It did become apparent eventually to the Order that there was a spy among their ranks. Corban Yaxley | Alice Fortescue is a pure-blood witch born to Gerald and Abigail Fortescue. For this reason, Snape possibly viewed Pettigrew with even more scorn than the other three because of his pitiful ineptitude. Corvus Lestrange | Harry Potter's Gryffindor house has often consisted of heroes. In an attempt at misdirection, they were convinced to select Pettigrew as their Secret-Keeper by Sirius Black. What is beau brook's. In spite of others claiming that Pettigrew was a "weak, talentless thing," he was at least cunning enough to escape Sirius after Voldemort's first defeat, frame his former friend for his crimes, and fake his own death while killing twelve people with a single curse, living for years in his Animagus form. Many fans (and a prediction book) predicted that Wormtail would have some part to play in the destruction of Voldemort (because of his life debt), such as telling Harry how to destroy the Horcrux inside him without dying himself. with small, watery eyes, and a pointed nose. In my headcanon, since he was sorted into Gryffindor, and the most sacred animal for Gryffindor House is the lion (Panthera leo), but at the same time, he is a paranoid coward (which is ironic, because felines from the genus Panthera are famous to be brave), and he somewhat has an androgynous physique (Peter Pettigrew is obese, he is balding, but his remaining head hairs are long, and he has a . Marlene Dianna Mckinnon (11 August, 1960 - 24 June, 1981), also known as Vulpes, was a pure-blood witch, the fifth child of Marcus and Eleanor Mckinnon, the younger sister of Oliver, Maria, Catherine and Matthew Mckinnon, and the older sister of Darren and Sophie Mckinnon, as well as the foster sister of Dorcas Meadowes. He began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1996 and was sorted into Gryffindor House after the Sorting Hat pondered over which house he belonged in for over five minutes, making him a true Hatstall. Alias Voldemort also forced Garrick Ollivander to create a new wand for Pettigrew, a favour which the once highly revered Lucius Malfoy did not even receive after his wand was destroyed. Wand Morfin Gaunt | Under torture, Jorkins gave them information that helped Voldemort make plans for an attack on Harry Potter, including information on the Triwizard Tournament and the location of a faithful Death Eater. When Pettigrew hesitated, his brief moment of mercy caused his silver hand to turn on him, strangling and killing him, despite Harry and Ron's best efforts to restrain it.[4]. This was proven to be a fatal mistake that Sirius would regret for the rest of his life. Peter later framed Sirius for the crime by pretending to confront him, then cutting off his own finger before taking his rat Animagus form; he killed twelve Muggles in the process, and landed Sirius in Azkaban for twelve years. After a deliberation of more than five minutes (making Pettigrew aHatstall), the Hat decided to sort him into Gryffindor. Regulus Black | Remus and Sirius planned to kill their old friend, but Harry intervened after Pettigrew claimed that Harry's father never would have killed him. On 30 September, 1980, Peter's father, Stefan was killed by Death Eaters searching for Order members. The Death Eaters resented Pettigrew, because it was based on his information that Voldemort met his first downfall at Godric's Hollow. Professor Minerva McGonagall described Pettigrew as a "stupid and foolish boy" who hero-worshipped Sirius and James. Amycus Carrow | Nationality Although, in Peter's case, it was also noted that he looked middle-aged when Sirius and Remus forced him back into human form, mostly due to his stress throughout the year of Sirius's escape. After heated discussion and the arrival of Professors Lupin and Snape, Pettigrew was unmasked by Sirius and Remus. Peter was faithful only to himself and only to whoever was in his best interest of the moment. In the Bible, Peter is the name of one of Christ's apostles who, on the morning of the crucifixion, denied Christ, although he later repented. Antonin Dolohov | Despite being considered a low-ranking soldier for his cowardice and general lack of usefulness, Pettigrew was given the Dark Mark and accepted into the ranks of the Death Eaters. Blood status Though he regretted this decision, and attempted several times to escape, he ultimately engineered Voldemort's return to physical form, and Voldemort rewarded Pettigrew with a new silver hand for having sacrificed his own. When Pettigrew returned to the service of the Dark Lord, he was assigned to serve his colleagues, such as Severus Snape and the Malfoy family, as a lowly household servant. The Dursleys (Marge Dursley) | Peter Pettigrew Born 1 September 1959 to 31 August 1960 Died March 1998 (aged 38 or 39) Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, England Other Names Scabbers Wormtail Character information Family Mrs Pettigrew (mother) School Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry House Gryffindor Wand 9', Chestnut, Dragon Heartstring Animagus Rat Loyalty Order of the Phoenix Quirinus Quirrell | Peter was a hatstall, but eventually was sorted into Gryffindor. John Dawlish | This could be because Pettigrew enjoyed being pampered and waited hand and foot, believing that as a pet rat he did not have to do much and can relax instead, at least until Sirius' escape fromAzkabanprompted him into action. Centaurs | Quirinus Quirrell | Though he valued his own life more than the lives of his friends, Pettigrew felt guilt for betraying Lily and James, but didn't have the courage to admit his treachery or to turn against Voldemort. Submit Answers. As the time passed, due to misconceptions, many believed that Black drew his wand and killed Pettigrew before the other had a chance of even drawing. Half-blood or pure-blood [1] However, they all learned the truth in 1994, when Pettigrew was exposed by Sirius Black and Remus Lupin; [5] However, his identity was exposed by Sirius and Remus in 1994, and Pettigrew, with nowhere else to go, sought protection in returning to the service of Lord Voldemort, whom he found in the forests of Albania. The four of them eventually came to be known as the "Marauders". Helmut | Pettigrew took part in James and Sirius' bullying of Severus Snape, a Slytherin boy in the same year as the Marauders, though it's unlikely he would have dared to bully Snape without his friends protecting him. However, Pettigrew had escaped into the Forbidden Forest, where another pair of children were hiding from their friend Cattermole, another werewolf, who had tried to attack them. When Lord Voldemort first started gaining power, Peter immediately defected from the Order of the Phoenix and joined the Death Eaters out of fear for his own life. It is possible that living as a rat took a toll on his health and made him appear older than he really was (which is arguably the case in the book as well since he is described as balding in the novels, unusual for thirty-three/thirty four). He hid as Scabbers the rat for 12 years in the Weasley house. Gilderoy Lockhart | Despite Professor McGonagall claiming that Pettigrew was a barely competent student, he showed a surprising amount of capability in certain situations. Peter betrayed James and Lily Potter, who entrusted him to be their Secret-Keeper when they cast the Fidelius Charm. 9", Chestnut, dragon heartstring (First Class), (c. 1959/1960 - March, 1998), usually referred to as Wormtail or Scabbers was a wizard and the son of Mr and Mrs Pettigrew. Professor Pettigrew was one of the names which J. K. Rowling considered giving to either the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor in Harry Potter 's fourth, sixth or seventh year or the Divination teacher during his third year when she was planning Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, although she decided on Sybill Trelawney instead. Tricking other people so he can stay alive.Complementing and serving Lord Voldemort.Practising the Dark Arts. Pettigrew was later assigned to "assist" Severus Snape, but Snape treated Pettigrew as a servant. The Quarry. In his youth, he latched onto James Potter and Sirius Black, more talented and popular students, idolizing them and living vicariously through their accomplishments, as well joining them in bullying other students, such as Severus Snape, who he would not have been likely to cross without James and Sirius to back him up. The Harry Potter universe is filled with characters that carry layers of complexity. Pettigrew was an opportunist, who allied with the side that seemed strongest and appeared to be winning thus leading him to become a Death Eater when the opportunity arose. Pettigrew appeared to respect the Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange and her sister Narcissa Malfoy, as he seemed very happy to see them at Snape's house in 1996, although he might simply have been attempting to flatter them or win their sympathy. Cedric Diggory | It is unknown how she reacted when she learned that Pettigrew was alive, and that it had been he, not Sirius Black, who betrayed James and Lily Potter, though there's little doubt she would have been as outraged and disgusted by his cowardice and disloyalty as the rest of the Order. Hermione learned about his death after the battle. In the Bible, Peter is the name of one of Christ's apostles who, on the morning of the crucifixion, denied Christ, although he later repented. Type of Villain Peter was born around 1960. [Source], Forest Hill, London Borough of Lewisham, London, England. After Pettigrew's betrayal, Dumbledore believed, along with the rest of the Wizarding community, that Sirius Black had been the guilty party, and that Sirius had killed Peter, along with twelve Muggles, after being confronted about his crime. Magical characteristics In the films, Peter is shown to be left-handed. [7] She also stated that Pettigrew was a less than average student and was not capable of fighting with Sirius. Griphook | Eye color Krall | High treasonMass murderAttempted indirect infanticideMutilationPseudocideKidnappingIncriminationConspiracyUsage of dark magicOperating as an animagus without a licenseChild endangermentTheft This suggested that he may have consciously felt some gratitude towards Harry for sparing his life. Peter Pettigrew otherwise known as Wormtail (1960-1998) was a slow person born to Mr and Mrs Pettigrew. However, he was intercepted by Crouch Jr., and Pettigrew was subjected to punishment through the Cruciatus Curse.[7]. It was clear Scabbers was an extraordinary rat; he was unusually old for a rat of his species, which had a life expectancy of three years, yet theWeasley familyowned him for twelve. Peter Pettigrew, Death Eater Allies He, James, and Sirius soon discoveredRemus Lupinto be awerewolf, but they did not abandon him as many other wizards would have. MacDuff | When Voldemort fell, Peter neither attempted to find him nor tried to murder Harry underAlbus Dumbledore's watchful eye, until he was sure Voldemort would be revived to protect him. The New AU Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Pettigrew was an opportunist, who allied with the side that seemed strongest and appeared to be winning thus becoming "friends" with James and Sirius in school, and then leading him to become aDeath Eaterwhen the opportunity arose. Despite having been Sorted into Gryffindor, he didn't possess true bravery (so how he got sorted into it is anyone's guess). While they were students at Hogwarts, Pettigrew, along with James Potter and Sirius Black, enjoyed tormenting Severus Snape. It is most likely that his parents were magical, as his mother was part of the wizarding world. Cowardly Traitor Severus Snape | However, despite his treacherous and cowardly nature, Pettigrew did feel some regret for betraying his friends, and he hesitated to kill Harry Potter when reminded of his life debt, in 1998. The Harry Potter Wiki has 139 images related to, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Peter first met Lily Evans during the Sorting ceremony at Hogwarts, during which they were both Sorted into Gryffindor house. Boggart When he was a comrade of Sirius and Lupin, he idolized them and lived vicariously through their achievements, as well as joining them in bullying other students, such as Severus Snape, who he would not have been likely to bully without James and Sirius to support him. Gryffindor Despite Ron's frequent complaints of Scabbers having been a rather boring, useless pet, he felt a strong sense of ownership and was at times very fond of him - especially when Scabbers bit Gregory Goyle's knuckle. Peter is the opposite, considering how he betrayed James and Lily. [5], was a wizard and son of Mr. and Mrs. Pettigrew. ProfessorMinerva McGonagalldescribed Pettigrew as a "stupid and foolish boy" who hero-worshipped Sirius and James. Voldemort noted how Pettigrew always flinched when he set eyes upon him and shuddered when touching him, which further enforced his belief that Pettigrew would have escaped if given the opportunity.For his next assignment, Pettigrew was sent with Barty Crouch Jr., the faithful Death Eater Jorkins had mentioned, to capture former Auror, Alastor Moody, who was set to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. The surviving Muggles who witnessed the event had their memories erased and were given an excuse by the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee that a gas-leak occurred. TheSorting Hatmay have mistaken his adoration of James and Sirius for steadfastness, or sensed in him a desire to surround himself with respected individuals and believed that he would make a compatible friend to a Gryffindor; Pettigrew clearly looked up to strong, courageous people and it is possible that the Sorting Hat put him there because he wished to absorb that quality. (Girls only) by AymMBSC; He began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1971 and was sorted into Gryffindor House after the Sorting Hat pondered over which house he belonged in for over five minutes, a true Hatstall. Vincent Crabbe | Positioned as he was, he could also bringHarry Potter as a welcome-back gift, so no Death Eater would dare claim him a traitor, but he never took action during his time as Ron's pet, because Voldemort was not strong enough to protect him. Father, Stefan was killed by Death Eaters searching for Order members and Mrs. Pettigrew born Gerald... Was killed by Death Eaters resented Pettigrew, along with James Potter Sirius. Is shown to be known as the `` Marauders '' AU Wiki is a FANDOM Books.... A `` stupid and foolish boy '' who hero-worshipped Sirius and Remus he was intercepted by Crouch Jr. and... `` stupid and foolish boy '' who hero-worshipped Sirius and Remus the films, peter 's father, Stefan killed! Sirius and James he can stay alive.Complementing and serving Lord Voldemort.Practising the Dark Arts,! As his mother was part of the wizarding world and Lily Potter, who peter pettigrew middle name him to a! 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