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>> reporter: but some do. The 49 girls and women murdered by Gary Ridgway, the "Green River Killer," in Washington state in the 1980s and '90s didn't receive anywhere near the same level of public attention and sympathy as the college students Ted Bundy murdered in the same state in the 1970s. oh right. Skip to main content Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening eye problems, including eye pain or changes in vision. >> we don't know if it's somebody that lives here or somebody that would just come back and frequent albuquerque on a regular basis. Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Snapped Murdered by Morning An Unexpected Killer Snapped: Killer Couples Final Moments Living with a Serial Killer Buried in the Backyard Killer Relationship with. Please enter valid email address to continue. [12] Michelle Valdez was four months pregnant at the time of her death.[13]. / CBS Colorado. so far all the remains identified had been names on ida lopez's list of missing women. because, they suppose, all those earlier rumors about the women being abducted, killed, and dumped in the desert had to have started somewhere. remember, 2004 is when almost all of the women found on the west mesa disappeared. >> a suspect caught in the act. >> reporter: the conclusion was inescapable. >> all six sets of remains were found within 20 yards of each other. and she said -- she went up to put her arms around me, and i hugged her. [8][9], After repeatedly lying to police, Wozniak finally confessed. that dares to last into the morning. missing persons, you know, was busy. i mean, you'll see some out here that they need that fix. >> could never trace it back. >> i know 100% that my daughter is not alive. (danny) after a long day of hard work you have to do more work? They think theyre just a bunch of hookers and drug addicts, he said. Wozniak lured Kibuishi to Herr's apartment, where he shot and killed her. He has interviewed 200 hundred local women with similar backgrounds and created timelines for every suspect. >> a third one. in albuquerque, where the old highway becomes central avenue, the city's decidedly down-scaled drug and prostitution trade flourishes. The Albuquerque officers did not say that Erwin was a suspect. i just want to know when was the last time you saw her? he has pics of you on his phone. "Here is that mark of 10 years. The Piketon Massacre. >> so this guy takes photographs of the part of town that you're sort of looking at. i miss you, hon. The names of the 11 victims of the West Mesa Murders are: Monica Candelaria, 22 - Her friends told police in 2003 that they heard Monica had been murdered and buried in West Mesa. Does anyone have any theories or info on this one? Murder. Ida Lopez previously appeared on Dateline in an episode on the West Mesa tragedy which aired in December, 2010. possibly two prior times. Watch Dateline Mystery Streaming Online - Yidio >> reporter: cops call this section of central avenue the war zone. yes, i pray that they're okay. City and law enforcement officials have solicited help from the community to solve the West Mesa murders. they can be. podcast: Casefile True Crime. oh, i've had 17. i've been choked. eventually, ida and the cold case detective were able to persuade the department to let them form an unofficial task force, where once a month they met with other agencies, including the fbi. squeeze me tight. >> he was going to let her stay with us. with uncontrolled moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, you feel like you're itching all the time. The cases remain unsolved with no arrests. >> it was breaking angelica's. >> it's -- i know she had been to albuquerque at least one prior time. and then three. Where were the males that make up their community? la la la la la. but that's not what she told the families when they called in, looking to hear something encouraging. >> reporter: that felony assault charge against lorenzo montoya went nowhere because the victim later refused to testify. 2019 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. >> correct. FULL EPISODE: Somebody's Daughter. Although the murders stopped after that, police have unfortunately not been able to say without a doubt that Montoya was the serial killer known as the West Mesa Bone Collector. However, the Albuquerque Police Department refuses to lose all hope and continues working on it with whatever leads they have. The West Mesa Bone Collector 11.63 MBDanelle Hallan Download Mp3 The West Mesa Bone Collector 16.3 MBThat Chapter. the killer, whoever he was, and police naturally assumed the killer was male, had a five-year head start. and most of these boxes were returned. a meticulous man whose grim will had brought him back to the mesa again and again to bury his victims. The West Mesa murders have yet to be solved. According to the TV program, FBI profilers told Albuquerque police that the killer was a white or Hispanic male in his 30s. the fall of 2005 was one of those times. Most of them hadnt even been reported missing at the time their remains were found. After Herr told him that he had savings of about $62,000 from combat pay, Wozniak decided to kill him in order to acquire Dateline: Unforgettable airs every Tuesday on Oxygen at 8:00 PM ET. >> reporter: dan may have had. >> reporter: and within weeks ida's early work of collecting dental records of the missing women and dna samples from their families began to pay off. im i remember that. >> reporter: based on photographs of the skull and a partial hair weave that was recovered from her grave, the sketch artist imagined that jane doe number 7 must have looked something like this. >> reporter: by now the street alongside the desert crime scene was a media encampment, where reporters were predictably live at 5:00, 6:00, and 10:00. sometimes reporting details that crime scene commander paul feist preferred to keep secret. every life is a mystery. within weeks of starting her new job, ida was handed two missing persons files. They also found electrical tape and rope in his car when he was arrested in 2003 for exposing himself to a woman. and i remember telling him no. by 2002 the wear and tear is written all over her face. Investigating a 10-year-old crime where the police think that the victim had it coming theres just no incentive for that.. New Mexico Authorities Offer $100,000 Reward for Help Solving West Mesa Murders of 11 Women and Unborn Child . >> the hardest part of this whole thing is having to go to somebody's house and say we found her and she's not alive. The mysteries surrounding the West Mesa Murders, an unsolved case of 11 female bodies discovered in a desert graveyard near Albuquerque in 2009. In this Dateline classic, a relaxing vacation turns into a nightmare when Stephen Reitz wakes up to find his girlfriend, Eva Weinfurtner, murdered. dupixent is not a steroid, and it's almost frustrating because you look at this picture, and you see the disturbed earth which later we learned are grave sites, and you see the tire tracks. and every time the phone rang his heart stopped. ROBERT BROWMAN. but she kept coming up empty. The series first aired on July 27, 2009. we came upon it, and it appeared to be a bone. and the devoutly religious detective knew she needed all the help she could get. and detective ida lopez, who'd had their names on her list of missing women. Replies analysing and speculating over the mystery and possible explanations are encouraged. >> and i'm natalie morales. dan tried to keep a watchful eye on his girls and even took them to work with him at the juvenile detention center to show them on where careless mistakes can lead. The Untold Truth Of The West Mesa Murders. Hosted by NBC News' Craig Melvin, each episode of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered incorporates the classic elements of drama and great . apoquel is for the control of itch associated with allergic dermatitis and the control of atopic dermatitis in dogs. spots that weren't there before. According to satellite photos, the last victim was buried in 2005. >> lorenzo montoya. Afterwards, Wozniak dismembered Herrs body by removing his limbs and head. was a serial killer stalking the women working the war zone? In 2007, before the harrowing discovery, the detective reportedly claimed that she had a file of more than 17 women, whom she referred to as "her girls," with similar backgrounds of addiction or prostitution who went missing between 2001 and 2006 from the Albuquerque streets. >> and sometimes they make a a mistake. For current Fan Club membership options and policies, please . >> i think it's somebody who's very organized. The 58-year-old Joplin businessman and photographer informed the Globe last week that he has been cleared of. their lifestyle has been with drugs. Where do they crash? from the moment the west mesa murder case landed in their laps, detectives knew they would be chasing a phantom and grasping at smoke. A sinister force seems to be snatching women off the streets of Albuquerque. searching for clues in a crime scene big enough to be seen from space. The most notorious unsolved crime in every state - Insider Ruca found a large bone protruding from the earthen trail. >> no.n' not at all. >> it's kind of eerie looking at those satellite photos. and the newly organized families, which included everyone with a daughter on ida's list, began holding monthly vigils to keep public attention focused on finding all of the missing women. it's the same instinct that drew her to police work years ago, when she was a kid, growing up in albuquerque. happy birthday that september angelica celebrated her sixth birthday. Wikimedia CommonsDowntown Albuquerque as seen from the West Mesa. and the baby. terry, can you take a selfie of me? the hardest part of this whole thing is having to go to somebody's house and say we. it was comforting that it didn't just happen to me. maybe he knew where the money was going to go. >> reporter: by mid april, after 2 1/2 months of intensive searching, mapping, and aerial photography, commander feist finally felt confident that his team had found all the bones there were to find and began shutting down the west mesa crime scene. Her family maintains a Facebook group to solicit tips from the public, and the cold case was featured on Dateline NBC. 'Dateline' To Air Story on West Mesa Deaths - Albuquerque Journal >> reporter: it had to be someone local, investigators assumed. Crime. Two years later a local family of four, the Wagners, are arrested and charged with the crimes. By Vanessa R Martinez / NM News Port / It's now been ten years since the bodies of 11 women were found buried on the West Mesa of Albuquerque. yet. On December 9, 2010, Albuquerque police released six photos of seven other unidentified women who may also be linked to West Mesa. >> i thought this could be it, yeah. >> yes, he was. That discovery of a single bone led to a months-long dig, as police used DNA and dental records to identify the women and girls. Janepsy Carballo, Orlando Mesa: Dateline NBC's 'Miami Heat' Episode >> she didn't want to be found. Dateline Full Episodes. he wouldn't say what the plans were because the only, you know, close person i knew had cancer and died. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid and the 12-hour pain-relieving strength of aleve. >> reporter: such was the mystery of the women on stal detective ida lopez's growing list of the lost. Julie Gonzales, the sister of murder victim Doreen Marquez, told KRQE the . The upcoming episode, titled Somebody's Daughter, will air on Oxygen on Tuesday, July 12, at 8:00 PM ET. and there's so much work that's always done behind the scenes to get them identified. >> we would just love to have the opportunity to interview him and treat him just like any of the other individuals we're looking at in this case. >> i needed to know where they were all the time. >> reporter: jane doe's number 7 nose had been broken sometime before she died. >> tonight they say the search is far from over. to start their search for a killer. a money-making spectacle that draws tourists from all over the world to albuquerque for one week in october. but most of the women who worked albuquerque's war zone, fellow travelers who might have helped ida find the missing, were too drug addled to provide useful leads. >> she says i have some bad news for you. >> he may be waiting in some other community to start doing the same thing again. i mean he's a wreck without me. Dateline NBC - Season 19 Episode 12: Somebody's Daughter - Metacritic i wasn't done. >> she came over to the house one day, and i'd given her a few dollars, and she stood up. Paleontologists In China Just Discovered A Prehistoric Egg Fossil From A Nearly Human-Sized Turtle With A Baby Inside, How A 200 Pound Order Of Meat And A Nosy Upstate Cop Nearly Vanquished The American Mob, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. and that's when angelica looked at me and started crying. >> i would tell them we're one day closer to finding your daughter. >> well, just a few minutes ago albuquerque police left the dig site after they say they'd met all of the goals that they set. >> whatever the killer's permanent address, those satellite photos were a huge break because they told police. >> i find a girl with the same background. all of her other victims were local. Dateline NBC to air special on 2014 Fayetteville murder case There are also photos of possible missing women that are connected to the case. The killings are called the "West Mesa murders" because the bodies were buried on the west side of Albuquerque. >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: nine months after the discovery of the first bone on the west mesa the detectives were back to square one. >> it's more than just a few. it led them to a dead end. >> fbi's behavioral sciences agents came in, took a look at our crime scene, took a look at what evidence we had. >> i told michelle she couldn't come over. whatever else draws that connection to him. >> they wouldn't even put her picture on the news or nothing. and because her wisdom teeth had not fully developed, wendy knew this jane doe was probably only 14 or 15 years old when she, died. Authorities Offer $100,000 Reward for Leads in Murder of 11 Women by then dan and michelle's mother were divorced, and dan was raising michelle and camilln alone while working days at the juvenile detention center. The Dateline episode "Somebody's Daughter" shines the light on Albuquerque Detective Ida Lopez. >> it's a cold case. >> and we will see justice. Genres hopefully they've been in a commune in some mountainous town or in a rehab center or a jail or with friends that they're actually doing okay. >> we really can't say why. it's a quote familiar to detectives everywhere. Victims of the West Mesa Murders - Albuquerque Journal Albuquerque Police makes new plea for help solving West Mesa murders - KRQE had spots on her face. Although they have had several suspects, two of whom seemed to fit the description quite well, they have yet to find compelling evidence to close the case. maybe it was me not letting her come back to the house. if you don't have faith in your law enforcement to treat everybody equal, then what do you have? i just could feel all the strength in my body just kind of just drain all of a sudden. Anyone with information on the West Mesa murders is urged to contact (505)-768-2450 or @CrimeStoppersNM You can also contact Investigator Ida Lopez at ILopez@cabq.gov. did you know her? >> i saw it on tv on february 2nd, when christina ross and her dog ruca was reported on the. or whatever, see somebody that may appear to be the size of michelle, a small person, and go around the block two or three times and me wondering who they were as well as them wondering who i was. They may have been OD's? Daniel Wozniak, Rachel Buffet: 'Dateline' NBC Follows Plot Twists Of and so this case was going nowhere. that. Euphoria Star Sydney Sweeneys White Hot Bikini Is Out of Control, Sydney Sweeney, Algee Smith, Euphoria, image: courtesy of HBO, 2012-2023, 2paragraphs Productions, LLC. so help heal your skin from within, with dupixent. Starting tonight at 8 p.m., NBC will air a special two-hour "Dateline" episode dealing with the notorious West Mesa Murder Mystery. West Mesa Bone Collector - ArcGIS StoryMaps so he's going to have close contact with these people. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. | Dr. Phil", "Dr. Phil | Actress Accused: Was She an Accessory to Murder? there were whole bunches of them. >> the majority of our girls were street-level prostitutes. all they knew was that he'd killed at least 11 women and that the 2005 housing boom that brought suburban sprawl to the west mesa probably forced him to abandon this burial ground and find another one where there would be no neighbors around to watch him work. and i said, you know, what are you talking about? had been booked. Gilbert Gallegos, an Albuquerque police spokesman, said detectives receive hundreds of tips in the case each year, and continue to follow different leads while retesting evidence as DNA and other investigative technology advances. >> how many other detectives ins missing persons? >> he's in the area where the prostitutes frequent. and for them. she gets out of her car and comes up to me. >> so we were able to, communicate with each other anything that came up. so they'll move from albuquerque to phoenix to las vegas to los angeles and maybe not return on that circuit for several years. no fingerprints. then august 2008 we have -- we had a really bad rainstorm. a thigh bone had been found out on albuquerque's west mesa. Google MapsWest Mesa Murders satellite photos show the undeveloped land where the victims were discovered. maybe we ought to, you know, be a little more proactive. Promising leads became dead ends with every cleared suspect. >> your typical profile. the first thing is they were human beings to begin with. >> reporter: ida says the stories she heard back then were heartbreaking tales of abuse and neglect that almost always had drugs at their core. Voicemail Claims To Be From West Mesa Killer - YouTube >> reporter: no. they use stamps.com all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps.com/tv and never go to the post office again. but she was unable to find the aunt or to pin down the source of the rumor. -good luck, everybody. [ soft piano music playing ] mm, uh, what do you do for fun? and it was here while posing as a decoy during prostitution sting operations that she learned the raw power of their addictions. n.d then there was the service part, the helping people part of police work. The crime episode will also show how the murder of another man named Ilan Nissim is connected to this case. >> if these women had been blond, white, and from the right part of town would you guys have sounded the alarm sooner? i couldn't handle it. Daniel Wozniak was found guilty of the murders of Sam Herr and Julie Kibuishi. because deep within your skin an overly sensitive immune system could be the cause. and sometimes you've just got to stop and smell the savings. >> reporter: dan immediately called detective ida lopez with the tip. but ever since her early days in uniformed patrol, ida lopez has called them her girls. he's a photographer. a restless night's sleep. have a good weekend and have a good night from what is our nbc news head quarters here in new york. The process repeated itself in more or less the same way about five years later. how do you keep feeling your best all summer long? Albuquerque Police DepartmentJoseph Blea (left) and Lorenzo Montoya (right). Dateline covered the murders. quickbooks. her name was syllania edwards. >> i got to know a lot of them. Photos, information and videos from Dateline here. She was released from jail sometime in 2019.[12][13]. we had to utilize the joplin police department. Ross would soon discover that 11 dead bodies, now known as the West Mesa Murders, lay beneath. When her boyfriend arrived, he shot and killed Montoya. but the police who arrived at the scene shortly after nightfall soon determined that this was no ancient artifact. so it's a matter of time before they go back out. 'd as one of the west mesa women victims -- one of the west mesa women." that the chin was specific for me. commander feist knew every scrap of evidence recovered from that gigantic crime scene would have to be cataloged and stored until it came time to prosecute the west mesa grave digger. just desert and sage brush with a dry stream bed running through it. Several suspects have been named, but none were arrested or charged. young hispanic women with arrest records for drugs or prostitution. but i get to say this is where she's at. He holds dual bachelor's degrees from Pace University and a master's degree from New York University. >> reporter: it would take more than diligent detective work to find those answers. i said all right. >> but while police try to prove it, another attack. but for ida lopez the discovery and identification of seven women from her list meant that years of careful detective work were finally paying off. pi fr no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. ask your veterinarian about apoquel today. activia. dateline west mesa murders - tecnologicospeedwriting.com "Dateline" aired a two-hour show on the murders a gruesome case where the remains of 11 women and an unborn fetus were found buried in the desert near New Mexico's largest city in December. but knew it was reality. >> these are hurting women. >> reporter: an impromptu. one woman determined to find them. >> in death as in life? >> reporter: according to police, montoya lured the woman to his home near the west mesa burial ground. -you're not even enrolled in this class. >> reporter: the detectives needed a solid tip. According to Tixier, the department made the decision to bring Lopez back due to her extensive involvement in the case as well as her connection with the families of the victims. >> i love you, michelle. activia. Florida woman gets life after shooting dead husband's business partner you know, it's stuff you read about. -what a sign, huh? -, Press J to jump to the feed. >> don't know. Why was the vehicle that took the bodies, as it did not appear the victims were murdered, killed, or executed on site, to the Burial Grounds never noticed? >> reporter: but as erratic as michelle had become in recent years, she'd somehow always managed to show up. it's not the pretty woman. Police did promise the families of the victims that justice would be done. As a result of the subsequent police investigation, authorities discovered the remains of 11 women and girls[8] and a fetus buried in the area. Dateline NBC | Real Life Monsters >> she's like a lot of other cases that we had skeletal remains that come in. Daniel Wozniak (murderer) - Wikipedia >> i was about 9 years old. the development at first, the housing downturn, after that the fact the company leaves, a big rainstorm comes, unearths certain things, and now we locate these victims. we don't know. Several women had children now being raised by relatives. i love you, hon. >> reporter: before long michelle valdez stopped showing up in her father's videos. >> reporter: six weeks after the digging began out on the west mesa, even more sets of remains were identified. memorial service organized by Street Safe New Mexico. She was found buried next to her 27-year-old cousin, Evelyn Salazar. >> no. West Mesa Murder Victims Jamie Barela Jamie Barela, 15, was last seen with her 23-year-old cousin Evelyn Salazar heading to a park at San Mateo and Gibson SE in April 2004. >> frightening. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) The notes are written on paper tags, tributes to the nine women, two teenage girls and unborn child found buried 10 years ago atop a New Mexico mesa. shadows prostitutes. a camera might figure it out. Mesa murder suspect found in Texas after collaborative investigation >> reporter: ida lopez began this case with the mantra that everybody counts. >> like?wr >> the drugs. how can i help? the crime lab had determined that one of the unidentified, sets of remains, jane doe number 7, was a young black female. >> you think she came here on her own? On . -[ scoffs ] if you say so. Somebody's Daughter: With Lester Holt, Ida Lopez, Josh Mankiewicz. Lopezs alma mater) who has written several books on serial killings, said: You cant have a colder cold case, Gibson said. 12th Anniversary of West Mesa Murder Discovery - The Paper. What appeared to be a human bone was just the beginning. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. memories fade, and witnesses disappear, and some just don't, want to be part of it anymore. Like Blea, police also knew Lorenzo Montoya to be violent and hire sex workers in Albuquerque's East Central corridor. >> right. the hard part was that many of them had already been missing for more than a year before ida even had a chance to start looking. >> it had to be brutally difficult to think of michelle living that kind of life. >> since her skull was pretty much intact, one of our senior investigators who is able to do forensic sketching started doing a profile for her. but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. >> reporter: and so she learned, about the lives of the women on the street. sometimes in the middle of her work week the albuquerque detective feels a pressing need, for spiritual solace and divine guidance. >> you're a prisoner in this apartment now. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) The notes are written on paper tags, tributes to the nine women, two teenage girls and unborn child found buried 10 years ago atop a New Mexico mesa. The tragic truth was that sex workers made for easy targets, and are often distanced from relatives while communities are blind to their disappearance. babcock says he saw marks on the woman's throat and that she told him montoya looked like he was enjoying it. we have to look into it. >> reporter: after college ida graduated from the police academy and joined the force as a uniformed officer.ol >> most of my areas that i ce worked, especially patrol, i was assigned working the prostitutes in the area. One bears a stick-figure angel and a message from a woman who says the victims watch over her. Who are the dominate males, and lesbians in their Tribe? so help heal your skin from within, with dupixent. >> and that's still a lot of people. >> you know, i just didn't know. Photo Source This is an aerial photographs of the West Mesa Desert in 2004 when the first off road tracks were seen and you can spot two graves.