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If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave . The Burton School District is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. 88382, CONTACT INFORMATION: 351 S. Hudson Ave Pasadena, CA 91109 (PHONE) 626.396.3600 (FAX) 626.795.5309 Site Map. SUHSD prohibits discrimination, harassment . -EZO0Eg[("?fq4.5ifUa,?s7B7o%w8/],ftx-y[C8jn-r{=}|E~ex Human Resources About the SARC Every school in California is required by state law to publish a School Accountability Report Card (SARC), by February 1 of each year. Clerical, Office Administration, Exam Invigilator / Test Proctor. 0000103664 00000 n Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). 0000005231 00000 n Listing for: Ramona Unified School District. startxref If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave . The PUSD Preschool program has consistently received the Tulare County Early Stars Five Star Rating. 0000005732 00000 n In no instance will PetSmart pay . We look forward to working with you! For Sale: 116995 - Other, 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,608 sqft at 100 S. Westwood St in Porterville. Packets may be picked up from the Human Resources officeMonday-Fridayfrom8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. YUG. Porterville Unified School District Next. 0000017043 00000 n The Salinas Union High School District (SUHSD) is located in the Salinas Valley in Monterey County, CA. Education Administration, Exam Invigilator / Test Proctor. SUHSD prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical information, national origin, parental status, pregnancy status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The District offers great medical, dental, vision and life insurance benefits along with designated signing bonuses for qualifying positions. Find out the average by industry, company, years and more. Get the free Consent and Privacy Agreement - One Mortgage Group Learning Today. 0000001759 00000 n 0000012797 00000 n hbb``b``3 C7> WORK YEAR: 248 Days . Learning Today. 0000014649 00000 n BSD will take steps to assure that the lack of English will not be a barrier to admission and participation in District programs. Director of School Resources and Support , 2440 W Henderson Ave Porterville CA (559)781-8020 perla.soria@burtonschools.org For Personnel related issues- Debbie Estrada, Executive Director of Human Resources, 264 N. Westwood St. Porterville CA 93257 . 0000005117 00000 n If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave . The mission of the Yakima School District Human Resources department is to recruit a team of exceptionally qualified administrators, teachers and support staff dedicated to providing a safe, positive learning environment in which every student shall be valued, challenged, encouraged and have the opportunity to become a productive citizen. Listed on 2023-02-27. If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave . 0 Administrative Secretary III 831-796-7040 or Ext. About 600 elementary and middle school students from Orange County's Irvine Unified School District were unable to return home last Friday from class trips to outdoor education camps in the San . San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District Scientific Guidance Panel . Welcome to Salinas Union High School District (SUHSD) Human Resources! KHSD prohibits discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, or bullying in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis and/or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or . Copy and paste this code into your website. The Salinas Union High School District (SUHSD) is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education and in employment. Porterville Unified School District 600 West Grand Avenue, Porterville, CA 93257 phone: (559) 793-2400 fax: (559) 793-1088 . H\0y Our Children. Porterville High School, 9-12 465 West Olive Avenue, Porterville 93257 (559) 793-3400 Listed on 2023-03-04. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Assessments Early Childhood Elementary and Secondary Postsecondary and Beyond Resources Special Topics; News & Events. Dr. Hector GaliciaAssistant Superintendent of Human ResourcesPriscilla MadridSr. 2019 Porterville Unified School District. Directory Disclaimer. Jackson STEM Dual Language Magnet Academy, John Muir High School Early College Magnet, Diploma Options and Graduation Credits Chart, Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development, Measure TT - Citizens' Oversight Committee, Special Projects, State & Federal Programs, Open Enrollment - School Choice 2018-2019, Experience and Qualifications for Mentors, Qualifications of Mentors and Professional Development Personnel, PUSD-United Teachers of Pasadena, UTP Agreement, UTP_BARGAINING_CONTRACT_2018_PENDING SIGNATURES.pdf, UTP_BARGAINING_CONTRACT_-_2013_APPROVED.pdf, Attachment B - Plan for Professional Growth, B_-_Plan_for_Professional_Growth-Standard_11.doc, Attachment C - Plan for Professional Growth, C_-_Plan_for_Professional_Growth-Standard_21.doc, Attachment D - Plan for Professional Growth, D_-_Plan_for_Professional_Growth-Standard_31.doc, Attachment E - Plan for Professional Growth, E_-_Plan_for_Professional_Growth-Standard_41.doc, FORM 2 Admin Mid-Year Evaluation Form.docx, FORM 4 Admin Domain Evaluation Rating Form, FORM 4 Admin Domain Evaluation Rating Form.docx, PUSD Formal Level 1 - Immediate Supervisor's Response, PUSD Formal Level 2 - District Grievance Officer's Response, UTP - Grievance Procedure - Formal Level 1, UTP - Grievance Procedure - Formal Level 2, Grievance_Formal_Level_2_UTP-Editable.pdf, UTP - Grievance Procedure - Formal Level 3, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). 0000015408 00000 n Brand New "The Westwood" 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Doublewide Home by Skyline with a half porch. For current daily rates, refer to the table below. Comments (-1) Complete a blank sample electronically to save yourself time and money. PUSD students will have the skills and knowledge to be prepared for college and career and to make a positive impact in a dynamic global society. Do whatever you want with a Checklist aangifte inkomstenbelasting - Noordstede: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. Statement of Non-Discrimination/Harassment (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973): The district prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying in all district educational programs, activities, or employment on the basis and/or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics of age, ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, parental, pregnancy, family or marital status, immigration status. endstream endobj 359 0 obj <>/Metadata 15 0 R/PageLabels 12 0 R/Pages 14 0 R/StructTreeRoot 17 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 360 0 obj >/PageTransformationMatrixList<0[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -612.0 -396.0]>>/PageUIDList<0 10943>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 361 0 obj <> endobj 362 0 obj <> endobj 363 0 obj <> endobj 364 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#20185#20C 398 0 R<>] endobj 365 0 obj <> endobj 366 0 obj <> endobj 367 0 obj <> endobj 368 0 obj <>stream If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the Districts Chief Compliance and Title IX Officer, Dr. Gabe Simon, by phone at 831-796-7037, by email at gabriel.simon@salinasuhsd.org, or in person at 431 W. Alisal St. Salinas, CA 93901. Porterville Recorder; Local Schools; Medical and Care Services. Full Time position. 2019 Porterville Unified School District. You are welcome to either contact us through e-mail or by . xref %%EOF Paramount Unified School District serves K-12th grade students and is located in Paramount, CA. The mission of PUSD is to provide students a dynamic, engaging and effective educational experience that prepares them with the skills to be productive citizens in a global society. All Rights Reserved. Listed on 2023-03-03. Share this page on your favorite Social network, Community Development Block Grant Advisory and Housing Committee, Oversight Board to the Successor Agency of the Porterville Redevelopment Agency, Transaction and Use Tax Oversight Committee, State & Federal Community Development Grants, Fire Prevention/Code Enforcement Division, Tulare County Regional Transit Agency (TCRTA). Human Resources (abukosky@portervilleschools.org) 793-2480 Jennifer Francone, Ed.D., Director of Continuous Improvement (jfrancone5239@portervilleschools.org) 793-2400, ext. Job specializations: Education. Human Resources. No paper. It's time for a new look! The San Diego Unified School District is accepting applications for a Classroom Art teacher vacancy (1.0 FTE, 10-month calendar) assigned to Lincoln High School. El Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad . No software installation. 358 0 obj <> endobj Curriculum and Instructional Services Secretary, Director of Assessment and Accountability, Expanded Learning and After School Program Manager, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, Compensatory Education Secretary/Bookkeeper, Director of Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation, Superintendent's Administrative Assistant, Migrant Education Coordinator/SARB Coordinator, Administrative Assistant, Instructional Services, Assistant Director of Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation, Director of Special Education and Student Services, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services, Assistant Superintendent, Instructional Services, Administrative Assistant, Business Services, Director of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, 2020-21 Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan, 2023-2024 Kindergarten and Preschool Enrollment Information, Rosie Fiscal Services Reception/Account Clerk, Email Rosie Fiscal Services Reception/Account Clerk. The certificated personnel unit of the Human Resources Department hires, staffs, and helps retain teachers, administrators, speech pathologists, nurses, counseling staff and administrators for the Pasadena Unified School District. 358 46 . 1017Meet Our Team. Salinas City Elementary School District Aug 2020 - Jun 2021 11 . 0000001240 00000 n If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave . If you do not hold any of these permits or credentials, please contact the Tulare County Office of Education, Credentials Department for information on applying for a permit: Provide a fingerprint clearance certificatethrough the Tulare County Office of Education. 0000101645 00000 n Porterville Developmental Disabilities, State Council on Developmental Services, Department of . Sentenced to 209 months (nearly 17 years) in prison, defendant appealed. Login | EDJOIN. 7341 . Leading Tomorrow. If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave . Indeed.com estimated this salary based on data from 1 employees, users and past and present job ads. CONTACT INFORMATION: 351 S. Hudson Ave Pasadena, CA 91109 (PHONE) 626.396.3600 (FAX) 626.795.5309 Site Map. Dublin, Porterville, Salinas, San Jose, San Ramon, Stockton, and Visalia ACSA Pupil Services Academy - Human Resources . Executive Director of Human Resources, 264 Westwood Ave, Porterville, CA 93257, (559) 781-8020. destrada@burtonschools.org. 0000005343 00000 n Local News Resources. If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave . We still appreciate you! 0000015803 00000 n The Clovis Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person's actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these . Social Media - header. If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave . Campus Safety Hours of Operations: Monday - Friday 7:00AM - 11:30 PM. Apartments with laundry for rent in Visalia. Human Resources Directory . 0000017550 00000 n Burton Elementary Teacher's Association (BETA), California School Employees Association (CSEA), Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation. H\j0E Certificated Personnel. twitter facebook pinterest linked in vimeo instagram youtube flickr. If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave . Thank you for your interest in becoming a substitute teacher for Porterville Unified School District. Do whatever you want with a eines Magisters der Rechtswissenschaften: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. For any questions concerning non-discrimination in employment policies, please contact the following director: Debbie Estrada, Executive Director of Human Resources, 264 Westwood Ave, Porterville, CA 93257, (559) 781-8020.destrada@burtonschools.org. Your browser version is not fully supported, or your browser has Compatibility View turned on. 88702, Danny MarquezHR Position Control TechnicianCertificated Hourly626-396-3600 Ext. Human Resources / Salary Schedules - Classified. PDF API; Get Started; API Documentation; API Pricing; Integrations. By combining demanding career technical . Sign In. To enroll your student in one of our preschools programs, click on the photo. 0000008788 00000 n Only $7.50/ mo. 0000103992 00000 n Home. Exact rate of pay will be based on store location, position, and experience level. Human Resources; KLRN Pasadena & Telecommunications; Language Assessment & Development; LEARNs After School; Mail Services; Measure O; . 2440 W Henderson Ave Porterville CA (559)781-8020 perla.soria@burtonschools.org For Personnel related . Please check the school district website to see all schools serving this home. MLS# 1528010. . The Pathways Program at Porterville Unified School District provides an exciting, innovative and powerful learning environment for students. To Reach PUSD Preschools, Please Call 559-783-8564, Reading with Pizzazzz Month (Monday - Friday) ALL MONTH OF MARCH. Tons of great salary information on Indeed.com Forgot Password? Job specializations: Education. PORTERVILLE COLLEGE 100 E. College Avenue Porterville, CA 93257. Effective April 15, 2016. Your username and Pin will be provided by our Human Resources Office. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Day to Day Substitutes $125.00 ($17.86 per hour for a 7 hour day) Our Children. Translate Language . Pasadena Unified School District. Sale! Listing for: Corona-Norco Unified. BSD will take steps to assure that the lack of English will not be a barrier to admission and participation in District programs. 0000003542 00000 n 0000009764 00000 n Try Now! The District serves approximately 16,500 students in grades seven through twelve, and is comprised of five comprehensive high schools, four comprehensive middle schools, an alternative education center, adult education, career technical education, and other services. 0000014564 00000 n Contact Us: The Lindsay Unified Human Resources Office is located at 371 E. Hermosa Street, Lindsay California 93247. If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave . 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE! SUHSD is the largest school district in Monterey County. Leading Tomorrow. If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave . Thank you for visiting our new website! Location: Early Learning Center, Vandalia Preschool, Roche Preschool, Westfield Preschool, West Putnam Preschool, Olive Preschool, Olive PS255 Preschool, Hoops, Belleview Preschool. Try Now! Dr. Hector Galicia Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Priscilla Madrid Sr. 0000004498 00000 n Aecom/Porterville Unified School District . Elizabeth Montalvo Budget Technician. Securely download your document with other editable templates, any time, with PDFfiller. On any device & OS. If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave . The California School Directory and related public school and district data files (collectively referred to as the "Directory"), contain information about California schools, districts, and school/district administrators that is voluntarily self-reported by local education agencies (LEAs) to the California Department of Education (CDE) as a public convenience. Position: Speech-Language Pathologist - Sonoma Valley USD - 1.0 FTE (2023-2024) Job Summary Job Summary1.0 FTE Speech Language Pathologist for Sonoma Valley Unified School District for school year (4 positions available) 2023-24 Salary Schedule Link: Job Description. The Board prohibits any District employee from harassing ordiscriminating against any other District employee or job applicant on the basis of theperson's actual or perceived race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status,pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, veteranstatus, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sex, or sexual orientation. The Kern High School District (KHSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services. If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave . The median annual Senior Recruiter salary in Tulare, CA is $96,000, or $46.15 per hour. Bakersfield City School District Achieving Excellence for all Students through Equity and Innovation District Home. Human Resources, Administration, Customer Service, Coaching. Black Lives Matter/Social Justice Initiative, Agenda del consejo de administracin en espaol, LCAP Community Engagement Meeting Calendar, SUHSD Reopening of Work sites Schools Procedures and Protocols July 2020 (Draft), SUHSD Reopening Workplace Training (Draft), Delivery of Instruction During School Closures, School closures extended through end of the school year, Families First Coronavirus Response Act Q&A, The Board of Trustees desires to provide a positive work environment where employees andjob applicants are free from harassment and are assured of equal access and opportunities inaccordance with law. 403 0 obj <>stream Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. For any questions concerning Title VII, Title IX, or Section 504 please contact the following person: For student related issues- Dr. Perla Soria, Director of School Resources and Support , 2440 W Henderson Ave Porterville CA (559)781-8020 perla.soria@burtonschools.org For Personnel related issues- Debbie Estrada, Executive Director of Human Resources, 264 N. Westwood St. Porterville CA 93257 destrada@burtonschools.org To obtain information on discrimination, harassment, and reporting please click here. Please check back often as updates are made, and click on article headlines to view full stories where applicable. If you have any questions or need assistance with this process, please contact the Human Resources Office at(559) 793-2400. Assistant Superintendent at Castro Valley Unified School District . Welcome to the Mt. 0000003926 00000 n If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Compliance, Title IX Officer, and Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Liaison, by phone at (559) 793-2445, by email at [email protected], or in person at 600 W Grand Ave .