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Tell your doctor at least 4 weeks before if you are going to have surgery or will need to be on bed rest, because you have an increased chance of getting blood clots during surgery or bed rest. The early side-effects of the contraceptive implant are rather like the early symptoms of pregnancy. If Nexplanon is inserted too deeply, it can damage the muscles, tissues, and blood vessels around it. So, for every 100 women with an implant having intercourse, less than one will become pregnant over the course of one year.2. It's an easy fix most of the time and will stop bleeding. You should always consult your doctor or another healthcare professional before taking any medication. Other breast-related side effects that people with Nexplanon reported after it was approved include: If you have breast pain with Nexplanon, talk with your doctor. To learn more about sexual health or other birth control options, see Medical News Todayssexual health hub. This is not surprising, since the early symptoms of pregnancy are caused by progesterone. Your doctor will want to determine whats causing your genital bleeding before you get Nexplanon. Question posted by Aimee4000 on 8 Jan 2014. Although the chances of getting pregnant while on Nexplanon implantation is very rare, it is still possible. This prevents pregnancy by : 2 Stopping your ovaries from releasing eggs Preventing sperm from reaching an egg Thinning the lining of your uterus The device delivers progestin in decreasing amounts over three years. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. But if you have any side effects after getting Nexplanon inserted or removed, talk with your doctor. Read Also: How Do You Know If Your Starting Your Period. The best birth control options for endometriosis include birth control pills, the vaginal ring, and the patch. Yes, Nexplanon may cause long-term changes in your period bleeding. They are very very common, especially in women of child bearing age.. A symptom of fibroids can include irregular and/or heavy bleeding. The implant may be especially suitable if you: The implant is one of many different contraceptives. Unusual genital bleeding. Your doctor can check that the spotting youre experiencing is from Nexplanon and not another cause. Weirds him out. I had a 3-year Nexplanon chip inserted almost exactly 2 years ago. This increases the thickness of the mucus making it difficult for the sperm to enter the womb and hence successful fertilization. If youd like to have Nexplanon removed sooner than 3 years, talk with your doctor. If not treated, ectopic pregnancies can cause serious complications or could even be fatal. Pay attention to your menstrual patterns for the first three months after Nexplanon insertion, as this will indicate what to expect in the future as well. Check out our blog about spotting whilst on contraception. I was wondering if it was serious because I haven't bleed at all while on the implant. The 6 Best Services for Birth Control Online for 2023, itchiness at the site where Nexplanon is inserted, pain or itching at the site where Nexplanon is inserted, bleeding or bruising where Nexplanon is inserted, thickening of your skin where the implant is inserted, more or less frequent bleeding during your period, changes in the heaviness of your bleeding, losing interest in things you used to enjoy, swelling under your skin, usually in your eyelids, lips, hands, or feet, swelling of your mouth, tongue, or throat, which can make it hard to breathe, an over-the-counter antihistamine that you swallow, such as, a product you apply to your skin, such as hydrocortisone cream, how soon you had the side effect after getting the implant, any other information you feel is important. Theyll encourage you to consider telling your parents, but they wont make you. * For more information about Nexplanon and pregnancy, see the Nexplanon and pregnancy section above. So no such luck. what could be wrong ? They may suggest a treatment to manage your symptoms. Out of all 3 I can say the level of importance regarding health and getting pregnant plays a big role. To learn more, see the Side effects of Nexplanon insertion and removal section below. Find out which one is best for you. It is birth control implant that controls pregnancy for up to three years and is said to be effective 99% of the time. If you drink alcohol, talk with your doctor about how much is safe for you to drink during treatment with Nexplanon. Considering going on the pill again now, as I can't be dealing with these surprise visits. The antibiotic rifampin (also known as Rifadin and Rimactane) is the only exception it can lower the effectiveness of nexplanon and other birth control methods. If your doctor confirms youve had a serious allergic reaction to Nexplanon, they may have you switch to a different treatment. Whilst this isnt something to worry about, its definitely something to consider before opting for this form of contraception. In fact, weight gain was a common side effect reported in studies of Nexplanon. If it is, you will get a pressure bandage to cover the insertion site. In general, Nexplanon is a good birth control option for many women, but there are some conditions that would warrant the use of some other kind of contraceptive. At the ER they ran a comprehensive full blood panel as well as a test for Lyme disease , a pregnancy test , and a chest x-ray . carol23807. I got mine in December and havent had a period with it yet.But when i was on the pills i had my period. Before having your Nexplanon implant inserted, talk with your doctor about what changes in bleeding you may experience. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Besides changes in menstrual bleeding patterns, other common side effects reported in women using NEXPLANON include: headaches; vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina); weight gain; acne; breast pain; viral infection such as sore throats or flu-like symptoms; stomach pain; painful periods; mood swings, nervousness, or depressed mood; back pain; nausea; dizziness; pain and pain at the site of insertion. In most cases, these side effects should be temporary. The implant can have an effect on your menstrual cycle. It is possible to die from a problem caused by a blood clot, such as a heart attack or stroke. Mine has been a pretty positive experience. Dr. Theresa-Ann Clark answered. When does the contraceptive implant start working? Your uterus just needs time to get used to the IUD not being there anymore. This probably isn't related to your birth control. Any time there's a change in your hormones like when you go on or off hormonal birth control such as the implant there's a chance of temporary side effects. However, many women do feel that the contraceptive implant has made them gain weight. In most cases, any changes to period bleeding will occur in the first 3 months after having Nexplanon inserted. Doctors and nurses work under strict guidelines when dealing with people under 16. But its not known how much of the weight gain was due to Nexplanon. Im thinking of getting it removed too but im NOT good with pills have you or anyone you know try any of the other birth controls? The physician Prescribing Information also is available. To learn more about spotting or other changes in period bleeding, see the Side effects explained section below. I've told my boyfriend and he's concerned as am I that this might not offer the protection against pregnancy that we need. For women using the contraceptive implant, the chances of getting pregnant are less than 1%, providing the implant has been in place for less than three years. These hormone changes may cause changes in mood (sometimes called mood swings). 2023 Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc. We couldn't access your location, please search for a location. Very common. That means fewer than 1 out of 100 people who use Nexplanon will get pregnant each year. Recent court rulings and government policy changes have affected access to and options for birth control. Over the last few weeks I've actually started getting cramps and the bleeding is slightly heavier. So, everyone whos prescribed the drug will receive the same dosage. Possible side effects from having Nexplanon inserted or removed include: In studies of Nexplanon, side effects after the implant was inserted or removed werent common. Your side effect notes can include things such as: Keeping notes and sharing them with your doctor will help them learn more about how Nexplanon affects you. The implant is one of the best birth control methods out there its more than 99% effective. If the implant is not removed, then the effects of NEXPLANON will continue for a longer period of time. Nexplanon may cause mild side effects in some people. I also have had the implant for 5 years now with no peruods just spotting here and there. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The bleeding pattern experienced during the first . Hormonal birth control such as Nexplanon may cause mood changes, including depression. Here's how to. Nexplanon may cause breast pain in some people. Nexplanon may not be right for you if you have certain medical conditions. We avoid using tertiary references. Can you change my dose of Nexplanon to relieve side effects that Im experiencing? For instance, Nexplanon is not recommended for pregnant women or those affected by the following conditions: Nexplanon will be implanted just below the skin, so you can feel it at all times. The periods one does get is also quite light, and one-third of the users stop getting the period after one year. Plus, I only get my period about once every 4 months or so. Nexplanon may cause mild side effects other than the ones listed above. ive never had this occur the whole time i been on the implant. What to Know About Birth Control Options That Stop Your Period, 6 Most Important Things to Consider When Choosing Your Birth Control, 8 of the Best Birth Control Options to Ease Heavy Periods, Birth Control for Endometriosis: How It Works, Types, and Alternatives, How Government and Religious Organizations Can Affect Your Birth Control Options, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. When you get your Nexplanon implant, your doctor will give you a user card. Liver problems. Ugh. The only negative I have had is that my sex drive decreased. Ticks me off though lol I might try to switch because I'm not trying to have periods all over the place! I have never had a concern about it and never thought to check tbh but know it has only happened since having the implant. This is not unusual. In studies, people with Nexplanon gained an average of 2.8 pounds (lb) in 1 year and 3.7 lb in 2 years. In theory, you might become pregnant fairly soon after having your birth control arm implant removed, around 3-18 months. Nexplanon is implanted under the skin of your arm. Disclaimer: Healthline has made every effort to make certain that all information is factually correct, comprehensive, and up to date. I felt really normal when I was on the pill, regular period, etc. These changes may continue as long as you have the Nexplanon implant. If you have certain kinds of liver problems, your doctor will likely recommend a different contraceptive option for you. i have had some extremely light spotting for the last 3 days. When I saw my primary care doctor, they referred me to a rheumatologist for my joint pain, and prescribed me omeprazole for my nausea .