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Yeah, that's cool. How you doin'? Ashleys first date with R&B princeling Tevin Campbell? Will Smith: Hey, Uncle Phil! I told my parents I wanted to rap. The Banks, especially Uncle Phil, see through Lou's. I might have been 12 and my brother 9 when one day he decided he wanted a new front wall at his shop. You might notice his hat coming off. Carlton, however, self-weaponizes and assumes too much responsibility again, and his faith in an inherent sense of decency in the systems of life is shattered again. Right from the jump, from episode 1,The Fresh Princehad more on its mind than its aesthetics might initially hint. Actually, this works out better for me, you know. | I love when classic multi-cam sitcoms feel like excuses to put classic theater on television for the masses, and this episode has a wondrous scene that vaults into this hallowed ground. Episode director Shelley Jensen worked on the series for all six seasons and watched Smith, who started the show at 21, go from novice to supernova. Smith, playing a version of himself, lives with his extended family, and everyone lives, learns, laughs, loves, and grows with each other. Whether youre a lifelong resident of D.C. or you just moved here, weve got you covered. By the time Phil and Viv show up to bail them out, and for Phil to deliver a typically fiery speech about what justice should look like in this country (delivered to a particularly weaselly-looking Hank Azaria), the damage is done. But Avery eventually calmed Smith down by telling him, Its already in there, you know what it is. Philip Banks Co-writer Bill Boulware based this episode on his own life experiences growing up with a single parent, noting he was always interested in shows about fathers due to his lack of one growing up. Uncle Phil helps his nephew find a new California apartment on his own, and he'll continue his collegiate studies in the state, too. But Carlton is actually, literally Phil's son. (Via), Smith: My father was in the military, so everything was really regimented.. I was honored to be there at the launch.. This erroneous claim first appeared in a Tumblr post in the early 2010s with no source given, nor has one emerged beyond the rumor simply being repeated verbatim uncited, including on IMDb. People were crying for a long time when it was over, doing their best not to make noise before the director said cut. I was ten years old. : This episode, and especially this scene, tends to prove Mr. Mamet wrong. William 'Will' Smith : He's my father. Here's What James Avery Secretly Whispered To Will Smith During 'Fresh : That he heard Malcolm X, whom Will had deified earlier in the episode, speak in person. It's a shocking, plainspoken admission of society's privilege, one that gives the character tons of empathy and understanding. In 1990, when "Mistaken Identity" first aired on NBC, a gurgling of tensions and resentments between the Black community and the police, founded on an entire history's worth of subjugation and explicitly race-based violence, were churning nearly at a breaking point. Or so the widely-spread legend goes. : ", "He kept me in line. During filming, the studio was completely silent a rarity for a comedy with a live audience. William 'Will' Smith: No, you know what, Uncle Phil? Geoffrey Butler: If you will follow me, I will show you to your room, Master William. Borrowing its title fromGuess Who's Coming to Dinner, the 1967 film in whichKatharine Houghtonbrings home fianc Sidney Poitierto her white parents to examine interracial relationships in a lightly comedic purview, "Guess Who's Coming to Marry?" When the police pull over Will and Carlton (Alfonso Ribeiro) in a borrowed Mercedes, on the way to a Palm Springs vacation with Uncle Phil and Aunt Viv (Janet Hubert-Whitten), Carlton, covered in the security blanket of his class, his rational thinking, and the fact that his father is a judge, assumes they will explain what's going on and drive away no harm done. William 'Will' Smith It came in the series' fourth season and 24 th episode called "Papa's Got A Brand New Excuse", and it's an amazing example of Will Smith 's acting ability. The rest of the family may find this all surprising, and Uncle Phil may at first think Frank (Baker) is a valet (in one of the best-staged act outs I've seen in a TV comedy; not to mention its sneakily provocative racial flip). Hey, he wasn't there to teach me how to shoot my first basket, but I learned, didn't I? The episode featured the man-hug loved (and memed) around the world as Uncle Phil (James Avery) doesnt so much embrace as completely envelop his nephew, who is coming to grips with the loss of his absentee father for a second time. Lou claims it was great to see Will again, and Will responds "You too Lou" instead of Dad, officially disowning Lou as his father. There had been a lot of interest in an episode about Wills dad, according to Fresh Prince writer David Zuckerman, given that the entire premise of the show was based on Will being sent to live with his rich aunt and uncle because his mother, raising him alone, wants him out of their rough neighborhood. Avery, a trained Shakespearean actor, represented the strong father figure; Smith, four years into his first acting gig, the young man coming into his own manhood; and Vereen, a theater vet, was a man lost. Will Smith: Oh, my fault, man. But during filming of this episode, director Jensen likened the mood of the normally wild show to being in church.. The Truth Behind 'Fresh Prince's' Most Emotional Scene - TheThings He never even sent me a damn card! Will Smith: Oh, okay, well uh, cheerio and all that Walter now. The Fresh Princeis unbelievably silly, no doubt, with its oft-arch performances and willingness to surreally break the fourth wall ("How come we can't afford ceilings?" It's entirely possible that two people named Smith that are completely unrelated could meet, fall in love, and start a family. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Will's Father leaves Charles Bentley 13.3K subscribers 381K 13M views 7 years ago There wasn't a good quality version of one of the most touching scenes in TV. 'Bad Boys For Life', which filmed in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a formula that clearly worked, considering theres a good chance well be seeing more of the Tanners soon, but it was super-corny, especially when compared to another so-called kids show that was on the same time, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Geoffrey Butler approaches the door and lets Will in. That he has no idea what life on the streets is like. He resorts to buying a gun himself, ostensibly for protection. So when he has to break down and confess to the family that the amphetamines Carlton found were meant for him, making him tacitly responsible for Carlton's hospitalization, he commits to it beautifully. Will said that. The actor went off-script and played . This article was published more than2 years ago, This week marks the 30th anniversary of the premiere of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, the classic 1990s sitcom that transformed a buoyant (and broke) young rapper into Will Smith, blockbuster movie star. William 'Will' Smith Phillip asks Vivian to allow him to talk to Lou in private, and Vivian agrees, on the condition that he doesn't hit Lou because she wouldn't want to miss that! He tore the old one down it was probably 16 feet high and 40 feet long. The scene is iconic, ingrained in the brains of all who grew up watching "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air": a young Will Smith, eager to jet off on a trip with his biological father, only to be let down when his dad skips out on him once again.Will turns cold at the rejection, calling his dad only "Lou," then later rants to Uncle Phil about life without his dad. Avery immediately pulled him aside and gave him a pep talk, telling him to make eye contact with Uncle Phil, which would help guide the performance and get Smith into the emotional state Will needed to be in. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #freshprienceofbelair, #freshprinceofbelairscene, #fresh_prince_of . How come he dont want me, man? Will asks, lip quivering as he starts to break down and cry. Smith rarely resorts to out-and-out anger in his Fresh Prince performances, but we see it here, and it is warranted. Will Smith is a two-time Oscar nominee and one of the most popular actors (and genies) of his generation. ", The Real Story Behind the Most Heartbreaking Scene in 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air'. 20 Little Facts About Will Smith From His Fresh Prince Days - TheTalko In the episode, Wills father shows up unexpectedly after a 14-year absence. I learned how to drive, I learned how to shave, I learned how to fight without him. Company Credits It is Fresh Princes most iconic half-hour the moment in which Will, the goof who plays it cool, became human, and Smith became an actor. And then, Viola enters. The 'Fresh Prince Of Bel Air' Father Episode Aired 25 Years - UPROXX Will William 'Will' Smith Fourteen years and acts like nothing has happened. Whew, that was deep, Vereen said. Relax. You saw the light bulb go off, he said. The duo was forced to pivot when 'Fresh Prince' came along. will smith fresh prince dad scene script - Geoffrey Butler approaches the door and lets Will in. ', Atlantic Records is Now Hiring Content Creators, Extras Richmond Casting Call for 1770s Types, $4,000 Casting Call for Women with Migraines, SCAD Documentary Casting Call for Church Types, "She Buries Me" Open Casting Call in Philadelphia, $125/Day Fort Lauderdale Music Video Casting Call, Paramount+ Series Casting Call for 2-Year Old Actors, "His Story: The Musical" Open Casting Call, $350/Day Docu-Style Project Casting Call for Blonde Actors, $1,500 Commercial Casting Call for Skiers in Colorado. He was drawing from personal experience because his dad had left when he was a baby and when he became famous because of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air he turned up like nothing had happened. But it wasnt until the fourth season, with its characters deeply established, that the show decided to tackle the subject in depth. In its six seasons on NBC, the series a grittier version of The Cosby Show that juxtaposed hip-hop culture with Black upper-class ethos tackled everything from racism to sexism to a two-step dubbed the Carlton.. Lou Smith How Many Of These 90s One Hit Wonders Can You Name. Published Mar 12, 2022. The shot frames this moment alongside the sculpture; subtly, but decidedly, communicating that this is the real father-son relationship at the center of Fresh Prince, at the center of Will's life. This pages comprises the full verbal transcript of the first episode of Season 1 - The Fresh Prince Project. But the audience sobbing that you can make out in the background? No, you know what, Uncle Phil? He also played Richard Williams, father of tennis stars Venus and Serena Williams, in King Richard. Filming & Production Hes a steady and positive figure in my life. Uh, must have the wrong crib. : William 'Will' Smith Oct 20, 2017. Will then begins to cry and asks Phillip why his father doesn't want him. : A powerful, teachable, simple lesson. Its fun to bash on Will Smiths career moves of late (After, ugh, Earth), but when he finds the right role, hes an excellent actor. Youwillcry at the acapella song the family sings over the credits. Uncle Phil, however, thinks Lou will again disappoint his son. However, Smith revealed in his 2021 memoir Will that the relationship was occasionally turbulent due to his father's abuse of his mother. Technical Specs, [after Lou cancels his trip with Will and leaves], [after discovering Will's father unexpectedly]. Grab a hankie, whistle for a cab, and take a trip down memory lane with me. And finally, just like any great play, she tells her sister Janice what's really going on. The most effective and illuminating emotional reaction to this doesn't orient around Will, however at least not directly. No, he said. 5 Jun. [pause] : I ain't need him then and I don't need him now. There are around 148 episodes over six seasons, but one episode titled Papa's Got a Brand New Excuse made many fans emotional. I learned how to drive, I learned how to shave, I learned how to fight without him. Hed get this look that said, One more step, Will, and itll get ugly. He was an independent businessman-he set up refrigeration in supermarkets-and he always provided for us. With Wednesday's press night under her belt and a standing ovation to . Yeah, you did. "Being Black isn't what I'm trying to be, it's what I am," says Carlton, plainly, making sure Top Dog knows he's the real sellout before leaving. "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" Papa's Got a Brand New Excuse (TV - IMDb Lou and Phillip get into a heated argument about Lou's responsibilities as a father with Lou again claiming he was scared to be a father, which Phillip rejects, claiming he too was scared to be a father, but unlike Lou, he didn't run out on his family, but rather remained present for his children's lives, as a good and responsible man is supposed to do. Ashley speaks with her sister, the oft-materialistic and flighty Hilary (Karyn Parsons), to ask her, directly, when she knew she was ready for sex. | Smith and his musical partner DJ Jazzy Jeff were already big names on the hip-hop scene when the Fresh Prince opportunity presented itself. When my father got out of the Air Force, he started his own refrigeration business. And I got pretty damn good at it too, didn't I, Uncle Phil? Here's the Tumblr version of events that we've come to believe as the truth: "That awful moment when you learn that this wasnt scripted. When the time has come for Top Dog to choose his new candidate, Carlton assumes he'll get picked, and Will's foolishness will not be tolerated. You too Lou. Ain't even nothing to talk about. Smith was known for his clean lyrics, and his hits were . The trend of very special anti-drug family sitcom episodes was inspired explicitly byNancy Reagan, to the point where she literally appeared in an episode ofDiff'rent Strokesto deliver her anti-drug screed, and the relationship between the Reagan administration, drugs, and the Black community is a vile one to study (making the interpolation of "Just Say No" as "Just Say Yo" feel particularly gross). But much of white America remained (remains?) [after Lou cancels his trip with Will and leaves] : Find the latest movie casting calls, TV auditions, Modeling jobs, acting opportunities, acting tips, and entertainment news for the biggest movies and TV shows filming across the world. Jensen said Avery, who died in 2013, was a driving force on set. Zuckerman firmly squashed the rumor in a 2020 article, stating the entire episode and that scene in particular were tightly scripted, citing Smith's acting ability as a testament to it seeming spontaneous. Will is originally from West-Philadelphia but was forced to move soon after participating in a fight with a couple of thugs. Lou exclaims that Phillip is a better man than himself, thinking that's what Phillip wants to hear, and asks him to break the news to Will, but Phillip refuses to do Lou's "dirty work", and Lou opts to duck out and call from the road. Posted by ; words for deep love in other languages; : I had *fourteen* great birthdays without him. The story behind Will Smith's iconic 'hug' scene in 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' By Helena Andrews-Dyer September 11, 2020 at 7:00 a.m. EDT Will Smith, seen here in 1990, started "The. | Will knows the truth, however that these cops will take any chance they can get to subjugate two young Black men, especially given that they're driving a "stolen car." Let's come up with something better that you can call me. "I did not make the rules, but I do know how to play the game. But in fact, Wills dad was an active participant in his sons life, and even encouraged him. Usually, the director would retake the scene, but really, nothing could replace this moment. Will's father is out of the picture; Uncle Phil is by all accounts the closest to a dad he has. But Viola is ready to boycott the wedding, and forbid her son from going, too. An emotional Will lets his frustration out in a conversation with Uncle Phil, but things got really sad when he finally breaks down in tears. Kim Kardashian Tackled to the Ground at Paris Fashion Event, Marvel's 'Ant-Man' Casting Call for Kids in Peachtree City, Georgia, NBA YoungBoy and Birdman Hire Director for 'Ballin Blocker 2', 'The Weeknd' To Star in a Movie He Co-Wrote and Produced, Michael B. Jordan Reunites with High School Reporter at 'Creed III' Premiere: 'I Was the Corny Kid, Right? Before this scene, Will Smith disappeared. William 'Will' Smith However, Philadelphia is a large city and Smith is a common name worldwide. "He kept me in line. The two awkwardly find themselves talking with Lou claiming he's a self-employed truck driver now, and that he recently spoke to Will's mother, who informed him that Will was now in Bel-Air with his Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian, so he drove down to see his son. But these are all catchy seasonings to a fundamentally kind, responsible, and curious main dish. TIL that during Will Smith's monologue about his father on Fresh Prince, it was so heart-wrenching that audience members can be heard crying after it is over. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was, and continues to be, a breath of fresh air.Originally airing from 1990 to 1996 for six seasons, the sitcom broke Will Smith through to superstardom in a series of . Philip Banks: [after Lou cancels his trip with Will and leaves] I'm sorry, Will. Will runs up to him to give him a big hug. The three of them were like a range of Black manhood, Boulware said. I was actually at the taping. He showed up, did this scene in one take, then disappeared again. And, thankfully, I don't think it's any big spoiler to reveal that Viola does come around and attend the wedding after all thanks to a wonderful speech delivered by Will to his mother, a representation of the hope of future generations changing established patterns and prejudices for the better. : : Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! So what's the real story behind the tear-jerking scene, you ask? Firstly, Will Smith's father was very much present during his childhood. Will Smith, Alfonso Ribeiro, and Aunt Vivs Janet Hubert and Daphne Maxwell Reid return alongside the rest of the cast for HBO Max's unscripted 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Reunion. After all, given his upbringing, getting threatened by folks packing guns is an unfortunately common part of life. I'm sorry that everybody can't be as perfect as you, Uncle Phil, but if I can forgive him, how come you can't? Reply . I've been waiting for this for a long time, my whole life and ain't nobody gonna stop me.