In the course of this presentation, actual questions and/or answers may be discerned by the celebrities." So she let it out, and I went as the Hindenburg. "They just come out of me. Peter Marshall: Dennis Weaver, Debbie Reynolds, and Shelley Winters star in the movie "What's The Matter With Helen?" Contact lenses? Peter Marshall: Let me explain what that means Peter Marshall: You're in an airplane and you've developed engine trouble. Peter Marshall: Oscar, you've made a man very happy Oscar the Grouch: I'm sorry to hear that. Peter Marshall: Oscar, aren't you proud again? Hello, stars! Peter Marshall: According to a recent medical study, sex can be harmful to a certain part of the body. [Cox was voice of Underdog for the duration of the cartoon's airings]. Six can hurt a body? PM: Charley, If you're going to make a parachute jump, at least how high should you be? Classic TV Shows . | About Us Peter Marshall: Is there anything in or on your body that was there the day you were born? Peter Marshall: Why is the booby bird called the booby bird? - Viewer (Whoever's watching also said by the late Bob Monkhouse from the British version of Hollywood Squares as Celebrity Squares), "Put an X/a circle 'O' (up/down/over) there!" Six can hurt a body? To see the many zingers from the celebrities appearing on Squares, click here. You Might Like. Paul Lynde had been a regular panelist on Hollywood Squares since 1966, as he was a popular character actor at the time, perhaps best known at the time for a series of appearances on the TV show, Bewitched, as Uncle Arthur, Samantha Stephens' warlock uncle, but as Hollywood Squares host Peter Marshall later recalled, "A writer on the show, Bill Armstrong, became producer and he said, Lets write jokes for Paul Lynde. And that changed everything. to write in with your suggestions for future installments! Peter Marshall: True or false, massaging the feet helps some people with hot flashes? We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. What is it? You're supposed to come up with a bluff if you don't know the answer, you silly twerp! It was my Avon Lady. Feld was talking to Forrest Kenilworth and Cody. It makes my skin crawl. And here's your host, John Davidson!". He has written two books about comics for Penguin-Random House Was Superman a Spy? Peter Marshall: Wally, what is the signature phrase of the cartoon character Underdog? Which star is it? This is silly. The changed his contract and he got more money. Who was he referring to? ~ (Paul Lynde). Peter Marshall: Say Paul, what is the official currency of Puerto Rico? Peter Marshall: Thank you, Kenny and good morning everyone. - Hollywood Squares Host (if nobody picked the celebrity, who was the Secret Square after winning the game of a round, or time ran out during the middle of the round), "One of these nine keys could win you what, Jeffery/John?" The last time I saw it was when I didn't buy their cookies. The producer came up and talked me back into going on stage. Rate this quote: (0.00 / 0 votes) 877 Views. This is Gene. "Food was a constant topic of conversation in our household.". This is very important for (insert contestant)." George Gobel: So that's why Rose Marie wears battery-operated shoes. Paul Lynde: He wanted the Tin Man to notice him. Paul Lynde: [singing] # We wish you a Merry Christmas, / We we wish you a Merry Christmas. - Peter Marshall from the Thursday episode of Game Show Week, Part 1; where he hosted the front game for a day (he was the Center Square the entire week), "And (this time,) (X/Circle starts) the (first) Secret Square (is/for) (insert list of prizes). Oscar the Grouch: But I don't like being happy, so that makes me miserable. -(1987-1988), "Contestants are briefed that some celebrities will be provided answers and possible bluff responses prior to taping. Charley Weaver: How many men are on the table? So he left the show for a year. I tuck that thought inside me, warm and small like balled hands inside hoodie pockets. Peter Marshall: Your sheep has a temperature of 102. Burt Reynolds: Small cute thing just below Cher's waist? What was it? The star will always try to give the right answer but if they don't know it, they'll try and fool ya so watch out. Paul Lynde had a net worth of over $7 Million at the time of his death. Q: Imagine you are a child in your mother's womb. Rose Marie: Gosh, Pete, I did that once and his wife caught us. I can take one look at you four and tell you how you got your name and how you got your act. Best Paul Lynde Quotes. Is she normal? Peter Marshall: Why do people refer to ships as "she?". Should you be upset if he talks about his secretary? And that's why I don't get to cry, I guess. Peter Marshall: Oscar, you've made a man very happy Oscar the Grouch: I'm sorry to hear that. Burt Reynolds: People think I'm not normal because I keep taking her temperature. Hollywood Squares: Was Paul Lynde Contractually Guaranteed to be Center Square? Fool, who needs her when you - when you've got you! 1965 Pilot:"Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Gisele Mackenzie, Robert Q. Lewis, Vera Miles, Charley Weaver, Abby Dalton and Jim Backus,all in "THE HOLLYWOOD SQUARES", brought to you by (insert sponsor tag). ~ (Paul Lynde), A room is like a stage. JOHN: (Enjoy the/your weekend.) Paul Lynde: [excitedly] HEY, CULLIGAN MAN! Peter Marshall: Dennis Weaver, Debbie Reynolds, and Shelley Winters star in the movie "What's The Matter With Helen?" Election Day. Paul Lynde: I guess we can rule out Jimmy Carter Peter Marshall: Back in the 1870s, Emile Berliner invented something, and without it, I wouldn't be able to do my job. Contact lenses? Peter Marshall: In baseball, there's a special name for the area between a player's knees and his armpits. I couldn't hear the question. A. Paul Lynde: Whatever it is, it would never be afraid of the dark. Paul Lynde: [meeting KISS] Well, just what I always wanted: four kisses on the first date. Paul Lynde: Did you know that Rose Marie is standing up right now in her cubicle? What? He had an extremely spunky and snarky attitude. Steve Landesberg: That's okay, I've seen your act! If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. CBR Senior Writer Brian Cronin has been writing professionally about comic books for over fifteen years now at CBR (primarily with his Comics Should Be Good series of columns, including Comic Book Legends Revealed). Paul Lynde: I guess we can rule out Jimmy Carter Peter Marshall: Back in the 1870s, Emile Berliner invented something, and without it, I wouldn't be able to do my job. Well, somebody had to be. Peter Marshall: True or false, every day, about 10 million American women take the pill. Anthony De Mello, The knowledge of personal failure is the invaluable predicate of all honest compassion. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. He has a new best seller about another stopover point. Peter Marshall: According to the nursery rhyme, "There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. Peter Marshall: Say Paul, what is the official currency of Puerto Rico? A closet full of wire hangers can be the most dangerous place in the world. Peter Marshall: According to a recent medical study, sex can be harmful to a certain part of the body Jan Murray: Six? It is up to them to figure out if the answers the stars are giving them are correct or they're just making one up. (insert celebrities and later the celebrity's job is added with them), or (insert celebrity in the center square includes "PAUL LYNDE: 1966-1979")? I also look for time-saving recipes, dishes that can be prepared ahead and stored. Now, here's the master of the Hollywood Squares, Bert Parks.". ~ (Paul Lynde). A. George Gobel: Boy, it sure seems that way sometimes. "I know that," he said, "but they hate me cause I scared them or had what they wanted. I'm not supposed to *help* people! There are boys who clutch secrets at night in the same way they clutch denial in the day. Because we're older but we're not the grown-ups who seem too far away to understand. ~ (Paul Lynde), My dad was a ham, too. Now when it's your turn, you decide your strategy and you pick a star, then we ask the star a question. Paul Lynde: Gee, I don't remember. But then so many witches do. Peter Marshall: Paul, does Ann Landers think there is anything wrong with you if you do your housework in the nude? The last time I saw it was when I didn't buy their cookies. They are The New Hollywood Squares! George Gobel: Boy, it sure seems that way sometimes. / Not enough Alice Faye / What's the matter with kids today? Peter Marshall: According to a recent medical study, sex can be harmful to a certain part of the body Jan Murray: Six? Who were they? Peter Marshall: According to a recent medical study, sex can be harmful to a certain part of the body. ~ (Paul Lynde), The dining room in my old house was truly magnificent but by far the worst room for conversation. David Brenner: Here's the news, do you ride a bike? Paul Lynde's Best One-Liners On 'Hollywood Squares' Will Make Anyone Laugh by Jane Kenney 3 years ago Paul Lynde was born on June 13th, 1926. Paul Lynde: Open the ruby portals of your lips to the white-hot passion of my desire. Need More Paul Lynde heres our deep dive into his entire life.. what a guy: For more of these throwback videos, check out our YouTube Channel! Eventually he assumed a permanent spot as the "center square," a move which ensured that he would be called upon by contestants at least once in almost every round. Peter Marshall: Charley, what do you call a pig that weighs more than 150 pounds? My sisters said, Why do you make those faces? Paul Lynde: [in a deep overly-serious voice, singing popular TV jingle of the time] You look for, the Union Label, when you buy Big Bird: Gee, that's a silly question, Mr. Marshmallow. Paul Lynde: What about Dorothy and her little dog, Toto, in "The Wizard of Oz"? Peter Marshall: What do most dentists say you should do with your dentures when you go to bed? I'll say the eyes because I read about it so much. I never take just water. Peter Marshall: [still laughing] You certainly are! There are boys sleeping on benches and under bridges, and luckier unlucky boys sleeping in shelters, which feel like safety but not like home. Paul Lynde: They give milk and cookies, but I don't recommend the cookies. I love sharing quotes and sayings to inspire and motivate people - #quotes #internetpillar, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'internetpillar_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_10',616,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-internetpillar_com-large-billboard-2-0');report this adCategories. "Don't feel sorry for me, okay? What should people from California be prepared for? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Paul Lynde, Rose Marie, Bernadette Peters, Charlie Callas, McLean Stevenson, Anson Williams, Earl Holliman, Karen Valentine, Vic Braden - day 4 (TV Episode 1976) Quotes on IMDb: Memorable quotes and exchanges from movies, TV series and more. Enjoy reading and share 8 famous quotes about Hollywood Squares Paul Lynde with everyone. You weren't ever scarend of me. However, many people know him as a regular center square panelist on the game showThe Hollywood Squaresfrom 1968 to 1981. "I'm from Pinttsburgh," he said.Maybe you shouldn't be. ", 1998-2002:"This week/Tonight, (insert celebrity names), and starring Whoopi Goldberg, with Tom Bergeron your host/your host Tom Bergeron, all on Hollywood Squares! [another Secret Square is won courtesy of Oscar the Grouch]. Paul Lynde: [to Gene Simmons] Why don't you push the down button on your elevator shoes? What kind of bird are you by the way? I - I - I'm turning myself on. Hollywood Squares Quotes Hollywood Squares Funny Quotes Charlie Weaver Quotes Lgbt Pride Quotes Bi Pride Quotes Paul Lynde Quotes Jokes Alice Paul Quotes Art Quotes Beauty Quotes . 43 Paul Lynde Quotes to Make You Happy and Cheerful. Paul Lynde: [in a deep overly-serious voice, singing popular TV jingle of the time] You look for, the Union Label, when you buy Big Bird: Gee, that's a silly question, Mr. Marshmallow. Now, excuse me, I'm going back to my group to trip the heavy fantastic. Peter Marshall: In "The Wizard Of Oz", the Tin Man wanted a heart, and the Lion wanted courage. He would often poke fun at his sexual orientation (he would never shy away from it)! ~ (Paul Lynde), My body may have been abused, but it certainly hasnt been neglected. Outsiders develop humor as a defense; why do you think most comedians are gay or Jewish? She then she got up, walked over to Paul, smacked him on his shoulder, and walked back to her square laughing along with all the stars and the audience] You know, though, they got no sense of humor. Peter Marshall: True or false, Paul Revere had 16 children? My father was adamant in his disapproval of my interest in show business. Rose Marie: With my luck, it's probably tonight - and I'm working. . David Brenner: You do? In addition, in the first two/three games, our players vie for the "Secret Square", Kenny!" Rose Marie: OH! I made it white so I can tell instantly if its not clean-and I like it clean enough to be able to eat off the floors-or the tables, for that matter. [Big Bird is picked and turns out to be the Secret Square]. The way things are today, we live in a world that needs laughter, and Ive decided if I can make people laugh, Im making a more important contribution. ~ (Paul Lynde), I feel now its useless to keep hoping. Paul Lynde: Open the ruby portals of your lips to the white-hot passion of my desire. We are The New Hollywood Squares! Paul Lynde: Makeup? "I know that," he said, "but they hate me cause I scared them or had what they wanted. Julia Child frustrates me. Adam Levin, The two-fold goal of all human striving is the avoidance of pain, and the fulfillment of happiness. I'm hated, I feel it. Peter Marshall: This is a bluffing game! Paul Lynde: Let's see toupees? Paul Lynde: Because chiffon wrinkles too easily. Peter Marshall: Rich, what land animal has the largest eyes? / What shall we do with the drunken sailor? - (1975-1979), "The areas of questions designed for the celebrities and possible bluff answers are presented to some celebrities in advance. Now you must listen to that answer and tell us whether it's right or wrong. [contestant freaks out; Marshall counts off five one-thousand-dollar bills]. Asked "You're the world's most popular fruit. I was excited about 63 cents! He bought Errol Flynn's old Hollywood Mansion and spent an enormous amount of money on renovations and decorations. / What shall we do with the drunken sailor? Jan Murray: I'm sorry, what? It's full of witches and spooks and strange creatures of the night. Paul Lynde: [turns and looks at Leslie Uggams] Looks like you were overcooked. 1986-1989:"From the Center Square, Joan Rivers (from 1987)/(insert celebrity). Fool, who needs her when you - when you've got you! A hideous town, pointed up by the insulting gardens of its rich, full of the human spirit at a new low of debasement.F. Feel free (heck, I implore you!) What kind of bird are you by the way? Peter Marshall: Billy Graham recently called it "our great hope in a confusing and ever-changing world." What is it? This is Peter. Paul Lynde had been a regular panelist on Hollywood Squares since 1966, as he was a popular character actor at the time, perhaps best known at the time for a series of appearances on the TV show, Bewitched, as Uncle Arthur, Samantha Stephens' warlock uncle, but as Hollywood Squares host Peter Marshall later recalled, "A writer on the show, Bill Armstrong, became producer and he said, 'Let's write jokes for Paul Lynde.'. . Peter Marshall: Uh-huh. A. Paul Lynde: Who told you about my elephant? Rich Little: [doing his impersonation of her] Why, that would be Carol Channing! Who were they? Extensive quotes from Paul Lynde about family, entertainment, food and mental health Liner notes by producer and writer, Bob Booker. a 1985 lawsuit dealing with the 1980 season of the series, 10 Cringe-Worthy Comedies That Aged Poorly, 10 Marvel Comic Characters The MCU Ruined, 10 Movie Posters That Were Way Cooler Than The Movie, 10 Movie Franchises That Got Progressively Better, REVIEW: DC's Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton #1, Batman's Oldest Villains are Skeptical of His Death - For Good Reason, 15 Strongest Elves In The Lord Of The Rings, Ranked, Little Mermaid Star Halle Bailey's Avatar Costume Gets the Film's Stamp of Approval. Now, how did he spend his time in the geisha house? And Other Amazing Comic Book Trivia! (insert name of featured prize (valued at exact or estimated prized price in U.S. I have covered a number of them over the years in various Legends Revealeds, like how Elvis Presley, at one point, would require songwriters to credit Presley as co-writer of the songs and get half of their songwriting copyright in exchage for agreeing to do their songs (one artist famously refused to get credit himself, then, if he was forced to share with Presley) or how Roy Huggins was such a powerful TV writer and producer at one point that his studo contract stipulated that even his pseudonym would get his own parking space! [looks down to check his line, but it looks like he is looking at his crotch. You don't need a spoon or a plate!". ~ (Paul Lynde), My table seats eight, so thats my maximum. I tuck that thought inside me, warm and small like balled hands inside hoodie pockets. I remember. I say those things without thinking, from hurnt. - Jeffrey Tambor (2002-2003), "I'm John Moschitta, the voice of Hollywood Squares, saying good night!" Peter Marshall: [struggling to regain composure] What is that small cute thing on Cher, just below her waist? Peter Marshall: What are "Do It", "I Can Help" and "Can't Get Enough"? ~ (Paul Lynde), When I said I didnt have a cent, I didnt. / What shall we do with the drunken sailor? I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO SAY THAT! You're supposed to come up with a bluff if you don't know the answer, you silly twerp! Peter Marshall: According to the World Book, is it okay to freeze your persimmons? What a stupid question. Over the next few months, Buddy Hackett, Bill Bixby, George Jessel, Marty Allen, Glenn Ford, Shelley Berman and Vera Miles all took a turn in the center square. The first/Each game is worth $100/200 and coincidentally, we play our/a 2-out-of-3 match to win an bonus of $300 for the guaranteed of/for $400 and go up to win $50 and in addition/every single day is 'The Secret Square Game' to where our players/Miss Circle 'O' or Mr. X 'X' will pick 'The Secret Square' first and get the question correct and this is the prize you'll win/(After the last game from yesterday or Friday show,) We're going to play that game after/as soon we finish this/the game/one (already) in progress (it's the first/second/tie games (rubber game) of the match)/and now, here's 'The Secret Square Game', which is worth at least/around/over (insert estimated/exact total prize package possible cash included in U.S. Charley Weaver: Because both have round bottoms. Peter Marshall: In baseball, there's a special name for the area between a player's knees and his armpits. Peter Marshall: Charley, how many balls are on a pool table in a standard game of 8-ball? Peter Marshall: True or false, Paul Revere had 16 children? If I look out from the stage and see a lot of men, I know Im in trouble. Paul Lynde: [excitedly] HEY, CULLIGAN MAN! Id get up from the table, a very long table, and somebody would always say, Paul, I never got to talk to you. | Sitemap |. *Aren't you glad * he used Dial? What do you traditionally say over the radio? The concept of the game was that nine celebrities would sit in a set that was designed like a giant Tic-Tac-Toe game board. David Brenner: Here's the news, do you ride a bike? Paul, why do Hell's Angels wear leather? Paul Lynde My father was adamant in his disapproval of my interest in show business. That's why they asked the question. He even won an Emmy Award for his role on the show (and was nominated for three years in a row). Peter Marshall: What is that small cute thing Burt Reynolds: Yeah? STANDS4 LLC, 2023. She had so many children she didn't know what to do". My goal was to reach this literary crowd, but I didn't want to alienate my core fan base. While he sadly had a short life, he was a very successful comedian, voice artist, game show panelist, and actor. [Leslie Uggams laughed so hard she was lying across the desk. Paul Lynde: She has a striking resemblance to Betty White. Ive never found an easy way. Hollywood Quotes. Paul Lynde: [turns and looks at Leslie Uggams] Looks like you were overcooked. Is she normal? You get to start!" ~ (Paul Lynde)if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'internetpillar_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-internetpillar_com-leader-1-0'); I have an ulcer. Good, because in Yugoslavia your prize would be called, "Five thousand American dollars". He has a new best seller about another stopover point. Q. Author: Claire Legrand. ~ (Paul Lynde). Read more about this topic: Paul Lynde Famous quotes containing the word hollywood: " Isn't Hollywood a dumpin the human sense of the word. Toggle navigation QuotesGram. Housekeeper: [about her sister's house] It's well-preserved. Tony Randall: [staring dramatically into the camera] I don't *know*. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Paul Lynde: Gee, I don't remember. [Tony Randall has just been asked a question]. Announcer: And here's the master of the Hollywood Squares, Peter Marshall. ~ (Paul Lynde). That's the reason we'd like to get this under way as quickly as possible Hopefully we don't have to make a call. Follow him on Twitter at @Brian_Cronin and feel free to e-mail him suggestions for stories about comic books that you'd like to see featured at! Producer and writer, Bob Booker Lynde had a short life, was... A Spy John Davidson! `` medical study, sex can be harmful a... Lived in a set that was designed like a giant Tic-Tac-Toe game board successful comedian, artist... Certainly are look out from the stage and see a lot of men, I guess - I... Cookies, but it looks like he is looking at his crotch?... Ruby portals of your lips to the world: in baseball, there 's special... It okay to freeze your persimmons, warm and small like balled inside.: I 'm John Moschitta, the dining room in my old house was truly magnificent but by the! To Betty White I do n't you glad * he used Dial anything wrong you... Know and love that was designed like a stage ships as `` she? `` Open... Struggling to regain composure ] What is the avoidance of pain, and Shelley Winters star the. To keep hoping Food and mental health Liner notes by producer and writer, Bob.... And that 's Why I do n't know the answer, you 've got you! n't to.: let me explain What that means peter Marshall: According to the nursery rhyme, `` five thousand dollars... 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