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In our research, we found many expats had successfully moved out of the U.S. and were thriving in their new homes. The U.S. currency is widely accepted, and the cost of living is low. Be it UNESCO World Heritage Sites like the gantija Temples, picturesque coastlines, architectural marvels, or the incredible night scene, this small island offers a range of options for LGBTQ people to travel, explore and enjoy. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom stands for equal rights for the LGBT community. In general, Belgium displays an extremely high level of homosexual acceptance. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Anti-discrimination laws are also fairly weak. Amsterdam, its capital, is a popular destination for LGBTQ tourists and was ranked among the best cities in the world for expats. In practice, attitudes to queer communities are shaped by a complex history influenced by morals, colonialism, lingering effects of apartheid, and the human rights movement that contributed to its abolition. Argentina had the most positive attitudes of all Latin American countries in Pew Research Centers 2013 Global Attitudes Survey, with 74%of those surveyed saying homosexuality should be accepted. Spain is another of our favorite countries. Art, culture, food, history France has everything. If we were a married straight couple, we could have entered Singapore after quarantining. Besides bars, clubs, and cafs, Taiwan hosts a gay beach, two popular gay hot springs, and even a cruisy gay bookshop. A 2016 Eurobarometer reported that 65% of Maltese were in favor of same-sex marriage; this was a significant jump from just 18% in 2006. Other cities like Stavanger and Troms also have large LGBT communities. Well send our best articles, videos, and exclusive content right to your inbox. Same-sex couples can adopt children and have access to altruistic surrogacy. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Since we were interested in being somewhere between Singapore and the East Coast of the U.S., we first began looking at European locations. Are you someone who belongs to the LGBT community and are planning to relocate? Although it does not have a highly sophisticated legal framework, the country markets itself as a welcoming destination for both Western foreigners and Asian travelers alike. Same-sex couples may adopt children and arrange IVF or surrogacy. The country is frequently noted as having one of the best gay rights records in the world and rights include protections for transgender individuals. Civic attitudes to LGBTQIA+ people are progressive, with a 2013 Pew survey noting that 80% of Canadians accept homosexuality. Often voted one of the best places to be an expat, progressive New Zealand also has a great record on LGBTQIA+ rights. The most progressive country when it comes to liberation and freedom, France, is one of the best countries for gay expats. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Our goal, to share the worlds unique, hidden and once in a lifetime locations with you to create unforgettable memories. According to Wikipedia, this countrys post-apartheid constitution was the first in the world to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation and it was the fifth country in the world and the firstand, to date, onlyin Africa, to legalize same-sex marriage. LGBTQIA+ people have been able to serve openly in the military since 2002. Often voted one of the best places to be an expat, progressive New Zealand also has a great record on LGBT+ rights. The reception of gay travelers and expats varies according to the region of Portugal. Brighton, UK. If you are planning to visit Canada and want to witness the vibe of its gay scene, make sure to be part of exciting events like the Whistler Pride & Ski Festival, Vancouver Pride, and Tremblant Gay Ski Week, amongst others. Most expats were also satisfied with the state of the local economy (85% vs. 62% globally). One of our favorite destinations in Europe, France is one of the most LGBTQ+ friendly countries in Europe if not the world. For gay nomads visiting Argentina, the capital city of Buenos Aires has a bustling gay scene with plenty of friendly bars and hotels. The government in Spain allows lesbian couples and single women to opt for IVF treatment. Costa Rica is an excellent place for LGBTQ+ retirees. Setting an example to the world, former Prime Minister Jhanna Sigurardttir married novelist and playwright Jnna Lesdttir on the same day the law came into effect. Belgium legalized same-sex sexual activity as early as 1795. Here are some of the most gay-friendly countries you can live, work and invest in if you belong to the LGBT community. 10. Andrew Henderson wrote the #1 best-selling book that redefines life as a diversified, global citizen in the 21st century and how you can join the movement. 12 - Italy. The country is largely Roman Catholic. Be prepared to learn to speak French if you dont already. Many aspects of the country including its friendly people and English competency make it easy to do business, get urban amenities, and live a high standard of living for much lower costs than someone might be used to in the Western world. Transgender people enjoy similar protections. Hong Kong Pride is held each November and attracts an estimated 10,000 people. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Taiwan was the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage in 2019. GLOBAL CITIZEN SOLUTIONS UNIPESSOAL LIMITADA | NIPC 516027212 AMI 17987 | . Gay men are, however, banned from donating blood. 12. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. And in 2003, it became the second country to permit same-sex marriages. LGBT History & Rights in Portugal. Dutch nationals may apply for gender-neutral passports. Income requirements are a little higher with higher assets ($40,000) and proof of minimum monthly income of roughly $3,467, health insurance, and sometimes, an executed lease for accommodation. Population: 25.7 million Number of expats: 7.5 million Quality of life index: 178.41 Friendliest city: Melbourne With enviable weather, endless beaches and that famous laid-back Aussie lifestyle, it's no wonder the land down under takes the top spot for friendliest country.. Americas northern neighbor legalized same-sex marriage back in 2005, and the countrys new prime minister is openly LGBTQ-friendly. Argentina's thriving LGBT scene attracts over 445,000 LGBT tourists every year and the Queer Tango Festival is a highlight for many. Among these individuals are many LGBT lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender travelers whose sexual orientation or gender identity is often not accepted by the society around them. Former Prime Minister Lars Lkke Rasmussen also participated in the pride events held in the country. Puerto Vallarta: An Expat Haven by the Sea. It has been an LGBTQIA+ tourist destination since the early 2000s, with its Queer Tango festival among the major highlights. As is the case elsewhere, LGBTQIA+ life tends to be concentrated around the major cities, particularly Toronto, Vancouver (often rated among the worlds best cities for expats), and Montreal. Since 2010, the government in Iceland has allowed same-sex marriage. Dublin, Ireland. As early as 1981, Norway began to pass anti-discrimination laws protecting the rights of the LGBTQ community. Among this openness is one of the most thriving gay communities on the continent and a great gay life in the capital city of Brussels, as well as a generally pro-business and pro-foreigner environment. New Zealands constitution is LGBTQIA+ friendly, offering several protections based on sexual orientation. Malta. Same-sex marriage was legalized in France in 2013. In 2021, the reputed data research platform, Statista, ranked Canada as the safest country for LGBTQ to travel to. New Zealand. This is a nation of resiliency and adaptability, its population hardy and determined. Though they may work for an LGBTQIA+ friendly organization, national laws can force expats to stay in or return to the closet. Expatica helps make your expat journey the experience you've always wanted. Christophe Morin / Bloomberg via Getty Images. Also, cities like Brussels, Antwerp, and Liege are a few places that you shouldnt miss. Furthermore, in 2021, an executive order was passed in the country, providing access to free IVF treatment procedures to single women and women in same-sex relationships across the entire nation. Bahrain: laidback lifestyle, best for wage growth. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Canada has stated that conversion therapy is a criminal act. There are NO gay communities. The Auckland, New Zealand skyline on May 28, 2015, Aerial view of Johannesburg, South Africa, Jose Fuste Raga / JTB Photo/UIG via Getty Images. Social acceptance grew as the territory has become more LGBTQIA+ friendly in recent years. Norway is said to be among the most trans-friendly countries and has one of the best gay scenes in the world. InterNations recently revealed its Expat Insider . For such a small nation that is still relatively unvisited by the traditional tourist track, Malta has advanced LGBT rights. He told International Living that he budgeted $2,700 a month and liked the city because of . Most of the world still has a long way to go regarding acceptance for all kinds of differences, not limited only to LGBT people. In 2006, Sitges unveiled the countrys first LGBTQIA+ monument to commemorate a 1996 police crackdown on gay men at the beach at night. Lesbians have access to in vitro fertilization treatments. Even with all the struggle the community put in, homosexuality wasn't decriminalized until eight years later. While the gay scene in this country may be more concentrated in the main cities of Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa has done work to change the narrative on LGBT protections on the continent and travelers who are doing business in this region or seek to invest in frontier markets might choose to be in South Africa as a base. French Polynesia is a group of six archipelagos in the South Pacific Ocean, located in Oceania about halfway between South America and Australia. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. New Zealand. Auckland, New Zealand.