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Jan 08, 2016. The sound seemed to fill the sky with no direction to it. Attention Kingston: It is time to set your Inconvenience Meter to Annoying Mystery Night Plane setting. 12-18-2018 Mysterious Explosions Persist in Phoenix and Glendale, Arizona. I got the idea because I always see people posting in Facebook groups asking why there are jets right now(they dont know how to research). 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A classic Air Force champion of the sky. The H/V or Height Velocity Diagram is a diagram issued by the helicopter manufacturer that tells the pilot when a helicopter could be landed safely if their engine were to stop. Anyone else hear this roar at 3:50 pm 6-6-19. During those strange, loud jet noises, I never saw an aircraft that could have been connected with that jet-like noise. While big and semi loud, they would never go near the real Bay Area. Military jets just dont fly over the Bay. Indeed, he had also awoken to the same sound at precisely the same time, though he didnt give it any further thought. cq. This IP address ( has performed an unusually high number of requests and has been temporarily rate limited. Since you know you shouldnt attempt to take down the aircraft and that it is a better idea to simply take note of any identifying information you can. Video footage shared with Yorkshire Live, has revealed a loud and low-flying plane circling overhead up to 10 times over Huddersfield, Linthwaite and Milnsbridge, from approximately 7pm on Sunday evening. Based in: New York City, New York, United States. Commercial rigs are allowed to operate in residential areas. So they will rely on the details you documented. Today watching your YouTube video, I realized that I should check the airport departure time table. Drones are in constant communication with their operator. Here are the most common factors why flying an orbit at around 60 kts airspeed is done in a helicopter: Power Required Hovering a helicopter requires the most amount of power from the engine/s, especially when they are about 20ft-60ft above the ground. Lexington Park, Maryland, is 69 miles southeast of the American capital, Washington, D. C., and about 50 miles southeast of Joint Base Andrews AFB, Maryland. We have heard this jet-like sound twice. But that paranoid vision contains a nugget of truth: There are, very probably, government planes with silencers on their mufflers, and they're quietly circling many major cities in America. Flight time plummeted by over 70% on Saturdays, Sundays and federal holidays. Re: Jet Sounds The sound seemed, Re: Jet like sounds in sky, but no visible craft. The other indicator that the passing object is maybe a drone is the sound it comes with. Two years ago in 2017, I moved out of the Sequim Valley and up to the foothills in an area that is called Happy Valley.I did notice that since moving up this way, I have heard the strange jet noise much more and as I am living up higher it seems a lot louder. But some of the flight patterns show authorities circling mosques, or neighborhoods typically inhabited by certain minority groups, like Little Mogadishu in Minneapolis orLittle Kabul in Fremont, California, the report found. 09-15-2010 Part 4: Beyond Aztec and Wright-Patterson John Smiths Dream Encounter with Blond Children It is exactly like described in your Earthfiles article. As precautionary measures, here are our top 5 tips on how to spot a drone at night. One of the questions my friend asked was why not just hover? Large Black Plane Circling Over Portland. The sky was super cloudy. m. Image by Khris Soden. Drone vs Quadcopter: What's the Difference. I use these articles to pass on cool facts and information to you whether you are a pilot or just love aviation too! There are, however, some limitations to this approach. A big part. Is it from one of the plants, Westons Bakeries, or the Coke plant?!?! It turns out, they may also be effective at detecting the presence of unwanted drones. Source. They were rockets as high as the citys fireworks. While highly effective, it may not be practical for the average consumer. Reported and Edited by Linda Moulton Howe, I heard what sounded like a military powered jet engine at full power for about 5 seconds then it would abruptly stop. One, it is not black. It is standard military grey. I recall my first visit to Portland and hearing a very loud, obvious military jet, something I was not used to in the Bay Area unless one of the local teams made the Playoffs(then they buzz the stadium). We are the United States of America and we are FIGHTERS were good at it and if you dont like the noise you and your neighbors can move!! The sound just faded away and left us with more questions than answers. Thats when we heard this, Re: Loud Jet Engine Sound Nothing in the Sky, I searched for reports of the sounds I heard this morning around 8:30 AM, Aug. 20, 2019, and your Earthfiles popped up. Narcity Media Inc. Mystery Plane in Kingston is baffling residents as it loudly flies around in the dead of night. By maneuvering the helicopter into the best stationary position it allows the object to be observed easily. Motion detector lights have built-in microwave sensors that emit a constant signal. The second time was also near dusk, but this time the sky was clear. Because the helicopter has a camera mounted on its nose or side a good majority of the time the camera operator is the one wanting to view or track the object. Many took to social media to ask why it was happening. Remember shooting down a drone is illegal, according to the FAA, even if you think it fits the description of spy drones. This website was created to help pass on information and knowledge of all things aviation! It was cloudy in the sky, so we could not pinpoint where this sound was resonating from. Where he began to write articles about all things Portland, hence this site, PortlandMofo. plane circling over my house at night 2021. the root operation that is defined as. Date: November 5, 2019, 3:05 PM Mtn, Bloomfield, New Mexico. The address is in Runaway Bay, Queensland, Australia. First published on June 2, 2015 / 6:05 AM. TO: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles Calling Fairfield Bay Area is like calling Livermore Bay Area. Tricopter vs Quadcopter: Whats The Difference? (I have the benefit of being able to see many miles to the east so sometimes I can see at least two aircraft in line on approach coming toward me. The airport is about 45 minutes away. Thank you., Re: Loud Aircraft Noise Lasting A Long Time At Night, Two years ago in 2017, I moved out of the Sequim Valley and up to the foothills in an area that is called Happy Valley., I did notice that since moving up this way, I have heard the strange jet noise much more and as I am living up higher it seems a lot louder. Re: Loud Aircraft Noise Lasting A Long Time At Night I just wanted to let you know that this high strangeness is not limited to the Puget Sound area that it is also happening over on the Olympic Peninsula. But there was no jet in the sky. Circling in a helicopter is the best way to view an area from all sides to look at the landing spot. All requests for anonymity are honored. A Mysterious Plane Is Flying Around This Ontario City In The Dead Of Night And Nobody Knows Why, Kingston residents have taken to social media to describe their interactions with the mysterious plane that is flying around in the dead of night. A microphone may be able to detect and amplify sounds that your ears may overlook. Last night at about 9 pm Eastern, I was startled by unusual loud sounds that seemed too powerful to be jets. Then I realized I could also hear a super loud plane/jet noise coming from outside. In the map immediately below, Boeing centers stretch over some 65 miles from Everett going south to Seattle and Bellevues Boeing Field operations. Over the last several weeks,residents of Kingston, Ontario have been trying to puzzle together a mystery that has been constantly waking them up in the early hours of the morning. They provide long-range radar and electronic coverage. There is no such thing. Once the helicopter goes past this speed, drag on the aircraft begins to require more power to overcome it and push the helicopter through the air. HAYDEN - Bob Wadsworth holds a piece of green, twisted, torn metal. EDIT 8: This may be an FBI operation, according to a Boston Globe article from . We live about 7 miles from the Preston Smith Airport here in Lubbock. I heard what sounded like a. I am still employed by the U.S. government, but am retiring soon. I wonder if you could investigate that horrible 2011 quake here in Christchurch? Sometimes, this feature is pre-installed in the unit. Today, find out why fighter jets are flying over Portland, Oregon, and what other military planes and helicopters fly over our city. Little did I know at the time that it was a very common thing to see fighter jets over Portland. Click to subscribe to the Earthfiles YouTube channel. WiFi is one example of an RF signal, as are most other frequencies that are used for communications. On the other hand, anti-collision lights are blinking/strobe red or white. Don't worry, they're probably just FBI spy planes. They are part of the Pacific Theater Aerospace Control Alert (ACA) here in the Pacific Northwest, and they provide ACA 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the entire region from Northern California to British Columbia. Something went wrong, please try again later. Also, I couldnt see a single airplane or similar flight object near me, even though the sky was clear. Airspace is regulated by the FAA, so you dont have the right to take down the unmanned aircraft even if its flying over your home. During the day, reflection issues might interfere with the recording anyway. You can install as many cameras as you want around your home, and you may want to station them around doorways and windows, in particular. AP: FBI using low-flying spy planes over U.S. WASHINGTON -- The FBI is operating a small air force with scores of low-flying planes across the U.S. carrying video and, at times, cellphone . So, I went outside and the noise had gone on for about five more minutes and then ended up going away. It is therefore a good idea to try your device out during the day first, to get a feel for what RF signals are normal for your area. Also, there is the E-3 AWACS that we see infrequently see but that are often above us. Flying an orbit also helps to views possible hidden obstacles. I hope my relating my experience on this date now helps piece the puzzle together. According to the manufacturer, DroneWatcher is capable of detecting around 95% of all consumer drones. The lights here may not be up-to-date but focus on the sound. Better yet, a good microphone may even be able to pinpoint the drones location. The main reasons why helicopters circle overhead are to burn less fuel and stay on station longer, give the occupants the best view of the scene, and to keep the helicopter in a safe flight condition if the engine were to ever quit. I saw your article (Earthfiles August 16, 2019) and it said to email if we hear anything. It was very, very strange. If you thought motion detection lights were useful, you will love the idea of motion detector cameras. We called the cops and they did come the drones flew off right before they got here, but when the cops got here they searched via spotlight and then just left they didn't come back to ask questions or anything. I live in Bloomfield, New Mexico and. The other indicator that the passing object is maybe a drone is the sound it comes with. I wrote it up for an article that I never wound up publishing. When National Post reached out to the RCMP they would not disclose whether the plane could be theirs as, To maintain the integrity of our investigations and operations, the location of our aircrafts is not disclosed,. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. This level of scrutiny can only be possible if the quad is flying near your window. Last night at about 9 pm Eastern, I was startled by unusual loud sounds that seemed too powerful to be jets. Thank You for your interest and support. Details confirmed by the FBI track closely with published reports since at least 2003 that a government surveillance program might be behind suspicious-looking planes slowly circling neighborhoods. One of them is to check the wind. To do that the pilot will fly the orbit so the camera operator is on the inside of the circle. I did not call the PAX base. I have watched and heard jets fly in the sky above my neighborhood regularly. Your security and privacy issues can be valid, but sometimes the purpose may have nothing to do with you. Thank you for the interesting articles youve written over the years. Most manufacturers include them in the quads system. There is no plane that has just passed nor is there one close by on its way toward me. The government's explanations: The DHS says these surveillance maneuvers are specifically for border patrol, the illegal drug trade and human trafficking. Mysterious, Loud, Jet-Sound Reports In Clear Skies from Earthfiles Viewers, 1 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Hoping they were not pursuing anyone who is illegally in our airspace because it sounded like a pursuit. 12 Feb 23. I, too, am an investigator, though from a different spectrum of the government. They are run by the United States Air Force Education and Training Command. When we first noticed it it was my little sister we've had run ins with people in the past who would trespass on our property but anyways she saw a blue light shining through her window and she told our parents and my dad went outside and saw nothing, then a day or 2 later we saw all 3 of them. The video shows the RAF aircraft flying low over the water and it appears to Two arrested after woman shot in the leg in her own house. The nearest airbase was Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, however, it was decommissioned in 1999. They are also not visible during the daytime. 13 Feb 23. Got a bit nervous a few minutes ago. This helps the camera operator keep the shot framed with minimal work because the pilot is able to easily keep the object in sight by using a mixture of looking outside and looking at the camera screen. Little known fact, there were nukes at PDX, Walla Walla and McCord AFB in Washington. Re: Hello VERY loud jet-like noise By doing this, Air Traffic Control allowed them to get closer and each news channel got a perfectly clear shot of the approach and landing of the plane. Started getting questions about 10PM last night about a large number of police officers near 23rd and M Street, and then a plane circling the neighborhood. We have lived in this house since January of 2018 and I would say Ive heard the noise at least once a month since weve been here. We first noticed it last week and it won't stop we don't know who or why. Usually, I see two or four that most likely are doing training runs.. several weeks ago, I saw 6 fly out in close succession, and at a higher speed than I usually see. Motion detector lights are a standard security feature for many homeowners as they can help deter intruders. So is there an FBI plane over yourhead? Could be connected to the experiences in Everett and San Diego you wrote about on August 16, 2019, in your news website? My father joined the navy in 83 and after that worked at PDX, as an aircraft mechanic, he would always mention to me how he got many chances to hear and see these beautiful aircrafts take off! Hi, Linda I read your recent August 16th, post about anomalous jet sounds. It is entirely possible that someone would take steps to cover up a drones lights in order to help the device stay hidden. If you live in a busy area, there is a good chance that your neighborhoods sounds drown out any drone noises. As an old Vietnam era Navy Pilot living across the river, I love to hear the sound of freedom roaring each day. 8 To: Linda Moulton Howe, I saw planes flying low over Sellwood are of Portland a few days ago, it was weird for sure. The certificates of waiver issued prior to March 16, 2021 under 107.200 that authorize deviation from 107.29 terminate on May 17, 2021. I thought to myself, holy hell, what is happening?!?! Since THE PLANET previous post on The Weekend Edition, we have. Monday - Friday 09:00AM-6:00PM. Clear skies, no clouds, no fog. Being a scientist I am always interested in unexplained phenomena. After this, I immediately did research and your Earthfiles news reports was the only one that I found with a similar story. It was spotted flying low over Hull at around 10pm on Super Saturday. President Barack Obama has said he welcomes a debate on government surveillance, and has called for more transparency about spying in the wake of disclosures about classified programs. They are practicing reconnaissance and/or cluster bomb runs over populations too poor to afford effective anti-aircraft missiles. I heard what sounded like a military powered jet engine at full power for about 5 seconds then it would abruptly stop. If you want to pilot your drone at night, you need to install the second type. Plane circling over my house at night C. Or if you're vacationing in Costa Rica, find out what plane is flying above you on the beach. But this noise went on for a constant 15 minutes. Its too bad you actually hear them a lot more than you see them because of all the cloud cover and rain in the fall and winter, but they are out there! Listen to audio. Maybe its because Portland/Oregon appeared rather unassuming to the national brass cause they were quite impressed. According to the flight tracking service Flightaware, the large plane took off from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, around 2:28 p.m. and landed at 4:52 I was a bit confused by this because the volume on my headset was quite high. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. I have one more detail which is that after experiencing this mysterious jet-like noise many times, I did a slightly childish and probably slightly illegal thing. Maybe now when you see a drone flying around the area, you can narrow down the possible reasons for the event. Updated on: June 2, 2015 / 11:23 AM It was just loud and shook the air. The plane has since been revealed to be part of the National Police Air Service . You expect the noise to dissipate soon, as most aircraft noises do, but this noise does not and takes so long to go away it sounds like the craft is hovering directly over the neighborhood. Furthermore, most microphones that can detect the presence of a drone are very expensive and primarily intended for commercial purposes. Within 15 seconds the sound tailed off and was gone. Date: September 25, 2019, 1:35 AM Central, Montgomery, Alabama, I live in Montgomery, Alabama, about 5 miles from Maxwell AFB. Officials said that practice, which mimics cell towers and gets phones to reveal basic subscriber information, is rare. Some residents noticed unmanned drones swarming over their neighborhood, and authorities could not identify who was controlling them. These guys are known as the they dont seem to have a name, but you can see how awesome they are here. See item here. I asked hubby if we were attacking someone. I live in Westlake Village, a suburb of Los Angeles, and its in the glide path for flights into LAX. It reminded me of something I experienced back in 2001. I've reached out to the police for . To distinguish between the two, consider the regularity and the color of light. Most connected devices emit what is called a radiofrequency (RF) signal. Part 1: Aztec, New Mexico Was Disc Taken to Building 828 in Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio? Re: Strange Jet Sound My 2001 report: Around 3 AM one morning in the spring of 2001, I awoke from my bed in Wheaton, Illinois, to hear a vast roaring noise that sounded like several dozen jumbo jets roaring through the sky. I want to tell you about an experience I had around the first week in September 2019. Huge Mass of Metal At Moons South Pole Asteroid Or Alien Base? Police departments in many cities have helicopters that are dispatched to assist officers on the ground. Officials say cellphone surveillance is rare, although the AP found in recent weeks FBI flights orbiting large, enclosed buildings for extended periods where aerial photography would be less effective than electronic signals collection. / AP. So if a helicopter is circling around your home or work for a good period of time, they are happy to take your call at 213-485-2600 and let you know. In one month-long period, the AP said, the federal agency sent planes carrying surveillance devices across 11 states, covering 30 urban areas. I live in the southwestern part of Germany directly in the flight path of Stuttgart Airport. On two separate occasions, I have seen the beam interrupted momentarily not reflected at all as far as I could tell though it was quite fast. The noise was the same, whoosh whoosh pulsating, but yet a jet engine sound. August 16, 2019 Albuquerque, New Mexico On my Wednesday, August 14, 2019, Earthfiles YouTube Channel broadcast, I reported the following high strangeness from a current Boeing Company Production Facility employee in Everett, Washington. All rights reserved, Take note that this sound is already quieter than the ones used by older versions. While they do sound similar, they would have to be right on top of us to sound like this loud. 6/21/19 Jets flying over Bridgton ME. Police helicopters are commonly seen orbiting over residential areas. Leicester Airport is in a rural area, but we have good neighbours in surrounding villages. I dont live in Portland but, I love to hear them and watch them when they fly over Medford, Oregon. Having lived in Solano County, I can assure you that a myriad of jets and C130s fly over the Bay Area. The guy spent a lot of money on those fireworks. The Vulcanair P68 police planes are based in Doncaster. I am watching your live YouTube broadcast from 8/14/2020 and my attention was especially drawn to the part about the loud aircraft noises coming from the sky late at night over the Boeing employees home in Everett, Washington. I love seeing the fighter Jets flying over Beaverton area. Or its the noise that you want to get rid of. Height and airspeed are the two best friends to a pilot in an engine failure situation and having both are great but what if you only have one. Its the long length of time AND loudness that makes this noise stand out from other aircraft noises and I can never see anything when I look out the window from my upstairs bedroom. Calif. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); DronesWatch is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an a affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, unmanned drones swarming over their neighborhood, How to Get a Drone out of a Tree? By circling around at 60 kts the pilot does not have to worry about the H/V Diagram and if the engine were to quit, the best autorotational speed for most helicopters is 60 kts, which they are already at. Now, if you live in a neighborhood, you are more than likely going to pick up several RF signals, even if there is not a drone present. Flying circular orbits requires far less control of the camera. Airport delay information is available on the two website links listed below: Real-time airport status can be found at the Flight Delay Information Air Traffic .