Is Gadarenes And Gennesaret The Same Place, Articles C

your hair likely isnt very cooperative - it doesnt hold curls or it never stays straight when you wish it would. you may be prone to gossip - you could be gossiped about often or you may attract a lot of drama like the goddess herself. i feel like this aspect likes pain or being tied up though they are afraid of not being in control, its like you enjoy testing your limits (i feel like you may enjoy the book normal people by sally rooney). you may also have an expressive face, be a slender person, be taller than average, and have graceful hands. Melete is connected to the Greek word for anxiety, and as such, can indicate anxiety disorders, panic attacks and other forms of mental anguish. please let me know if you all enjoyed this - if you would like me to revisit any of the asteroids i have already covered and do something similar. Free Astrological Chart Selection - Astrodienst "Adorea" is translated as "spelt." In astrology, there are a few interpretations of Adoriea, but adoration or recognition are at the core of each. Jealousy, especially acts driven by jealousy that end poorl, a tattle-tale, a gossip. Overreaching, fatal crashes, being disabled or crippled in some way. Eros is pure eroticism. Niobe loses her entire family. i wont regret it for you while you fret over those initial days of shocking those around you because i just know you will look beautifully you! I dont post much on here, and especially not about sports, but I just wanted to say how proud I am of Morocco in the World Cup this year. Jupiter rules ur beliefs so maybe people could love u for expressing ur beliefs. 8h: we know that every relationship for you feels like you are flying and then by the end the whole town is burning to ash. 2 posts of you, 1 of something pretty): aesthetically pleasing books, the sunset, pictures from a day trip, etc. Where Are My Asteroids? | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly What your biggest wounds are and how to heal them, inner soft spot. Persephone (aka Proserpina) is attached to her mother Ceres they are the best of friends and completely inseparable. Soul mate & karmic relationship point synastry - MoonsEye Astrology you may appear to others as a positive person with glowy skin and great hair. plus lets not forget orbs matter, dominance matters, etc. Not much more to say than that when you find this little dude in close aspect to someone, run. but hey you are the one people come to for advice about love and romance because you have fabulous intuition when it comes to all things intimate. Chart owners can be more sensitive to the energy of specific asteroids when they are found: -On the angles IC, Midheaven, Ascendant, Descendant, -Conjunct or in dynamic (the big 4- trine, conjunct, square, opposition) aspectation with the luminaries (Sun and Moon), *Retrogrades in any asteroids can signify karmic tie-ups in these placements. Nice having a title and all, but surely not ones first choice. Being forced to do the same thing over and over. its hard to say which sign is the most like this greek goddess but this sign definitely gives that same energy of her love life: there, intense, and gone. Since Loki is everywhere so many of us have had encounters with Loki, we took a quick poll: Also chasing after men without accounting for their ability to choose whether they want you or not and/or anguish over your lovers death/watching them die right in front of you. Since Venus and the moon are the only ones representing the feminine force in the chart, we've turned to the asteroid belt to fill in the blanks.. aphrodite-mars: you may be admired for your passion, ability to lead others, and/or ambition. Lie, cheat, fraud, steal. I have seen asteroid Dejanaira come up time and time again as a reliable indicator of childhood abuse, especially sexual abuse. Adonis: Adonis, the asteroid number 2010, is named after the personification of masculine beauty in Greek myth. Eris- feminine equivalent of Mars, exalted in Cancer. you are the type that doesnt block an ex just so they know you are living the dream and they missed out on it OR you just rather that everyone in the situation walks away rather amicably (lets stay friends energy). Chiron is later wounded by an arrow from Hercules. aphrodite-hestia (46): positive aspects: you are unaffected by the disagreements of those around you - you dont judge people for their sexual choices and they dont judge you - you live harmoniously together accepting each other for what you are as individuals (girl power vibes). Asteroid Talent - 33154. Bill Clinton had the asteroid Sphinx next to the asteroids Paul and Monica. Narcissus obviously talks about grandiose consideration for ones self, disapproval or disinterest in others, self-obsession and the anger that comes from being spoiled, or not getting what you want. Astrology Wonderings you may be verbal about your jealousy - speaking your mind without really meaning what you say or saying it knowing that it is meant to hurt the person. you may actually relate to the eros and psyche story - you know someone will betray the other persons trust, they dont listen, then you just end up being like i told you so. also like that story you may have a hard time changing your opinion about others like aphrodite did about psyche! ), chances are your hair is darker and finer than those around you, you are probably shorter than most, have a cute nose, and semi-prominent eyes. Asteroid Atropos is one part of the Moira fates (in addition to Klotho & Lachesis). like this greek goddess of beauty you know that you are gorgeous: it may really affect your ego if someone tells you otherwise or if people dont remind you often enough. RETROGRADE MAKES ALL OF THESE THINGS LISTED BELOW SUPER STRESSFUL OR SLOW TO APPEAR IN YOUR LIFE !!! A real charmer Casanova also talks about attraction and charm but this is about active pursuit. The sword of Damocles is quite well known as an expression: in short, it encapsulates the danger that rulers/leaders live with as a by-product of their power. interesting asteroids to look up in your natal chart,, 1862 Apollo the talents that make you beam, 9499 Excalibur how to find your breakthrough, 6123 Aristotle how you break your delusions, 5450 Sokrates your conversational skill. you are just as strong as any of these other placements, never think anything different - no need to tear other women down (women should support other women - we are not each others enemies naturally). Arachne was an incredibly talented weaver, and compared herself to the Gods (and actually, said she was better than them!). Groundhog Day, for Greeks. you may be very envious of others when you have no cause to be - maybe if you just told others how you feel then the problems wouldnt be as big as you imagine them being. Aggression, strength and power. you likely have one particular cosmetic you cant leave home without because its critical to your survival (my mother has 2h aphrodite and for her, its burts vanilla beeswax lip balm (yes, it has to be that exact brand and flavor lol); she get really ticked off if she cant find it, lmao 10/10 would lie down and die in a zombie apocalypse if she ran out). aphrodite-ASC: positive aspects: super gorgeous, you are probably in the spotlight in the best way possible. you could be a social media influencer as well and make pretty good money from it. this placement may be really good at giving support to others or charity work. Hello, could you tell me what the asteroid Aphrodite in the 1st house in conjunction with Venus means? He was the son of Saturn and a sea-nymph. you probably arent as good at hiding secret affairs as this goddess of love, but you are probably just as interwoven in other peoples lives and drama as this love goddess. aphrodite-saturn: i feel like this aspect in a person is often seen as mature or womanly or what have you from a very young age (this love goddess was born from the sea and rose from the water as an adult woman - she was never a child). Swindle has got it ALL. you may attract potential long-term relationships very easily. i feel like you may not do that enough - its very go-go-go, work-work-work vibes. youre the one that sets the standard for the group, so if you function as a regina george the others will follow your lead - please use your powers for good. its all in the gaze for you - it is haunting in a way that people could be blindfolded and still imagine and feel the intensity of your gaze just after one occurrence of feeling the real thing. if you are an underdeveloped 10h aphrodite, status symbols are likely important to you - you need a house, a nice car, a marriage, a dog, etc. flodeshe liked this Can become . you may be prone to changing your look up pretty often. Pandora is both an asteroid as well as a Moon to Saturn, here we only speak about the asteroid Pandora. but honestly yes thats your vibe or like emily in paris - you love to dress to match your atmosphere! you always have a plan for what you want long term and ultimately that is power - you may like the ares type of partner because its an equal match of power hunger. but no seriously i get that you want to feel free and wild but if you do not want a kid USE PROTECTION - yall are super fertile. your children/masculine friend may be more likely to hide things from you, even relationships. Hygeia- placed between Jupiter and Mars. sister knew her standards. If you have Juno in the 12th/Pisces house marriage may ruin the harmony of your partnership, because you may end up feeling trapped by rules and laws. ASTEROID ANGEL IN HOUSES asteroidangel in the 1st house - angels are most likely there when you're meeting new people and when you're learning your self-character, they might even be in front of your face all the time, you won't always notice it unless your third eye is more open. 12h? but no everyone loves you for your mind. aphrodite-zeus (5731): positive aspects: viewed by the men around as someone to be respected and protected from other men. negative aspects: men around you may be a bit pervy - oogling you even when you are with another man or in a situation where you lack the power to do something about it - these men may also feel as though you owe them something. The word or name "Luda" means "Love of the people".. Lucifer | Astrologers' Community Hubris, excessive pride, arrogance or foolishness that leads to an inevitable downfall. you are likely a dewy makeup type or the type that rolls out of bed and still looks like a million bucks! Vesta wraps herself around the human craving for security, stability, and safety, and if preoccupied with making sure that everything is taken care of, pragmatically with dogged persistence. Im just going based off of the information Ive been able to find on these two. you might have a cool weather style year-round - and people notice that it makes this placement slightly mysterious! you likely wear leather, satins, silks - really anything that makes you look seductive yet badass. aphrodite-mercury: admired for your intelligence, advice, comedic abilities, accommodating/go-getter nature, and/or your vast amounts of knowledge regarding others. something about who you connect with others feels heavy and unbreakable until you are the one to break it. *all of these observations are based on a natal chart - solar return and persona charts will change all these observations because the context is different*. you may also have a curvy physique (might have great boobs lol) and/or round face. you have expensive tastes but its just not accessories, its your food too. Lucifer is the 1st house - the physical appearance is a source of evil in them. you likely dont fall in love as easily as this love goddess did. Normally, asteroid Ara would show where and how one is likely to give aid or be aided by others. It is named after adorea liba, the cakes used as offerings to the gods in Roman society. definitely the jealous lover in the romantic realm just like this goddess of love is. So in your astrology natal chart the asteroid Luda (1158) can indicate : where a lot of people like or adore or love you.. The person with Cupido conjunct the Ascendant is very attractive, in a way that few can resist. being in drama or gossiping for you is like dancing on a stage - you put on a whole new persona (aphrodite in bed with ares type deal - what me? Please note that the total number of additional objects in a chart is limited to 10. . this is just a starting place for when examining a single asteroid in an entire galaxy. They work best by themselves, as they like to be their own leader. This time drives us to look at wounds deep within and hiding. libra (7, 19): have you ever seen those fan videos where they are like they kissed my hand, im never washing this hand again? you seem like the person that others would follow anywhere. Vesta in Aries: Work motivation arises when one expresses their independence and uses their own individuality. you may have some fears about sex - contraceptives, not being in control, possible STDs/STIs, etc. but in all seriousness you like 2h aphrodites have quite a bit in common you love a good gym routine - your health is everything to you. Planets and asteroids in astrology are a fantastic way to connect with mythology. you probably dress in a very classic manner - it may look a bit retro at times like i picture winona rider in stranger things (a bit grunge/edgy)! Who does not flee; the inescapable one. Any behaviours that challenge the gods of your life (parents, partners, bosses). you may be incredibly wise from your time devouring culture and experiencing the world - many people come to you for advice. The most crucial factor becomes developing those subselves that can take on specific responsibilities and look after them; one becomes an administrator, overseeing the operations of a great number of virtually autonomous busy bees who stay on their job twenty-four hour a day. The women of Greece, led by Lysistrata, led a protest of sexual abstinence against all men until they stopped the perpetual wars. or you may have a routine post-sex - pee, shower, change the sheets, and something warm (idk why a am receiving that part as part of your routine but i am lol). that being said you could have been adopted by another family member (zeus would have been aphrodites nephew lmao) or it could be a serious case of your the fairness of them all syndrome in your family. Grief, loss, mourning. All considerations become basic, reductionist and utterly insistent upon first things first, which means the appearing before the real. whatever it is, you are in the middle of your bubble in the world! you likely enjoy the spotlight but there is a chance for narcissism or egoism in this placement (harsh reminder: you eat, sleep, and shit like the rest of us). your relationships may be extremely well balanced too - its like its meant to be. negative aspects: could be seen by the men in your family as another woman to marry off as soon as possible to avoid the burden of keeping you single and independent (its like the 1800s all over again). this is the house placement for them; you can be super show-stopping with this placement! aphrodite-athene (881) OR pallas (2): positive aspects: you are appreciated and treated as an equal by the women around you. you may even be the type of person that helps your kid when they run to you in a very final and known way (you right, mom, help). Asteroid Ara is only bad, per se, when poorly positioned or afflicted within a natal chart. Asteroid Adrastaeia can show those who do not leave abusive situations, or, can show moments and traumas where we were unable to escape, as in the case of abusive childhoods. Echo was the fairy-like creture that fell in love with Narcissus but was ignored and held in disdain by him. seriously you are the businesswoman who uses her money to buy the pretty things and looks well maintained - like your nails are always done, your hair is on a schedule for highlights, trims, and all that, etc. but like think about what this love goddess would post if she wasnt allowed to post her face every day (thats funny too because i notice patterns? you are so enchanting in presence and personality. everyone tends to look at you with judgment for your actions and it sucks so try your best to not let your ego get the better of you and do what you can to avoid drama and gossip because others are likely already spreading something about you. or you may have not had much interest in dating and thus delayed it. ill tell you what: you can still girlboss the shit out of life after giving yourself the weekend off, wonder woman. r/astrology on Reddit aphrodite-hephaistos (2212): positive aspects: you can see the beauty in ugliness or the positive in situations where others would feel trapped. your brows need to look just right, your hair has to be perfect, your jeans need to be pressed, etc. 12h: oof i fear this placement steps into a highly jealous territory that makes me slightly on edge. Pholus- small start of a major event, turning point, situation involving three generations at a time, curing certain addictions, something that happens and you cant get ahold of it, the catalyst, Sedna- ultimate freedom of spirit, tendency to fall victim to our own vulnerability, deceit, betrayal, isolation, aloofness, inaccessibility, having too high an opinion of oneself, aloofness, arrogance, refusal to grow, Chariklo- Wife of Chiron, the wounded healer. I dont like it when Toro crops up around a personal planet like Venus, as it can sometimes indicate violent or intense and aggressive relationships. when your attention is captured, you are a complete enigma to those around you. Many of are familiar with Pandoras Box; this asteroid is named after the very same lady who famously released evil energy into the world by opening a box sent to her by the Gods. When badly afflicted, Lysistrata can talk about someone that uses sex as a tool of manipulation or power. you may be the type to love being in love - you may not be the safest when entering these relations (you dont care about your heart or theirs) - its always raw and unguarded (lmfao like the sex - but no seriously you likely arent concerned about a possible kid or anything like that you just want to feel free and wild). you are also very prone to being curvy. Asteroid Casanova Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths Phone Reading Astrology Charts Some asteroids are self explanatory Seduction comes easily to the Casanova gentleman. many people likely find you dramatic and a bit childish when its important you not be. you may be the only aphrodite placement i wouldnt be surprised to see hide in the wildness when the world seems rough. Asteroids Cheat Sheet. i will sit with you all day and tell you, you are pretty because you truly are - there is something so surreal about you.