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[53] In September 2009, the lawsuit was settled with an agreement under which the county would rent space to the university on favorable terms and the county and university would work together toward the reopening of MLK Hospital. Chair & Program Director Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. She was born and raised in San Francisco and studied Ethnic Studies and Health & Human Biology at Brown University. Dr. Vi Nguyen is from Chino, California and obtained her medical degree from University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Dr. Chang obtained his medical degree from Duke University School of Medicine, where he was a part of the Primary Care Leadership Track. Her long-term goal is to specialize in geriatrics and palliative care and care for underserved populations in the hospital and in the clinic. Trainees may enter as Canadian Medical Graduates, International Medical Graduates, and . In my free time, I like Undergraduate Education: Undergraduate Education: University of Washington restaurants, and spending time with friends and family. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. and movies, Undergraduate Education: The Citadel Military School of South Carolina Phone: (802) 847-4714. Matthew Perkins, M.D. Outside of medicine, she is interested in hiking, her tiny dog, and eating as much ice cream as possible. Get a closer look at our campus in South Los Angeles including a visit to our labs and library. People who train here find a perfect balance of clinicals and didactics that provide the skills, knowledge and attitude to excel in Internal Medicine. The UCR School of Medicine-sponsored internal medicine residency program is transitioning from Riverside University Health System (RUHS) to St. Bernardine Medical Center in San Bernardino. [52] The school was eligible to seek reinstatement to relaunch its residency program in July 2008. Applicants who want to be considered for ABIM Research Path should possess a graduate degree (or equivalent) in research. IM Residency Alumni Council; Combined Programs. Dr. Kelly Cheung is a first-year resident and went to Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU/MCV) for medical school! The University of Toronto Internal Medicine (Core) Program is one of the largest internal medicine residency programs in North America, with approximately 70 residents in each Core year (PGY-1 to PGY-3), and 12-15 residents stay for a PGY-4 year of training. Please review the Requirements and the Frequently Asked Questions for more information. In his free time, Damond enjoys camping, hiking, museums, and cooking. from New York Medical College. He is greatly looking forward to gaining more experience with this field and these patient populations as he continues his journey through residency. Phone: (813) 259-0670 GIVE. Hobbies: Travel, soccer, movies, family. [54], In June 2007, the school began an 18-month rebranding effort aimed at preventing people from associating the school with the continuing ordeals of King-Harbor; the school criticized the hospital for leaving an old sign bearing the King/Drew name. Medical School: Ross University, School of Medicine. Varied training sites include a university medical center, a community hospital, a VA system, and a countyhospital. [32][33] The Marginalization-related Diminished Returns (MDRs) Research Center is also housed at CDU. Prior to residency, many already are leaders in biotechnology, translational research, genomics, primary care and . Applicants. All rights reserved, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Prelicensure/Generic Track (Prelicensure BSN), Bachelor of Science in Nursing- RN to BSN Program, Master of Science in Nursing- Entry Level Masters Track Program, Master of Science in Nursing and Post Masters Certificate- Family Nurse Practitioner program, Master of Science in Nursing- Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Master of Science in Nursing and Post Masters Certificate- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner program, Charles R. Drew/UCLA Medical Education Program, Associate of Science, Radiologic Technology, Bachelor of Science, Public Health (BSPH), Bachelor of Science in Psychology with an Emphasis in Community Counseling, Master of Public Health (MPH) in Urban Health Disparities, Master of Health Science, Physician Assistant, Enhanced Post Baccalaureate Certificate Program in Pre-Medicine, Deadlines for Admission and Financial Aid, Excellence in Special Knowledge and Research, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Medical School: Centro de Estudios Universitarios Xochicalco, Escuela de Medicina Ensenada Please Apply Through the Following Link: He comes to LA from his home state of New York, where he completed medical school at NYU. [2] The university is named in honor of Charles R. Drew. Diversity of patients, sites, and clinical exposure is a hallmark of our training. Our 2022-2023 Residents. Why Med-Psych; Program Overview . 1 Timber Lane. Medical School: Dayanand Medial College, India, Medical School: Al-Baath University, Syria Hobbies: Weight lifting, running, rock climbing, Undergraduate Education: Southern Oregon University Internal Medicine Residency Program. He obtained a master's degree in epidemiology from the Brazilian National School of Public Health, in Rio De Janeiro, and later his medical degree from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Mission Statement Dr. Lopez is a second-year resident in the Primary Care-Olive View Santa Clarita track. All rights reserved, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Prelicensure/Generic Track (Prelicensure BSN), Bachelor of Science in Nursing- RN to BSN Program, Master of Science in Nursing- Entry Level Masters Track Program, Master of Science in Nursing and Post Masters Certificate- Family Nurse Practitioner program, Master of Science in Nursing- Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Master of Science in Nursing and Post Masters Certificate- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner program, Charles R. Drew/UCLA Medical Education Program, Associate of Science, Radiologic Technology, Bachelor of Science, Public Health (BSPH), Bachelor of Science in Psychology with an Emphasis in Community Counseling, Master of Public Health (MPH) in Urban Health Disparities, Master of Health Science, Physician Assistant, Enhanced Post Baccalaureate Certificate Program in Pre-Medicine, Deadlines for Admission and Financial Aid, Mervyn M. Dymally School of Nursing (MMDSON), Bachelor of Science in Nursing - RN to BSN Program, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Prelicensure - BSN for Non-Nurses, Master of Science in Nursing - Entry Level Master's Program, National Student Nurses Association (NSNA), Stanford Faculty Mentors for CDU Students, CDU-Scripps Research Translational Institute (SRTI), Excellence in Special Knowledge and Research, COM Quick Reference Chart for Rank and Series, Shortage of Healthcare Professionals in California, Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH), BS in Psychology with an emphasis in Community Counseling, BS in Psychology with an emphasis in Community Counseling Outcome, Bachelor of Science in Psychology Curriculum, Goals, Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes, MPH Urban Health Disparities Competencies, MPH Program Learning Outcomes and Competencies, Public Health Workforce Development Events, Graduation Requirements and Academic Progression, Office of Sponsored Programs - Federal Agencies Implementation Plan, Division of Comparative Medicine/Vivarium, CDU Patent and Intellectual Property Committee, Environmental Health and Laboratory Safety, CDU/UCLA Cancer Center Partnership to Eliminate Cancer Health Disparities, Research Projects Supported by the Partnership, Clinical Research Education and Career Development (CRECD), Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), Substance Abuse Disorders Research Training Program (SART), Develop@CDU: Research Skills Development Series, Develop at CDU: Research Development Series, (RCMI) Translational Research Network (RTRN), Accelerating Excellence in Translational Science (AXIS) Center, Standing Committees of the Academic Senate, Academic Rights, Privileges and Grievances, Faculty Titles, Distribution of Effort, Privileges, Getting to Know CDU Faculty, Staff and Leadership, Diplomats on Global Health Disparities Series, Deadlines for Admissions and Financial Aid, Direct Cost of Attendance - College of Medicine, Direct Cost of Attendance - College of Science and Health, Direct Cost of Attendance - MERVYN M. DYMALLY SCHOOL OF NURSING, Office of Faculty Development and Assessment, Drew University HIV/AIDS Education and Community Outreach Project, Opportunity Scholars Public Health Academy, Disability Resources and Reasonable Accommodations, Jobs, Internships, Research Opportunities,, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, MSPE (dean's letter) from medical/osteopathic school, USMLE/COMLEX-USA Transcript: A passing score on USMLE Step I and Step II (Clinical Knowledge and Clinical Skills) or COMLEX-USA Level 1 and 2 is required for all trainees prior to beginning a CDU/ GME program. Fax: (802) 847-6333. Dr. Damond Ng obtained his MD and MPH from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA as part of the PRIME-LA program. Medical School: American University of Antigua College of Medicine, Antigua and Barbuda CDU COM is a graduate medical education (GME) sponsoring institution accredited by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Morsani College of Medicine. Dr. Lopez was born and raised in South Los Angeles and attended UC Berkeley for her undergraduate education. Hobbies: EDM Festivals, Sports, Reading, Bodybuilding, Yoga, Travel, Hiking, Podcasting. Medical School: American University of the Caribbean Dr. Stokes is a second-year primary care resident who grew up in the Boston area. Many others choose to pursue training in the various subspecialties of internal medicine. It is the responsibility of each applicant to ensure that his or her application is complete. The Internal Medicine Residency at Loma Linda University Health prepares you to become a skilled, compassionate physician. crocheting, & spending quality time with friends & family. Medical School: American University of the Caribbean ECFMG Certification. The Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science (CDU) is a private institution with a public mission to cultivate diverse health professional leaders who are dedicated to social justice and health equity for underserved and under resourced communities. We are proud that our graduates are sought after! Outside of the hospital, she can be found long distance running, practicing vinyasa yoga, hiking, swimming, or reading historical fiction and mystery novels. We integrate technology and innovation in a unique community-academic hybrid educational setting that allows us to . Outside of medicine, Laura enjoys exploring Los Angeles and California for the first time. Dr. Katie Fruin is from Chicago, where she obtained her medical degree from Rush Medical College and trained at both Rush and Cook County Hospital. Daniels primary interests both clinically and in public health are in health equity and in narrative medicine. Her long-term goal is to work in a primary care setting based in California/Hawaii to serve older adults in our communities. Her interests are geriatrics, SSDOH, and medical education. Dr. Willinger obtained her medical degree and masters degree in public health from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Internal Medicine Residency Program Mission Statement The Internal Medicine Residency Training Program's mission is to develop compassionate, well-rounded, culturally competent internists dedicated to serving the needs of underserved and special populations. Three schools and colleges are housed on CDU's 11-acre campus: the College of Science and Health, the College of Medicine and the Mervyn M. Dymally School of Nursing (MMDSON). Dr. Hiness current interest in medicine is in geriatrics and palliative care. Pearl Ugwu-Dike, MD, PGY-1. Medical School: Ross University School of Medicine, Undergraduate Education: University of California, Riverside [2] The university is named in honor of Charles R. Drew . For your convenience, provides information and web links on our website. The newly accredited Family Medicine Residency Program builds on the CDU historical legacy of excellent residency education that has produced graduates who continue to provide much needed care in underserved communities. He hopes to pursue further training in LGBTQIA+ health and HIV management. Varun Iyengar, MD, PGY-3. He also managed two of the. We currently support 36 categorical IM residents, 3 rural IM residents, 3 IM-geriatrics residents, 16 IM-pediatrics residents, 14 preliminary interns (from anesthesia, neurology, and radiology programs), and 2 chief . She is particularly interested in chronic disease management for vulnerable populations, geriatric medicine, and end-of-life care. Fellowships. Dr. Gonzalez received his medical degree from Harvard as well as a BA in International Health and Development from the University of Denver. Internal Medicine Residency Program Meet Our Leadership Meet Our Leadership As a resident of our internal medicine program, you will interact with a diverse patient population and learn from our numerous faculty, who encompass the spectrum of subspecialities. Charles R. Drew University's (CDU) 50-year commitment to the health of often overlooked populations is well- reputed and documented. Undergraduate Education: University of California, Berkeley, Psychology, B.A. Efficient, empathic education is my life's mission. The goal of the internal medicine program is to train culturally and clinically competent clinicians using the CDU Advantage, a curriculum based on five specific pillars research, social justice, international exposure, experiential education, and health policy, dedicated to serving the primary care needs of the underserved and under-resourced communities. Internal Medicine South Loop Physicians Group Directions. [6] In January 1970, the offices of the Charles R. Drew Postgraduate Medical School and the Watts-Willowbrook Regional Medical program formally opened at 12012 Compton Avenue,[7] and would serve as the central center for CDU's operations until the W.M. Medical School: Ross University School of Medicine I used to be very 1731 E. 120th St., Los Angeles, CA 90059, 2022Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. She obtained her medical degree from UC Irvine. [53] In October 2006, the national Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education informed school officials that it planned to revoke the university's ACGME accreditation because of the hospital's upcoming loss of Medicare money; as a result the university voluntarily withdrew its accreditation. His academic interests are in Asian Pacific Islander health disparities, medical education, infectious diseases, and health care access for underserved and rural communities. About: Student, tutor, and now, doctor. Charles R. Drew Postgraduate Medical School was incorporated in the State of California as a private, nonprofit educational institution in 1966[3] in response to the McCone Commission's recommendations to improve access to healthcare in South Los Angeles following the Watts Riots in 1965. An outstanding foundation in state of the art patient care will serve you well in any career you choose. The Bayhealth Internal Medicine Residency can be found in ERAS under the ACGME #1400900091. Dr. Velazquez obtained his MD from UCSF and graduated from the Program in Medical Education (PRIME). [45], The university is regionally accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Hobbies: Enjoy discovering new places with family and friends, watching TV series Welcome residents, we are so happy to have you all here in Lafayette. All rights reserved, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Prelicensure/Generic Track (Prelicensure BSN), Bachelor of Science in Nursing- RN to BSN Program, Master of Science in Nursing- Entry Level Masters Track Program, Master of Science in Nursing and Post Masters Certificate- Family Nurse Practitioner program, Master of Science in Nursing- Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Master of Science in Nursing and Post Masters Certificate- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner program, Charles R. Drew/UCLA Medical Education Program, Associate of Science, Radiologic Technology, Bachelor of Science, Public Health (BSPH), Bachelor of Science in Psychology with an Emphasis in Community Counseling, Master of Public Health (MPH) in Urban Health Disparities, Master of Health Science, Physician Assistant, Enhanced Post Baccalaureate Certificate Program in Pre-Medicine, Deadlines for Admission and Financial Aid, Excellence in Special Knowledge and Research, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, CDU Internal Medicine Residency Program, Messages from our leadership. It is an excellent place to continue your medical education to become a family medicine leader who will empower wellness in communities, families and individuals through health care equity, compassion and excellence in Los Angeles, the state, our nation and even the world. Outpatient Care Center.