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We therefore fund research using a wide range of study designs including observational and applied epidemiological methods. Please provide a breakdown of the NHS costs associated with undertaking the research and provide justification for the resources required. The NIHR ACF interview evaluation form and guidance may be found in Appendix 6. In this context, the research support or mentorship role will encompass providing you with support throughout your Fellowship in both your research endeavours and your overall career development. As part of their funding applications, researchers are required to complete this tool, known as a Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Tool (SoECAT) for clinical research. In addition, theNIHRare wanting to promote and increase the number of people with the necessary skills and experience to work at the interface betweenHEIs, industry and the NHS. The Primary Supervisor must also confirm that the information provided by you describes the status of your current / proposed research doctorate studies and also confirm that any proposed part-time study arrangements have been agreed and meet HEI regulations. have a proposed host who is an English Higher . the NIHR. Relevant previous research experience and/or training suitable for undertaking the research described within the application. These infections pose a real . The individual named as your primary supervisor for your PhD must agree to participate in the application and confirm they will act as your Primary Academic Supervisor, support your career development and abide by the conditions under which an award may be granted. (NIHR-PDF-2010-03-010) and the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Oxford and Thames . Doctoral applicants and early career Advanced applicants can propose to undertake a systematic review as part of the fellowship, provided it is well justified. Please provide costs for any overseas research visits that the applicant wishes to undertake during the course of the award. Linking to and using the response to the Applicant Research Background section you should highlight the impact of outputs listed under research grants and make the case for why your experience and outputs make you suitable for the fellowship being applied for. This is usually limited to the equivalent of 1 member of staff for a period of 3 years. If you have queries over whether the research you are proposing as part of a research training application falls within the NIHR remit you are strongly advised to speak to a Programme Manager for the award you are applying for before submitting an application. My career path. Please include all members of staff working on the research by clicking add staff details or editing a current one. NIHRpromoting equality, diversity and inclusion in research. You must also ensure that you include all costs including those required to secure good research management. The signatory approval will result in the application being submitted to the NIHR. develop and enhance understanding of knowledge mobilisation in health and social care; NIHR Advanced Fellowships in Knowledge Mobilisation are open to individuals who have significant health/social care and/or academic experience and who can demonstrate that they (a) have the potential to mobilise research knowledge in health and social care settings and (b) can contribute to the research base underpinning knowledge mobilisation activities. Methods for sharing study progress and findings with study participants. Previous experience in these fields means that that an individual may still be eligible to apply, but whatever their background, they must propose a new focus for their activities that will add substantial and demonstrable value. Further information for those applying for a Knowledge Mobilisation Advanced Fellowship can be found in Annex E. The NIHR is partnering with a number of industry and charitable organisations to offer jointly funded NIHR Partnership Fellowships. Researchers and/ or their study teams and Research Sponsor/ Lead NHS Provider (e.g., R&D office/ Clinical Trial Unit) are supported by AcoRD Specialists in the Local CRN to verify the accuracy of the SoECAT. Details of the required individuals are provided on the online application form along with details of how they should added. The fellowship is between 2 and 5 years and can be completed on a full-time or part-time basis - between 50% and 100% whole time equivalent (WTE). Please read these Guidance Notes carefully. NIHR expects all content within applications for funding to be original material of the applicant's own work, with the exception of sections that other participants are required to complete. Once signed into the system you will be able to update various details including your CV (in manage my details) and apply for any open applications. This must include any previous submissions for an NIHR research training award, even if the proposed research has changed. Proposals will most likely involve close collaboration with NIHR-funded research team(s), either building on the work of a single project or linking a number of related projects to support knowledge mobilisation within a particular field. Shortlisting took place on the 12th October 2020. You should describe who has been involved and why this is appropriate, what role(s) they have they played and what influence or change has happened as result of their involvement. Costs must be provided at current prices. Applicants will be expected to demonstrate how they intend to draw on existing or emerging NIHR-funded research, as well as on the wider evidence base, in their knowledge mobilisation activities. If you require any further information, advice or guidance please contact us: The following FAQs are designed to help applicants decide whether the research they are proposing as part of a Fellowship or other research training application falls within the remit of the NIHR. patient/service user, carer and public involvement. In this case the fellowship should provide a period of intense training in a wide range of subjects relevant to clinical trials and applicants are encouraged to partner with a Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) and undertake masters level training where appropriate. Applicants who are active clinicians (defined as being either a registered doctor, dentist or other registered healthcare professionals eligible to apply for the Integrated Clinical Academic programme) or social workers, are able to request up to 40% of their time be dedicated to clinical service/development/practice, which will be covered by the Fellowship. Competition opens for applications for all Fellowships: 18 October 2022Doctoral closing date for submission of online application:2 February 2023 by 1pmInterviews held in Leeds:20-21 June 2023Awards start on 1 of month:1 October 2023 to 1 March 2024, Competition opens for applications for all Fellowships: 18 October 2022Advanced Fellowship closing date for submission of online application:12 January 2023 by 1pmInterviews held in Leeds:July 2023Awards start on 1 of month:1 October 2023 to 1 March 2024. NIHR wants to know about any circumstances so that they may take them into consideration during the assessment of your application. Select the one option which best describes your professional group. Please note that this section also includes Shared Staff Costs which is located under directly allocated costs in some other funders applications. If the research you are proposing includes a clinical trial, feasibility study or pilot study, or if your area of research is related to clinical trials, you are strongly encouraged to read theNIHRClinical Trials Guide for Traineesbefore starting an application. Candidates with less than 1 year to CCT may be more suited to a NIHR Advanced Fellowship or other post . For clinical/practice applicants (including social care practitioners) applying for a Doctoral Fellowship on a full time basis, up to 2 sessions per week (i.e. You must provide a clear and full justification for all costs including NHS/social care costs. You may be asked to make a presentation at your the beginning of an interview or be separated from the question and answer (Q&A) and held at a diferent time. If you are proposing a programme of work as part of an application (particularly relevant for more senior awards) it maybe that certain elements of the programme would be outside the remit of NIHR if considered in isolation. Where relevant, NIHR will make an estimated maximum contribution of 4,596 per year, based on UK Research & Innovation 2022/23 published PhD fees. Applications for Global Health research are out of remit forNIHRFellowships. The NIHR doctoral research fellowship will provide an excellent opportunity for me to grow as a surgeon-scientist and I am looking forward to improving care for this patient group." Markos Valsamis, NIHR Research Fellow "This NIHR Doctoral Fellowship is an excellent opportunity to improve the evidence base around shoulder replacements. Applicants need to identify an eligible Host Organisation which will act as their employer for the duration of the Fellowship. A single A4 page of references (document upload). all participants have agreed to be part of your application. For individuals looking to transition into applied health or social care research from a basic science or non-health/care research background. Please use this opportunity to describe how you plan to manage and coordinate the patient and public involvement activities in your project. The remaining time must only be allocated to the research or research-related training proposed in the application. All candidates will need understanding of the research and theoretical underpinnings of knowledge mobilisation practices, and to be able to apply this to the development of a substantial research component in their project. . Name:KaminiShahRole:Head of Research 424 1893Diabetes website. Doctoral Research Fellowships (DRFs), Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDFs), Transitional Research Fellowships (TRFs), Career Development Fellowships (CDFs), Senior Research Fellowships (SRFs) or Clinician Scientist). It is recommended that you contact your participants as early as possible to ensure they understand any action they must take before you can submit the application. Applications in which the fellow is living overseas from their Host Organisation will not be supported. NIHRdoes not support basic research or work involving animals or their tissue. More information can be found on theExcess Treatment Costs webpage. Participants must confirm their participation on your application before you will be able to press the submit button. The project title should state clearly and concisely the proposed research. No later than 1st July 2022 Interview outcome 1st September 2022 Pre-doctoral Fellowship start date Application Process All applications must be submitted to before 5 pm on 23rd May 2022. Wellbeing of Women is the womens health charity saving and changing the lives of women, girls and babies. We will only fund primary research where the proposed research is informed by a review of the existing evidence. Please provide a breakdown of any non-NHS intervention costs and provide justification for the resources required. Newcastle University. NIHR and DHSC have a duty as a public body to promote equality of opportunity. You should indicate in the Training and Development section of the application if you are requesting time for clinical sessions to be covered by the award. As such the findings of researchers funded by the programme are incorporated in to theDepartment of Health and Social Care Freedom of Information Publication Scheme. The applicant intends to register for and complete a PhD. For more senior post-doctoral awards it may be more appropriate for other members of staff to be undertaking some of the day-to-day tasks. AdvancedFellowshipsapplicants:please select whether you wish to hold the Fellowship on a full-time basis, or part-time basis at 50% WTE or above. These are costs, not identified elsewhere, that are specifically attributed to the research. All documents must be submitted in English. The following should be remembered when formulating the assessment criteria: NIHR ACFs are intended to offer training to those who can demonstrate outstanding potential for development as a clinical academic in research including educational research Ms Thomas reported receiving grants from Wellcome Trust during the . Further details can be found atGOV.UKandThe Royal Society. promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in research. A strong case would need to be made for this as part of an application and anyone proposing doing so should contactNIHRin advance of submitting an application for advice. There is further Guidance for the completion of the form in these Applicant Guidance Notes. All other activities must be undertaken outside the percentage time declared as the basis of the Fellowship. Through innovative practice and systematic study of that practice, the aim is to advance knowledge and understanding about research use, influence and impact. Why not come to our free information session to find out more. NERC - the Natural Environment Research Council Swindon. The award runs three times a year opening in January, May and September and will support a mixture of researcher-led applications and applications from areas of strategic importance. Applicants need to explain who they are planning to recruit to ensure inclusivity of study participants and justify and explain any exclusions, for example by completing an Equality Impact Assessment. Please note that your research grant record must be completed within the application form and not via the CV section on ARAMIS. This includes guidance on how to go about approaching a suitableCTUto support your application. 2022 call now closed. If relevant, details of these may be included in the . These items should be research specific, not just general office costs which should be covered by indirect costs. : NIHR has issued a cross-programme call for research into the evaluation of interventions or services to support the delivery of a more sustainable UK health and care system, including mitigating the effects of climate change on health and care delivery. The justification box should detail the conferences the costs will cover. However, you should bear in mind that that we are unable to take into account factors that you do not disclose. A. The NIHR reserves the right to question any costs deemed excessive, and will not fund: This section includes journey costs, subsistence and dissemination costs, including conference fees. Signatures or letters of support from applicant's line manager and Applications received under these themes will still have to meet the same quality threshold required for funding, but will be given priority if the number offundableapplications exceeds the maximum that can be funded. Relevance of research to patients/service users, carers, the public and users health and/or care services. NIHR acknowledges that you may be reluctant, or uncomfortable disclosing relevant information that is sensitive. Applicants must hold a relevant PhD or MD, or have submitted their thesis for examination at the time of application. Each programme includes support for: a salary in line with the most appropriate clinical salary scale in the UK, as determined by the host . Sign up to our mailing list The SPCR Post-Doctoral Fellowships are fixed amounts and do not require costings as part of the application. You should describe the value for money of the conduct of the proposed research. Please see the NIHR Remit for Personal Awards for how this applies to the fellowships offered within the NIHR Fellowship Programme. The Advanced Fellowship is for those at a post-doctoral level and can be utilised at several specific points of a researchers career development. For non-clinical applicants the Fellowship does not include or pay for any activities other than the research and research-related training proposed in a successful application. To be eligible for an NIHR Doctoral Fellowship you must: Full details of the latest funding rounds are available in funding opportunities. Research projects undertaken as part of aNIHRFellowship may be included on the. It should be noted that being a signatory to Concordats or holding bronze/silver status from the Equality Charters isnt a requirement of funding and evidence can be provided through other means. If there is anything specific you wish to mention in your application, please do so in the Mitigating Factors section of the application form. The Fellowships have been designed to support people at various points of their development to become leading researchers, from initial pre-doctoral training right through to senior post-doctoral research. Feb 27. Applicants will need to state what they wish to use the Advanced Fellowship for and the impact it will have on their career if successful. Information and resources to assist you can be found on the INVOLVE website (, briefing notes for researchers on how to involve patients and the public, involvement cost calculator and budgeting guide, Provide a clear explanation of the health or care problem to be addressed, the impact on patients. Every person eligible to take part in research should be offered the same opportunity of taking part in that research regardless of: Applicants should demonstrate how these factors have been considered and addressed in their proposal, including steps taken to ensure the research sample is representative of the population the study is targeted at. You will find a. button in the left-hand menu. If you are unsure about your eligibility for the Advanced Fellowship, as related to your career stage, please contact the NIHR Academy office on 0113 532 8410 and a member of the team will be happy to discuss your proposed application. NOTE:NIHRis interested in taking advantage of the growing utility of routine data (such as HES, GP records etc. The DHSC Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email at: includes further information including ways we may use your data, our contact details and details on your individual rights regarding how your data is used. 3. Review of existing evidence - How does the existing literature support this proposal?Explain why this research is needed now, both in terms of time and relevance. As a national advisory group, its role is to bring together expertise, insight and experience in the field of public involvement in research, with the aim of advancing it as an essential part of the process by which research is identified, prioritised, designed, conducted and disseminated. You are required to supply the names and email addresses (if not already registered on the ARAMIS application system) of the individuals who will be undertaking participant roles as part of your application. The amount of support requested (both financial and duration of the Fellowship) is justified and evidence based. If the research you are proposing includes a clinical trial, feasibility study or pilot study, or if your area of research is related to clinical trials, you are strongly encouraged to read the NIHR Clinical Trials Guide for Trainees before starting an application. Objective In 2017, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) academy produced a strategic review of training, which reported the variation in application characteristics associated with success rates. Development and Skills Enhancement Award: 1 year max regardless of WTE. If you are applying for an Advanced Fellowship under the topic ofMLTC-M, please indicate in the Application Summary Information Section by selecting this option from the Career Stagedropdownbox. Applicants mustnt exceed the maximum amount of time that can be supported in WTE terms by each award as summarised below: A. Applications deemedfundablebut which fall below the funding cut off will not be counted towards the maximum of 2 application attempts. and make the case for why your experience and outputs make you suitable for the fellowship being applied for. These Advanced Fellowships in Knowledge Mobilisation will be available for a maximum of 24 months full time (part time options between 50% and 100% available). Complementing the advice applicants receive from supervisors and/or mentors. Social care research is also eligible for CRN support. If there are no NHS Support or Excess Treatment Costs associated with the research, you must explain why you think this is the case. In the same way, the contractor is expected to respond to any queries relating to Intellectual Property, commercialisation and benefit realisation. Interview Questions. In this case the fellowship should provide a period of intense training in a wide range of subjects relevant to clinical trials and applicants are encouraged to partner with a Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) and undertake masters level training where appropriate. If they are, any costs should be entered as direct costs in the Details of Posts and Salaries and Annual Costs of Posts sections.