Sanford, Maine City Council, Articles N

The coverup/deflection is worse than the crime, Its took me a while to figure out that it said kisef hamalchus. They think they are so righteous as they shockle & veyn, but they have no problem pushing women & kids out of the way to get on a bus first. I can get over the shtus of making fun of us but calling the Rebbe a chamor and mocking h directly is just beyond chutzpah. Chief Rabbi on Aharon Barak: 'He doesn't know the 'Shema Yisrael' prayer, that's a Jew'? We have to remember that the Rebbe cares more about what they did to themselves. Boruch Hashem there is lately much achdus and respect between the different sectors of Am Yisroel. Most of the 250+ yungeleit learn within the framework of a chabura that is focused on a specific miktzoa and led by a senior member of the Kollel, with guidance from the Rosh Kollel, Harav Ezra Neuberger. Many Lubavitchers dont love every yid as they say they do. I personally think that this should be viewed as a sincere attempt to right their wrong. It was done by 16-year-old kids who are in 11th grade, he said. How old are we?! If you think about it, we really cant blame the students. A) I dont care what time of year it is or what place in the world you live, laughing and disrespecting another Yids way of life in such a public and chaos-arousing way is inexcusable. ner yisroel news. Under the tutelage of the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu Harav Aharon Feldman shlita and Ner Yisroels acclaimed staff of outstanding rebbeim, talmidim are exposed to the breadth and depth of Torah while imbibing the hashpaah and hadracha, He is the author of many books dealing with commentary of the Bible and Commentaries. The word misnaged isnt a slur. 2. We need to look inside and realize how it now fees to be the butt of the joke. Each one presents his own individual approach andfocus. These boys come from all over the United States and Canada; many attend public school all year; others are enrolled in Hebrew day schools but come from homes with little or no Torah observance. Ner Yisroels entry-level division provides its 250talmidimwith a well balanced educational program. Whatever. Ner Yisroel is not some dinky little dump of aRead more , Anyone who thinks he can be a true emesdik tzadik or talmid chacham WITHOUT any relationship to his Rebbe or Chasidus is called a Tzsdik in pelz 99.9% of Lubavitchers have zero clue what N.I. The Rebbe took care of everything. Forty years ago a shliach put up a menorah in the town square of a small city, and a non-frum Jewish lady became extremely upset and wrote letters of protest to the local newspaper. (thats besides for the yeshiva boys doing similar what encountered). We dont dress Tomchei Temimim up in a ner Yishmoel clown suit because 1. it would a profound disrespect to Tomchei Temimim and 2. wed never think of it. Just some lame jokes, move on. By tomorrow morning the will be back mocking . Chabad is about ahavas yisroel and bringing moshiachnot sure howRead more , .. ? , I wonder how many ner yisroel graduates there are that go to Chabad houses for guidance and yiddishkeit after they went OTD. Not just their reaction to it. Laughing at the Rebbe, was not the smartest thing to do He also gives special lectures for the alumni and community at large. This is simply a symptom of a much larger core issue. My Rebbe told me a story tonight. And then they hate. Gegent is a business and community directory created by COLLive to promote community businesses and help consumers find helpful and up-to-date information and reviews on shopping, products, vendors and services. I think that was wrong too but Ner Yisroel bochurim were saying nasty low life things about the Rebbe. But we can see past it (Im not talking about the disrespect towards the Rebbe) and not let this get us down. What a sad, sad, state of mind and heart. Try driving near the MirRead more . we must do all we can to stop fights Take responsibility and reprimand your students and reinforce discipline throughout your faculty! Althoug it would be proper for them to apologize in general for the leitzanus of Chabad. A real real shame. Please visit the source responsible for the item in question to report any concerns you may have regarding content or accuracy. The sooner The better. I think our students are taught A LOT more Derech Eretz! the mere fact that he anwered it that way , shows he has no respect for Torah or Hashem. Its quite clear that the administration and faculty are very much to blame for enabling this to happen. Bochurim from Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore sent a hand-written letter to Maryland Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan regretting the Chabad mockery. I guess the Rebbe isnt so bad, Och Un Vei they display it this wa.y, To all you people saying Im Chabad and I think its ok and they didt mean any harm. Not one rosh yeshiva, mashgiach or something behind these kids? Neither is it the shluchim of Maryland. This shtick was not done with any hate in mind. the rebbe said that there are no real misnagdim today. In 2002, HaRav Ezra became a maggid shiur in the Yeshiva and currently serves both roles as Rosh Kollel and Maggid Shiur. It. always look at the bright side, its purim!!! Ner Yisroel should be ashamed of themselves. Its a bad mossad because they have sinah for chabad and made a mockery of the furtherance/outreach/kiruv to yiddishkeit. THANK YOU REBBE!!!!! The Purim Shpiel presentation was set up inside the high school building and outdoors as well. Rabbi Sheftel Neuberger, president of the Ner Yisrael Rabbinical College in Baltimore, passed away this week after being ill for the past year, according to Jewish news sources. Its a simple letter which shows the hanhola had nothing to do with it. Im also pretty sure you can find professors in Harvard that are Talmidim Chachamim. Rav Ruderman ztl even used to learn Tanya. Its clear that lots of time was invested into tgese props, wasnt just a disrespectful joke. Their neshomos are thirsting for chasidus. Thank you for trying to explain BUT: Abt #1 even if the hanhala was taken off guard, the fact that they refused to apologize and even dismissed the idea that something might have been wrong here, casts the entire blame and responsibility on them Abt #2- Even if no disrespect was purposely intended, the feelings harbored towards Chabad were VERY clearly expressed. The avera of venosi Lo sooir applies even leachar misa. I havent witnessed mockery of the litvishe people, but if Chabad people do mock them, then this story should be used as an awakening. It is so sad to see a Rosh Yeshiva sticking up for a felons against chassidus. Many kehillos in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela, have no Jewish educational system due to their small size or low level of observance. The hanhalah Disgusting, Our Bachurim the same week launched and honored Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz with over 10,000 Yiddin putting on Teffilin in his honor. We complain all the time about the fanatics in Meah Shearim, but this lot are worse. He was one of the most well-known and beloved figures in Baltimore's frum community. that they quoted Tanya sincerely. please take this seriously as you should. Happy Purim! Nusach. on earth can any Lubavitcher shrug this off as just a Purim joke? And besides, how many times have Lubavitchers dressed up as not Lubavitchers onRead more . How sad that Chabad who is built upon mesiras nefesh should be scoffed at. Were they expecting that the Kaplans will inform COL that they gave shalach manos to them? This is what Rabbi Avigdor Miller ztl thought. Home > 2022 > Junho > 22 > Uncategorized > ner yisroel news. Yes 59 - the gyva is absolutely shocking "We and others in yeshiva were not happy about the "Purim shtick" that was done. I am a Lubavitcher, and as it so happens, I have been working on the Ner Yisroel Campus over the past year. Throughout its existence, the Yeshiva has developed, and continues to develop talmidim who are true ambassadors of Torah and Yiras Shomayim. Just because you dont show it to them doesnt mean you dont feel or say how much fun you make of them and of their gedolim too. March 1, 2018 - 14 Adar 5778. Those who are involved in a business profession should be no less immersed in a sugya than their chaverim in the fields of chinuch or rabbanus. Ner Yisroel of Baltimore, founded in 1933 by Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman, was established to transplant Torah from the great strongholds of European yeshivos on American soil. And when they grow up and encounter Chabad, they will remember what they did on Purim, and realize that they were making fun of the most astounding community and Rebbe in the world! So why are you making such a big ruckus like you discovered a whole nest of Misnagdim when the Rebbe said there are no Misnagdim now? Najwitszej Maryi Panny Krlowej Polski > Bez kategorii > ner yisroel news. it is no secret where they go for fun. a freilichen shushan purim to you. They can start saying the Rebbes kapitel every day after davening for a start. To my fellow yid, However lets keep in mind thatRead more . What motivates your position? Rabbi Ruderman made between the young Yaakov Yitchok and the Rebbe Rashablamenting (in intense pique) the fact thatRead more . Hope this message gets published!!!!!! Throughout the year, various groups of alumni and Kollelim schedule Yarchei Kallah learning sessions or visits of chizuk at Ner Yisroel. The Rebbe is the Nasi Hador and to make a mockery is playing with Fire. Its a reflection of a pathetic disconnect from any Jewish values and learning. Please let me know which of our moisdos would allow a blatant anti snag carnival. Ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu! For eighty-eight years, the yeshiva has molded and strengthened talmidim, imbuing them with dedication to Torah study and communal leadership. Were we offended? BUT, hey Rebbe awareness and consciousness in seeping in. No one told parents what they were working on props and etc and NOT ONE parent called or saw to stop it ?? HAD ALL THE TALMIDIM IN THE GRADE SIGNED IT WOULD HAVE SOME VALIDITY. May they be zoche to come to Chassidus! This past Shabbos, one of our Rebbeim spoke at the meal Friday night about this is the opposite of what Purim is about. I taught in a Litvish cheder, and as a joke there were Moshiach flags and Yechi yarmulkes aplenty, especially around Purim. Neuberger. No one there noticed that someone (or maybe everyone) there says Ashrei 3 times a day (allegedly) and is saying it WRONG!!!!! exuse me how would you react if we made an exibit about your rebbe you wouldnt like it you respect you rebbe hopefully and we respect ours time you have time on your hands do something usefull or at least respectfull! But yes move on. much worse than i had anticipated. Those who are involved in a business profession should be no less immersed in a sugya than their chaverim in the fields of chinuch or rabbanus. What a disgrace, they dont accept the malchus of the Rebbe even though their founding Rosh Yeshiva was from Chabad roots.