Welcome to St Joseph's Convent Primary School, Newry. 'Inspired by joy, we grow together as members of a unique family who respect love and forgive each other', St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Reddish, Governor Details and Register of Interests, Full Governor Body Attendance Meeting 2021 - 2022, Online Safety Group meeting agenda and minutes. St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Reddish. Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips. 2017 St Joseph's Catholic Primary . St. Joseph's Primary School Fee Structure. Pupils are positively encouraged to use our core values of love, faith, trust, respect . event.preventDefault(); [~sys:articlelist(08bb7ebc-9716-4336-a5b7-346ca122ffc8,about-us)~] as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the We won't set optional cookies unless you enable them. Browse 48 st. josephs primary school stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images . awor4125@st-josephs-banbury.oxon.sch.uk, Nursery - Mrs M Rayner / Mrs A Rataj-Zygmuncik THE SCHOOL STAFF 2023 - 2023. St Joseph's Laurieton is known for its excellence in Catholic Education, formation of faith, the arts, culture, sports and a diverse and engaging curriculum that caters for all learning needs. School Tours. The age range of our pupils is 4-11 years and there are presently 380 pupils in the school in 14 classes. The appointment of successful applicants will be subject to satisfactory employment screening for child related employment in accordance with CE policy. Mrs. M. Hodges . Staff Our School Staff Team 2022-2023! Admission. We hold the highest of expectations and work to support each child to achieve success, not only academically, but socially, morally, spiritually and culturally. Healthy Kidz After School Classes (Classes for P.3/4 from 2.00pm-3.00pm and P.5/6 from 3.15pm-4.15pm). Our cookies ensure you get the best experience on our website. Mrs A Rankin Motivated by the examples of St Mary and St Joseph, we work as a community . Welcome to St Joseph's Primary School. Tel: 01943 463 840. School Information Financial Information . Friends of St Joseph's. Online Safety. At St Joseph's, our Catholic faith is central to our vision and mission 'Learning through the Love of Jesus Christ'. The unique Catholic ethos of our school creates an atmosphere in which each child can grow and develop to reach his or her true potential. Year 1. Search Site Submit. Click on any photo to read a short biography. Mrs H Skiwirzynska St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Oxford website (opens in new tab) Email address. An 'awsUploads' object is used to facilitate file uploads. Cookies are used to help distinguish between humans and bots on contact forms on this Some cookies are necessary in order to make this website function correctly. Parent Enquiries: Mrs M Steel Office Manager, St Josephs Catholic Primary School Tes Global Ltd is St Joseph's is a vibrant place of excellence, where students and staff work towards individual and community goals that promote growth and improvement for all. Children, staff and governors all strive to make this a place of excellence by . Mrs A Vale We extend a very warm welcome to you on your visit to our website. Ms Clare Smith - Designated Safeguarding Officer Joseph's of 1. Quick Links. School Uniform. [~sys:articlelist(90ceaa1a-b7c0-4993-89a0-d5c386ddeca4,key-information)~] Please contactMr Coffeyvia the main office number. St Joseph's is a Catholic primary school within a vibrant and caring community, committed to providing quality Catholic education for families in the Quakers Hill/Schofields area, in a safe and supportive environment. Please refer to the role description for an in-depth detail regarding criteria and skill set required. We use Direct School Admission To Year 1 In 2023. These are set Cleaning Staff: Mrs S Mullen: Cleaning Staff : St Joseph's Catholic Primary School; Lea Vale Road Stourbridge West Midlands DY8 2DT For enquiries or to request paper copies of information from this website please contact the school office. Applications are invited from interested candidates able to demonstrate a commitment to the vision of Catholic Education. We'd also like to set optional analytics cookies to help us improve it. We recognise that each child is unique and should be given the opportunity to learn in an inclusive environment . St. Joseph's is a state-integrated full primary school (Year1-8) - with Special Catholic Character. . As the school has grown and changed it has continued to build on the traditions established by the early community of St Joseph's. Telephone: 0207 286 3518. Necessary cookies enable core functionality such as security, network management, and accessibility. used to prevent cross site request forgery. Croftdale Road Applications Close: 27 January 2023. A cookie is used to store your cookie preferences for this website. Year 6 -Mrs D Marsh, Miss S Maycock 01202 741932. stjosephs@sjcpschool.co.uk St Joseph's enjoys a proud reputation of high quality learning and teaching and strives to create a collaborative and engaging learning community where all learners are supported and . We have an exceptionally skilled team of staff who work together for the benefit of all of the children in our care. types. Welcome to our website - We are a Catholic Primary School operating as a Voluntary Academy for children from 4-11 years of age in the Diocese of Portsmouth. Welcome to St Joseph's Catholic Primary School website. An 'awsUploads' object is used to facilitate file uploads. Information for Parents / Carers. Fax: 01943 464 191. Royalty-free Creative Video Editorial Archive Custom Content . As a community grounded in humility, compassion, and self-respect, students are inspired and encouraged to imitate the qualities of our patron, Saint Joseph. Deputy Head Teacher, KS2 Phase Leader, Deputy designated safeguarding officer, English, RE, Music, Art & DT Co-ordinator. For more detailed information about the cookies we use, see our Email: office@stjosephsschool.org.uk. Nursery & Preparatory. Our exceptional staff, visionary governing body and supportive parish together help create the conditions to nurture spiritually, grow in faith and live our mission: Inspired by joy, we grow together as members of a unique family who respect love and forgive each other'. St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School. Standard III. blaydonstjosephscatholicprimaryschool@gateshead.gov.uk, site design and hosting: educationGateshead, Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust, EYFS Phase Leader & Mathematics Co-ordinator, Deputy designated safeguarding officer. }). Mrs Annabelle Spacagna. Please contact us if there is anything more that you would like to know about our school.Thank you for your visitMichael GrewPrincipal, St Joseph's PS, Donagh, 400 Dernawilt Road, Donagh, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, BT92 5BEPhone: 028 6772 1077. St Josephs Primary School (Antrim) PTA. St Joseph's School, in strong partnership with the parish priest and parish community, is recognised for proudly offering quality, inclusive, Catholic education. St Joseph's Staff. School Uniform. HEADTEACHER. Read More . $('.cookie_information__icon').trigger('click'); DSA @ SJI. Saint Joseph School Site Search. 2023 St Joseph's Catholic Primary School. ICT, MFL & International Schools Co-ordinator. A JESCOL seminar 2021 was organized by the heads of St Joseph's Indian Institutions for the staff, in. been dismissed. Sancreed Road, Poole, Dorset, BH12 4DZ. St Joseph's Catholic Primary is a very happy, welcoming place to be where we place Jesus at the heart of all of our learning. Everyone at St Joseph's Catholic Primary school would like to welcome you to our happy and caring school where we 'work, learn and grow together guided by Jesus' teachings'. For further information about the School please visit our. St Joseph Primary School Headmistress: Ms Rachel Grech. We hope you find our website informative and that it gives you an insight into our school life. Together with St John Paul II Catholic College, Schofields we provide a continuous, faith-centred education for students from . Primary; Intermediate; Middle School; STREAM; Art; Music; Physical Education; Learning Consultant; Student Life. Parents/guardians . St Joseph's School provides a Catholic education that empowers future leaders to develop, a love of learning, self-belief, commitment . Our cookies ensure you get the best experience on our website. St Joseph's is a co-educational school located in Antrim in Northern Ireland. Welcome to the website of St Joseph's Primary School. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE, An excellent and rewarding opportunity exists for a confident and energetic. After this closed, St Joseph's was started as an orphanage and small school in 1893. Primary; Intermediate; Middle School; STREAM; Art; Music; Physical Education; Learning Consultant; Student Life. Matomo cookies head.3825@st-josephs-banbury.oxon.sch.uk, Ms Ann-Marie Wortley- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer Rs. Assistant Headteacher / Lower KS2 Phase Leader. St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, Finkil Street, Brighouse HD6 2NT. St Joseph's acknowledges the Latje Latje people as the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and live and we respectfully recognise elders both past and . We know that high aspirations lead to high standards and this is our vision for each and every pupil. We hope that you find all the information that you are looking for and that the website will give you an insight into the daily life of our school. Information. St. Joseph's We create an ideal learning environment that instills the values of excellence and hard work, promotes talents of individual learners, shaping them to become confident and exemplary School Websites, Designated Safeguarding Leads and Information, Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School. The cookies collect information in a way that does not directly identify anyone. Contact Information; Principal - Mr Anthony Wilkes 5 - 6. Mrs L Walsh Many opportunities are available for you to be involved in our school. to improve the website performance by capturing information such as browser and device Map Phone Facebook Twitter . The child is placed at the heart of everything we do in St Joseph's.We believe our school is a truly wonderful school which we are incredibly proud of, with amazing teachers and support staff working in partnership with committed parents and governors. Welcome to St Joseph's Catholic Primary School. Cookie Control Link Icon. It is a privilege to be a Headteacher and an even greater privilege to be the Headteacher of St Josephs. Mrs M Joseph - SENCO. Extra Curricular Activites. Website design by e4education If your child is due to start school in September 2023 (Date of Birth: 1st September 2018- 31st August 2019) you need to apply to Bristol City Council by 15th January 2023. Headteacher. Mrs J Newman-West St Joseph's Primary School, Kilaben Bay, is a unique school community catering for students from Kindergarten to 6 in the Toronto district and surrounding suburbs. 1,550 Per Month. REPUBLIC DAY "Republic Day is a celebration of one country, one people and one humanity" . Staff Directory. Welcome to our Website! CORONA VIRUS. Year 4 - Ms J Blyth future will bring. used to prevent cross site request forgery. It is our hope that by giving our children the very best start in life, it will put them on a solid trajectory for their future. 2018 St Josephs Primary School | Designed by FROOTES MEDIA, Mrs Watchorn - Assistant Head Teacher and EYFS Phase Group Leader, Miss Allen - Assistant Head Teacher and Years 3/4 Phase Group Leader, Miss Crowther - Years 1/2 Phase Group Leader, Mr Delooze - Years 5/6 Phase Group Leader, St Josephs Primary School, George Row, Bermondsey, London, SE16 4UP, Miss Castagno, Mrs Paszkowski, Mrs Soutter, Mrs Kelmendi. Here at St Josephs we aim to eliminate any circumstances that may be a barrier to learning and progress. Home school agreement. Mr K Bowles - Acting Deputy Headteacher, EYFS manager & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. Term Dates. Mrs Pascale Mulreany. The admissions office is open Monday - Thursday between 8:30 - 4pm Monday to Thursday. You may disable these by changing your browser settings, The staff at St Joseph's Catholic Primary will work in partnership with you in meeting your child's needs. We have been registered with the Ministry of education since 1956 and have held a proven track record of success throughout the years.Today, we are located at 21 Arch street,Vistabella. Some cookies are necessary in order to make this website function correctly. By using the St.Joseph's Primary School website you agree to our use of cookies as described in our cookie policy. }); Situated in the Parish of Donaghmore, County Tyrone, our school is a happy, child-centred environment which is hard working and . We are a school, rich in history, with close links to Bishop Pompallier, Eruera Patuone and the Mercy Sisters. School Tours of St Joseph's. Tuesday 10th January . Year 2. Overseas Bank" Exhibition Road, Saboo Complex, Patna-1 are hearty congregation to Chief Manager, Branch Manger to all staff members for their kind cooperation. The necessary cookies set on this website are as follows: A 'sessionid' token is required for logging in to the website and a 'crfstoken' token is On behalf of the staff, pupils and Governors, we wish you a warm welcome to St Joseph's Catholic Primary School! Information. We are delighted to present a brief introduction about our esteemed institution which is located at the heart of Bengaluru city, in Vittal Mallya Road. Dear Children, Parents, Staff and Governors, Another week has passed and the children are busy settling back into their routines, as I walk around the school and visit classrooms I am reminded of the resilience of children. At St Josephs we are committed to educating our children, of all ages, as to how to conduct themselves safely and appropriately when using online and electronic platforms including websites, search engines, mobile phones and social media. Conditions. NURSERY TEAM. Parent Information Videos. Oxford Road, Dewsbury, WF14 4LL. St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, Finkil Street, Brighouse HD6 2NT. Map Phone Facebook Twitter . An understanding and commitment to the Churchs mission in Catholic Education and the capacity to contribute to the spiritual and community life of the school; Highly effective communication and interpersonal skills so as to engage positively with colleagues, students and parents; The capacity to be a proactive member of a professional learning community complying with the legal, administrative and professional requirements; Classroom practices and organisational skills that create supportive and safe environments for all students, including meeting a variety of learning needs; A sound knowledge of the Australian Curriculum, with the ability to organise, select and design content for effective teaching and learning; Successful planning and implementation of programs that apply student-centred inquiry teaching and learning pedagogy and the integration of technology; A comprehensive understanding of assessment and reporting strategies and the need to provide effective and timely feedback to parents and students. Year 1 -Mrs C Pavely registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at Building 3, Mrs L Lloyd (Teacher), Mrs R Acheson and Mrs K Normanton (Nursery Nurses), Mrs L Murray (Teaching Assistant), Miss J Vogel (Teacher) Mrs P Esgate and Mrs G Howgate(Teaching Assistants), Mrs S Stewart (Teacher/Senior Leader) and Mrs M Midgley (Teaching Assistant), Mrs C Slack (Teacher)/Senior Leader) and Mrs J Michaels (Teaching Assistant), Miss H Baldwyn (Teacher), Mrs J Tolan (Teaching Assistant), Mrs J Curry, Mrs C Foxcroft (Teachers) and Mrs E Rowlands (Teaching Assistant), Mrs E Hartley, Mrs A Eland (Teachers), Miss N Eames and Mrs D Connolly (Teaching Assistants), Mrs C Bonner (Teacher/Deputy Head) and Mrs J McGovern (Teaching Assistant), Mrs E Pearson teaches French across Key Stage 2 and teaches in Year 1 and 2 for PPA and Management release, click the link below for our Academy Council Information, St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy The School Office is open for general enquiries between 8am- 4 pm Monday to Friday. Using this tool will set a cookie on your device to remember your preferences. The Kent Catholic Schools' Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St. Joseph's Primary School17 Fitzroy Ave, Red Cliffs,Victoria 3496Principal: Naomi KennedyPhone: 03 5024 1654Fax: 03 5024 2042Email: principal@sjredcliffs.catholic.edu.au . St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Vaagen Road, Canvey Island, SS8 9DP. 16, St Joseph School Triq Dun Gorg Preca, Blata l-Bajda Tel: 21237936/ 21249540/ 79249540 Email: headjs@stjosephblata.edu.mt families and staff remains our priority at St Joseph's during remote learning. Year 5 -Mrs H Pittman View Sitemap Miss S Maloney. You will discover many enjoyable stories that highlight our school motto: 'learn and grow . Click on any photo to read a short biography. I believe this to be not just a matter of importance, but one of social justice. Mr Paul Donaldson: Principal: Teaching Staff. 2023 St Josephs Catholic Primary School Welcome to St Josephs Catholic Primary School website. Parents are welcome to contact the school to book a tour, please contact us on (03) 9528 1614. . Finkil Street, Brighouse HD6 2NT, Part of The Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust Mission Statement. An 'alertDismissed' token is used to prevent certain alerts from re-appearing if they have International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. We hope that you find all the information that you are looking for and that the website will give you an insight into the daily life of our school.You will discover many enjoyable stories that highlight our school motto: 'learn and grow together'. 6 - 7. Catholic Life; Virtual Prospectus; Helping Others; . Assistant Headteacher / Pastoral Lead. We will guide, support and assist your child in every possible way and we take a genuine interest in your child's welfare. With our Catholic faith at the centre of everything we do, our carefully designed topics are embedded with a social, moral and spiritual purpose and where possible, they reflect the cultural heritage of our pupils and our locality. Mrs E Alder (0.8) KS1 Phase Leader, Science Co-ordinator, Deputy designated safeguarding officer. Location:OConnor, ACTEmployment Type:Full time, permanentSalary Range: $72,499 - $121,503 + Superannuation (based on skills and experience)Start Date:January 2023Closing Date:11.55pm, Friday 27 January 2023, St Josephs is a Catholic Primary School located in OConnor ACT. Mrs M Rayner St Michael's Soccer Association: Pro-Teach @ SJIJ Student Care Centre: School Book Shop: School Bus Service: School Uniform Supplier St Joseph's is a Catholic Primary School located in O'Connor ACT. We'd like to set Google Analytics cookies to help us to improve our website by collecting and reporting information on how you use it. At this stage the boys transfer to St. Colemans's B.N.S. The school caters for students in Preschool - Year 6 and has an enrolmentof 305 students in the primary school in 2022. Returning Singaporeans. . [~sys:articlelist(4ffa5e3c-259c-4c2c-b28c-b2214c49371c,catholic-life)~] Mrs C Taylor Learning support assistants are deployed well, especially when working . Current Vacancies. Out of School Activities; Parents. Information about Catholic Education Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn can be accessed here. . Welcome to the St Joseph's Catholic School Takapuna website! Our dedicated staff work with the families to challenge students academically, celebrate achievements and set future goals. Headteacher's Welcome. Ecole Saint Joseph is a bilingual school. Welcome to St Joseph's Primary School Laurieton. We extend a very warm welcome to you on your visit to our website. School Staff. Mrs Roisin Irvine: Mrs Helen Hamill: Mrs Anne Marie Magee: Mrs Martina Petticrew: Mrs Bernadette McAlister: . Trust Information. SQUID payments for parents. We are an ambitious Catholic Primary School which is part of the Good Shepherd Catholic Trust and has a vision of excellence for all of our pupils and staff. An exempt charity. Mrs L Lloyd (Teacher), Mrs R Acheson and Mrs K Normanton (Nursery Nurses), Mrs L Murray (Teaching Assistant) On the 18th November 2022, St Joseph's Nursery & Primary Schools successfully held a Toddlers Graduation Ceremony at JC hall. [~sys:link(699ea292-84c6-4262-b1be-819f355a35eb,contact-us)~], Promoting Values and Virtues in a Catholic School, Ten Ten Collective Worship Parent Newsletter, Year 2 Teacher, Key Stage 1 and EYFS Coordinator. $(document).ready(function() { $('#cookie_settings').on('click', function(event) { . Story on nutrition of school.Deanne Buckham with some of the kids near the staff canteen, Hong Kong.St. The governing body of St Joseph's Catholic Primary School reconstituted on 1st September 2015 in line with the School Governance (Procedures) (England) Regulations 2003. St. Joseph's Primary School caters for in and around 300 pupils and currently has a staff of over 20. [~sys:articlelist(66781c49-af32-4646-af88-3077ff966668,our-community)~] You will have excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including the capacity to develop productive and caring relationships with students, parents and staff where the focus is on the learning and well-being of the student. Phone number. We are an inclusive Catholic Parish school catering to the needs of diverse learners. 01865 763357. Here at St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, we are committed to providing the best educational experience for all our pupils. St Joseph's is a vibrant and inclusive community where our children are encouraged to live out our motto of Loving, Living, Living. Our school community is centred on our values of Learning, Love, Community and Respect, as Jesus showed. St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Manor Square, Otley, Leeds, LS21 3AP. If you want to look around our school please phone 0117 377 2160 to book a place on one of our school tours. United States. On behalf of the pupils, staff and Governors of St. Joseph's Primary School, Galbally, I would like to welcome you to our website. website. Our website gives you lots of information about our school - including a frequently updated blog! We serve the families of the Parish of Antrim along with another Parish Primary School. Applicants are required to submit a cover letter and current resume including a statement of suitability against the skills, attributes and experience as outlined in the position description. Mental Health and Well Being; History Silver Mark Awarded; St Joseph's Learning Journey; Parent Survey 2022; New Parents' Evening Presentation; Parents' Information Booklet for Relationhships and Health Education; Parents' Evening; Letters to Parents. St Joseph's Virtual School Tour; Contact Details; St Thomas Catholic Academies Trust; Book a School Tour; Staff List; Job Vacancies; Lettings; St Joseph's Kitchen; Support Us; School Information. All members of staff at St. Joseph's make a valuable contribution to the day to day running of the school. Leadership Support. We strive to live the St Joseph's Way each day which builds on the family values . St. Joseph's Primary School for Children with Visual Impairment aims to ensure that every pupil has access to a broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum which is suitably challenging and delivered with dignity. St.Joseph Terrace Private School is an education driven, child-centred Primary School. Year 2 - Mrs A Mehta-Browne Privacy Policy . 2021-22. . Breakfast Club and After School Club. This is the homepage. Matomo cookies The special character of our . We are proud to be part of the Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust along with our feeder secondary school St Robert's and Catholic primary schools from the parish of St. John XXIII. Mr L English - Music Teacher. Assistant Headteacher (Juniors) Mrs Jess Birtles. to improve the website performance by capturing information such as browser and device by default and whilst you can block or delete them by changing your browser settings, some Whole School; Reception; Year 1; Year 2; Year 3; Year 4 . Fax 0191 4142138 The governing board has the following core strategic functions: Establishing the strategic direction, by: Setting the vision, values, and objectives for the school This position involves working with children. The pre-primary team of St. Joseph's School organized the Fun and Frolic day on 26th August 20. Each story helps to create cherished memories for the children and the school community. A thriving group of parents, teaching and support staff, who work very closely together to the benefit of all our pupils. Entry Into Secondary 1. Daily prayers. Classroom Teacher - St Joseph's Primary School - O'Connor, ACT St Joseph's Primary (O'Connor) (see more jobs from this school) O'Connor, ACT Primary Teacher Contract Type: Permanent/Ongoing Position Part Time. Early Childhood Services Nottinghamshire County Council. A cookie is used to store your cookie preferences for this website. CONTENT. The data from this cookie is anonymised. Our dedicated staff work together with governors to create a special and safe environment which enables all pupils to achieve and excel. The Governors employ qualified teachers, including specialist teachers who lead additional intervention programmes, music and modern languages throughout the school. SEND Enquiries: See our Headteacher's Blog to discover more about life at St Joseph's - About Us > Headteacher's Blog, All website content copyright St Joseph's Catholic Primary School. We use necessary cookies to make our site work. Staff List Calendar Ofsted and Religious Life Reports Online Safety Safeguarding Vacancies School. Lead, Learn, Love. Additionally, the successful applicants will have the appropriate qualifications and demonstrated experience to work individually and collaboratively, to maximise the learning outcomes for all students. Dr N Fernandes Viana - Headteacher, Assessment Manager, Designated Safeguarding Lead. School Prayers; 8th November 2021; 15th . Thus, pupils are able to speak both French and English fluently as international languages as well as their mother tongue -Kinyarwanda. An 'alertDismissed' token is used to prevent certain alerts from re-appearing if they have Admission to Integrated Programme Secondary 3 in AY2023. Reception - Mrs S Davies admin.3838@st-josephs-pri.oxon.sch.uk. Our website is designed to help all members of the school community to keep up to date on school information. Welcome to St Joseph's. On behalf of the school community, I warmly welcome you to the St Joseph's Catholic Primary School website. Out of School Activities; Parents. Contact Telephone Number: 01268 683 903. Please click below to find a link to our Wellbeing Website . KS1 Phase Leader, Science Co-ordinator, Deputy designated safeguarding officer. The staff at St Joseph's Catholic Primary school would like to extend a warm welcome. These are set The staff, children and governors are extremely proud of St Joseph . The institution has a legacy of forming men and women for and with others for over 118 years and has . Please do contact us with any comments or questions. functionality such as being able to log in to the website will not work if you do this. 4 - 5. Welcome. We are part of the Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Trust. St Joseph's Primary School, East Maitland is a systemic Catholic school situated in the Hunter Valley, NSW, catering to students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Tweets by @StJosephsDudle1. Headteacher: Miss J Walker. This is supported by a carefully planned and sequenced, knowledge rich curriculum to develop conceptual understanding. Request an Enrolment Pack. From Primary 1 to Primary 3, the lessons are taught in French as medium of instruction, English is taught as a subject.