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This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Rockstar Games or Rockstar Games. He hates him because he thinks john is the rat in the group pretty sure a guy like Dutch could care less about family values considering he had the best son (Arthur) you could ask for and look how he left him. In this case, what happens is that Arthur abandons John in order to go back to the gangs burning camp.
Get your money after Arthur dies. : r/RDR2 - reddit Basically what you want to do is the above trick to remove the sniper, but time it in such a way so that the sniper kills you right after selecting to replay the first mission of Epilogue Part 2. That happened once already when I accidentally clicked a link on a pop up when trying to close it that sent me to a pirated download of Atomic Blonde (that I immediately canceled when it started DLing), which was logged by my Internet provider who reported it to the studio that owns the movie, who in turn sent ****ing cops to my house over it. You can find her grave southwest of Elysian Pool on top of a hill. after that is over, just restart because the rest isn't that fun unless you're aiming for 100%. We'll see. All Rights Reserved. Dutch knows Micah betrayed him, which is why Dutch turns his back on Micah during the good ending of Red Dead Redemption 2 after Arthur Morgan dies. However, you can still want to go back to it, even after finishing the main storyline. Locke90 posted. 6 Do you lose your gold bars when Arthur dies? For much of Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan acts as a father figure to John and Abigail Marstons son Jack. Refer to the map for easy directions. i d love to see these 2 encounters videos , thank u. I found that without robbing anyone, without doing a single store robbery, or train robbery, etc.. only doing the treasure hunts, and mission robberies that you can do with various gang members along the way I was able to get up to $13,000 after spending over $5000, so about $18,000.00 and most of it by chapter 4. John defends his family, but is shot and killed by a gang of soldiers. Its definitely worth it for the completion, and theres a special Rat Hunting mission at the end, you cant miss it, Worth it just for the housebuilding mission, and features the greatest song in the history of music.
Can you still play as Arthur after he dies? - IronSet a day later (2.21) than my post 2.20. in fact that is how i came to know this website rdr2 org, one of them saw a post and did a video with a shoutout to the original post. This is a genius move if it indeed does work. Awesome experience. If you want to clear your bounty, you could always head to the nearest post office to pay it off. Can's Wayback Machine ignore some query terms? When you start the epilogue you cannot get the money or consumables you lost back. The short answer is no. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. You can tell the author of this article is biased. Some 60-80 hours after beginning the tale of Arthur Morgan and the doomed members of the Van der Linde Gang, players are winding their way to Red Dead Redemption 2's "ending." This game has six. 1 Answer. I think it would be a cool, but somewhat bizarre feeling to be standing in Blackwater peering over Flat Iron Lake to think 12 years prior all of the events of Red Dead Redemption 2 occured even though in this game it's un-accessible land mass. When Dwight Eisenhower gave the Atoms for Peace speech what constructive use of nuclear energy was he introducing? Andrey knows everything from warm-up to hard workout. In Red Dead Redemption 2, protagonist Arthur Morgan contracts a serious case of tuberculosis. Yes, you can keep playing after finishing the story (6 chapters and 2 parts of the epilogue). What Would Happen If Arthur Morgan NEVER Dies & LIVES After The Ending Of Red Dead Redemption 2? After Hamish dies, the boar will appear. Ultimately, it isn't that difficult to regain what you lost. 12 Swim. Red Dead Redemption 2 is, at its heart, a game about characters. View complete answer on The letter raises some questions, firstly, that Gavin friends name is actually Nigel. Do bounties ever get cleared without paying? This post contains major spoilers for RDR2 Arthur's death in Red Dead Redemption 2 shouldn't have come as much of a surprise, even before players learn he contracted active tuberculosis. That's how I feel RDR1 is gonna be, it's gonna feel like as if it was an actual sequel. While Arthur gives John his satchel with his belongings in it, it doesnt contain all of his money. Anyway by doing these challenges, stocking up on the gator eggs and plumes whether you need them ornot will also make you good money, this along with treasure hunting, grabbing loot along the way, looting every body I found, etc.. And the fact it took you 8 tries before giving up forever is an insult to yourself. My valuables that I saved as Aurther (ALL my gold bars and most pocket watches etc) did NOT transfer to John Marston. And this isn't even counting the Blackwater money that you get at the end of American Venom. I kept the barsSold two as john (ultimately didn't even spend close as I couldn't payoff the debt anyway) then grabbed the 22k from gang. also at night, there is a couple , and the lady always gets shot and dies, i m too slow, what happened in ur encounter? Anyway to me, it felt great splitting these things up based on where in the story I was and what we were doing. Other studios take note and spend a little longer on your games and you might get a little bit closer to that! My copy of the game is an original 1.00 version (since I never connect my PS4 to the internet). On this page of the RDR2 guide we explain what things (progress, items of equipment, etc.) Unfortunately not. It wasnt fun, i think its worth it to finish the epilogue storyline. I know this, I am just showing a method to play as Arthur with unexplored Guarma AFTER the Epilogue. Finally, great article about a great game and I would love to read more about what Sueda has to say about it! Why are Suriname, Belize, and Guinea-Bissau classified as "Small Island Developing States". Powered by Invision Community. but yes, the epilogue is worth it DudlyDjarbum Additional comment actions It's a slow start but solid. The Epilogue can be a little slow, and some might even say boring, but how cool would it be to have 10k$ to play with as John early on ? Seen a few of his videos. Cheap GTA 5 Shark Cards & More Games: July 12, 2021 in Red Dead Redemption 2. It worked out great, I left $12,940.00 in there, so it was a good day for John when he takes that first ride and the music plays, instead of going to Blackwater we went to Lemoyne. I'm the one who's about to do that. Added more information about the glitch and photo proof. After John is captured and sent to prison, Dutch does not prioritize his rescue, even scolding Arthur for doing so. Oh shit, sorry never mind, I thought I saw witness pop up, never mind were good. You can read all of this information, and answer other questions, from this USGamer RDR2 Epilogue FAQs page. When you know their locations, raiding gang hideouts and camps can net you a lot of loot pretty quick (I had accumulated about $1,400 after a few hours). If you are a fan of story-driven games, open world games, or simply good games, is a must-play. Right now as john I have $30,000 and I have easily spent $5000.00 already so closer to $40k and I believe the treasures and loot spots reset for the epilogue and if so, thats another $15000 out there waiting for me to go get. They leave you to figure that out. Given to winners of the multiplayer events in 2010-2011 by Rockstar Games. I havent noticed anything gone. You also get Mexico right across the river! You can do that in the menu. Sure that could have been the last witness but, he sent a messenger pigeon on to his cousin just before you blew his head off, and now everyone knows who did it and where you are exactly, fantastic. Redemption largely drew inspiration from Spaghetti Western movies and it was more presentin the soundtrack that plays around New Austin and Nuevo Paraiso, in addition to the mostly Desert setting.
Can you still play after Arthur dies? - TimesMojo What mission does Arthur die in rdr2? - TimesMojo i think it's worth it to finish the epilogue storyline. Kill the boar before it gores you. I was thinking at the end of my first playthrough, you'd get a decent chunk of change but the most I seemed to have was maybe 6 grand. A very important part of this, is the satchel, by the end of chapter 2 I had the full satchel upgraded so now I can hold 99 of things, instead of 3, this makes a world of difference. but yes, the epilogue is worth it. I generally believe that Rockstar did such an AMAZING job with RDR2 as a prequel, covering a bit of everything to the point where playing RDR1 can feel like it's a sequel, and not feel f*cking weird and forced like when watching Star Wars. How would you describe an honorable person? Set in 1899, Red Dead Redemption 2 follows a floundering gang struggling to survive as they are chased across the United States by the Pinkerton detective agency. I'll try and keep this answer spoiler free. The main story line isnt the favorite part of the game for the hundreds of reviewers Ive read from, what a fucking fail. Be warned, this question contains some major spoilers for the later chapters and the epilogue. The comparison is mind blowing. So, does it still hold up? Dutch finally realized what a bad man he has been and that he has lost his true son Arthur. i wonderwill u gain honor by helping lawman? Yes, you can keep playing after finishing the story (6 chapters and 2 parts of the epilogue). [Important Guest Info Inside]. I found this MrBoss FTW video as well after my first two play throughs, so I decided on my third I would try it and just imagine that Arthur decided to stash it there, and tell John when handing him all his stuff, to go look for it when things cool down or something. Is it possible to create a concave light? Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. - While the game recognizes the locations I visit, actual map still shows Guarma and the minimap doesn't show anything. i've seen a lot of their videos, in fact that is how i came to know this website rdr2 org, one of them saw a post and did a video with a shoutout to the original post. My Extremely Rare RDR PS3 Controllers. It isnt realistic where it counts. Hunting is usually fun but can get difficult, and I thoroughly enjoy the tedious hunting of legendary animals. It is from 2010, but I think it aged quite well since then. That said, John recovers the money stash from Micah and Dutch at the end of the epilogues, effectively replacing any money you may have lost when you completed Chapter 6. Saving all that this play through so i won't flat broke starting as John. We recommend checking What things are transferred to the campaign epilogue of RDR2? Thank you Kormath! After saying his piece, Dutch commits suicide, throwing himself from the cliff. There just hasnt been another open world game that has captured my interest like this one. Thank you so much. I really enjoyed this playthrough and now in the Epilogue I feel like there is so much to see and do yet and stories to finish with John that make sense and it is nice having a lot of cash to do it with. - If you save the game when using Arthur in Guarma, the game will spawn you in Guarma when loaded, however it will be less glichy and more similar to chapter 2's mechanics though still mixed with Epilogue (i.e. It still remains among the best-selling video games of all time, with over 43 million copies. I just started chapter 6. This is my third play through, in my previous play through's I never went to the Aberdeen Pig Farm, I knew what was going to happen, but I never had an organic opportunity to go and I felt like going just to make it happen was kind of lame, but this time, just before I play the final mission I will stop in there and let my money be taken, if it works it would be very helpful in the early parts of the epilogue. On top of that, you can complete new side quests, Bounty Hunting missions and Stranger encounters (especially in New Austin) which will appear during and after the epilogue. Plus you can now get all the legendary fish and animals. I'd appreciate if any story spoilers are tagged as such for anything later than the point of the story I'm at. You don't have to worry that the main character will get attacked upon detecting. Replaying missions has no impact on your progress, the only reason to do that is to get gold medals. Found out about TB last night, got online wanting to find a cure. I was able to make a lot of cash and keep a very high honor rating and I saved the bandit, sharpshooter, and survivalist challenges for John, Arthur did the hunter, most of the herbalist, some of the gambler, and one other I forget, plus the legendary animals, fish, rock carvings, dreamcatchers, dinosaur bones, and every available side missions except the last Strauss missions that I missed by accidentally waiting too long to start it., so this formula made Arthur a ton of money so he was able toleave $13000 to John. I would have never thought to do it! The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese, Using indicator constraint with two variables. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the disease spread across the globe, affecting families, communities, and entire countries. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. And for J.Michael what hundreds of reviews are you talking about? My PS3 died at around the time I got RDR1 back in 2014. For the second one, you can save the lady, but you have to be really quick about it. If you do it before Chapter 5/6 then the Sniper won't be active unless you get a Wanted level from the guards. (His fellow gang members leave him for dead when he gets shot during a failed robbery in 1906, which is what leads him to ditch the outlaw life in the first place.)
But I don't understand why? Between hunting, and experiencing the world, the player slowly becomes aware of the inevitable end of the story. It's still an amazing game and a wonderful experience. Unfortunately, there is no chance for his survival.
Red Dead Redemption 2: Finished the story - can I keep playing? Yes, just do it at endgame once the story is done. - The game is in a state where it is a mixed between Chapter 2 and the Epilogue. I dont mind the pacing, slow as molasses is fine with me, I actually enjoy the rides through the beautiful landscape. Your email address will not be published. Oh well if there's another way please let me know. Abigail is hot but indignant for someone whose man just got them a ranch. Something Abigail deeply appreciated as that is all she has truly wanted, mostly for Jacks sake. I know, I liked him as well. 'Red Dead Redemption' and the 'Red Dead Redemption' logos are the property and trademarks of Take-Two Interactive. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. The way characters react to you rests on the decisions you make throughout the story, the player is an active participant in Arthurs downfall or the very reason that he avoids it. chapter.
Even in 2022, I find myself sinking into this one to spend hours hunting, without even bothering with the storyline I know so well. As in, no you cant see the prisoners, including Micah. What year is it in RDR2 after Arthur dies? Red Dead Redemption 2 is a 2018 action-adventure game developed and published by Rockstar Games. 2023 Copyright The Boar. It's a shame that the original mapis so empty in RDR2 and not really a big part of the story (wish we could explore it with Arthur and it was at least the setting for one big chapter), they remade it quite well and it still has the western vibe. Its still really good w/o the side missionsand activities, etc. Can you still play as Arthur after he dies? What happens if you go to jail in Red Dead Redemption 2? As RDR2 progresses, though, Sadie quickly becomes an integral part of the narrative and one of the fan-favorites. The combat in general is hilariously unrealistic, Arthur Morgan moves like molasses even though he is supposed to be a legendarily hardened Wild West gunslinger. Your email address will not be published. I deleted this p.o.s. I too play on 1.00 and if someone could find a glitch to go to New Austin before having to do the "Bronte glitch" in chapter 4 I would be so f*cking happy! sometimes shovelling shit is a good way to grieve, Also you can hit those side missions in the epilogue anyways, which on my next playthrough im going to give him as much to do as possible this time, A few hours worth though. Posted February 19, 2019. how to pass down all your money from arthur to johnsince john will get his satchel, i tried buying 99 of all items and that did not work. Can you still play as Arthur after he dies? He uploads too much clickbait stuff for my tastes. I have no idea if it works on later versions. What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier? About an argument in Famine, Affluence and Morality. It has about 55 missions so don't expect it to be as long as Red Dead Redemption 2. Press J to jump to the feed. First off, before you can start to surrender yourself to the lawmen and bounty hunters, you need to actually be a wanted man in Red Dead Redemption 2. At the end of RDR2, Arthur is dead. There are no cheats to allow play as Arthur, so there is no way to continue playing as him unless you revert to an earlier save. Bounty Hunters are fair game, but youll lose honor by killing the lawmen. Another idea is tonot pick up the mail, the rewards for mailing cigarette sets etc,let John do it if he can that is. : r/RDR2 After having so much money as Arthur.. when playing as John Marston i find myself broke. Red Dead Redemption isn't anywhere near as long. I was flat broke when i got into the epilogue after having Arthur spend everything he had in chapter 6, didn't know the money and items carried over. is an unofficial Red Dead Redemption 2 fan site and is in no way affiliated with, Howdy Stranger! Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. If you do it before Chapter 5/6 then the Sniper won't be active unless you get a Wanted level from the guards. It is an open-world experience - and a deeply rewarding one. The Pinkertons are set on removing crime and savagery from the United States, all as part of the governments aim to create the perfect America. Can I get the pelts that were on the back of my horse back when I die? You lose: Horses(All of them, not just the one that dies), player and horse tonics, food, money. Charles would later return to Roanoke Ridge after the disbandment of the Van der Linde gang, and bury the bodies of Arthur and Susan. Powered by Invision Community. sell all the pelts because any pelts left in his inventory when he dies goes, clothing items stay, saddles that you unlocked stays, all the knives you picked up stays, the masks too, when i got further into the chapter all arthur's guns appeared including the rare ones so don't worry about those. complete quests you have skipped. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Screenshot of the Week #85 [Submissions Closed - Vote Now!]. Arthur Morgans grave can be found to the northeast of Bacchus Station, and east of the grave of Eagle Flies. On this page of the guide, we answer the question whether you can continue the game after completing the storyline of RDR2. Throughout the game, we see our two main characters John and Arthur, have entirely different views on Dutch. s strengths, the missions vary in theme. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? The speed at which our protagonist moves around camp is ridiculously slow. Alexander Pierce and, Skagboys, The final mission of the epilogue will provide you with enough money that it should negate what was lost (for me personally, I gained about twice as much money as I had originally, and that was not a small number). Red Dead Redemption 2. My 1st play through I had no issues when I became John Marston. The bad sides are the controls, which are clunky and unintuitive and because the same buttons are needed for different actions, you can often end up accidentally shooting people in the face. starting out John is flat broke, you need money at the start of epilogue 2, hence this post. Could rdr1 be just as fun and excited like rdr2 or do it feels too old? My first playthrough. How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? Who is the new host of Dancing with the Stars? - If you save the game when using John in Guarma (before glitching into Arthur), the game will spawn you back to the normal map when you load that save. Though you are free to do as you wish throughout the open-world, the ending of the game is inevitable: lives are going to be lost, tragedy is going to happen, and you are powerless to do anything other than watch. i quit watching youtube a year or more ago, got too fed up with the crap on there. I tried searching for Arthurs body to loot and see if that way i get my money back but his body wasn't there by the cave.. any help on this. In saying that definitely give it a go.
I have no idea if this has been discovered before, but while attempting to do the glitch to remove the sniper from Guarma (, I was able to glitch the game to play as a healthy Arthur with the Guarma map marked unexplored (no red areas), all this after the epilogue (I reached Guarma using John). are transferred from chapter 6 to the game epilogue. By Thanks. was a chapter or 2 later i did their mission and got robbed. Don't warn me again for Red Dead Redemption 2 View Page Arthur will be bounty-free by the time he gets out of jail. If the player was honorable, Dutch will leave because he is unable to choose between them. Sadly, there is currently no release date for Red Dead Redemption 3. At the end of RDR2, Arthur is dead. On top of that, you can complete new side quests, Bounty Hunting missions and Stranger encounters (especially in New Austin) which will appear during and after the epilogue.