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If your melasma doesn't go away after you have your baby, you can discuss melasma treatment with your provider. Melanin is the natural substance that gives color to hair, skin, and eyes. Treatments for melasma include topical creams, chemical peels, as well as gentle skin resurfacing procedures. Is it sunlight? Melasma can occur at any point in a pregnancy, although it typically develops during the second or third trimester. We even asked a couple of board-certified dermatologists to weigh in. Here are ways of reducing melasma on the face during pregnancy: 1. This means that its long-lasting (three months or more). Even if its hot outside, loose-fitting clothing can be comfortable and protect your skin. Bolanca I, Bolanca Z, Kuna K, Vukovi A, Tuckar N, Herman R, Grubisi G. Chloasmathe mask of pregnancy. Many women notice their hair becomes thicker during pregnancy. If your hyperpigmentation is accompanied by consistent itching, irritation or discomfort, its important to note that these are not symptoms of melasma. Prevalence and awareness of melasma during pregnancy Look for noncomedogenic or hypoallergenic foundations, concealers, powders, and other products. Are the soaps Im using right now aggravating my melasma (come with a list if you need to)? 6.6 Naturium vitamin C Complex Face Serum. 1 But certain conditions, like postpartum acne and dry skin, may be caused by the hormonal changes that happen during breastfeeding. Is Any Acne Treatment Safe to Use During Pregnancy? There are a few tricks you can try to minimize melasma, including the following: Exposure to the sun will make your pregnancy mask more pronounced. Get useful, helpful and relevant health + wellness information. Melasma can be managed, but often not entirely cured, in the sense that in someone who is predisposed, it can always come back. 2019 Jun;45(6):818-828. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000001912. Melasma can develop at any time during your pregnancy, however. Vitamin D helps keep your skin healthy in general. Warm compresses (running warm water over your breasts in the shower or applying a warm washcloth) and massages will probably clear the duct in a few days. However, she particularly enjoys the medical, aesthetic, pharma, mental health, and beauty realms. Malar pattern . Look for products that say fragrance-free, for sensitive skin, or non-comedogenic on the label. Goodarzi A, et al. 2008;32(Suppl 2):139-141. Are you interested in prescriptions that may improve your melasma? Spontaneous recovery back to pre-pregnancy levels usually occurs within 6-12 months. Fluctuations in certain hormones can cause melasma, which is why it commonly occurs during pregnancy. Women with darker complexions are more likely to have melasma than women with lighter skin. National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Other ways to diagnose melasma involve a special blacklight lamp, called a Woods lamp, which would quite literally shine a light on the different types of melasma we discussed. What is known is that there is a genetic component in the development of melasma. It doesnt itch or hurt, and it doesnt become malignant. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. Read our, Why Does Melasma Develop During Pregnancy. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. The association between melasma and iron profile: A case-control study. However, she particularly enjoys the medical, aesthetic, pharma, mental health, and beauty realms. Melasma (chloasma or mask of pregnancy) may be the most cosmetically troublesome skin condition associated with pregnancy ( Figure 2). Melasma in Pregnancy: Treatment and Causes - Healthline Use the treatment and management advice from your dermatologist or another healthcare provider. Melasma: a clinical and epidemiological review. Otherwise, speak with your doctor about the options for treatment and the benefits and risks of each. How can I prevent melasma from getting worse during pregnancy? You may be referred to a dermatologist for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Slather up with gentle products instead. Y. ou can also be sure to eat a healthy, skin-friendly diet that contains plenty of nutrients and vitamin D. Foods that fit the bill include eggs (only if theyre fully cooked), yogurt, meat (fully cooked), fish high in fatty acids (also fully cooked), and mushrooms. Some of the topical options include hydroquinone, corticosteroids, and tretinoin. Hormones (including hormonal medications). How many hours of sunlight do you recommend I receive? Related: Your guide to pregnancy-safe skin care. Bozzo P, Chua-Gocheco A, Einarson A. 6.5 CeraVe Vitamin C Serum. If the hormones in your contraception are the cause of your melasma then, yes, it may go away. The following are common melasma triggers: In addition to the above, genetics play a crucial role. Those with a combination of ingredients that help using different pathways to diminish pigment.. To tell the difference between skin conditions, your healthcare provider may perform a biopsy, which is where a small piece of your skin is removed and examined. Are you interested in procedures that may improve your melasma? You're also more likely to develop melasma if it runs in your family. Fractional lasers are commonly used for treating melasma. Sometimes the patches can become red or inflamed. Maternal adaptations to pregnancy: Skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes https://www.uptodate.com/contents/the-skin-hair-nails-and-mucous-membranes-during-pregnancy [Accessed September 2020], UpToDate. Hello. Melasma Treatment: Home Remedies, Prescriptions, & Procedures Hydroquinone is a prescription product to lighten skin or reduce skin pigmentation that occurs from melasma and chloasma, which can be brought on by pregnancy. beneath the breasts during late pregnancy. Another exfoliation option would be to have a laser skin resurfacing treatment. Products that irritate the skin can make melasma worse. When your skin heals from the treatment, it may cause even more discoloration. Consuming turmeric in pregnancy is a debated subject. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading ourmedical review and editorial policy. Melasma is sometimes called the mask of pregnancy because it frequently affects pregnant women. American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Melasma will not harm your baby. Exposure to sunlight can make it more noticeable. If the spots don't fade within a few months after having the baby, there are treatments to help fade them. Melasma is typically a chronic disorder. Heres more about this condition, why it crops up in pregnancy, and how you can treat it safely. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Melasma. If you are currently expecting, or thinking about becoming pregnant, this post will cover everything you need to know about pregnancy-induced melasma, including ways to prevent occurrence and treatment options. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Melasma does not cause any itching or pain and has no other physical symptoms. Youll be glowing again before you know it! 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Trivedi MK, Yang FC, Cho BK. Treatment once you have finished breast- feeding can take the normal course, which normally begins with topical bleaching . . You may be able to prevent or minimize melasma by wearing a high-SPF sunscreen and a hat with a brim when you are in the sun. Stretch marks are easier to prevent than erase. 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. Thats why most people with melasma notice that their symptoms worsen during the summer months. Its often called the mask of pregnancy. Melasma happens because of overproduction of the cells that make the color of your skin. What makes breast cancer come back? In pregnancy, it's often referred to as chloasma, or the "mask of pregnancy.". Your skin is your barricade. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its an organ the largest organ and it makes up about one-seventh of your body weight. Melasma is a very common skin disorder, especially among pregnant women. Some topical products we have found safe to use during pregnancy are Vitamin-C, Azelaic Acid, Lytera 2.0, and physical sunscreen. Eat a variety of healthy, whole foods, drink plenty of water and get sufficient rest. And dont forget a stylish pair of sunglasses the bigger the better. (Other hormonal alterations, such as birth control medication and hormonal replacement therapy can also trigger melasma in nonpregnant people.). Melasma can be managed, but often not entirely cured, in the sense that in someone who is predisposed, it can always come back, Dr. Belkin cautions. If youre using concealer or foundation to cover your melasma, choose products developed for sensitive skin. Chioma Ndubisi, MD, is a board-certified OB/GYN who specializes in sexual and reproductive health in New York, New York. Hyperpigmentation results when the skin produces excess melanin. Melasma is common during pregnancy, as it is believed to be caused by increased levels of oestrogen in the blood. Wondering what skin care products are safe and which to avoid while pregnant? Pregnancy is not the only cause of melasma. The underlying cause of pregnancy melasma is unknown, beyond an overproduction of melanin, the pigment that gives your skin its color. Melasma: causes. And ask your doctor about any potential vitamin deficiencies. Our expert physicians and surgeons provide a full range of dermatologic, reconstructive and aesthetic treatments options at Cleveland Clinic. Melasma can sometimes be mistaken for another skin condition. For many people, pregnancy melasma can improve after youre no longer pregnantonce your hormonal levels return to their normal, pre-pregnant levels. Wide brimmed hats are your best friend. Melasma can present with blotches or frecklesusually on the facethat are darker than the rest of your skin tone. All rights reserved. This also tends to happen in areas where friction is common, such as your underarms and inner thighs. Melasma During Pregnancy: Causes and Treatment. If the skin changes are bothersome, consider another birth control option. 1. StatPearls: Melasma. 6 Treatment of Melasma during pregnancy. What Is Melasma (Pregnancy Mask)? Causes, Pictures A topical treatment isnt your only option. 2021. Learn more about this common pregnancy skin change that you may experience when you're expecting. Skin Conditions During Pregnancy - ACOG During pregnancy or while youre breastfeeding, you should also avoid at-home peels, bleaches or other chemical-based lightening treatments, since they can all potentially penetrate the skin. Your melasma is likely to go away when youre no longer pregnant. You may need to use different topicals or chemical peels to help get rid of stubborn pigment. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. Yes, its possible that your melasma will go away on its own within a few months. Vitamin C is used in skin care as a strong antioxidant, especially in regard to protecting the skin from sun damage. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Rachel Nazarian, MD, FAAD, is a board-certified dermatologist seeing patients in New York, N.Y. She practices various aspects of dermatology, including cosmetic treatments, laser, injectables, skin cancer screening, general dermatology, dermatologic surgery, and body contouring. Is there a history of melasma in your family? Adding a skin condition like melasma to the mix can be frustrating, especially if it's making you self-conscious about your appearance. A biopsy is quick, safe procedure routinely performed during a normal visit to your healthcare providers office. Melasma is not dangerous or cancerous, but it may affect how you feel about your appearance. You may see a line ( linea. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. If youre exercising, try avoiding peak sun hours in your area, generally the middle of the day. Accessed 7/23/2020. Ahead, were discussing everything you need to know about pregnancy melasma, including what it is, what causes it, and how you can both treat and help prevent it. Then apply your foundation to the rest of your face, avoiding the patches. If you have dark skin, seek a provider who is experienced in laser treatment for people of color. Your. Always listen to the advice of your healthcare provider and follow your treatment plan carefully. Wear abroad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher on your face all day, every day, even if youre not going outside, since harmful rays can come right through your windows. Pregnancy. She works full-time as a senior content manager at a multinational digital agency. Is there a specific sunscreen you recommend? This increased workload can cause shortness of breath and fatigue, and it is essential to take breaks and rest when needed. This common condition occurs in 50-70% of pregnant women. Applying this powerful antioxidant to your skin can help brighten melasma while providing other anti-aging benefits, like increased collegen production. Youre also at risk if you take oral contraceptives and hormones. our editorial and medical review policies, dark line down the center of your abdomen (the linea nigra), Skin Darkening and Discoloration During Pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body goes through significant hormonal changes. Are any of my current medications causing or worsening my melasma? It's typically diagnosed after an individual develops multiple pregnancies at once. Commonly occurring during pregnancy, melasma is sometimes referred to as chloasma, or the mask of pregnancy because dark patches on the face can resemble a mask.