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In addition to uploading his old reviews to the platform, he uses the site as a kind of diary for more off-the-cuff musings. Theyre coming on having watched The Princess Switch: Switched Again and discovering The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, she said. The film's theme and messagecan be understood by everybody at a single perfect moment of cinema. Its premise has been recycled and parodied numerous times for good reason: it's simply an undeniably satisfying and exciting story. With Letterboxd quickly becoming one of the better up-and-coming film communities on the web, one asset to the community is being able to see which films are the most popular with community users. Its hilarious. RELATED: Underrated Movies Directed by Akira Kurosawa. The top 50 highest rated films on Letterboxd, plus 2 of my personal favorites 209 31 r/Letterboxd Join 17 days ago I always hear about famous directors favourite films, but rarely hear about the movies they disliked. It has a simple story that delivers a wide array of emotions, centering on a bureaucrat whose perspective on life is dramatically changed when his doctor tells him he's terminally ill and won't have long to live. Between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m, Monday through Friday, Seth Turek is focused. He said: "I remember when I started out, it was impossible to break through. Compared to the thousands of other posts that Letterboxd users publish on the site every day, Tureks 1,000 reviews are a raindrop in an ocean. The Letterboxd list of films mentioned; Hugo's The Night of the 12th review, so_phiie's The Night of the 12th review, [Ezra Cubero](Ezra Cubero)'s profile, Zachary Marsh's profile; Harper & Sam & Kevin & Milo's Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio reviews, Maria's Bruiser review, Japidotca's Bruiser review; Frankie Corio's four . When he's not writing lists for Collider, he also likes to upload film reviews to his Letterboxd profile (username: Jeremy Urquhart) and Instagram account. "I have secret accounts all over the place," the 'There Will Be Blood' auteur said of his social media sensibilities. I was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and am Spanish/Venezuelan-American. With so many people stuck at home watching new movies and rewatching classics, that's no wonder. I wrote that way because thats what I like to read, she said recently. Posters are sourced from TMDb and Posteritati, and appear for you and visitors to your profile and content, depending on settings. For reference, heres one of Wagners movie lists: This is an example of what a completed Letterboxd list looks like. 1 Jesus 2 Adolf Hitler 3 Marilyn Monroe 4 Donald Trump ADVERTISEMENT 5 Mao 6 Albert Enstein 7 Cleopatra 8 Michael Jackson 9 Charlie Chaplin 10 Abraham Lincoln 11 Julius Ceasar 12 Joan of Arc ADVERTISEMENT 13 John Lennon 14 Mother Theresa 15 John F. Kennedy 16 Gandhi 17 Nelson Mandela 18 Princess Diana 19 Leonardo Da Vinci 20 Christopher Columbus Im trying to think what my feelings are about it. Letterboxd Between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m, Monday through Friday, Seth Turek is focused. Anyone can read content on the site. Letterboxd users are terrible people 24 Frames Of Nick 840K subscribers Subscribe 11K 170K views 5 months ago #24framesofnick Letterboxd: Instagram:. Letterboxd is an independent service created by a small team, and we rely mostly on the support of our members to maintain our site and apps. 1 - Follow me, follow you Like Twitter, Letterboxd operates by following people and having them follow you. ", To be fair, has anyone made up their minds on Letterboxd? Dick's novels have inspired films like Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, and The Adjustment Bureau. She told the Times that Letterboxds new users are coming on having watched The Princess Switch: Switched Again and discovering (classics like) The Umbrellas of Cherbourg., Matthew Buchanan, one of Letterboxds founders, said the site is not only experiencing an increase in users, but its seeing an increase in use as well. The pandemic has ravaged the movie industry, as theaters have remained mostly shuttered and high-profile would-be blockbusters like Tenet have drastically underperformed. My daughters involved with it and quite likes it. Parasite (2019) - Rating: 4.6, 38k Fans. Comedy films released (or planned to be released) in the year of 2019. Thus, the masses flocked to talk about it and discuss their thoughts, the vast majority of which were highly positive. Mike DAngelo, a longtime contributor to Entertainment Weekly and Esquire, used Letterboxd to retroactively log every movie he has seen, by date, since January 1992. Tweets & replies. There are tens of millions of Netflix users, for instance. RELATED:Every Version Of Spider-Man, Ranked From Weakest To Most Powerful. Joined April 2017. Made by fans in Aotearoa New Zealand. In 2020, however, the sites growth was explosive. As you might expect, some of these are light-hearted, some are fantastical, and others are quite unsettling. Fans won't soon forget iconic scenes like the van falling from the bridge and its vague ending, which likely still lingers in some viewers' minds today. And were talking even more about what we love lately because were all stuck indoors.. NEXT:10 Movies From The 2010s That Are Already Considered Classics. There's a true social aspect to the platform. Writing full-time for her is a dream come true. His movies tend to have very high average ratings from the site's users, with 14 of his 32 feature films having a rating of 4/5 or higher. The two-time Academy Award nominee and star of the upcoming Barbie has yet to confirm or deny whether or not shed been rumbled by the online community, but we should note that the platform itself claims the Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey star doesnt have an account as far as theyre aware. And . The platform is made with users in mind as it's incredibly straightforward and intuitive. Letterboxd is an online social networking service co-founded by Matthew Buchanan and Karl von Randow in 2011. Here, he tackles the tragedy of Macbeth and puts his own spin on it by setting the action in feudal Japan. While the movie doesn't introduce anything particularly groundbreaking to the tried and tested genre, it does what it set out to do extremely well. Despite being a regular human being at the end of the day who uses popular websites like a normal person, fans appear to have chased Margot Robbie away from Letterboxd after discovering her account. It's great to hear that he sees our handiwork. He received a single nomination for Best Director and an Honorary Oscar from the Academy Awards, though unusually, nothing he made ever won Best Picture. When my daughter was younger, she got Instagram and I tried to get a secret account to follow her. The site values both discussion and discovery equally. Watching a cunning protagonist take advantage of two sets of clueless criminals makes for a fun movie, and though Yojimbo is light on action, it's heavy on suspense. Yes, if you're a fan of film then Letterboxd is definitely worth using. 6. Under the username @campbart, she has written vivid, free-form reviews (almost exclusively in lowercase) of sci-fi, horror and action movies, including a heartfelt piece about Minions that reads like a poetic ode to her daughter. Letterboxd Limited. I find criticism very boring unless theres a personal aspect to it.. Apart from that, you can also create diary entries, various lists, and more. RELATED:The 10 Most Popular Films Of The 2010s, According To Letterboxd. A co-production between Japan and the USSR, Dersu Uzala has the unique distinction of being the only Kurosawa film with Russian dialogue. Whereas on Letterboxd, I dont worry about pro forma things like plot synopsis. When you make a purchase using links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. just here to laugh at some letterboxd lists and reviews all credit goes to the writer! The Evil Dead, The Revenant, and Tarzan are all significantly different movies, but with one major similarity - each of them is set in a forest or jungle. At a time when several industries, including the movie theater business, are struggling to make ends meet, Buchanan had expanded his staff to manage his sites growth. Or, if you wish, you can use the search tab to find the titles you want. He works all day at Qualtrics, the famous software company in Utah, and the grind is real. Similar to Goodreads, Letterboxd members have their own personalized profiles that showcase their favorite movies and display recent activity. Join now (it's free) and keep your own. Letterboxd has reported that their app gets used by a primarily young audience, with the largest demographic ranging from 18 to 24 years old. Isabel Sandoval occasionally shares her thoughts on the platform. Published 2020-04-26T19:12:18.572Z Updated 2020-06-09T17:27:45.609Z. It saw the release of all-time classics like The Lion King, Pulp Fiction, Forrest Gump, and so many others, yet The Shawshank Redemption outranks them all on Letterboxd. You also have icons that let you do all these things too. As a Letterboxd member, you have your own user profile that catalogs and displays your activity. The platform offers apps for both Android and iOS users. Anurag Kashyap, the director of Gangs of Wasseypur I and II, maintains a relatively active letterboxd account. It's a film that sheds light on the way that human memory can distort the objective reality of what happens, and what that means for the pursuit of justice, when eyewitnesses are often seen as key for solving crimes. You also get access to an array of useful features. U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Does anyone know of any examples of this? The joys of that are so extreme. As a companion piece to my State by State challenge/marathon, I wanted to try and highlight as many talented and/or influential users from every part of the US of A. Theres plenty of great voices on here from around the world, but my goal is to make this the most patriotic, star-spangled, ass-kickingest, REAL AMERICAN list Letterboxd has ever seen, and Ill need your help. But what is Letterboxd? His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was a white American from Wichita, Kansas. You might find political disquisitions written with breathless zeal: As the most destructive action in the world, as the source of more war, death, and exploitation than anything this world has known since chattel slavery was born, imperialism is the highest, most vile, most horrifying aspect of capitalism, and we oppose it. (That is, of course, a review of Wonder Woman.) Or you might find a single cryptic sentence, such as one of the sites most popular reviews of the movie Joker: This happened to my buddy Eric.. It helps if the movie is more niche and less general though. 1999'sFight Clubunsurprisingly became a cultural phenomenon when it was first released, with fans repeatedly (and hilariously) quoting the first rule of Fight Club wherever they went. In 2005, his novel Ubik was included in Time magazine's list of 100 greatest novels published in English since 1923. The result is a highly engaging film, as it retains enough of the original play to carry its strengths while also making enough small changes to feel exciting for those familiar with Macbeth. We love talking about movies, said Gemma Gracewood, Letterboxds editor in chief. Posters are sourced from TMDb and Posteritati, and appear for you and visitors to your profile and content, depending on settings. Anderson's latest movie has definitely benefited from viral treatment, with PTA fanatics meme-ing away on Film Twitter. The lists are also interactive. Readers like you help support MUO. Now we have the ability to just put stuff out there Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, any fucking place. Made by fans in Aotearoa New Zealand. American Psycho (2000) . Margot Robbie allegedly flees Letterboxd after fans discover her account. 1. Letterboxd has been offering these services since 2011, but its popularity snowballed in 2020 as the the pandemic confined us in our homes, the Times reports. Letterboxd is an intuitive movie-tracking platform that prompts its members to share thoughts on films they've consumed and helps people decide whether something is worth the watch. While the most popular films don't always mean the best quality films,most viewers would agree that they'reuniversally loved movies. Their business, a boutique web design studio called Cactuslab, developed apps and websites for various clients, but they wanted a project of their own that their team could plug away at when there wasnt much else to do. It remains as both the most popular film, and likewise, it is also the most highly rated. A scene from Joker. The film received one of the sites most popular (and brief) reviews. It focuses on Otis and Baby specifically, who make their way across the South in search of their father, destroying anything . 32,137 talking about this. Top Letterboxd user Siegel caught in the act of plagiarism. Visually, it might well be Kurosawa's best-looking movie, owing to its grand scope and remarkable use of color throughout. Persuasive arguments will help, but Im open to anyone that looks like they make a continuous impact with a large following or thoughtful reviews and personality. You had to go through the MPAA to get it approved, you had to get it approved by the studio, you had to go through all these hoops. Letterboxd is an online social networking service co-founded by Matthew Buchanan and Karl von Randow in 2011. Letterboxd is effectively a mood board for movies, allowing users to offer ratings and reviews for titles they loved or hated, but sleuths have even been using Robbies purported activity to deduce some inspirations and influences behind her upcoming turn in Barbie. Turek who has penned over 1,000 reviews since he began writing them in 2017 doesnt write reviews as a second occupation, though. [7], The userbase doubled from the previous year to more than 3 million by January 2021. Wegner said she never intended to write professionally, but as her account began to gain followers, she soon found herself fielding requests for paid work as a critic. A list of 105 films compiled on Letterboxd, including 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), The Wizard of Oz (1939), A Man and a Woman (1966), Splendor in the Grass (1961) and Gone with the Wind (1939). Without it, imagine the amount of money you have to spend to let people know where they see it.". About this list: Still on the lookout for: Montana As a companion piece to my State by State challenge/marathon, I wanted to try and highlight as many talented and/or influential users from every part of the US of A. type to search . We know were not going to appeal to every single Netflix user, but we also know that the appetite for film content is growing.., seriously rip to margot Robbies letterboxd this is exactly why we cant have nice things. - Letterboxd user rating: 3.48 - IMDb user rating: 6.7 - Metascore: 84 - Runtime: 91 min One night in 1950s New Mexico, a young switchboard operator (Sierra McCormick) and radio DJ (Jake Horowitz) uncover a strange radio frequency that seems to be extraterrestrial. Although May said she is first and foremost a fan of film, and not a professional, she nevertheless now considers herself a critic. A list of 50 films compiled on Letterboxd, including Alabama (1985), Alaska (1996), Arizona (2018), Arkansas (2020) and California (1977). Letterboxd's explosion in growth is indeed trending young. Philip K. Dick was an American writer who was known for his work that explores varied social and philosophical themes. His words arent printed in any local magazines or for the Deseret News. Tweets. Look at who has some films you love in their top 4. The 10 Most Popular Films Of The 2010s, According To Letterboxd, Every Version Of Spider-Man, Ranked From Weakest To Most Powerful, 12 Scariest Midsommar Scenes We Can't Stop Thinking About, 10 Movies From The 2010s That Are Already Considered Classics, Why Obi-Wan Didnt Use Force Speed To Save Qui-Gon Jinn From Darth Maul, Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania Broke The MCU's Threequel Rule, Chris Pratt Joins Luigi Actor To Troll Super Mario Bros. Movie Voice Critics. It's not hard to understand why Seven Samurai sits at a 4.5/5 rating on Letterboxd, and within the top 10 of the site's top 250 movies of all time. And its not just more users. Letterboxd fosters an environment that bolsters friendly discussions and leads to people discovering new titles they might enjoy. the title says it all. Letterboxd has been around since 2011, but the platform blew up in popularity in 2020 during the pandemic, doubling its members and reaching three million users in total (it had 1.7 million the year before). He seizes the opportunity to take advantage of both sides for his own benefit and collaborates with either side to set them against each other. Letterboxd Limited. The eye icon is for watched, the heart for liked, and the clock adds it to a watchlist. For example, Rotten Tomatoes (and sites similar to Rotten Tomatoes) divides them into a critics score and an audience one, and it's a common sight to see the two as complete opposites. IMDb was a database; it wasnt, in essence, social. Paul Thomas Anderson is another high-profile industry figure to reveal he too is a Letterboxd user, but unlike Robbie, nobody has been able to uncover his activity so far, although theres a distinct chance hed have awarded Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings top marks based on his surprising love for the Marvel Cinematic Universe blockbuster. Letterboxd actually has quite a few famous users, but many of them are inactive. Connect letters to spell words; Words must be at least 3 letters long; Letters can be reused; Consecutive letters cannot be from the same side; The last letter of a word becomes the first letter . Sydney Wegner, a single mother in rural Texas, started using Letterboxd in late 2012. When doing a diary entry, you can do all of the above-specified things. Letterboxd gives a chance for both cinephiles and casual movie watchers to share their thoughts on a film they watched, and it doesn't differentiate the opinions of professional critics in a separate category. You can create any movie list you can think of. It might not be at the very top of Kurosawa's filmography when it comes to its average rating, but it was arguably the movie that made Kurosawa (and even Japanese cinema as a whole) intentionally recognized. And what does it tell us about the future of reviews and film criticism? That shift toward a younger user base means Letterboxd is finally starting to expand outside the hard-core movie-buff niche and the more than a million new users in 2020 represent a lot of people who arent strictly cinephiles, Buchanan explained. I make jokes and references you would have to have a fairly deep film knowledge to understand. Tarantino's penchant for violence is also immediately obvious through the film. Barack Obama. It's also got an amazing cast filled with numerous actors Kurosawa worked with on more than one occasion (including Toshiro Mifune), and the way its simple premise expands out and becomes more tense and complex as the film progresses makes it riveting to watch. Jordan Peele has established himself as a new auteur director, making the jump from comedy to horror seamlessly, largely due in part to incorporating comedy into his horror, like Sam Raimi. Margot Robbie does not officially have a Letterboxd that we know of. Illumination Entertainment/Universal Pictures, political disquisitions written with breathless zeal. In the beginning, Letterboxd mainly attracted film obsessives: hard-core cinephiles, stats fanatics and professional critics looking to house their published work under one roof. Letterboxd is an excellent platform that helps you track all the films you've seen. And the movies he reviews usually arent new. The most striking thing about Rashomonis its radical structure, where the same horrific crime is shown four different times, from four different perspectives. It also helps that when the unnamed protagonist is required to show off his fighting prowess, the action ends up being satisfying despite its brevity. Jeremy is an omnivore when it comes to movies. It's easy to see which films on Letterboxd haveaccumulated the most reviews on the sites, along with their subsequent number of "fans," people who select it as one of their top four favorite films. It remains a fresh new take on a saturated and ever-increasing genre, which means a lot of competition. Updated on December 27th, 2021, by Hannah Saab:As more iconic films continue to make their mark on the industry and attract a loyal following, the most reviewed, commented on, and loved movies on Letterboxd unsurprisingly constantly shift. NEXT: 'Harakiri' 60 Years On: 10 Reasons Why It's The Best Samurai Movie Ever. The pandemic may have permanently changed the way consume and discuss movies. Here is an example of what movie pages look like in Letterboxd. The mantra on Letterboxds homepage reads: While Turek, the die-hard cinephile that he is, mainly uses Letterboxd for that third sentence, there are thousands of people who use the site for the first two sentences they track what they watch and bookmark movies to see later. On its own FAQ page, Letterboxd defines itself as a global social network for grassroots film discussion and discovery.. RELATED: Legendary Japanese Directors Who Aren't Akira Kurosawa or Hayao Miyazaki. It still stands as an engaging and tense viewing experience, and the ideas it raises still prove relevant to systems of justice today. Simona is a Writer at MakeUseOf, covering various social media and Internet-related topics. The 10 Best Movies Directed by Akira Kurosawa, Ranked by Letterboxd Score, received a single nomination for Best Director, Legendary Japanese Directors Who Aren't Akira Kurosawa or Hayao Miyazaki, (and even Japanese cinema as a whole) intentionally recognized, Underrated Movies Directed by Akira Kurosawa, Perfect Scenes Directed by The Legendary Akira Kurosawa, 'Harakiri' 60 Years On: 10 Reasons Why It's The Best Samurai Movie Ever, 10 Best Movies Trilogies Ranked From 'Spider-Man' to 'The Lord of the Rings', Zombies in TV & Movies Ranked by How Likely You Are to Survive Them, Henry Cavill's Best Performance Was In a Netflix Movie You've Never Heard Of. Red Beard is one of Kurosawa's longest movies, clocking in at 185 minutes. Letterboxd has been around since 2011, but the platform blew up in popularity in 2020 during the pandemic, doubling its members and reaching three million users in total (it had 1.7 million the year before). Learn more. It originally started with 23 films. The unedited, anything-goes spirit of Letterboxd can be off-putting: DAngelo confessed he finds it maddening when writers use all lowercase or refuse to use normal grammar or punctuation, which on the site is often. It read: That explanation was met with a backlash that prompted the site to post a follow-up message: For Letterboxds managers, the incident proved to be an invaluable lesson on how difficult it is to monitor an online community. RELATED: Perfect Scenes Directed by The Legendary Akira Kurosawa. Upgrade to a Letterboxd Pro account to add your favorite services to this listincluding any service and country pair listed on JustWatchand to enable one-click filtering by all your favorites. Social film reviews and discovery. Films can be rated, reviewed, added to a specific date's diary entry, included in a list, and tagged with relevant keywords. He's been admired and recognized for his excellent filmography in other ways at least, including by the users of the film-related social media app, Letterboxd. She has worked as a professional writer for over seven years, creating content around IT news and cybersecurity. A follower model enables members to follow and get updates about the activity of others on the site. On Letterboxd, you can discover not only new movies to watch, but new critics to follow. With so many people stuck at home watching new movies and rewatching classics, that's no wonder. This list includes famous actors, politicians, entrepreneurs, writers, artists and humanitarians. Movies are a visual medium, and the sites founders wanted their platform to reflect that. Anyone can read what you share. Early last decade, Matthew Buchanan and Karl von Randow, web designers based in Auckland, New Zealand, were seeking a passion project. As mentioned, you can keep track of every title you've seen or wish to see and give ratings and reviews. As of 20July2022[update], members have marked over 1 billion films as watched.[10]. In an interview with IndieWire, 51-year-old director and independent movie legend Paul Thomas Anderson opened up on a lot of stuff around Licorice Pizza, from its plot backlash to awards season, before revealing that he secretly lurks on a Letterboxd account. Dave Chapelle attacked onstage while performing at LA festival, Here are the 14 inductees for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Utah is apparently the most Star Wars-obsessed state in the country, Five political statements guests made at the 2022 Met Gala. It revolves around a dysfunctional family's arguments after the death of their patriarch and the reading of his controversial last will. These pages offer details about movies, their average ratings, and reviews from other Letterboxd users. Far from being just another action flick, the film's bold commentary on consumerism is portrayed in a creative way. There's no doubt that 1994 is one of the greatest years in movie history. On the app, which the company reports is how 75 percent of users access Letterboxd, the largest demographic is 18- to 24-year-olds. As the old saying goes; celebrities are just like us, with the obvious exception of the whole fame and fortune thing. Parasite reigns supreme on Letterboxd and for a good reason. She was like, Its not a secret. Apologies in advance. 10 Benjamin Franklin The film's controversial and somewhat derivate approach to telling its story has its moments but also had its slips. Lists can be made public or private to the user. The Letterboxd logo displays three overlapping circles, one orange, one green and one blue. You can find out where the film is available to watch and view a trailer. He works all day at Qualtrics, the famous software company in Utah, and the grind is real. It's a fairly lengthy film at 142 minutes long, but is paced and plotted extremely well, ensuring that it doesn't feel its length. Smile Paul Thomas Anderson Reveals His Secret Letterboxd Account Paul Thomas Anderson Reveals His Secret Letterboxd Account By Jack King Published Feb 18, 2022 "I have secret accounts all over.