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He hires an Algerian mercenary, Georges Batroc, to hijack the Star as cover to allow Romanoff onto the ship with Rogers to retrieve data regarding Insight. "FFH says Fury was swapped out for Talos. With Coulson's[38] and Maria Hill's help, Fury gathered together a team of former S.H.I.E.L.D. Does Nick Fury Come Back To Life? [4], At this juncture, we'd only like to use you as a consultant. More: Marvel's Five New Avengers Characters Joining The MCU In 2020 Explained. Iron Man 2: Black Widow: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Winter Soldier stands and picks up Fury throwing him into a branch. Fury began his career within the United States Army, rising to the rank of Colonel before his honorable discharge. As Rogers then questioned who took the Tesseract from them, Fury explained how Loki had taken it and was from another world, as they made a bet over whether or not anything could still surprise Rogers now he was in this new world. Fury also witnessed Monica show Vers some photos of her old life. Taking the surname Johnson and adopting the . Fury then drew the scientist's attention to a secure, portable storage case he had kept within the facility. Fury explains that Vanko's father Anton and Howard invented the arc reactor together, but when Anton tried to sell it, Howard had him deported. : 1.20: Nothing Personal, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. He suggested that Banner had likely escaped and gone to live in peace. Sharon Carter arrived and treated Fury's wounds while Rogers chased the Winter Soldier, but was unable to capture the assassin. [20] Executive producer Jeph Loeb said "There were obviously a number of places that we thought Nick Fury would have a big impact on the show, but the more we talked about it, [the more we wanted] to get him in very early, so that it would kind of christen the show, legitimize it in its own way". Following the Avengers's victory, Fury recruited Captain America as a S.H.I.E.L.D. As it turned out, Mar-Vell's lab was doubling as a refuge for the Skrulls. RELATED: 10 Easter Eggs Everyone Missed In The Falcon & The Winter Soldier Fury then informed Rogers that he had come there with a mission for him, noting that he was trying to save the entire world before handing Rogers the file about the Tesseract, which he noted had been found in the ocean by Howard Stark while he had still been searching for Rogers in the 1940s. In Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), Fury greets Steve Rogers: "You've been asleep, Cap, for almost seventy years. Fury must be inoculated by the serum every year or he will age dramatically. Nia reluctantly agreed to leave her life behind, moving to Atlanta, Georgia. Fury realized that Vers was telling the truth, and deduced that the Coulson riding shotgun next to him was a Skrull impostor. As a result, the universe wouldn't have become what it is today without Fury. Pierce says: "That photo was taken five years after Nick . Fury is apparently killed by their most dangerous assassin, the Winter Soldier, but he is revealed to have faked his death using Tetrodotoxin B, a drug designed by Banner that was capable of slowing down the heart to 1 beat per minute. use a helicarrier provided to them by Coulson in the final battle against Ultron. [15], Following Coulson's mission in Peru, Fury was furious at Coulson as the Bus was heavily damaged. Coulson then asked Fury if the rumors that the Kree had blinded him as punishment for not giving them the Tesseract were true, to which Fury refused to confirm nor deny the claim. In the short post-credits scene, the real Nick Fury is laid back, slow-walking, and surrounded by Skrulls on whatever spacecraft he's on, if it's not S.W.O.R.D. Remember, only this site's policies fully apply in this site. Perhaps we will learn more about what hes doing out there in the next MCU movie. Seeing that S.H.I.E.L.D. Turning off his simulation of the beach, Fury told the other Skrulls to get back to work, asking them where his shoes were. somehow be resurrected for the Disney+ series, Phase 4, the MCU will look considerably different, Marvel's Five New Avengers Characters Joining The MCU In 2020 Explained, Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014). James Gunn Reveals New Superman, Batman Movies and More, [MCU] Fury was swapped out during Winter Soldier, Avengers Fan Theory Explains When Nick Fury Was Really Replaced by Talos, Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, Quantumania Exclusive Interview | Phase Zero ft. Jeff Loveness, Keanue Reeves Still Wants to Play Wolverine, Jonathan Majors Didn't Ask His Creed III Co-Star Michael B. Jordan for MCU Advice, Jonathan Majors Shares His Original Reaction to Being Cast as the MCU's Kang, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania's Jonathan Majors Breaks Silence on Negative Reviews, Shazam! Fury is a man of great and indomitable will, but he can feel too, as he was shaken with the death of Coulson and was deeply disturbed at seeing Hill fade away due to the Snap. secretly worked on. The Winter Soldier was pulled in and out of cryostasis by Hydra. Afterward, Fury drove across Washington, D.C. and called Maria Hill, telling her to come to Washington to discuss his theories about Project Insight and gave her three hours to arrive, which she did not question. Contrary to your belief, you are not the center of my universe. "Plus Maria Hill always calls him 'Nick,'" u/Kaizen_2582 pointed out. However, Stark eventually escaped and not long after, Iron Man had also appeared and begun destroying Ten Rings units, as Fury suspected Stark may have been brainwashed. Aside from the original character having been white (a detail already changed in the comics before the MCU came to fruition), the original comic book Nick Fury was a World War II veteran who knew Captain America and led the Howling Commandos, and lost sight in his left eye during a grenade attack in that war. With the energy from the Tesseract going critical over his head, Fury ran through the facility to get back upstairs and make his escape, avoiding pieces of debris as the facility fell apart around him until Fury made it to a helicopter. [2], Did you have a rough day, Agent Fury? Upon arrival at the base, Fury explained to Vers when she learned of his full name that he is only referred to by his surname. Fury told Coulson that he brought Coulson back because, in his eyes, Coulson was an Avenger, one of the few people that he trusted and told Coulson that S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury survived being shot due to wearing a Bulletproof Vest and had managed to get back onto his feet, before getting onto the radio to inform Maria Hill of Barton's betrayal and ordering her to do what she could to attempt to stop Barton from escaping with Loki and the Tesseract. I'm trading in my bird's eye view for two solid feet on the ground. Despite the ethically questionable nature of the plan, it proved to be effective, as the Avengers were inspired to stop Loki and had set off onboard a Quinjet in pursuit of Loki shortly thereafter. ""At this point, I doubt anything would surprise me. Fury then went to go collect some of Vers' items with Monica, while Vers talked with Maria. [9] Marvel entered into a non-recourse debt structure with Merrill Lynch, under which Marvel got $525million to make a maximum of 10 movies based on the company's properties over eight years, collateralized by certain movie rights to a total of 10 characters, including Nick Fury.[10]. Rogers, Sam Wilson, and Romanoff are taken by Hill to see him alive and in a hidden bunker. Returning to his office, he was approached by Phil Coulson, who brought him a box of prosthetic eyeballs. Although Rogers was unhappy when he learned that S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, including 'Keller'. [35], You don't think we wiped your clearance from the system? agent, working closely with Fury. However, deciding to take a vacation in space on Talos' flagship, Fury tasked Talos and Soren to impersonate himself and Maria Hill respectively on Earth and to deliver the glasses to Spider-Man on his behalf. "Bucky," is actually one of the oldest characters in Marvel history, first appearing alongside Captain America in the iconic hero's printed debut in 1940. 's computers, having been given permission by the World Security Council. ""Thanks for asking nicely. After that it only made sense to him that he should activate one of the many, many fail. [43], Fury will return in the live action series Secret Invasion and in the film The Marvels (both 2023).[44][45]. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Published Mar 22, 2020. [37], There's no one else I'd trust with this. All rights reserved. When Stark insisted that there was no cure and that he had looked for every single known element to replace his Palladium Arc Reactor and found nothing, Fury informed Stark there was indeed a way to cure his infection and he just had not found it yet. In an ensuing Skrull attack, Fury kills a Skrull impersonating Coulson. Do you think Fury has been a Skrull since The Winter Soldier? The 5-door SUV is a power hunk that compliments Samuel L. Jackson's MCU character. and founder of the Avengers. 's Bogot station, where he "proved his leadership mettle" by engineering the rescue of hostages captured by Colombian rebels at the country's embassy, including the daughter of then-S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury also had May keep him updated on Coulson for signs of mental deterioration. Knowing that the energy levels above them were causing serious damage to the facility, Fury stalled Loki by questioning Loki on his true scheme for the Earth, however, when they discovered that Fury was stalling while he waited for the building to implode, Loki ordered Barton to shoot Fury in the chest and take the Tesseract. Fury listened while Selvig explained that despite them preparing for the situation as best they could, this was difficult to control, noting that it was emitting some low levels of Gamma Radiation, which Fury recalled had turned Bruce Banner into Hulk, as he noted that Gamma could be harmful. He was met by Maria Hill at his safehouse to discuss recent events of that conflict, which included the falling out between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers and the imprisonment of Rogers's entire team at the Raft. Defenseless against Loki's power, Fury made a desperate attempt to escape with the Tesseract, pulling it out of its container and trying to leave without being seen. You just don't want to cross him". In 1998, David Hasselhoff portrayed Fury in the Fox television movie Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.,[2] which was intended to be a backdoor pilot for a possible new TV series, which did not materialize. After having to break the news to his dear mother, the ex-captain is confronted by a SHIELD representative, who introduces himself as agent Phil Coulson and presents Steve with a proposition. Later, Danvers, Talos, Fury, and Rambeau locate Lawson's cloaked laboratory orbiting Earth, where Lawson hid several Skrulls, including Talos's family, and the Tesseract, the power source of Lawson's engine. However, when the project is a few weeks away from completion, Fury grows suspicious about Insight. In 2018, now operating underground with a hand-picked crew, Fury was one of the trillions of victims in the Snap but had managed to send a distress signal to Captain Marvel before his death. Seeing Loki was armed with his Scepter, Fury initially tried to reason with him, but Loki responded by killing much staff in the laboratory, before using the Mind Stone inside the Scepter to turn Selvig, Barton and other agents into his own personal slaves. johnnyme February 28, 2023 at 7:30 pm. intended to preemptively eliminate their enemies through the new Project Insight Helicarriers. When Rogers arrived after speaking to his neighbor, Fury greeted him and showed Rogers his injuries to express the seriousness of the situation. Fury and Tony Stark returned to Stark's home, where they discussed the history of the Arc Reactor, as Fury then claimed it was based on unfinished technology while Stark argued that it was finished but only really worked when he and Ho Yinsen had miniaturized it and put it in his chest. 's real intentions with the Tesseract were. As they shook hands, Fury reminded them not to tell anyone of his survival. Fury was summoned to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury went into the elevator and prepared to speak to the only other man who could have access to the blocked file. [12] In mid 2024, Fury was contacted by Talos and was informed of Mysterio and how they had been tricked. I'm headed to Europe tonight. As Fury then attempted to defend his actions to Rogers by claiming that they had simply gathered everything they could on the Tesseract, he was interrupted by Stark who pulled up files proving that S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury joined Vers and Maria after Talos showed up at the house and wanted to make a deal with Vers in order to help him find the Light-Speed Engine's core. After listening to a black box recording of Vers and Mar-Vell, Vers remembered who she was, and both she and Fury agreed to help find the core at Mar-Vell's Laboratory to help Talos end the Kree-Skrull War. This led to an assassination attempt on Fury that started on the streets of Washington D.C. and ended in the living room of Steve Rogers' apartment. Perfect opportunity. By Jamie Jirak However, Fury disobeyed his orders and got the hostages out. : 1.17: Turn, Turn, Turn, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary, The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and The D,, Fictional Central Intelligence Agency personnel, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2021, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 20 February 2023, at 01:07. Sometime later, Fury leads a resistance movement against Loki and his army with a new Avengers team composed of Rogers and Danvers. Coulson recommended the project be shut down; however, Fury had secretly decided to continue with the project. You might not be glad that you did.Nick Fury to Loki. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! 'You might want to come back - it's gone I won't be the actor who comes in and goes, in Cranford down quite well' I remember being in a house at 'I don't think I'd say that 's Season Finale", "Nick Fury's role in Avengers 2 is just a cameo", "Clark Gregg teases Coulson and Fury's 'meet-cute' in Captain Marvel", "Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige on the future of Black Panther, Captain Marvel, X-Men and beyond", "Why 'Captain Marvel' Is Deeply Important to Nick Fury", "Samuel L. Jackson almost didn't recognize young Nick Fury in Captain Marvel", "Captain Marvel: The History of Goose the Cat", "Kevin Feige Explains How They Planned 'Ant-Man and The Wasp' Alongside 'Infinity War,' the Disney Streaming Service and More [Interview]", "Far From Home Explains Why Nick Fury & Spider-Man Didn't Meet in Endgame", "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fast-forward to the post-credit scenes of Infinity War, and youll find Nick Fury dying again. Jackson described the role as a cameo, saying, "I'm just kind of passing by there Because, it's another one of those 'people who have powers fighting people who have powers'. Typical nine-to-five.Vers and Nick Fury. Fury also gave Talos the E.D.I.T.H. Nowhere to be found.""Nowhere? Countries were struggling to meet the needs of people who instantaneously came back into being without warning. Straight out of high school. was indeed planning on building up their arsenal of weapons with all the Tesseract's technology, similar to what HYDRA had previously done, but noted that he had another plan which was an even greater risk. May then suggested that Hill ask Fury herself, but Hill quickly said that Fury was still dead. [50] Writing for Variety, Owen Gleiberman said of the latter film that the "digitally de-aged Samuel L. Jackson" in Captain Marvel was "done a surprising favor by the visual trickery. The MCU threw everyone for a loop, however, when they revealed that Fury was alive. ""Same energy signature as New York? So, how long am I staying? He later became a CIA operative during the Cold War, primarily operating in Soviet territory. Fury and his organization, S.H.I.E.L.D., share a cynical outlook. In Spider-Man: Far From Home, audiences were tricked by the MCU a third time. Although Hawkeye attempted to drive out of sight of the helicopter, Fury had then opened up his door and began shooting down at them, willing to kill Hawkeye if it meant they could stop Loki from making his escape with the Tesseract. In August 2020, actor Jeff Ward revealed that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. While Thor insisted that the Asgardians only wanted peace with the Earth, Fury noted that they were not the only beings out there who they could not match or control. The reason for this was because, at this time, Fury still had no idea who to trust since any agent could be a part of Hydra. After eliminating his past and any ties to his new life, it seemed like only a handful of people knew that Fury was alive, including Maria Hill, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and Sam Wilson. Fury then explained what S.H.I.E.L.D. Despite putting up a good fight, Fury was eventually overpowered and knocked down by Talos's might. Official Discussion - Captain America: The Winter Solider [SPOILERS] Synopsis: After the cataclysmic events in New York with The Avengers, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, lives quietly in Washington, D.C. trying to adjust to the modern world. ""I did what I did to protect people.Nick Fury and Alexander Pierce, Eventually, Fury became Deputy Chief of a S.H.I.E.L.D. Thor, however, claimed that Fury's use of the Tesseract had brought Loki there, claiming that it was a signal that the Earth was ready for a higher form of war. ""No, I'm clockin' out here. Marvel Studios. Adapted from Nick Hornby's 2014 novel Funny Girl, . Fury then spoke to Loki personally, threatening that if he made any attempt to escape then his cell would be dropped off the ship and fall thirty thousand feet to the ground, as Loki noted how the cell had not been designed for him, to which Fury then confirmed that it had in fact originally been designed for someone who was considerably stronger than Loki. He's staying in contact with loyal agents of the original SHIELD so he can summon a skeleton cr. KEEP READING: Spider-Man: Doc Ocks Tentacles Most Underrated Ability Saved His Life Twice. and HYDRA's files onto the internet, exposing Pierce as a traitor, but Pierce remained confident as he had ensured that Fury's clearance had already been wiped from the system. He later left the army to join the Central Intelligence Agency, where he served as a spy during the Cold War. His favorite actors are Tyrone Power and Eleanor Parker. You know me better than that, Phil. Talos manages to find Fury and hold him at gunpoint, but Fury disarmed him, leading to a fight. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. It proved to be a . Secret Invasion pays off on an ongoing Nick Fury storyline that began back in 2004's Secret War (not to be confused with the 1984 crossover Secret Wars and its accompanying toy line). 1 (May 1963), a World War II combat series that portrayed the cigar-chomping Fury as leader of an elite U.S. Army unit. In 2010, Fury visits Tony Stark in his Malibu home and recruits him into the "Avengers Initiative". [13] A popular character over a number of decades, in 2011, Fury was ranked 33rd in IGN's "Top 100 Comic Book Heroes",[14] and 32nd in their list of "The Top 50 Avengers". : 4.04: Let Me Stand Next To Your Fire, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ""Toolbox, to help you build it back up.Phil Coulson and Nick Fury, Fury's private base on North American soil: I had to see it for myself.Glenn Talbot. Marvel pretending to kill of Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury has become bit of a trend in the MCU, but it's time for it to stop. So don't have FitzSimmons going making modifications like a-a damn fish tank. For almost seventy years.Nick Fury and Steve Rogers, A year following the big week, Fury's Avengers Initiative was slowly losing traction by the time another potential recruit was found. We're not just taking down the carriers, Nick, we're taking down S.H.I.E.L.D.Nick Fury and Captain America. He was eventually successful in recruiting Iron Man and Captain America, and called The Avengers into action against Lokis invasion. Following Fury's orders, Romanoff then provided Stark with a shot of Lithium Dioxide, which eased back his infection, although it did not fully cure it. ""I know, Nick. The Marvel Cinematic Universe began, for many fans, with Iron Man in 2008, but the universe wasn't truly born until its post-credits scene when Nick Fury introducedthe Avengers Initiative. Wanted to ask if you'd come. Bucky is an interesting part of Marvel history. Later, Fury uses Coulson's death to motivate the Avengers, now including Thor, to work as a team, leading to their stand against Loki and the invading Chitauri army in New York City. With that, Fury reactivated the Avengers Initiative, sending out his team to recruit Iron Man and Hulk with the intention of fighting the forces Loki would send against them with the Tesseract's power. In an alternate 2010, Fury witnesses Stark, Barton, Thor, and Romanoff's deaths during his Avengers Initiative recruitment campaign. As Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world, he teams up with a fellow Avenger and S.H.I.E.L.D agent, Black Widow, to battle a new threat from history: an assassin known as the Winter Soldier. The great scope of enemies widened in the 1990s as Fury met Vers, helping her uncover her human heritage as Carol Danvers, as the two fought off the Starforce, which was led by Yon-Rogg, as they were targeting Skrull refugees. [10], Sir, we have multiple bogeys converging on our starboard flank. However, Loki ordered him to stop before introducing himself as Loki of Asgard, while Selvig then realized that Loki was the brother of Thor. However . Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, Ambush at Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility, Captain America: The Winter Soldier - The Official Game. So, it had to be sometime before Age of Ultron," u/Jacob_wallace wrote. People have long pointed out that Fury eats a diagonally cut sandwich in Avengers: Age of Ultron, which is suspect since he says in Captain Marvel that he cannot eat toast if it's cut diagonally. When Simmons awoke while being treated, however, she was able to provide him with the information he needed to find Phil Coulson. If we figure out how to tap it, maybe unlimited power.Nick Fury and Erik Selvig. : 2.08: The Things We Bury, 'The Marvels' Is In Production With New Set Image From Samuel L. Jackson, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Angered by this, Fury then went to Tony Stark and Bruce Banner as he questioned what they were doing and why they were not trying to locate the Tesseract, only for Banner to explain how they had been doing that and figured out a system as they waited for the alert. To their horror, the agitated Banner then picked up the Scepter as he had promised to explain his secret to remaining calm, as Rogers made him realize what was happening just as they got the signal on the Tesseract's location, as Banner then calmed down and went to check the result. [4], You have become a problem, a problem I have to deal with. "[47] Reviewing The Winter Soldier, Todd McCarthy of The Hollywood Reporter said that "from a dramatic point of view, the greatest interest lies with Jackson and Redford, two great veterans whose presence lends weight to the fantastical proceedings and whose characters take some interesting twists and turns before it's all over. However, itlooked like hedidn't survive the operation. [6][28][29] He then buried information about Coulson's involvement in Project T.A.H.I.T.I. [25] Fury gave his report to the World Security Council. A decade later, it's just my luck he's the first guy I run into after moving back to my hometown of Charleston. would help Stark find what he needed. [2], So, is it true? ""Ten bucks says you're wrong.Nick Fury and Captain America. test subjects to mentally deteriorate. Let's go: The Winter Soldier upends the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it by decimating S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury's superpowered peace-keeping organization. Since Fury's first inoculation, the Colonel had to pay a blackmail price to Sternberg every year to acquire the serum. Captain America: The First Avenger. Seeing how distressed he was, Fury questioned if Rogers would be alright, as Rogers noted he had a date with Peggy Carter which he had subsequently missed due to being trapped in the ice for so many decades, unsure if Carter was actually still alive or not. However, they were tailed by Minn-Erva, and while Rambeau managed to blow her out the sky, Yon-Rogg began shooting at them soon thereafter. Fury was then made aware of Peter Parker's identity as Spider-Man and was tasked with delivering the E.D.I.T.H. Fury also found Hill questioning his plan for evacuation and his current priorities, believing that they should be focused on trying to control the Tesseract however they could. [4], At ease, soldier! Fury originally appeared in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. As it turns out, Talos was acting on the orders of the real Nick Fury the whole time.