WE ARE. Luxottica University offers hundreds of courses for employees and wholesale customers. top: 0; #block-seemore .cta-seemore { Crteil, If you wish to be notified every time we post a new story on our website please click here, People, the real driving force of Luxottica, The responsible management of the supply chain, Responsible Management of environmental topics, Procedure for related parties transactions, Procedure for the management of the Inside Information, Luxottica University: digital training that puts people first. Conoce logo Leonardo, la nueva plataforma de aprendizaje Leonardo Del Vecchio Founder, Executive Chairman, Chief Luxottica and Essilor merger: How Leonardo Del Vecchio Alessandra Senici's Email & Phone Number - RocketReach, Italy's Luxottica trials workers' tag to fight coronavirus | Reuters, University Luxottica Com Iniciar Sesion - Accede a tu cuenta. 4 0 11. position: absolute; Log in to your world class Concur solution here and begin managing business travel and expenses. [CDATA[/* >