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Another mysterious monolith has surfaced in Romania, days after one vanished without a trace in the Utah desert.. Stars during eclipses. Weird Electric Object Found in Egypt! : r/Whatisthis - Reddit Scientists just confirmed a 30-foot void first detected inside the monument years ago. I am beginning a documentary of the steange projector type things that shiw up in my sky in the southwest and southeastern skies. The ancient cemetery in Amarna, Egypt where the burials containing head cones were discovered. Jan 2020 From Clif High Telegram Channel Way old ALTA reports had data about 2 guys who left govt service with some 'devices' that govt wanted back & chased them around planet. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, The Hypatia rock fragments were discovered in December 1996 by Egyptian geologist Aly Barakat Barakat, who was researching Libyan Desert Glass, Credit: Dr Mario di Martino, INAF Osservatorio Astrofysico di Torino, A map showing where the Hypatia was discovered, Search for aliens takes mysterious turn as scientists say essential ingredients for life found on ancient meteorites, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Where did the Hypatia stone come from? Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered almost 30 sarcophagi believed to have been buried for around 2,500 years, according to the country's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. The Mystery of New York's Renegade Subway Psychic, Forget About What We Know About Roswell: It's What's Missing About the Case That We Need to Look For, Archeologists Discover Another Secret Corridor Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, Area 51s Secret Airline is Looking for a Flight Attendant, Unknown DNA Found in a Part of a Chilean Desert Which Looks Like Mars, Bigfoot Bathing, Godzilla Egg, Five-Legged Toad, Presidential Hair in Space and More Mysterious News Briefly, Royal Time Traveler, Illuminati Psychic, Human with a Tail, Drug-Sniffing Squirrels and More Mysterious News Briefly. 7 - 11 January - The African Qualification Tournament for the 2020 Men's Olympic Volleyball Tournament was held in Cairo. .css-o3g03s{color:black;}Published15:03,16 January 2020 GMT| Last updated16:04,16 January 2020 GMT, Several strange objects have been found near a supermassive black hole that has apparently been eating everything.. What if we could clean them out? How a zoo break-in changed the life of an owl called Flaco, Naked mole rats are fertile until they die, study finds. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. The bizarre objects look a lot like common clouds of gas and dust,. "In the grains within Hypatia the ratios of these three elements to each other are completely different from that calculated for the planet Earth or measured in known types of meteorites," said geologist Georgy Belyanin of the University of Johannesburg, who led the research on the mineral grains. This incredible underwater city, trapped in time, is 1341 years old. Future analysis of the Hypatia stone, combined with planetary science research of the solar system, could help scientists learn more about where the diamond-encrusted space rock came from. Astronomers have discovered four new and mysterious objects orbiting the Milky Way's supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A*. Required fields are marked *. Strange 'alien stone' found in Egypt may be evidence of - The Sun []. January 23, 2021 | A Strange Mystery | Ancient Mysteries, Strange Places. This can be seen by opening [] At four in the morning on 13 January 1866, the Virgin Mary appeared at the sickbed of Magdalena Kade. Perhaps the cones marked [dancers] as members of a community that served the gods, she says. Probably no other civilization can compare with Ancient Egypt in the number of all kinds of secrets: pyramids, mummies, pharaohs, etc. Thanks to modern facial reconstruction techniques, it is possible to look upon the face of a woman who died 2,600 years ago. Now it appears that an international team of archaeologists have indeed found the first physical evidence for the elusive head accessories, according to a new paper published in the journal. January 5, 2020 Strange Objects in the sky. - YouTube ALIEN MUMMY FOUND IN EGYPT. It was found by chance, upon notification from a desert adventurer in South Sinai., The communal tombs were dedicated to high priests of the god Djehuty and senior officials in the fifteenth nome of Upper Egypt and its capital, Ashmunin. These polyaromatic hydrocarbons are the components of the stone that turned to diamond from the heat and pressure of entering Earth's atmosphere and then impacting the Sahara Desert. Our focus this year was digging into the so-called Statue Room. It was reported the black hole at the centre of our galaxy, Sagittarius A*, was eating a lot and making unexpected changes. It's a battery charger / 24v power supply according to the label. I dont know, but study co-author Andrea Ghez, the UCLAs Lauren B. Leichtman and Professor of Astrophysics and director of the UCLA Galactic Center Group Arthur E. Levine sure do. In 2013, geologists studying the Hypatia stone confirmedthe rock was of extraterrestrial origin. Barakat was studying Libyan desert glass, which appears to be similar to sea glass from the ocean, except geologists believe it might have formed roughly 28 million years ago in a meteorite impact. When does spring start? It was discovered in the Egyptian desert in 1996. Amelia Ward. objects were found in . A National Geographic team has made the first ascent of the remote Mount Michael, looking for a lava lake in the volcanos crater. HAPPY SCOTT JENSEN. Strange objects that "look like gas and behave like stars" discovered orbiting Milky Way's supermassive black hole, study says. These embedded grains contain phosphorus and metallic elements such as aluminum and iron, but not in ratios or configurations you would expect. For other inquiries, Contact Us. A SPACE rock which fell to Earth and was discovered in the deserts of Egypt may unlock the mystery of how our solar system was formed. Furthermore, if it came from our solar system, it would challenge our entire understanding of how our solar system formed. AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL stone uncovered decades ago in Egypt may be evidence of an ancient stellar explosion, according to a new study. Why is this important, I hear you ask? Researchers have long speculated about the purpose and meaning of pointy head cones depicted in Egyptian art. Ancient Egypt is one of the most mysterious civilizations in human history. Science in Poland reports that the 3,500-year-old stone. Now it appears that an international team of archaeologists have indeed found the first physical evidence for the elusive head accessories, according to a new paper published in the journal Antiquity. MYSTERY WIRE Over the course of just a few days, two strange objects were found in the desert southwest in the United States. Strange Object - Miranda Pennell Never knew what happened. Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 14. The Mind-Bending New Theory That Says This Weird Alien Rock Found In Egypt Comes From A Supernova Explosion. Now, is this one of their liberated devices? Nile Scribes: The OI team was in the news last year for their discovery of an administrative complex dating to the Old Kingdom. 70-year-old photographic plates in 'alien' anomalies mystery. Scientists think it could be the first Earthly evidence of a 'standard candle' supernova explosion. Even stranger, the pebble contains a high amount of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, a major component of interstellar dust which existed before our own solar system formed. These skulls, found near the ancient ruins of Mayan and Aztec civilizations (with some evidence linking the skulls with past civilization in Peru) are a mystery as profound as the Pyramids of Egypt, the Nazca Lines of Peru, or Stonehenge. 370 ancient coins were uncovered in the monastery of Saint Fana in Minya governorate. As such these inclusions are unique within our solar system. Georgy Belyanin, a geologist at the University of Johannesburg and one of the authors of the study of the hypatia stone, says this unique composition may date it to before the birth of our own Sun and place its origin outside of our own solar system: In the grains within Hypatia the ratios of these three elements to each other are completely different from that calculated for the planet Earth or measured in known types of meteorites. I think Ive got one of those head cones! a coworker, Mary Shepperson, called out. The story goes that workmen near the town of Aiud, Romania, uncovered a clump of three mysterious objects thirty feet below the surface on the banks of the River Mure. An object was first observed back in 2005, but four more have recently been discovered. It was in these burials, which generally dont contain much of value, where members of the Amarna Project, a University of Cambridge-led project with funding from the National Geographic Society and other institutions, initially found the remains of head cones back in 2009. Clickhereto upload yours. SNAKE TRUDEAU. The musical activities attested in Egypt are obviously much younger. When Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered in 1922, it was filled with strange and mysterious objects, including a gold mask that is still considered to be one of the most beautiful objects in the world. 2020 in Egypt - Wikipedia Mysterious ancient Egyptian box containing goose egg may lead to A STRANGE UNIDENTIFIED LUMINOUS FLYING OBJECT FLIES OVER THE PYRAMIDS OF GIZA IN EGYPT. Researchers have revealed details of mysterious cone-shaped headgear discovered at the ancient Egyptian city of Amarna. Facebook is heavily censoring information from independent sources. They found that many compounds in the stone seem to have formed prior to the sun and planets. A pebble found in a field of Libyan desert glass in southwest Egypt has proven to be quite a mystery, and may even shake up our very understanding of the history of our solar system. 5 strange discoveries from Egypt's lost golden city - BBC Science Focus Every two months, theNile Scribesbring you summaries of the latest research and discoveries in Egyptology, both from the field and the archives. The Hypatia stone is only a few centimeters across and has fragmentedinto even smaller rocks, but it may very well be the most interesting mineral in the world. Way old ALTA reports had data about 2 guys who left govt service with some devices that govt wanted back & chased them around planet. Clearly there is something on the other side of the north wall of the burial chamber.. CDC Data confirms COVID Vaccination knocks up to 24 years off a Mans life, How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline, Covishield Administered In India Worse Due To Adverse Health Impact: Expert, DR. ROBERT MALONE RESPONDS TO VERETAS LATEST REPORT INTO PFIZER DIRECTOR JORDON WALKER, Excellent Discussion between Alistair Willians and Stephan (Sanity4Sweden). The tournament was won by Tunisia who qualified for the 2020 Summer Olympics. Photograph by Werner Forman, Universal Images Group/Getty, Photograph courtesy the Amarna Project, Antiquity Publications Ltd, Photograph by the Amarna Project, Antiquity Publications Ltd. The mineral matrix that makes up most of the rock is represented by the cake dough, while mineral grains embedded in the matrix are like the nuts and fruits, and the flour it fell into represents material that the Hypatia stone picked up when it impacted the Earth. HIDDEN MONEY. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! On January 6, 2022, a couple of boys filmed an object hovering silently over their heads. This strange and very weird. A new study of its chemical makeup suggests it could have formed from bits of dust and gas surrounding a supernova. Big things seem to been happening in the Milky Way and scientists are frequently learning and discovering new things.