence include: The following are examples of Agency determinations with respect to 510(k) submissions made for purposes of establishing the substantial equivalence of a new device labeled with the specific indication for use to the legally marketed device labeled for the general use. Start with positive. With spoken dialogue do not transcribe verbal tics (like habitual mm-hms) that interrupt the primary speaker's sentence. Include them but do not guess at or assume their meaning. captions). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Rockville, MD 20852. Knowledge base: As opposed to other gynecologic applications of cryosurgery, which are widely reported in current published literature, the scant supporting literature for this indication for use dates back 2-3 decades and reports preliminary investigations or is anecdotal in nature. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . His goal with the research was to help people with the disease be pain-free, he says. age, culture, subject-matter expertise). Clarity and brevity are the key here. Handle equipment with care and make sure it does not bump on hard surfaces. This illustration is used at the beginning of the section to introduce the topic. Their guidelines refer to this when they say things like We gather opinions, data and commitments from concerned parties before taking a decision and consensus is elusive. He says terms, they reclaim some amount of power voices and not others Authority letter etc they need. 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