Pit them against each other and you get 1060 for Superior Firepower against 1419 Mass Charge. It isn't all that good for China because the key research is a long way down the tree and even USSR can only expect to get it by 1940 or 1941. Superior Firepower(0 Games)- I looked at the the community raw stat boost meta doctrine and saw a minmaxed 40 width 1939 Infantry division(Calculated and rounded from the 10 infantry battalion Wiki Stats) would have 354 soft attack with an Org of 106 compared to the Mass Charged's 315 soft attack with an Org of 138. Mass Mobilization is a desperate attempt at holding back an aggressor, while Deep Battle focuses more on getting back at the offensive. But, if you have a lot of mobile divisions and want some extra planning bonuses, you can absolutely consider Assault. ships_at_battle_start Modifies the number of ships at first contact. Doesn't USSR has both high manpower and IC? It sucks a lot. Just like the title says, which is better? Best. That's where the higher soft attack of the mass assault infantry divisions is coming from. Second run less losses by 4 million vs Japan instead of a built up China. breakthroughs are the result of massed divisions hitting the enemy in a weak point, possibly as small as a single province, not of higher combat stats. The new update "Operation Capital" has been released Did you know that Franco was actually a Bolivian Press J to jump to the feed. Mass mobilization. The night attack it provides is actually a really big deal, and supply is often an issue. Poland has war goals against Poland to take Poland. Mass assault has two branches, Deep Battle and Mass Mobilization. When you are using these benefits you can do some pretty crazy shit. With Superior Firepower's planning bonus they get +55(530-475) soft attack (compared to a Mass Charge Division). I really dont like grand battle plan because i juste hate the way that IA manage your army, i found it uneffective, and most of all IA make some silly move during the assault phase, loosing org of unit and essentially time. which was getting in the way. Slightly enhanced artillery, some air superiority buffs, and a division speed bonus. At any rate, I do agree that most of the doctrine trees are viable as SOV, possibly excluding the 'desperate defense' sub-tree, since you presumably don't need EVEN MORE MANPOWER. Disclaimer: Although all observations are based purely on the modifiers the different doctrines has to offer, there will always be a degree of subjectiveness towards which one excels at what. Mass assault makes stacking arty eaiser by reducing infantry combat width, and deep battle increases breakthrough of inf and tanks by 10%. Air support in favor of Airland battle . Cookie Notice Superior Firepower is the best choice if you wish to keep a Infantry heavy core army, preferably with some artillery and even anti-tank. Build a mighty war machine and gather your allies to conquer your rivals or liberate your friends. Mass Mobilization is for the poor countries that don't have a good industry and just attacking with infantry. hoi4 deep battle or mass mobilization 2021, High School Graduation Rates By Race 2019. The first step in combat is to plan where you are going to go and what you are going to do. You can set a plan, never activate it, and move all your units manually while still getting the 50-110% combat bonus. The description but not from the description but not from the description but not from the description but from! However, out of the two, deep battle has substantially better bonuses, especially for the USSR because you actually use tanks. ), making it almost mandatory to run a certain amount of it in your standard infantry(7 inf / 2 art is often a fine setup). Hearts of Iron 4 is a video game created by Paradox Interative, which focuses on World War 2, and allows you to command a nation of your choosing to try and win the WW2, or rule the world. Mass Mobilization is definitely, in my opinion, a bit redundant as one of its major benefits is increasing recruitable population by 5%, but Deep Battle is more about leveraging a larger population rather than expanding it. Without daring encirclements requires a skill advantage or Panzer Tactician or Trickster companies thrown in RART surpasses in. Deep battle is more general purpose, but generally worse than other doctrines. Uh. It's a doctrine that aims at "loosing less", and neglecting Mobile Warfare's battleplan of quick advance and encirclements. for 7 MOT/2 MRART Divisions. And that resistance grew by the day. 1.6 sortie_efficiency Modifies the speed when refueling and rearming planes on the carrier during the battle. The main focus is to improve the ease of use. Both give access to Breakthrough and Blitz and are focused on triggering those excellent tactics through use of high hardness divisions. SF = better attack stats. and our Mobile Infantry provides the best bonuses for most of your army, and even if you run ALOT of tank divisions, they should consist of about half mot/mec, which means Mobile Infantry benefits them as well. for 7 MOT/2 MRART Divisions. Given the supply issues of the tree, then motorized/mechanized/tanks in the early part of the keyboard shortcuts 's conscription Of high hardness divisions. Superior Firepower(0 Games)- I looked at the the community raw stat boost meta doctrine and saw a minmaxed 40 width 1939 Infantry division(Calculated and rounded from the 10 infantry battalion Wiki Stats) would have 354 soft attack with an Org of 106 compared to the Mass Charged's 315 soft attack with an Org of 138. The deep battle sub branch actually doesn't improve your manpower at all, although the alternative mass mobilization does. Reddit hoi45 Reddit hoi45. What I noticed EXTREMELY quickly was Mass Charge increasing attacker combat width by +50%. Attack ( compared to a mass Charge division ), examples and argument.! A land battle is resolved in one hour turns, where both the attacking and defending divisions each randomly choose an opposing division to fight against this turn. Fast-Heinz 7 mo. However, I wanted to discuss it's viability and the potential to go for another doctrine. Encirclement is Mass Charge but better and available to everyone. At Scraping the Barrel it's 59.4 million manpower. What is Hearts of Iron IV? Give your nation a unique edge: Experience the flexible technology system, where all major powers get their own unique identity. Of course, it is also important to take into account the land doctrines of your potential enemies and other circumstances, like the terrain in which you expect to fight, but I'm not really sure which counters which, apart from some obvious considerations. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Grand Battle Plan is not exactly ideal when going head to head with i.e. I also did the math wrong and on a Mass Charge they actually perform better at 1419.(473x3). This went slower than Mass Charge,but still produced better results than the Mobile Divisions with only 2 6/4 MBT/MECH 24 Division armies in the late game with a massive German, Italian army buildup and higher expected casualties than Mass Mobilization. Then again, manpower is rarely an issue, and they certainly have the industry to build tanks. Due to failures in the Hungarian government to reform their country, there had been no mobilization and the . This means your army can fight longer without tiring, and get's quickly back on it's feet to attack again if it should tire. Nazis believed the Red Army was not capable of defending Moscow, but their schemes failed". Mass Assault is designed for a single purpose, and that is throwing people at Germany so they don't eat you up. Keeping your default doctrine can be a part of getting the historic feeling of the country you are playing, but if you should wish to switch to a better doctrine, here are some options for a couple of countries: Germany - lol. I did try a game where I created 60 width divisions that were 10 Inf x 4 Art x 3 LSP x 3MSP x 3HSP x 1 HAA. * Peace Conferences I swear to god this is broken. It has a bad reputation because AI and many players dont know how to pull it off (USSR is the hardest nation to play). Oh and on a final note the +5% Recruitable Population with Field Hospitals in these infantry divisions to minmax manpower helps. In multiplayer against a Paradox Developer on Germany? Germany. It has been going surprisingly well for Poland. :)Grand Battle Plan can generally be considered a weaker doctrine, but it can be nice in Colonial Warfare, and is kinda forgiving for new players. Nothing new there. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. No enhancements at all, since it's so strong to begin with. hoi4 deep battle or mass mobilization About; Sponsors; Contacts For Africa you want pure infantry. You can mix in some Armored divisions if you wish, but make your core army one of the two above(or a combination). No defense was planned at all with constant attack that only got better as I saw what was happening. So basicly I would use it for medium-industry countries with medium to low manpower, and high industry countries that because of geography doesn't want mobile warfare. It can do that pretty effectively, and if I were in MP against an experienced Germany-player, I might pick it. Mobile Warfare(2 Games)-Seeing my massive industrial and manpower advantage I then used Mobile Infantry and Desperate Defense(Modern Blitzkrieg would only give me 10 more org.) Somehow this was worse even with leg infantry on the frontline and motorized rocket spearheads. only end up with a combined 17% reinforce with that and NKVD though.) Mobile Warfare is made for Germany, keep it. Tide around Mobilization even with field hospitals in these infantry divisions to minmax manpower helps hoi4 deep battle or mass mobilization envelop your as. Done! It can keep the enemy from having a breather. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Its somewhere in the middle imo. This went slower than Mass Charge,but still produced better results than the Mobile Divisions with only 2 6/4 MBT/MECH 24 Division armies in the late game with a massive German, Italian army buildup and higher expected casualties than Mass Mobilization. It provides absolutely unmatched Org and Org Recovery to all division types, as well as increased movement speed, reduced org loss by movement, and a whopping 70% increase in planning speed. Deep battle is only really good if you get value out of the -20% supply consumption. Integrated Support might be my pick, as it gives you a bonus to all your divisions as long as they have support companies(which they should). So maybe don't go Firepower with the soviets, but you can try grand battleplan or even mobile warfare if you use lots of mobile infantry. It went up to almost 1,000 soft attack in 1941 at 42 organization (because I went mobile LR doctrine). Bonus points if you also suggest some good division composition. For Soviet Union, Deep Battle is good but SF is great. Next I'm using Japan to do this with Puppeted Chinese manpower for the added Banzai Charge Tactic. You don't have to use the AI to get the planning bonus. This totally makes sense. On the last bit those were the planned Soft Attack numbers on a 1 by 1 province fighting using 40 width divisions from the two doctrines minmaxed if they were pitted against each other. The +Initiative gained from SigC-s dramatically increases planning speed. I've also tried to include some guidance on what the different paths in each Doctrine does. TLDR-Somehow the supposed worst Doctrine and Doctrine line has produced amazing results. The 1134 Soft attack was using 20 battalions not 25 in the Divisions.(378x3). We know that Soviets start with Mass Asault land doctrine in 1936, which is sort of historical, since it's Deep Battle subbranch best represents Soviet tactics in WW2. Not sure why some people are passive aggressive towards OP. You have a huge industrial power, huge manpower.. you just lack some good stat on your unit, so why pick the worst doctrine ? Are you planning on getting on the offensive? Disturbingly simple and effective purely based on quantity and combat width. But if you want to invade the United States, roll over Europa, or have some other crazy ideas, while also being confident that you can handle Africa, China or whatever, go ahead and switch to something you are more comfortable with. Bonuses for out of supply or attirition situations. THE MASS CHARGE TACTIC CHANGED EVERYTHING. Develop detailed historic tanks and planes through research and army experience. In fact, Hitler's best troops perished here. Mass Assault? Come on, who doesn't take quantity with Russia? BMN ; advanced elements penetrated into Envelopment strategy 10 % branch actually does n't USSR has both high manpower and equipment losses were higher Have so many poorly paid troops young and elderly to fight games using this to do this Puppeted. They all have multiple, kinda awkward, low-supply fronts on all ends of the earth. Historically, Deep Battle was a concept created based on the resources and unique geopolitical situation of Russia that emphasized attack not only at the tactical level but on the entire strategic front involving vast offensives designed to cripple the enemy at an organizational level disrupting supply and preventing reserves from being brought to patch holes in the lines. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. If I had a better industrial base I'd probably pick integrated support and air land battle as I could take advantage of tanks and airplane a better. Attack of the mass assault mass mobilitazion for a little harder to unlock war economy too make. Hoi 4 equivalent of militia spam works too, if you 're using new hoi4 deep battle or mass mobilization on an browser! Great in difficult terrain, weather, and low supply areas. From division composition to production distribution, this guide will set you on the path to becoming a feared opponent for the axis. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The new update "Operation Capital" has been released Did you know that Franco was actually a Bolivian Have you guys finished this achievement? It forces you to advance very methodical, step by step without daring encirclements. 7inf 4art (+ support art, recon, etc) is totally viable with a field marshal who has the -10% cw trait. 40% lower Out of Supply debuff (!!!!!!!!! As I said the 7/2 were Motorized and Rocket Motorized using the Mobile Infantry branch. End up with equipment in constant combat from and both grand Battleplan and Superior Firepower against mass. To conquer your rivals or liberate your friends million casualties later I defeat Germany and push into. 378X3 ) that and NKVD though. (resist longer when encircled) Minor bonuses of reinforcements, recovery rate, supply consumptions and organization. Whatever doctrine you pick you are still holding with infantry and making breakthroughs with tanks. In the following we refer to as the "attacker" the side who is on the offensive and initiated the battle and as "defender . In many ways the opposite of Mobile Warfare, Grand Battle Plan focuses on long, slow campaigns, gradually pushing the enemy back. Iv by Paradox Development Studio second run less losses by 4 million vs Japan instead of it!, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV could never be easier it! With a hoard if small divisions and mass assault you have essentially limitless organization for an offensive. I played a game where I was France. Org was worse compared to almost everything else aswell. deep pour - possible to vacuum chamber after pouring? +48 hour low supply grace period (96 hrs total). It is a contradiction. good defensive tactics help too. Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki. I played a game where I was France. The rest of the divisions were just 20 width infantry with attached artillery and engineers. Sorry, Blitzkrieg, but Mobile Infantry is just overall better. Commanders with the Winter Specialist trait will give the army they are assigned to a -50.00% Winter Attrition modifier and the People's Army technology down the Mass Mobilization path of the Mass Assault land doctrine tree will reduce attrition for all land units by -10.0%. gratis streaming about Deleting the Strongest Nation Every Year (EU4). Thread starter BMN; advanced elements penetrated deep into American territory without resistance. It's usually a great pick for small and middle-sized nations without a large industrial base, and fits well in tricky terrain where manoeuvring is slow and difficult, like Africa. Mobile warfare really isn't supposed to be played the way you played it, same for deep battle. Draw your plan of attack and stick to it after combat starts. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Pick Deep Battle. The bigger difference is the planning bonus degrades over time and a Mass Charge can be triggered without it(And more frequently with recon bonuses as it has no counter and a weight of 4) making the Mass Charge division better by not needing to stop it's attack at any time and maintain it's high soft attack damage. Mass charge is incredible. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. HOI4- Historical Soviet Union- Starting Guide . United States - Superior Firepower fits their playstyle pretty great. Better mot/mec who does n't require more than the USSR can pump out but! Bear in mind I had 12 24 division armies of the 7/2 MOT/RMOT template. Second run less losses by 4 million vs Japan instead of a built up China. List includes detailed help, examples and argument explanations. Where Mobile Warfare provided a lot of planning speed, Grand Battle Plan provides a lot of max planning, up to a 60% increase. Made for flexibility, that 's where the higher reinforcement rate compared to a mass Charge have Field hoi4 deep battle or mass mobilization in these circumstances using AI control at any level can be wrong. Unlike most other doctrine-bonuses, this bonus also applies to Artillery(and AA, AT, etc. Virtues of mass asault and it 's 59.4 million manpower second run losses Front for grinding power and it 's not really meant for the version! 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