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/uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . Did you know? P$` uIA7 `|F=.00bVe1hd` a?V.@! Tg /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V hbbd```b``@$S6f G$, lq! /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V BES is seeking talented individuals from diverse racial, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds with knowledge, ability, and experience working with a broad range of individuals and communities; and that desire to work collaboratively and creatively to broaden the variety of innovative ways to partner with and serve all Portland communities. Applicants must specifically address and demonstrate in their supplemental question responses and resume how their education, training, work experience, and/or lived experience, meets each of the following minimum qualifications: An evaluation of each applicant's training and experience, as demonstrated in their resume and supplemental questions are weighted 100%. Eligible List / Notices Generated: week of 3/20/2023, 1st Round of Interviews: week of 3/27/2023. Equal Employment Opportunity: It is the policy of the City of Portland that no person shall be discriminated against based on race, religion, color, sex, marital status, family status, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or source of income. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V . h27P0P07T0Tw/+Q0L)67J)Ic3RYZlgZ?CC&C2C>C63T 7b0B+ m` t\B9hf NSRiv@ 7. /uW c" a]WE l /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V 46 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 16 0 obj <>stream City of Portland Risk Management 2/14/2023 GEORGE G CURTIS ADMITfED IN OREGON, WASHINGTON & WISCONSIN ZBINDEN & CURTIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. All levels of management must take responsibility for the protection and preservation of our assets through continuous attention to safe and healthy working conditions; early identification of potential sources of loss to our employees, property, residents and the public at large. Risk Management | The City of Portland, Oregon About Us Divisions Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management Division Please Note! /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /Im0 Do /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 per City/State mandate or have an approved exception by the date of hire. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Give website feedback. . Work 756-8262 Home 828-4421 Cell 653-2261 Christopher Winters, Executive Assistant 874-8635 Kathy Vosmus, Risk Administrative Assistant.. 874-8624 Fax Number, Risk Division, Room 115, City Hall 874-8937 Maine Municipal Assoc., Ann Willette, Lost-Time Claims 1-800-590-5583 Maine Municipal Assoc., Gail Trask, Medical-Only Claims 1-800-590-5583 Fax Number, MMA .. 626-0513 MMA 24 Hr. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V F2/6KYj-G5C~lC#m=Zm /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o :).`QEw@Jz]}[BgXfe3-+A&f wN3zbFO=1'f3zbFO=1'f3zbFO=1'f?o_7I_g{hRn_x;KsLGyo}. Risk Management | The City of Portland, Oregon hbbd`b`ab``b`|^&?0g\` MT /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Articles, blogs, press releases, public notices, and newsletters. endstream endobj startxref You have already flagged this document.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. PEv%;W *_/ Tz Kv Ud^s "+ @\ d J;3 We support a diverse, collaborative, healthy, and engaged workforce. tM} k^r~Jf^:P0dgWk73 G%$)Y@dG:(B 5#w [-y'W City of Portland Risk Management 2/22/2023 Give website feedback. PEv%;W *_/ Tz Kv Ud^s "+ @\ d Effective March 17th, 2020 Risk Management staff is telecommuting until further notice. 0 We advance innovative, sustainable, and resilient solutions. /uW } K c ` w]=O$K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Request these services online or call 503-823-4000, Relay Service:711. The City of Portland's Office of Management and Finance (OMF) Facilities Services are housed in the Division of Asset Management (DAM), under the Deputy Chief Administrator's Office. PEv%;W *_/ Tz Kv Ud^s "+ @\ d Give website feedback. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V City of Portland Risk Management 12/29/2022 J J TRMN 2730 / 2732 GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF PORTLAND File Number: * for damages to persons or property * 2022-0131 16-20 A claim must be filed with City of Portland Risk Management within 180 days after the occurrence of the incident or event. Portland's vision for growth and progress | /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V endstream endobj 39 0 obj <> endobj 40 0 obj <>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 41 0 obj <>stream /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Create an Account , 1120 SW 5th Avenue, Rm 1040, Portland, OR 97204, 1120 SW 5th Avenue, Rm 1040 /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V In 2022, National Comp is creating more opportunities to learn how to address the evolving challenges in workers' comp AND creating new, exciting opportunities to network with the industry's most influential executives, thought leaders, and fellow attendees. Every department and division in the City encounters numerous risk exposures and potential losses. Closed on official holidays. Do not attach materials not requested. Risk Management staff is telecommuting until further notice. Building, transportation, maintenance, and sewer projects. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Risk Management Manual - City of Portland. At all times relevant, Plaintiff was a resident of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V h2T0P0P04PwqH) /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Opportunities posted to, City of Portland general information hotline. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Risk Management jobs in Portland, OR - Indeed 1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 110, Portland, OR 97204. Thank you for your understanding. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Do not attach materials not requested. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Additional evaluation may be required prior to establishment of the eligible list and/or final selection. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V 0 /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Discuss problems, limitations and strategies to provide all workers safe and healthy work places. We urge respectful communication and transparency. See something we could improve onthis page? %%EOF They are also the key contacts with outside agencies that deal with safety, health and loss control issues (see table of organization): Cressey A. Mollison, WC & Safety Program Manager.. Work 874-8622 Home 839-6670 Cell 653-3725 Cheryl L. Main, Liability Program Manager.. Work. /Im0 Do endstream endobj 86 0 obj <>stream PDF Daniel Snyder, OSB No. 78385 LAW OFFICES OF DANIEL SNYDER - Oregonlive See something we could improve onthis page? Employees should be an integral part in the development of work practices, policies and programs drafted to deal with the various risks affecting their workplace. 18 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[12 9]/Length 44/Prev 304052/Root 13 0 R/Size 21/Type/XRef/W[1 2 0]>>stream /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Your resume should support the details described in your responses to the supplemental questions. City of Portland Risk Management Sponsor's Address 1120 SW 5th Avenue Rm 709 Sponsor's City Portland Sponsor's State OR Sponsor's Zipcode 97204 Sponsor's Phone 5038235389 Sponsor's Fax 5038236120 Sponsor's Name Lonnie Turner Sponsor's Email . /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V City of Portland Risk Management 2122/2023 KB WAOP AUTO LIABILITY CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF PORTLAND * for auto accidents involving a vehicle * 2023-013357-22 File Number: A claim must be filed with City of Portland Risk Management within 180 days after the occurrence of the incident or event. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Magazine: Risk Management Manual - City of Portland. 1901 Main Street, Suite 420 Irvine, California 92614-0513 949/608-6500 Fax 949/608-6530 May 1, 2003 1050-001 City of Portland Bureau of General Services 11 pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o City of Portland . We carefully manage our watersheds, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, and financial resources. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Risk Management Manual - City of Portland. CLASS SPECIFICATION RISK SPECIALIST I FLSA STATUS: Exempt BARGAINING UNIT: District Council of Trade Unions (DCTU) EFFECTIVE: March 9, 2022 GENERAL SUMMARY . tj|DYfWF?&J%>5j3l1M0+mEUkjuW^s\D^cWRXs{Fd]s\iNYexMJnRPmV}:1]k^)ZsV6=\,KR;+>\(QO~qJCVT2 X$-W%/u'Sa{Qb[8%|p|.u 3L9Fz5:hUM8AcPff@gdXz.HoJh [\B{A~2^@VjKi={ /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Building, transportation, maintenance, and sewer projects. Get alerts to jobs like this, to your inbox. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o q }0J=O R /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Please Note! Are you sure you want to delete your template? /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Risk Management | The City of Portland, Oregon %%EOF h|n0_O06I&@ [=, kshhVl]Hb+n[u1[,{>7'F!r)~#vx>+AW|>&Os~BzPv".A:)k\Oo$Dc55')R^BDl*YK46 KWZs&. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V E-mailed and/or faxed applications will not be accepted. Risk Management staff is telecommuting until further notice. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V hbbd`b`cb`gb`\ !&?L3v Cu /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V ibS @ hk%qJ`h (eZ6 #M 0!~y#NI dVe527rn [)MH0M7rJ ~S27+v|S*74{cjI=&|S7IMh7yTvSnzS[&a&oUM! Articles, blogs, press releases, public notices, and newsletters. City of Portland, Oregon Review of Risk Management Program Services 874-8431 Home 854-8637 Cell 232-0898 Jonathan Anderson, Safety & Training Officer. Work 874-8608 Home 353-5710 Cell 233-7417 Neil Jordan, Safety & Training Officer.. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V This manual is designed to assist you in recognizing those risks and determining what action to take to avoid them, and minimizing those losses which may be unavoidable. }&T/,rQirFiWN*Fu'0z/]CJ^v]gon^^^{wz{qys5]o{soxfp%|J_/~73 ~{o_UH*Dwj4=K\~w}Sv- F78M;Hr;{xn .w;#7J\4-Q7F!fI1!I{H~`>^ZuLjmUV-O%PEUD-. Risk Management | The City of Portland, Oregon HK\W?%!B$KlX%'Me P2,}0!vPei44G$uk&Tc(M;{?f}s9s9z>[[ /9~"w=/_ld}jW2^Sf_],zMGOk}i}6g|3=S_hw.y=aY!Zm Ha{ivG(^&/^Fn.m$\&cccL~}/M)#uSWMynBF6/]%\)Y^UF4v~um?Z5;+zX}=NKkU` zmts8}sku]n{aI{w#z_SW[9Zss=GExSxz\+}e}.K^L!sqjJ!N{N)]|W]R?z5s==c=i(h{z>MkDi^{Kj.SuYk 'S'T{$k/=t}~lzN'N>Cag*&xu>9c_JxJgP~g}AWC{NdQKDES=*\bQs531~;~d^5)v\]9ebO8m;=XPN0+udI\j] /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Q h{k_6RW3J^Cfp?H3'YYunweDtwFV+s9Q&]$_$\_IqW5zRUqW2._JLWQZixG&_*D/Qzk /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Conducting design safety reviews of construction projects. %PDF-1.6 % Planning, outreach and education, strategic, and technology projects. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V We encourage leadership among our employees in our City and community. pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o Details - OESAC 0 Risk Management Philosophy The City of Portland believes that protection of the Citys assets, both human and physical, must be a top priority. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V The City of Portland ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities to comply with Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II laws and reasonably provides: translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, auxiliary aids and services. endstream endobj 89 0 obj <>stream You must request Veterans' Preference AND include a copy of your documentation for each recruitment to which you apply. Promote equity and environmental justice by reducing disparities, minimizing burdens, extending community benefits, increasing the amount of affordable housing, affirmatively furthering fair housing, proactively fighting displacement, and improving socio-economic opportunities for under-served and under-represented populations. Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Values, Copyright 2023 City of Portland, Oregon, USA, Bureaus & Offices of the City of Portland, Vision Statement, Mission Statement & Values, Risk Staff Contact Information - Alphabetical, Bureau of Revenue and Financial Services Home. Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. "Claim Against The City of Portland" which he gave to the City of Portland Risk Management. Portland, OR 97219 503-516-3715 December 20, 2022 Randy Stenquist, Risk Management City of Portland 1221 SW 4th Avenue Room 430 Portland, OR 97204 Re: Leonard Berman DOB (3-16-66) v. City of Portland, et al (Notice of Tort Claim) Dear Randy: On Sunday December 18, 2022 at 4:35 p.m., I was driving downtown for a Hanukah celebration, looking for . /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Patrick Hughes - Risk Manager - City of Portland | LinkedIn Closed on official holidays. The City values diversity and encourages everyone who is interested in employment with the City to apply. h2T0PwqH)BDKP5/9?%3/pqsO (X e@bQ.I /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ]8 BUcD ] V Christopher Woo, MIPM, PMP - Risk & Safety Officer, Bureau of rsyvzKz0'oOd kPp]ja1[c.#/r~ZiK>tZx JQ8Bsx4]IZx6 75 0 obj <>stream 'C!r[?QBj:LhqrQpf4 Risk Management staff is checking voice messages and email throughout the day, however, there may be delays in responding. Manages files and documents related to safety and occupational health programs. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V This manual presents a brief overview of the programs and services outlined in the table of contents, their purpose, and how to access and use them: Revised 07/12/04 3, THE RISK DIVISION, SECTION I Risk Division Staffing The staff of the Risk Division is available to serve as a resource to assist City departments in their safety and loss control efforts. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Risk Management | The City of Portland, Oregon Was a great event and a nice way to wrap a year filled with . /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Verifies compliance with EHS standards, through auditing, observations, and inspections. Risk Management manages liability claims against the city. Normal business hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V 201 0 obj <>stream Risk Management staff is checking voice messages and email throughout the day, however, there may be delays in responding. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V 6W{}[ }Me?fyu$6_(OlcRdif4]D-=?RW]Dvao1ekgD|VnZuF'.0{T5M}o>[:_}t]DZ_$.kk Y(n&OW Ie $K.j2Mc0h]mVYI nLTp>j|lVP6K+Qv6 2>, DJb4-dvdOEfQeNG[6@=o 47 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[13 63]/Length 143/Prev 661558/Root 14 0 R/Size 76/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Work Status: Non-citizen applicants must be authorized to work in the United States at the time of application. h4 /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V It is intended to be used as a resource by all department heads, managers, supervisors, employees and unions. pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V PEv%;W *_/ Tz Kv Ud^s "+ @\ d ^?6s;VfW`H~.AJg`R|` /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Risk General Information | /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V !Vn./Roi?TocmyZ-x2K> t2g"*Eq2(yx40$-a krHG+>p"tXW:Jp opt+H0dcWt)51ksaP!OO1lha-I7 i'8@>I,LOcB: QWC Z hS=O0+_TU!*I=wj Only candidates who meet the minimum qualifications will be placed on an equally ranked eligible list. PEv%;W *_/ Tz Kv Ud^s "+ @\ d PLOP 3000 / 3014 KBCity of Portland Risk Management 1/23/2023 2023-013219-22 %PDF-1.6 % We've optimized the total conference experience with new content formats, an . Other services include worker safety, loss prevention, risk assessment & third-party subrogation. ,N/uL-/Q{z8}?gg`t5e+NQxWR8r\YJTnXORz;WWT(\\w5Z}?)Ly5f 6-Ef[wff7&zGVa|7mYHMgo_J%rY_{+[ZGkjKci;`H^=++}u02|Bh9Uhm'Zfp+8vi4gG}:|H?7ku#ctn>n/Q}wT~ c;? /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Risk is self-insured and buys commercial insurance for risks not self-insured. Veterans' Preference: If you are requesting Veterans' Preference, attach a copy of your DD214/DD215 and/or Veterans Administration letter stating your disability to your profile, as well as checking the box identifying yourself as a Veteran. pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Your responses to the supplemental questions should include details describing your education, training and/or experience, and where obtained which clearly reflects your qualifications for each of the numbered items in the "To Qualify" section of this announcement. Leonard R. Berman endstream endobj startxref The City of Portland offers How to Apply Classes that are free and review best practices for applying to the City. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Xs26pM}_~:">>5mmwYwgktU/ z-P.X{.7,/DSKG VK.*D)ih&{K1=l|G-iG;j*X\yUt%67*{vh9x-l(2Ngq|^|jsb:/)d?5sR+ 86&+^"Noyd'UiQJ=jZM,|*W;WKwK>S WVhXv}:6CObT_qAGG>#c!/Lb:NU/x-lBA+;xJei.&W.O$.'x)1fr\2yUof%\HGsIu0{ A,v7yv^]ks?r.%JGI g?O>H;. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Request these services online or call 503-823-4000, Relay Service:711. The City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) is seeking an amazing individual for a Safety Specialist position to support the bureau's Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) efforts. We also serve as a resource for the health, safety and well-being of city employees by offering continuing education opportunities, expert advice and communications on safety and loss prevention. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Box 12169 Portland, Oregon 97212-0169 February 10, 2023 2022-013325-20 PLOP +2861 V/ JON A. ZBINDEN ADMWI'ED IN OREGON & endstream endobj 14 0 obj <>/AcroForm 48 0 R/LastModified(D:20130129151230)/MarkInfo<>/Names<>/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 11 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 15 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 16 0 obj <>stream %PDF-1.6 % Providing program support, and consulting services for occupational safety and health topics including best practices, and compliance. Supporting Group and work-specific safety committees in their efforts to deliver HSSE performance and compliance across the Bureau. Bob and Diane Chidsey > Address safety and health provisions for temporary and contingent workers. Planning, outreach and education, strategic, and technology projects. Risk Management | To: Risk Liability Claims Subject: Damage Attachments: Scan 39.jpeg; Scan 40.jpeg City of Portland Risk Management Risk Management/Liability 1120 SW Fifth Room 709 Portland Or 97204-1912 January 27, 2022 To Whom it May Concern, We live at 5858 NE Sumner Street which was part of the Roselyn Bundle Water Main Replacement Project. City of Portland (Oregon) Risk Specialist II Job in Portland, OR /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V General Liability Claim Against the C Portland Services and Information Policies Featured content We administer workers' compensation & employee return to work. He was realistic, compassionate, responsive, diligent and supportive. %9) pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o Risk Management provides risk management services and professional advice to bureaus, in alignment with City of Portland goals and values. We look forward to working with you. ~ @*zH` V In the fall of Veterans' Preference documentation must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM on the closing date of this recruitment. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V q /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Building, transportation, maintenance, and sewer projects. %%EOF ** PLEASE NOTE: The eligible list generated from this recruitment may be used to fill future vacancies**. A claim must be filed with City of Portland Risk Management within 180 days after the occurrence of the incident or event. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Developing, conducting, and managing the safety and occupational health training program for staff, supervisors, and managers including new hire Safety Orientation. Thank you for your understanding. PDF Risk Specialist I - City of Portland More Contact Info. Recommending appropriate corrective actions and following up until the closure of those corrective actions. %PDF-1.6 % This position reports to the BES HSSE Manager and is responsible for developing, reviewing, analyzing, recommending, and implementing . Effective March 17th, 2020 Risk Management staff is telecommuting until further notice. pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o Claims received during regular business hours w ill be recorded on the date received. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Planning, outreach and education, strategic, and technology projects.