Derek and me's first logo we actually created in photoshop. If you didn't know, a lot of these videos that we create are actually from your guys' questions, so feel free to engage us in the comments. Well, there are tons of great digital marketing courses like Fiverrs Paid Advertising: Social And Search which will give you a deep understanding of social media, paid advertising, driving leads, and digital marketing overall. First, you need to cherry-pick who you'll call. LSI Media recognizes the importance of your online privacy. I have noticed that the Instagram video intro is much more powerful. This is also a place where you can send people, once you start spending money on ads and they can actually fill out the form book appointments outright with your agency without you ever even having to talk to them. To go over their current digital marketing strategy and how they are currently doing in our area of expertise. So if you're first getting started, they can be a high cost when you could build your own website, get some agency money in the door, and then use that to reinvest in something like clickfunnels or high level. smma website examplesadventure tourism uk statistics smma website examples. I remember there was kids. Their pain points. Oddly enough, we got tons of comments on that logo, and it's something that i built in photoshop in a couple of hours, and i had no prior experience using photoshop. Expertise is the single most essential factor for professional services buyers when choosing a provider. The downside about helping local businesses is that theres no clear attribution to how much money you made them. And getting paid handsomely at the same time. Maybe try one of the links below or a search? One question i see fairly frequently is, can i just use my agency facebook page? is one of the oldest site builders that's been around forever. I would strongly suggest Myraah to add more functionality and features in website builder to make a dynamic site. smma All Animation Interactions CMS Ecommerce Portfolio Most liked Cloneable sites only Showcase your site GRAPHiMEDIA 30 448 Sam Persaud SMMA Agency Hero Section 14 Our site reflects who we are and the great services we provide. Watch the videos then go make money. Once you have their website, its easy to branch out and sign them up for social media management, SEO, Facebook Ads and any other services you want to stack on. Good platform for a beginner to register the web presence of their business. The great thing about the internet is that people congregate online with like-minded people. First of all, does your agency need a website? LSI Media views our business as their own and we have been extremely happy with the service and partnership weve created with them. The next step is all about hiring your expert team and scaling your business. Service level agreements are of two types. I made this page because I see people in my SMMA and Digital Marketing groups posting every single day with questions about how to build a website and since I love building websites I decided to make a complete tutorial for everyone. Cozma Claudiu How I Make $11,000/Week (Working Only a Few Hours Per Week) Mark Schaefer 20 Entertaining Uses of. (There are a lot of links in this tutorial page and several of them are affiliate links some of which get you access to better deals on the services mentioned (like hosting). Having an agency mission will not only give you incredible clarity as to what prospects you should be reaching out to, but it will make your outreach much more powerful. This will put you ahead of 99% of people who are reaching out and have clients in 100 different niches. If youre going on Fiverr, which by the way is a good backup option, the person is there for transactional reasons, and theres nothing wrong with it. A couple other great platforms are gonna be clickfunnels and high level. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Those topics are relevant to you. I recommend a revenue-driven service. This is the beginning of being able to customize sites which is what companies will pay you big $ for. SMMA | Architecture. After choosing a category, youll want to go even narrower. Make sure to be specific on this part. Top 5 best tips how to pronounce Russian words correctly. All right, so the first question is, does your agency need a website? Use for creating opt-in pages and landing pages for your Facebook Ads. So without further ado, lets get right into it. That is the easiest place to start and usually, that is where youre going to get the highest retention. And see, the easiest way to fail with SMMA is trying to appeal to everyone. You can easily see the ROAS (return on ad spend). Effortless design and video. For example, if you are strong with writing, go with emails and messaging. In this video, I take a look at three websites and analyse the good the bad and the ugly. It was super modern, looked really great, and they've really done a good job of keeping their template library up to date. Last updated: 18 Mar 22. Set up is the same cPanel interface as I use in the video: Inmotion hosting and Siteground are still very good as well: Until then, I tried to appeal to too many people that didnt share many commonalities. Your companys website can be an inexpensive and efficient marketing tool. How to Make Your SMMA Website (FREE Template, what to include, checklist, and more)!In this video we cover the essentials for making your SMMA / Social Media Marketing Agency Website!If you are looking for what to include in your SMMA website, this is the video for you! Trust me, youll be glad you did. And people dont care how much you know until they know how much you care. Get hosting: For the beginning web designer that cant afford premium hosting, I used to endorse inMotion hosting. Hiring an agency over freelancers also gives businesses a tax incentive. You can advertise and market your firm using a variety of marketing tactics. Its just you have a service-based business that provides services to clients. And its a lot cheaper and easier to measure than traditional marketing platforms. They also have ready-made sales funnel templates called GoHighLevel snapshots for nearly every industry including auto dealers, chiropractors, gyms, dentists, construction, and more. Unauthorized reproduction, in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Social media marketing can include many different things, but at its core is when an individual or business uses social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, among others, to market their goods or services. For real, this is not a lead up to selling a course or anything else for that matter. And this can be done from anywhere in the world so you dont need employees with a social media marketing agency. Below is also a video version. Ads Manager Be upfront about them being your first client and you needing the experience. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. We design places Hood Park | Charlestown, MA View Project We design places that are responsible, well-crafted, venturesome, and beautiful. The next thing you need is some sort of logo or brand, like i said earlier in the video. That is the amount that I have seen to be optimal. 1. They saw that at the top. And so that is why I am one of the big fans of Facebook groups. And theres going to be more than one expert on your team. SPECIAL ORDER. When derek and i were first getting started, we were trying to find the cheapest ways to start our business. So that should give you some indication of the level of design expertise that was involved in that logo. You can use your website to offer products and services directly to customers, reducing the need for high-cost brick-and-mortar stores. Your team can take care of one of the most important aspects of the agency, which is service delivery. And he leverages these people to create some of the most innovative companies in the game. And if youre just getting started, trust me, Ive been where youre at currently. Our agency is dynamic, versatile and full-service digital marketing agency that doesnt rely on smoke and mirrors to attract new clients. Would not do business with this company. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. So lemme go ahead and jump into my computer and i'll talk about what you should include. They said, these guys understand us and they were more inclined to give us their business. What weve found is you must be a knowledge expert in your industry to truly know what it takes to bring on new paying clients for your business. The reason why a social media marketing agency is a great business is that theres simply no better marketing solution for businesses out there today than social media. This is much better suited for local businesses. You probably have heard about these all the time in different agency videos, different agency courses. Makes you look like youre way better at website design than you actually are. If you are opposed to using affiliate links then, by all means, you can type the same companies into a search engine and find them that way.). And without further ado, lets get right into. Modern Tribe - The Next Generation of Digital Agency I love the clean feel to this site, the smooth transition of the mobile menu, that thought out elements from the bottoms of the pages to the blog post featured images. Instead, we trusts our own marketing skills and SEO to drive new customers. Quick funnels and high level are also a couple other platforms that you probably have heard about if you've been in the agency space for a while. Ad account. Your companys credibility and brand will be enhanced with a well-designed, comprehensive, and up-to-date website. Most people go their entire life without using their networks. Your Facebook ad gets attributed to that sale. These are strategies we are implementing right now for all our clients to [the outcome your service produces]. smma website examples. Otherwise, you can just google, google workspace and it'll take you through the steps to set it up and map it to the domain that you purchased. Have a professional profile picture in place, ideally a banner with your agency mission, and in your bio, you should also have the agency mission. However, it's totally up to you if you wanna go the clickfunnels or high level route. The best smma websites - Webflow Discover smma websites built by the Webflow community Browse, clone, and customize the latest websites #MadeinWebflow. SMMAs differ drastically from their traditional agency counterparts. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Some of these people may be employees at your target companies, while others may be well-known industry figures. You want to start locally, you can go broader later, but start locally and just create a Google sheet, Google Docs, or it can even be pen and paper. In the next video Ill show you how to make basic edits to your website using Elementor. So the first thing that you're gonna want is your custom domain talked about this earlier in the video. All Rights Reserved. Best small business website examples Piboco: App website Ception: Tech startup website Objective: Lifestyle eCommerce website Holyziner: Freelance photography portfolio Puffin Packaging: Eco-friendly packaging website Bonny: Creative agency website Islango: Yacht rentals website Acupuncture with Fabi: Acupuncturist website This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It doesn't have the best templates, it doesn't have the worst templates, so it's a solid middle of the road and definitely a site builder that i vetted heavily and would recommend. We do that here, and we also do that down here, down below, where we talk and expand a little bit more about our expertise clout in the industry. And finally, while you're creating this, you're gonna wanna create a email for your business as well. Compensation. 2. So these are the reasons why GoHighLevel is one of the best platforms for SMMA agencies. In this example, we'll refer to an imaginary SMMA that specializes in helping Pet Supply Stores. Furthermore, having a high-quality, user-friendly website offers people trust in utilizing your services because they can anticipate the same high-quality experience everywhere. It's not the cheapest, it's not the most expensive. So that is super important because you need to understand these business owners are busy, respect their time, and make sure that the meeting is an absolute win-win for them. You'll click that button and it'll install this exact template into your click funnels or high level account. A breakdown to get a better understanding of what is SMMA how it works, and why it works so well. One more for you all! Pretty soon I plan on also adding a page for how to set up your business entity and a few other topics people are always asking about. see this all the time, and i've got an answer for you. For example one social media platform like Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest. Online marketing makes it feasible to form new contacts in a targeted way which was impossible before. And its actually very easy to get it done, You can try it yourself, or you can find professionals on Fiverr. This is all placeholder tech. The first thing that you're gonna need is your domain. This is a classic copywriting formula that can easily be applied to your cold email campaign. Theres no discussion on your value. Now, if youre going down the E-Com route, its important to narrow it down to your sub-niche. A network is there to support you, and for you to support them. All you have to do is just type in the targeted city and industry. Under fitness, you might think of: Or any other kind of workout that you can think about. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. And they have trainings on how to do basically everything. Squarespace is gonna be the most professional. We collected millions of dollars in invoices in that period of time. I tried running away from it when I first started. If youre interested in getting started, GoHighLevel offers a 14 day free trial for our readers. Linkedin? You're gonna have confidence in the fact. You take photos for your clients for their social media page. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. A lot of our clients are actually inbound. Plan Next, they tend to only service clients in one ' niche'. Heres where most of your prospects will be hanging out. SMMA-type agencies typically offer one service. There's site builders that range from five $8 per month all the way up to $50 per month, all of which can do the purposes of getting your agency launched and off the ground. Youll end up having little impact and no one will want your services. A website is also necessary because it aids in the establishment of your company. Hope all is well! Many people have an impact on the selection process, even if they arent the final decision-makers. What are some of the most profitable services I can offer?, What are the services that will add the most value to clients?, What service should I pick and sell to clients?. A few days ago I offered my free Facebook community a deep website analysis. Unlike most popular social media management platforms with Ocoya, you can design beautiful posts without leaving the app, with no need to open any separate graphics software. You can have multiple ad accounts in a single business manager, and share access. Deliver Social Media Marketing Services For Your Clients, Starting a Social Media Agency Final Words, Fiverrs Paid Advertising: Social And Search, the free digital marketing course provided by GoHighLevel, GoHighLevel offers a 14 day free trial for our readers. Pretty simple. Outsourcing is easier to scale. SMMA Prospecting Outreach Template Example. So instead of targeting the masses, narrow down to the specific group of people youre going to serve. Millions of creative assets, unlimited downloads. This video will show you the entire process step by step. See, as an agency, youre working remotely, so you can reach business owners around the world. You can either start a conversation with them prior to recording or ask them straight away if they would be interested in seeing a video audit of their current digital marketing strategy before sending it. I like services that have a clear return on investment. Made online by you. Elementor Free. With E-com, you get to see a clear dollar return at the end of each month. At this point, you have two options to get results for your clients. Helping businesses with different aspects of their social media marketing strategy by deploying result-driven services around social strategy, paid social advertising & more. If you go about it the right way, with a powerful email copy, it can be very effective. In this guest post, cold email expert Michael Gardiner explains the three ways to landing your next SMMA client with cold email. [removed] shugishugi 3 yr. ago. Smart templates ready for any skill level. Because youll have a deep understanding of your specific market. This tool is going to save you lots of time. 2020. On a daily basis, any astute marketer in todays high-stakes economic environment utilizes the web to successfully and promptly contact their intended audience. So, if thats holding you back, please dont let it. This helps you further diversify and stand out from your competitors. Helps you achieve different goals. Those topics are relevant to you. 1. The one draw back to squarespace is that it is the most expensive. Thats why running ads for clients will give you the clearest look at the return on investment. But if you have some digital marketing knowledge I personally recommend the free digital marketing course provided by GoHighLevel which is specifically designed for agency owners. We've got clear direction on what the next step is and they can go ahead and self-service that booking themselves totally optional, but you can also include a contact form here as well where they can go ahead and fill out their name, email their company name. In todays business world, social media marketing has matured to the point where it cannot be separated from a companys overall advertising plan. Its of extreme importance that you pick ONE single service. If it works, this item could help your website rank higher in Google searches related to the issue. As the backbone of your online presence, LSI Media understands that having a website, especially one that is visible and attracts visitors and clients, is more crucial than it has ever been. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. However, we do recommend obviously customizing this to talk about your specific niche or the industry that you're working in, if you're keeping your agency general, but doesn't necessarily need to be a specific niche, like in our case it was general smmall businesses, but you want to be talking directly to the type of people that you're reaching out to in the text that you use here. We'll see you guys in the next video and don't forget to subscribe to be notified the next time that we post a video just like this one. Whether your target niche is a local business or you want to work with e-commerce stores you shouldnt stop here. If theyre in the E-com sphere, theyre most likely hanging out online on Linkedln or Facebook. SMMA Glossary term. Be best place on youtube for anything related to starting, growing, or scaling your social media marketing agency or business online. Our Social Media Advertising skills can accelerate your business growth and generate new leads faster than you've ever thought possible. Templates are a great starting point, but you'll also want to personalize with a mail merge to show prospects you know them. And the final thing is your business email. Make sure the platform youre sending the message with isnt supersaturated. Get this plug-in and your life is going to get a lot Are you just getting started with SMMA and not sure how to go about it? My point here is your value is not just doing the service. I truly believe that the people that get ahead and get what they want in life are those that are willing to ASK. The next website builder on the list is With every other platform in this video, youre just renting your website and it disappears as soon as you stop paying their fees. And this can be done from anywhere in the world so you don't need employees with a social media marketing agency. Now go out and make some $$. So this has to be one of the most frequently asked topics that i've seen, especially in facebook groups, youtube comments, so on and so forth. This method consists of identifying Facebook groups where your prospects will be hanging out. Every online marketing strategy has been proven to work. I would highly recommend LSI. This page contains everything you need to start learning website design. I personally recommend Ocoya. ). So i would go ahead and update this to talk about your specific experience and your specific agency. A Guide to SMMA Websites In today's internet-driven economy, companies cannot succeed without an online presence. Information is getting thrown at you from all directions and you dont know what exact steps to take. Co&Co. Let's take a second to appreciate the way this site comines sheer simplicity with modern minimalist website design elements. It looks like nothing was found at this location. I'm actually gonna link down below some share funnel links where you can one click install a couple funnel templates right into your accounts. 8 courses in total with over 261 videos led by some of the top digital marketing experts in the world. If you run a business and don't have a website, you're losing out on potential customers and revenue. You are just selling the meeting and how the meeting has infinite upside for them and basically zero downsides. By now you have learned more about website design than virtually any business owner you will ever meet. It should also be visually appealing and organized well. What is the main KPI that they are optimizing for? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. One of the methods Ive had the most success with. Want to help support the site? Facebook? smma website examples I'd love to hear what questions you guys have and the comments down below is always we look at those, we chat with you guys and spend. Create Your Unique Selling Proposition, #7. Other backup options could be Reddit or other freelancer platforms like Fiverr. Let me explain. Don't forget, if you think it would be helpful for me to walk you through actually creating and updating that template, let me know and i'll create a follow up video doing that for you guys. Now, you might be thinking, isnt this going to limit my opportunities? Good question. It gives you an edge over other agencies that dont specialize. This is your competitive advantage over other agencies. ) And keep iterating according to feedback. We are going for volume at the start as those initial meetings will serve to give you momentum and confidence. We design places that are responsible, well-crafted, venturesome, and beautiful. 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