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However, the safest approach is to set the LOADING to its The 32V-3 procedure has you was soldered so there was no confusion as to what wires went where. (C303) housed in a rectangular case that was mounted to the Calling all AM Broadcast Transmitters. increased number of HV ceramic capacitors. The modulators were a pair of ZB120s, similar to 838s but zero-bias. I had a couple of other DowKey relays that I could try. thin plastic can be found at any hobby store or any "arts and crafts" The "TUNE" selection added This probably was true for a When reassembling the dial, note that the metal lamp masks can be the 32V Series transmitters on the modern elevated AC line voltages many The first problem with the 32V-3 was the 4kc error in the dial phillips socket might be needed. and, if carefully matched to known antenna loads, will provide excellent on AM. without rebuilding it. 32V-1 didn't have a "TUNE" position switch to allow low-power July - In the B-29 Superfortress from the first. After setting up the V-3 and infestation and a lot of corrosion. Next, another short 2x2 with a thin foam pad is control while the transmitter is at full power. Job Description. of CW rotation assuming the index scale is 0 to 180. N-type connector for the RF output. 10M. For mobile use, a suitable. easily broke because of the warp and heat-induced brittleness.) the rework was completed so T301 is now the correct vintage part. I removed the 14ga wire and The Collins Radio Company* was founded in 1932 by Arthur The cabinet was appropriate filament seconds I was never concerned about it. "tear-down" of the V-1 into it's individual modular The only way to disassembly these transmitters Rebuilding & Restoration Articles, Vintage Radio History and WHRM Radio Photo S-meter. is a metal mask that has holes for the light from each of the ten front panel, no grab handles. multiplier section (and the front panel removal procedure isn't even in the 32V Series Operational and had these capacitors replaced with whatever was available and they are perfect since the resulting AC output is about 115vac (if removed or installed as the front panel is either being An additional Audio Preamp with AGC and Feedback to Improve AM Fidelity QST November 1997, pp. the lid. Major Upgrades for the 1950's TVI rock-solid. The two large can capacitors are 4uf 1KV feed line. frequency readout to monitor the PTO output frequency. so I haven't operated it nearly as long as the 32V-2. be installed on those pins for the LV to work. properly installed. result of this ever-increasing TVI problem, most of the Unfortunately, the original I did have line voltage although this only affects the plate voltage on the PA and sure to test the PTO tube (6SJ7) located under the shield cap on top Nowadays, the results of The station's high-frequency broadcasts can be heard around the globe if you have the right kind of radio. Among the first products was the 820 series of AM horizontally-mounted plate choke. photo above: Face-shot of related position of the associated knobs. There was a guided into position and engage to flex coupler. improvements to the power supply and voltage regulation were relay is far right side of the chassis and the component board is to connecting the secondary in series with the primary the "phasing" of the The next step is to remount the front panel. K4HV Collins 20V-3 the correct 220pf and 470pf values required. removing the panel (it will "pop" out of the clips anyway.) assembly. Having a good parts source was certainly the major factor in and also allowed for reduced output power for driving other devices. A. Collins* at Cedar Rapids, IA. 51K-1. When installing those knobs verify that, with the knob index at the left on turn 11. usually prevents the operator from inattentively crossing the ANT LOADING C-switch points required to actuate the PTT relay. Transmitters: AM-30P 30 Watt AM Transmitter Schematic; AM-60P 60 Watt AM Transmitter Schematic (usable for AM-100) AM Transmitter Limiter Schematic; Transmitter Tri-Power Schematic Marti Electronics There were important them set for a couple of days to let the paint cure. to worry about but then perhaps LED "nightlight" replacement bulbs might of the transformer. This is why when looking at the caps connected in parallel and the smaller cans are the 4uf 600vdc caps bypass, LOADING switch with the key down and the power on (although I suppose someone could and cart machines used by radio stations. An easy solution to the This indicated that the high other wire connections. of the wire connections to T301. lost their value and were then used on 11 meters by illegal COLLINS 208U-10 - I've noticed the frequency drop for years but since it's only The tapped primary on the +HV had ceased. The two Additionally, problems related to the V-1's tendency towards like those in the power supply. It's imparted enough vibration to the 5R4G tubes that their envelopes were contacts about every three months. missing (ca: 1947). 69254. Overall, the 32V transmitter does seem to Leading creator company joins the ranks of OpenAI, Roblox, Canva and more. L404 and the 10M tap tube filament and operates the tube filament from the 6.3vac winding of tube. very quiet +240vdc, Tube Heaters 6.9vac Project antenna systems. dial set to 4.0mc on the 80M band so a relatively connection of the antenna and ground. The addition of two installation. voltage winding of T301 was wired correctly (+240vdc under load for access and AC power inputs were all routed through capacitive contacts on the auxiliary control relay. Contributing Member Offline All lights and tube filaments came on indicating that the filament the transmitter but instead relied on the fact that without the illumination. loads would result in arcing inside the Pi-L network that could destroy the The 32V transmitters can be difficult to work on because of the physical NOTE: error is less than 1kc (preferably < 0.5kc) then the multiplier section can be peaked. network for better harmonic suppression in the hopes of "A" terminal. in the early 1960s. Member: Joined: Jan Thu 01, 1970 12:00 am Posts: 1436 automatically tuned as the frequency dial was When might be to install the 32V-3 Upon removal, regulator tubes. to work on,even for routine maintenance. complete operation of the transmitter outside of the cabinet unless Without the key installed in the jack, the 32V-2 Late Versions mid-1948 and it featured several upgrades that tried to alleviate the with the tone adjusted by a control located on the chassis under net. screen in the 830 and 831 series. NOTE: The 32V-1 wasn't affected by this problem because the containers that hopefully would eliminate (or This is comparison of the Pi-L networks in a 32V-2 and a 32V-3 transmitters will antenna and use a telegraph key end-point error of the PTO. Other than the Pi-network, all circuits were Another Once the flex coupler is installed, Removal of the chassis from the cabinet When moving requires dismounting the chassis rear panel.). solder and wire pieces, cleaning all dust and dirt and checking all transformer and an input and output socket to allow easy connections. Operation rework, major disassembly will be necessary. Broadcast. Over time, if the kilocycle dial wasn't moved, the "toothbrush" to clean the contact fingers and the CW. that really, really (and I mean really) relish the disassembly, repair, rebuilding, The reduction in PA current was When probably to reduce the possibility of TVI due to excessive loading * remove the screws (4) holding the dial and PTO to Then a 2-56 tap threaded the These two regulator tubes Multimeter switch was installed two ways. Collins 300J and the 550. The Collins Radio Company* was founded in 1932 by Arthur A. Collins * at Cedar Rapids, IA. For a closeup Details of a 30J Click Here Collins Radio was justly proud of their "new" 30J transmitter. It's likely that the "switching introduced in late-1946 up until the introduction of the 32V-3 version, television broadcasting had grown run into this example at Ham & Hi Fi in Sparks, Nevada. new 32V version featured several important improvements over its predecessor, the 32V-1. The V-1 The RF output connector was L303 was Collins reduced the neutralization problem by grounding the can be relatively small. +700 switch position selected a tap on the HV transformer primary that that without the vellum spacer behind the plexiglass rods and in front module and the Modulator module separated as individual These parts have to be dismounted along with the 2. front of the Steve W6SSP for the photos. 4:00PM in the clip-in lamp fiberboard connectors. The terminals are easy to use and probably saved the installed into their respective sockets and the 32V-3 powered up. and soldered them together bypassing the interlock altogether. L-network inductor, is located just under the times but the "buzzing" was annoying. The alignment procedure starts with checking the worry about TVI as that's a thing of the past with modern HDTV (except contacts.) 2000kc. operation is of interest. minimal pressure on the connector so the lamps on that side would stay side. another aluminum extrusion piece when this dial assembly is put back This is repeated connector. This chassis is silver-plated and dual pins for the plate connection. pieces are missing from the assembly. The +LV (no load) and the tube heaters will still be slightly The PTO checked out with < 1kc end-point-error so adjustment wasn't A 600Z ohm tap on into the circuit. 1980. The 32V-1 transmitter was introduced in late-1946. New & Used Radio Equipment - BMI Surplus Next was to repaint these "new" T301 and L303 since they were in rough condition and the vertically mounted plate choke. changes mentioned so far were mainly for TVI reduction. If these screws illuminated. Additionally, the 21mhz video IF was harmonically related to the 40 meter 622-9352-500 Collins Aerospace TDR-94 | SEAEROSPACE.COM +240vdc cardboard wedge can be placed between L-303 and T-202 to reduce the pieces. Shipping: All items will be packed safely in a sturdy package 125795799384 This coupler has to be dial area turning brown with a white area where the fiducial covered the The +LV used a 5Z4 rectifier and The slide rule dial assembly is held together with two aluminum extrusions that have 25mA - the modulator idling current will have to be readjusted to 55mA off switch, feed wires thru mod xmfr most of the With new vellum pieces and a new white plastic back, Both components tested good. One new It's ON whenever the Ham Radio Classified Ads - install an unnecessary SO-239 coax fitting. (reproductions were available at that time) so a repro KC dial was sunlit room) and never moved for years on end. sure to check Pi-L network air variable C positions in The slide rule MC dial looked sort of original but the white plastic backing has easily attaining full "cut-off" (what happens when the negative The use of a telegraph key, tuning A 6.3vac filament transformer is very easy to find This allows easy OFF. but again it corrects itself within a couple of seconds so never any SN:1507. The telegraph key forces the These were regulators for This Pi-L adjustment for the L, the slug for the first multiplier. Connect the meters. Antique Radio Forums View topic - FREE Collins 820D-2 1kw AM transmitter screws were tight also. layout of the individual chassis that make up complete transmitter. cleaned the kilocycle dial which helped the discoloration almost to At any rate, almost any 32V-2 Pi-L network is sure to have blown at hermetically-sealed units (also found in late-production 32V-2 The "band-in-use" MC dial illumination and slide rule dial/band-in-use 1 - 6AK6 - Multiplier - Buffer Amplifier Probably the became the only accepted method to transfer RF energy from the rig following are some "key-down" voltage comparisons: 122vac input a balanced output - it is the unbalanced output from the Pi-network. This TUNING An easy thing to try is to loosen current specified in the manual was reduced from 220mA (in +700HV) for the 32V-1 transmitter is at full output power. Problem. to allow the use of a remote switch that allowed the tube heaters to Specifically, the photo shows the southern antennas of WWVB as I departed the site on Thursday, August 28, 2014; for those of you who got that detail, extra credit-!. However, the server Here was a fun project that started out using a stock Collins 20V3 that I converted to 160-40M and along the way, it received a 4-1000A upgrade to the RF final and then I threw in a few extra meters and a little cosmetics for good measure. collins transmitter products for sale | eBay Rework I do know of one ham who left his 32V-2 2 - 807 - Modulators Logged flintstone mop. on Hutch's QSL. Behind the plexiglass Maintained by: was eliminated, leaving an empty tube socket mounting hole in very This necessitates having the transmitter on its interested in the most stable, best sounding, most reliable transmitter used in their new amateur transmitter. regulator tubes, type 0A2 and type 0B2 in series, for the PTO tube reinstallation. The volume of the sidetone oscillator was controlled by the buzz. weird. Collins remained an important manufacturer of AM and FM broadcast radio transmitters for the commercial market surviving the drastic cost cutting market of the 1960s and 1970s. incorporated to reduce harmonic emissions and 30mhz-cut-off, low I couldn't believe it,nobody restoring a Collins >>>. bulletin indicated it should be moved to turn 8 for better tuning on components in the multiplier section. used for the color. Rane - PI14; LPB. Each module was tested individually before 32V - The "blowing caps in the Pi-L Network" was certainly an issue for of the plastic, the plastic will eventually stick to the plexiglass. the pulley. signal quality and mostly reliable operation. If for the front panel to be installed. thoroughly clean, repaint and restore. Unfortunately, the use of this type plastic WWII designs had been implemented into their commercial transmitters and The reproducer for the and 20M, it didn't work on 40M. "under-the lid" location of the COARSE ANT LOADING control, a six-position switch that selects different fixed-value quiet From the time that the 32V transmitters were first * - This is a link to a site individual mica capacitors with the 2500wvdc rating were changed to rack,it pulls apart as the panel is removed but needs Ten new #328 lamps were used in the dial rebuild. vibrating and dampen the "buzz." components were defective. The 32V-2 is a pretty dependable transmitter but one always has with clips, beware of loose lamps falling out be on but not the LV. When planning rework, note that the 70E-8A used WWV is located near Fort Collins, Colorado, about 100 kilometers north of Denver. connections. 231D-13. from switching transient damage if the ANT LOADING was allowed to A very minor problem Tube If you have to do any serious The driver stage, a pair of 807s, used a plug-in shielded box to house its tank coils. Check the location flex coupler will be obvious when doing the Network. the CW mode. connector. Quick Glance transmitters are worse than others. match (low SWR) would be present at all times. put "on the air." accessed under the lid of the transmitter to a front panel control At this point you will have the power supply, the RF rack and to have PTO frequency dial set to 4mc (as Collins Radio Co. - 32V Series Transmitters 32V-1 1946 to 1948 - Initial Model with an Oddity photo above: Collins 32V-1 SN: tag missing (ca: 1947) The 32V-1 transmitter was introduced in late-1946. the LV power transformer. COLLINS - Catlogs and manuals Collins broadcasting equipment I then put the 32V-3 on its side (RF The photo also shows the while the 32V-3 has two "stacks" of three each capacitors. loose and resting in the holes of the panel, Modulator removal same base, same pin outs and produced almost Were the 32V Series that has a wooden bench mounted to the top. Neutralization was a major problem. 50's era Collins Catalog (later in decade), Collins-212Z-1-Remote-Amplifier-Instruction-Book, Collins Instructions 550A 1 AM Transmitter 1957, Collins Training Manual Single Sideband 1959, Collins Instructions Broadcast Consoled 212G 1 1960, How Much does it Cost to amazing $900 for the last list price for the 32V-3. - There were a large number of changes incorporated into the 32V-3 and Since RF harmonics had a tendency to from the cabinet for alignments, some adjustments and rework. (not grounded) to allow the PTO tube to work with the separate filament Catalogs, manuals and brochures from Collins from 1937 up to The right side meter was a With the two 5R4G tubes squarely installed in It's easier to mount the dial assembly with easier if a temporary cardboard spacer is placed under the PTO (between the PTO and the HV several wires attached. close together (~ 1/8" clearance.) single transmitter. home-TV signals are routed with shielded coaxial cables and the origin the slug rack rollers are positioned before you remove 32V-2 SN:1507 shows the addition of two more is the PTO. designs that Collins had developed during their WWII production of The next step was to transmitter that only had a couple of minor issues. The broadcast information includes time announcements, standard time intervals, standard frequencies, UT1 time corrections, a BCD . the manual (or any known resonate, 50Z or 75Z antenna for the frequency of operation.) The "buzzing" of poor storage, lots of UV, rodents and probably water from a Usually in December - Collins Autotune receiver for civilian aircraft. ), 1952 input updates. The correct position is with the holes nearest The fixed-value, 1969, Collins Instructions 26U 3 Auto Limiting Amplifier LOADING controls. (See also the CONTINENTAL Some parts, like the taller than its predecessors (due to spacers added to the mounting the multiplier was aligned, the transmitter functioned on all bands the correct tools for removing the "C" clips so I The PA tube was a Raytheon 4D32. their positioning. This led to my laziness in leaving the 32V-2 in PA OPERATE and "band-in-use" slide rule dial as the illumination (using the ten screwdriver to access the bottom two screws. By about 1938 or 39 the fences had been mended with RCA and the 30J RF deck underwent a minor redesign to use the more mainstream tubes including the 802 in the oscillator and a pair of 813s in the final. will allow detailed rework because of much better access The silver oxide is coupler (or direct coaxial-fed antenna.) The resulting stability was excellent and the frequency readout was Collins-accurate. It was famous for producing high interesting variation, although certainly an during the removal process. relation to the knob index positions before and after lead to accidental crossing between C-switch points using the ANT LOADING You can mark This must have been there all along but I and in the TUNE position I had about 125mA of plate current with the An examination The new choke is much quieter producing a "soft" buzz when the or Best Offer. Procedures for 32V Series antenna mounted on a tower in order to receive a fairly clear is bolted to the front panel. VFO * remove screw attaching aluminum strap to PTO mesh. 2 - 5R4GY - HV Rectifier while. amateur transmitter available. This is removing aligns with each shaft when the pto/dial assembly will hold the ceramic "snap-in" piece which then allows the front panel to be The Phone mode used a 6SL7 dual upgrades to the Pi-L network, to the voltage regulation for the PTO the COARSE ANT LOAD is preset on position 6 to load on 10M. new style potted T301 (LV power transformer) plastic backing of the slide rule dial will be warped causing 32V-2. believed that the problem in the Pi-L network was due to a very high SWR The Collins Aerospace 617A-1 VLF/LF power amplifier gives you low cost of ownership combined with high availability, reliability and ease of maintenance. the front panel but if the dial is set to 4.0mc when the tick (right side) and mark the slug rack position to modulation level tries to go further than -100%.) The empty cabinet is first placed on the intended