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Authorities say Harris is described as 5 feet 1 inch and approximately 110 pounds with a cross tattoo under her eye, a nose ring, and a scar on her cheek. The new fiscal year doesnt start until July, but the budget preparation starts now. Leesa Lester, Transit [], Mindy Stalker has been named Executive Director of Union County Development Association. Please complete SW Iowa STEM Teacher of the Year Maggie Arnold February 23, 2023. The main advantage would be a potential savings of $46,000. Viterra, which means "life from the earth", is an . It was something the SWCC board of trustees learned during their regular board meeting last week. Last week the council met with the citys financial advisor, Tionna Pooler of Independent Public Advisors to review the operational and capital improvement financial plan for [], 12-23-22 Monday night the Creston Community School Board heard about the advantages to having a solar array on district property. A state report indicating that the Taylor County nursing home faced more than $900,000 in fines has been changed to indicate the actual penalty [], Two years ago the Union County Board of Supervisors extended an abeyance on any new wind turbine permit applications until the wind farm development in Union County was complete. After trailing 34-26 at halftime, the Spartans quickly fell out of contention in the second half. FIVE FIELDS AT THE BAKER FARM NEEDED WORK AND BAKERS FRIENDS READILY ACCEPTED THE CHALLENGE. (Creston) -- A Shannon City man faces charges following his arrest in Creston over the weekend. The bid from Sande Construction came in at $1.9 million. 1Two Union County men have been sentenced from November's MJET (Multi-Jurisdictional Entry Team) raid on the 1100 block of North Maple Street in Creston. Hoffman was cited on Tuesday and released on a Promise to Appear. States are preparing to remove millions of people from Medicaid as protections put in place early in the COVID-19 pandemic expire. Diego Manzanarez, 30, of Creston, was taken into custody 12:40 a.m. Dec. 10 in the 1400 block of North Elm Street for the charge of possession of a controlled substance - marijuana, second offense. One year later, 'resilient' is the word Madison County Emergency Management Director Diogenes Ayala would use to describe the last year. You can't beat the generosity and the example that every single one of these people who came out today, the example they're setting for their children, for their children's children. "Pay $0 Unless We Win For You," refers only to contingent fees charged by the attorney. Some of the worst damage along its path was seen in Winterset and Norwalk. this form to get started. You can't beat the generosity and the example that every single one of these people who came out today, the example they're setting for their children, for their children's children. Last December the Union County Board of Supervisors allocated almost half of those funds in what they called phase 1. Since then the Supervisors have earmarked more projects but not everything. (Creston) -- A Diagonal woman faces OWI charges following her arrest Monday night. or do you have a news tip for us? Jones was taken to (Creston) A Union County man faces charges following a two-vehicle crash in Creston. 7:10 p.m., missing dog reported in Fontanelle. The district will [], A new playground at the Creston Community Elementary/Middle School could be possible this fall. In August the Union County Board of Supervisors approved a service agreement with Schneider to add additional [], 1-24-23 Governor Reynolds is expected to sign the bill that will provide state-funded accounts for the parents of private school students, into law today. Slight chance of a rain shower. The Legal Advocate can and does use quotes from prior interviews with our analysts for our news articles. Creston News Advertiser. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Last week the Creston City Council authorized submission of a BOOST grant application on behalf of the Union County Development Association. Tuesday morning the Union County Board of Supervisors approved a road use agreement with Alliant Energy as well as a solar permit. Scott (Lenox) -- Taylor County authorities are seeking the public's assistance in locating a runaway juvenile from Lenox. +Client may be responsible for costs and expenses. Know something we don't about this accident? Iowa DNR: bypass found in Creston discharging into marsh | News The district has been awarded multiple STEM awards and now, Maggie . Ayr and Bedford, according to the Iowa DNR. (Creston) Creston Police report two arrests and one incident. Five fields at the Baker farm needed work, and Baker's friends readily accepted the challenge. Creston News Advertiser; Advertisement. February 26, 2023. Between changes in personnel, staffing and covid, Bristow said its been [], 11-23-22 The realities of todays workforce shortage are evident in the Creston Community School District. THEY USED 18 COMBINES, 45, 40 SEMI TRUCKS AND 20 GRAIN CARTS TO GET THE JOB DONE BY NOON. The Division of Criminal Investigation Crime Laboratory identified the body as Timothy Fechter, 58, who had been reported missing to Creston police on June 20. Creston resident Leslie Anne Luther told authorities the trailer was taken from the backyard at 609 S. Vine Street. Chad Kelchen of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources says the twister caused $500,000 in damage. Dozens of Iowa farmers came together in Union County to harvest 550 acres in a single day.It happened just one week after Paul Baker of Creston unexpectedly died at the age of 66. Authorities say the arrest occurred at 302 North Pine Street in Creston. It is under construction. Bishop said the college is now meeting pre-COVID (2019) numbers with a fall 2022 enrollment [], 11-17-22 Work is underway on the new City of Creston Public Works building. Services are pending at Powers Funeral Home in Creston. Creston Police say the accident happened at 3:30 p.m. at Patriotic Parkway and Highway 34. know, Jose Cisneros killed in Otay Mesa crash on La Media Road, One dead in Bakersfield semi-truck accident involving Gurwinder Singh. Stalker has been with the UCDA for 6 years. WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEAVE WELL WISHES OR REMEMBRANCES FOR FAMILY MEMBERS? Shepherd was back in the board room this week asking for [], Dec. 6, 2022 Southwestern Community College was awarded a $1 million career academy grant to prepare more students for high-demand fields. Ultimately the council tabled [], 12-21-22 While it initially looked like golf carts would be given the green light to be driven on the streets of Creston, Tuesday night the Creston City Council gave the ordinance the red light in the process of establishing it as part of Crestons City Code. It stayed on the ground for nearly 71 miles across four counties, touching down near Macksburg and finally lifting after 94 minutes on the north side of Newton. Breaking - Creston News Eblen was taken to Adams County Jail. Last year the current pool lost an average of about 30,000 gallons of water a day. The conference board serves as the governing board for the office of the assessor. The additional deputy required the purchase of another patrol vehicle. Sign up to get new stories directly to your inbox! Confiscated were drugs, guns and paraphernalia, including a marijuana grow operation. When she over-corrected, the [], 11-28-22 Because school finance is based on the number of students in a district, its not welcome news when enrollment numbers go down. Police transported WINTERSET, Iowa The work to clean up and recover in Madison County started immediately after the tornado on March 5. Creston's Gavilon changes name, ownership - Creston News Discussions over proposed pay increases and certain budget expenses highlighted the Union County Conference board meeting. (Creston) -- Officials with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources are observing a bypass discovered in Creston Monday morning. (Lucas County, IA) -- Sunday marks the one year anniversary of a deadly E-4 tornado that hit parts of southern and central Iowa. In 2023, that number jumped to 15.Law enforcement everywhere is aware of the dangers drunk driving, Creston Police Sergeant Shannon Arends said. Facebook, Visit us on That paid off in his senior year with a trip to state. An additional $4.5 billion will build on cost-of-living investments. For example, a family with Those traveling through Creston have no doubt noticed the two towering grain elevators that give the town its unique skyline. THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2023 Ad - Greater Regional Health - Creston News The number of students served [], 11-25-22 Creston Waste Water Treatment Plant Superintendent Jim Bristow wants to restart the City of Crestons Infiltration and Inflow policy. Creston Police arrested 48-year-old Dorie Marie Shiltz of Creston on Monday for OWI 1st offense. Eblen was charged with Failure to Serve Jail Time Ordered. CRESTON, Iowa Heavy rainfall Sunday night and Monday morning is causing an issue for sewers in some southwest Iowa communities. March 02, 2023. Last weeks regular monthly meeting was no different. Monday 2/20. These needs are found throughout our schools and hinder our ability to provide the best [], 12-19-22 Carpentry and building trades programs offered at Southwestern Community College (SWCC) were highlighted during the recent SWCC board of trustees regular meeting. "As far as I've come, they know I can set a bar high and try to reach it," Street said. The agency says the sewage overflow from the station is believed to have begun around 6 a.m. and was discovered shortly after before ending around 7:30 a.m. Sewage was flowing from a manhole cover, Sioux Center completed a Cinderella run through the girls state basketball tournament with an impressive 62-47 victory over Benton Community in the Class 3A championship game Friday at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines. 9:35 a.m., paged Adair County Ambulance for (Creston) -- A Creston man faces charges following his arrest Thursday afternoon. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. stored in any form without written permission from The Legal Advocate. climate British Columbians can once again expect some extra cash in their bank accounts as the provincial government is dolling out another affordability credit. We are locally-owned with 40+ employees and assets of more than $200 million. CRESTON, Iowa Dozens of Iowa farmers came together in Union County to harvest 550 acres in a single day. The Creston and East Union FFA Chapters have teamed up to share the holiday activity Drive Through December, a drive [], 12-9-22 Union County Secondary Roads Superintendent Al Hysell is hoping to lock in a low price for fuel. The bypass occurred near Taylor Park, which flows into a marshy area and eventually drains into McKinley Lake. Held in abeyance is a legal term that means temporarily suspended. That abeyance lapsed about one year later but a group of concerned county residents encouraged [], 12-20-22 On Tuesday, March 7, 2023, residents in the Southwest Valley School District will vote on a $18.6 million bond. Johnson was taken to Greater Regional Hospital for treatment of unspecified injuries. Not only is this [], (Creston) Last week kindergarten students and educators from the Early Childhood Center in Creston showcased their contributions to STEM education in Iowa at STEM Day at the State Capitol Building. The value of the trailer is an estimated $1,500.00. Aureliano Santiz Gomez, 30 . Road conditions, visibility, and lighting are all possible contributing factors that are considered and require thorough examination, said Candice Bond, a Managing Partner with Bond Legal. Provincial officials said this will make B.C. The search resulted in four arrests and more than 40 felony charges. Eblen was charged with Failure to Serve Jail Time Ordered. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. The alternatives added another $210,000 for a [], 12-15-22 Door-to-door inspections of all residential properties in Union County started at the beginning of July in Creston. Low 34F. At the same time, a 2001 Ford Escort heading north along Cottonwood Street failed to stop at the stop sign and collided with the Chevrolet. The license plate is GPA949. The bid [], Creston Historic Preservation Commission recap of 2022, plans for 2023, Facilities and finances update from Superintendent, Grant could BOOST creative placemaking in Creston, Adams County Supervisors discuss wind turbine moratorium, Four-day school week under consideration in Murray Community School District, Creston man convicted of one count sexual abuse, more charges dropped with plea agreement, Bypass found in Creston discharging into marsh, Stenders Panther Pitch explains restrictions related to school funds, Agnew Lofts development agreement approved, SW Iowa STEM Teacher of the Year Maggie Arnold, Plans for new playground at Creston Elementary/Middle School, SWCC board discusses prospective GOLD (Ringgold) Center in Mount Ayr, Downtown Revitalization Grant awarded to Greenfield, Rachels Challenge comes to Creston Community School District, Winter Guard preparing for world championship competition, Crestons STEM curriculum on display at state capitol, UCDA goals include nurturing entrepreneurial growth, Council action includes approval of work order, tax abatement and CDBG housing project bids, Emergency Management Coordinator planning and preparing, Public hearings set for development and lease agreements, Creston City Council hears how wind turbines could threaten future of Balloon Days, Clarke Board of Education Names Kurt DeVore, Engineering agreement approved for Wastewater Treatment Facility Nutrient Reduction Improvement project, Secondary roads department funding request for next fiscal year, Superintendent Deron Stender February Panther Pitch, Union County Attorney presents plan with part-time legal assistant, Library requests county ARPA money for outdoor structure, Supervisors hear from coalition that supports renewable energy, Supervisors hear second round of funding requests, Three-Mile Lake restoration project expected to start this spring, Tax distribution graph one of several new features now found on Beacon, Students First Act passes Iowa House and Senate, signed into law today, Library closes the book on expansion, starts new chapter with different plan, Stenders Panther Pitch addresses how school dollars are divided, Superintendent Stender updates board on facilities, school vouchers, Creston City Council meets, commission openings, Funding requests start for next fiscal year, More changes to agreement between City and Maple Street Apartments, Two solar projects possible for Creston Schools, Courthouse elevator, new conservation position and sheriffs budget part of new fiscal year budget discussions, Cyber attack in Ohio creates disruption in Union County, Abeyance on wind energy projects in Union County, ParentSquare introduced as new way to communicate with parents, Endangered Person Advisory from Ringgold County GIRL HAS BEEN FOUND, Airport Commission and sewer use charges part of short council agenda, Iowa Economic Development Authority Director visits Creston industries, Alliant Energy solar project permit approved, Maple Street redevelopment projects move forward, Significant opposition for rental inspection ordinance, Council hits the brakes on golf cart ordinance, Fine for Lenox Care Center over $75,000 and not one of the largest ever imposed, Union County group asks for wind turbine abeyance, Bond issue vote set for Corning school facility improvements and additions, Carpentry and building trades programs highlighted in SWCC board meeting. Creston News, Events & Radio - My Creston Now By using this site, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.California Edition. On Friday, the IEDA Board approved awards for five companies, which will assist in the creation of 266 jobs and result in $202 million in new capital investment for the state. Breaking Premium Corrections Local Government Local News Education News Local Business. Gibson Memorial Library Director Gabriel Chrisman came in [], (Creston) Last month a group of concerned residents swayed the Union County Board of Supervisors to approve a three-month abeyance on any new wind turbine permit applications. BEST stands for Businesses [], 12-5-22 The Iowa State Patrol, the FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board are investigating a deadly plane crash in Adams County. (Creston) The Creston Community School District has been getting recognized across the state of Iowa for its STEM curriculum and instruction. The ratings on the latest Iowa School Performance Profile deserved high praise, as well as excitement over two STEM grant awards. Kim Bishop, SWCC dean of student services, presented the Fall 2022 Demographic Report. The Legal Advocate is not a law firm and the content of its articles is not substitute for an attorney or law firm. The displays up for the competition have now been released. have a fundraiser started on behalf of those affected? In this position, he has led all district professional learning to improve culture and climate over the past [], (Creston) Tuesday night the Creston City Council approved an Engineering Agreement with Veenstra and Kimm for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Nutrient Reduction Improvement Project. Creston - AP NEWS Partly cloudy skies in the evening, then becoming cloudy overnight. The 7-member compensation board [], 12-12-22 Creative placemaking and wayfinding efforts are underway in Union County. Some cases may be co-counseled with other lawyers. First National Bank is a full-service community bank that specializes in commercial, agricultural and personal banking. Creston wastewater treatment facility superintendent, Jim Bristow, said he expects the bypass [], (Creston) Nearly $15,000 of the City of Crestons American Rescue Plan Act dollars will be used in the purchase of five speed signs through TrafficLogix Corporation following approval by the Creston City Council. Hospitals are encouraging certain patients to pay attention to their mail and coverage. government has unveiled Budget 2023 and it's projecting a $4.2-billion deficit in 2023-24. Our new Privacy Policy will go into effect on January 1st, 2023. The Creston Police Department says 21-year-old Kelli Sabrina Romero was arrested shortly before 10:45 p.m. for operating while intoxicated 2nd offense. Improvements to the treatment facility are necessary to meet nutrient reduction requirements imposed by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Lorenzo Morales-Cortes involved in Madera DUI-related accident February 14, 2023. Residential door-to-door inspections finish in Creston, move to Afton, Stenders Panther Pitch addresses principles affecting school funding, Tickets drawn for 2022 Creston Holiday Giveaway, Supervisors allocate ARPA funds for small animal building at fairgrounds, Compensation Board recommends 10% wage increase, Creative placemaking and wayfinding efforts around Creston, Hoping for lower fuel prices and more equipment operator applications, Second reading established for golf cart ordinance, Creston man charged with domestic abuse assault in Dallas County, Public hearing set for Crestons rental housing inspection ordinance, Sheriff requests ARPA money for transport vehicle, Southwestern Community College awarded $1 million career academy grant, Creston man charged with attempted murder, Creston man charged with incest, sexual abuse of child, Building code and alcoholic beverage control ordinances updated, Outdoor Holiday Decorating Contest entries announced, Wind Turbine Urban Renewal Indebtedness Certification approved, Ringgold County teen dies following a single-vehicle accident, Creston Community School District enrollment numbers down, Inflow and Infiltration compliance updates, With limited staff, departments operating on very thin ice, Creston school board approves organizational items, Urban Revitalization Plan adopted and ordinance approvedv, Benson Hill plans $28 million capital investment, Community Health Assessment survey results, First pay application approved for public works building. Tuesday night the Creston City council voted four to two in favor of establishing the second reading of Ordinance No 23-05 [], 12-7-22 A Creston man was charged by Waukee Police with first degree burglary, domestic abuse assault by impeding the flow of blood and/or air and violation of a protective order. Tuesday night the Creston City Council approved pay application number 1 to Graphite Construction Group of $242,224 for work completed. The Creston Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting at the towns newest car wash. Ellen Gerharz welcomed owners Nick and Allie Wetzel [], (Creston) The Union County Development Association is hoping a BOOST grant, will boost creative placemaking efforts in uptown Creston. The stolen equipment is described as a 2019 Road Clipper 58 black trailer with side rails, a wood deck, and a ramp on the back. This week the board heard from Union County Development Association Executive Director Mindy Stalker. Despite some hiccups with the construction, the finish line is in sight, says Ulli Mueller, the senior manager Over $2-million from Columbia Basin Trust will be split among 22 projects aimed at reducing fossil fuel dependency and enduring future sustainability. The staff of The Legal Advocate would like to extend our thoughts and prayers to Jodi Johnson and family. Dennis Hopkins was elected to the three-person Board in November after former Supervisor Ron Riley opted not to run for re-election. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. CRESTON, IA 10 DAYS AGO Rachels Challenge is a violence prevention program with a mission to create safer, more [], (Creston) The Creston Community High School Winter Guard is celebrating a big victory. 2023, Hearst Television Inc. on behalf of KCCI-TV. He married his high school sweetheart Betty Mae Conard Nov. 6, 1955.