This office has made the necessary changes to the E-scroll A format (attached copy) as well as to the CPAO servers for the payment and recovery of the LTC amount in relation to the territory of the Chandigarh Pensioners` Union. Procurement Policy/O.M. 09/01/2021-5FP1/671 Dated 05-07-2021 Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest 31011/10/85-Estt. 2. ), Micro Irrigatiom - Operational Guidelines, Technology Development Extension Training, Guidelines of Planning & Designing Pipeline Network, The Punjab Government Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1966, The Punjab Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1970, LTC Annexure B Certificate given by Employee. Contents. 05/10/1963. Subject: Grant of Additional pension to the old age pensioners of U.T. The right to travel allowances for family members is not paid until the head of the family has moved himself. All the Heads of CPPCs of Authorised Banks are advised to ensure payment of LTC to the pensioner of UT, Chandigarh Administration as applicable to the Punjab Govt. Online, video, article, discuss, story, explanation, suggestion, youtube. No additionality and diversion will be allowed for LTC in 2021-22," the government order mentioned. As per present LTC Rules, if a government servant or his spouse is working in In Indian Railways, he would not be entitled for LTC facility. Thereafter, the LTC facility was extended by the Punjab Govt. Transport Allowance at double the normal rates for Railway employees (7th CPC) January 12, 2023. The Judicial officers (Retired) who are drawing their pension under Punjab Civil Service Rules, Volume-Il, as amended from time to time and as applicable to the pensioners under the rules making powers of Haryana Government and whose pension is debitable to the Consolidated Funds of the State of Haryana, are entiled to one . In this video conversation, we are discussing family pension rules for government employees under old pension scheme and govt employees latest news for bene. North Block, New DelhiDated 21 November, [Read More] about Reiteration of instructions relating to reservation in temporary appointments: DOPT, GPF Interest Rate from Jan 2023 to March 2023 1/4/2000-3FPPC/1219 dated-19.10.2011(copy enclosed) which was also adopted by UT Administration Chandigarh, Finance Deptt vide their letter No.65/1/46-UTFII(12)-2012/669 dated-18.01.2012 (copy enclosed). In a circular dated August 29, the Centre has advised government employees to book air ticket from three booking agents Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd (IRCTC), Balmer Lawrie & Company Limited (BLCL) and Ashok Travels & Tours (ATT). is being claimed, are residing with me. No. Select sub-category 'Cyber Crime'. Your email address will not be published. To illustrate, this enhanced pension, a pensioner who retired from the pre-1996 (w.e.f 1986) pay scale of Rs.3700-125-4950-150-5700 (S-23) was fixed with post-2006 revised pension of Rs.11,600 as per OM dated 01.09.2008. 7(2)/EV/2016Government of IndiaMinistry of FinanceDepartment of ExpenditureE-V Branch On attaining the age of 80 years an additional pension/family pension is payable to the pensioners/family pensioners covered under CCS(Pension) Rules 1972, from the 1st day of the month in which . Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Right To Information Tenders Other Contacts IMPORTANT NOTICE: VRS-2019 Retirees having date of Superannuation upto 31.07.2020 are requested to send their option regarding Commutation of fraction of Pension alongwith cancelled cheque immediately through concerned SSAs. RESOLUTION India, Ministry of Home Affairs, which makes use of the powers conferred by Article 309 of the Constitution. NEW DELHI 110066, CPAO/IT & Tech/UT Chandigarh/F.No. Public Finance (States) Division OMs and Circulars. In these revised pay rules a new system of Pay Band and Grade Pay was started. Review of CSS Officers (Under Secretary) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 Year-End- Review of DoPT(Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions)-2022 Extension of the LTC block year 2018-21 (extended) for a period of three months He said evidence such as proof of stay at that place on that date would be required to be presented with a bill. This issues with the approval of the Chief Controller (Pensions). EkyA,j{. Similarly, the family pension of Central Government family pensioners has also been enhanced based on revised concordance Table. It is announced for general [Read More] about GPF Interest Rate from Jan 2023 to March 2023, January 3, 2023 By pcadmin Leave a Comment, Compendium of Instructions regarding grant of House Rent Allowance to Central Government employees - FINMIN CPAO/IT & Tech/UT Chandigarh/F.No.50/2020-21/64 of 18.12.2020 where all Central Pension Processing Centres (CPPCs) have been informed that the LTC facility has been extended by the Government of Punjab to family retirees/retirees. 3. to its pensioners vide letter No. 3- Government employees have to choose a flight having the Best Available Fare on their entitled travel class which is the Cheapest Fare available, preferably for Non-stop flight in a given slot, mentioned below, at the time of booking. THE PUNJAB CIVIL SERVICES RULES Volume I. of Punjab as per Gazette Notification No. <>/XObject<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
desk. So let us first understand what is Leave Travel Concession (LTC) and how to get the claims. dated 19.10.2015 - Record Note of the 5th Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee (NAC) held on 29th May, 2015 and 9th June, .2015. Service Pensioners as per the instructions contained in above mentioned orders. FINMIN : Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees effective from 01.07.2022. of Punjab as per Gazette Notification No. ), Stenographer (Grade-I), Upper Division Clerk, and Stenographer (Grade-II) Exam Pattern This office has received claims for reimbursement of payments made to the Chandigarh Pensioners` Union Territory due to LTC. State-Wise List of Authorised Banks for Disbursement of Civil Pension - State-Wise List of Authorised Banks for Disbursement of Civil Pension . No advance for this facility shall however . | India Upfront, Tejasvi Surya Indigo Row | Civil Aviation Minister Clarifies on BJP MPs Emergency Door Incident, Sleazegate Exposed: Indian Olympic Heroes Forced To Beg For Justice Against WFI President, Vinesh Phogat, Sakshi Malik accuse WFI president of sexual harassment | Protest at Jantar Mantar, 2023 Bennett, Coleman & Company Limited, Gold Price Today: 18 January 2023 - Check rates in your city, Old pension scheme could strain state finances: RBI warns state against returning to OPS, Gold Price Today: 17 January 2023 - Check rates in your city. stream
Reservation-I) As per the rule, only government employees were eligible for receiving a pension under the Old . 1- In case, at the time of actual booking of the ticket after receiving the advance, there is any difference in fare owing to the time gap between request for advance and grant of advance, the difference in fare will be adjusted at the time of settlement of. However, as per Rule 7 of CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988, the LTC entitlement of a fresh recruit will be calculated calendar year wise with effect . Government for this purpose. Here you may to watch about ltc rules for punjab government pensioners. DoPT O.M. The spokesman said that in the absence of clear evidence of travel to the declared place of visit, the claim of leave encashment would not be accepted. 2- Government employees not entitled for air travel and wish to travel by air but not under the Special Dispensation Scheme, may apply for LTC advance with reference to Rail/Bus fare. Provision of Telephones. All pension rules and formats are given for your conveniences as per . OFFICE [Read More] about CGEGIS 1980: Table of Benefits of saving funds from Oct to Dec 2022, Your email address will not be published. Other benefits are Defined Contributory Pension, Gratuity, LTC, Cash Medical Benefit, Group Mediclaim, Group Personal Accident Insurance, Group Insurance , Vehicle Loan (2-wheeler/4 . 2018 2019 StudyChaCha Reply to Topic Medical Fitness. New Delhi, the 03 January, 2023 The Traveling Allowance Rules in force in the Punjab immediately before the coming into force of these rules shall stand rescinded. )GECp =*b@XtT?y+D}OCC+PG@f1i.b]>i{[I^H8n pI2oYnmu>upZ]{vjwE8|_n;f
7w%bCBq`}5dnu3#?S/=)JO?&+?3W.[~z?/~86_15|F~u (2) Concession for employees of the Andaman and Nicobar administration. DoPT's O.M. NO. 9- While tickets may be arranged by the office through the travel agent, employees are encouraged to make ticket booking digitally through the Self Booking Tool/online booking website/portal of the 3 ATAs only. FLOOD ALERT : ! Instruction dated 08.04.10 on the subject 'Grant of dearness relief to Central Govt. Chandigarh which is applicable to Punjab Government employees. 1/4/2000-3/FPPC/1219 dated 19-10-201 1 Punjab Government related Notification, Letters, Act, Circular, Memo etc. (For best experience, switch to Google Chrome or Mozilla FIrefox with resolution 1366 x 768 or higher. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); about Next revision of pension under OROP Scheme, about Reiteration of instructions relating to reservation in temporary appointments: DOPT, about GPF Interest Rate from Jan 2023 to March 2023, about Compendium of Instructions regarding grant of House Rent Allowance to Central Government employees FINMIN, about CGEGIS 1980: Table of Benefits of saving funds from Oct to Dec 2022. Controller of Accounts, Download Admissibility of LTC to the pensioner/family pensioner - Punjab Govt PDF, Filed Under: CGE Latest News March 2, 2022, Central Government Employees News,7th Pay Commission News - Govtempdiary, CPAO Revision of Pay Scales in pursuance of recommendation of 6th Punjab Pay Commission, Family pension under CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 to parents of a deceased Government servant/pensioner, Change of option by a Pensioner/Family Pensioner from FMA to CGHS (OPD) facility and vice-versa CPAO, Expected DA Calculator from January 2023, Salary Hike Calculator for Government Employees, Madhya Pradesh High Court Holiday Calendar of 2022 PDF, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Calendar 2022 PDF, Calcutta High Court Holiday Calendar 2022 PDF, SSC Calendar of Examinations for the year 2021 2022 PDF, Mathrubhumi Calendar 2022 in Malayalam PDF, Holiday List of Babasaheb Ambedkar University 2022 PDF, Kurukshetra University Holidays List of 2022 PDF, Bihar State Government Holiday List of 2022 PDF, Arunachal Pradesh State Government Holiday List of 2022 PDF, Haryana State Government Holiday List of 2022 PDF, Himachal Pradesh Government Holiday List of 2022 PDF. RBE No. (5) No advance of T.A. This site is best viewed in 1024 * 768 resolution with latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer(Edge). Total Pageviews. October 1955. 65/1/46-UTFII(12)-2012/669-dated 18.01.2012 (copy attached). endobj
OFFICE MEMORANDUM 1.3 * Extent of application-(1) Subject to the provisions of rule 1.5, unless in any case it be otherwise expressly provided these rules shall apply to all Government servants under the rule making control of the Government of . Under the Old Pension Scheme, approximately 50 per cent of the last drawn salary was provided as pension. No.2/412022-E.IIBGovernment of IndiaMinistry of FinanceDepartment of Expenditure An employee did not use LTC during the block year of 2018-2021. The period of one month or six months may be taken into account from the date on which the retired official himself actually moves. Moreover, they have been encouraged to book flight tickets at least 21 days prior to the intended date of travel on LTC. endobj
8- Employees should preferably book only one ticket for each leg of intended travel on LTC. Govtempdiary is leading Central government employees news provider, CPAO/IT & Tech/UT Chandigarh/F.No.50/2020-21/84. Can a Government servant on LTC undertake a journey by road? Gold Price Today: 15 January 2023 - Check latest rates in your city. 4 0 obj
State employees and retirees are entitled to one month`s salary/pension through LTC. Under the Old Pension Scheme, a retired government employee used to get the benefit of the revision of Dearness Relief (DR), twice a year. The Finance Department of Punjab government has finally issued the notification for payment of double pension to all employees attaining the age of 75 years after keeping the case pending for more than one year. All rights reserved. 5(4)-B(PD)/2021Government of IndiaMinistry of FinanceDepartment of Economic Affairs(Budget Division) With regard to the question of how to regulate the travel allowance for family members of a retired staff member who do not actually accompany him, it was decided that the provisions of article 116 (b) (iii) of the SR could be applied mutatis mutandis in all such cases. . . 1 0 obj
4. 1.7.2008 and 1.1.2009: 320-42/12/2009-P&PW(G) 2009/09/23: Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 1-7-2009. Register and log in to Filling of IPR by Officers of ITS Group 'A' & TES Group 'B' for 2022 January 12, 2023. LTC Block Year Grace Period For every four years of AILTC block year, a one-year grace period is given. Different kinds of Ordinary Pension and conditions for their grant 4. <>
Required fields are marked *. Yellow Fever Vaccine Requirements and Recommendations for a Given Country. Punjab govt issue clarification on payment of LTC and TC to pensioners Kanwar Inder Singh/ Punjab finance department has issue a clarification on the payment of LTC to Punjab Govt employees and Travel Concession (TC) to Punjab govt pensioners. LTC, which was suspended for one year in April 2020 due to the financial crisis caused by the Covid pandemic, will now be reinstated on a first-come, first-served basis. Whether airfare of children whose full fare is charged by the airlines is reimbursed? CENTRAL PENSION ACCOUNTING OFFICE Download LTC Eligibility for Family Pensioner/Pensioner Punjab Govt PDF The power to extend the one-year deadline is exercised by the ministries of administration/departments with the consent of the relevant FA, in individual cases with special circumstances. 2.1 The rules for encashment of leave shall cover all regular employees of the company, excluding those on deputation from Government / other organizations and company employees on deputation to others. %
Compendium of Instructions regarding grant of Transport Allowance at double the normal rates to persons with disabilities employed in Central Government, Computer Advance Interest Rate 2022-23 for Railway Employees, Eligibility of married disabled child for family pension Railway Board order, Grant of Leave to Probationary officers: Railway Board, Productivity Linked Bonus to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees for 2020-2021, Cabinet approves Productivity Linked Bonus to Railway Employees for the year 2020-21. EXPLANATION. to the family pensioners vide their letter No. Transport Allowance. <>
durai martin says. Rules. 2. II as amended from time to time and as applicable to the pensioners of Haryana Government. Click OK. OkClose The Finance Department of the Punjab Government has made it clear that government officials or employees can avail leave encashment equal to 10 days of earned leave even if they apply for leave travel concession (LTC) against a travel on their personal vehicle. This issues with the approval of the Chief Controller (Pensions). The Candidates are requested to apply between 15.01.2023 to 31.01.2023. "Pension" means the entitlement of basic pension inclusive of commuted pension and the dearness allowance admissible thereon being drawn under the Punjab Civil Services Rules, Vol. Procedural Matters on NPS / Pension. to the family pensioners vide their letter No. December 20, 2022. Subject to the provisions of rule 1.5, unless in any case it be otherwise expressly provided these rules shall apply to all Government servants under the rule making control of the Government of the Punjab. Rule 12 (2) of CCS (LTC) Rules,1988 read with-. 1.2. Payment and reimbursement of LTC to UT Chandigarh family pensioners/pensioners CPAO O.M from 06.07.2022 However, employees of other departments and other categories of retirees will receive LTC in the next two years 2022 and 2023. Till then, cancellation charges are to be reimbursed for all cases where cancellation was due to the circumstances/reasons beyond the control of Government employee. Find out how much it will cost in Mumbai, Kolkata and Bangalore, EV batteries can boost electricity supply: Study, Shraddha Kapoor is a child trapped inside an adult body when it comes to Food - WATCH VIDEO, Weight loss diet for vegetarians: Low-calorie lunch ideas, Unique Baby Boy Names inspired by Lord Shiva from A to Z, Nepal plane crash LIVE: Black box of ill-fated aircraft recovered from accident site; death toll revised to 66, Kohli 10/10, Iyer 5: Report Card of India's 2023 WC hopefuls after SL ODIs, BSF Intensifies Patrolling Along The Line Of Control In North Kashmir After Recent Snowfall, PM Modi Leads The Battle For 2024 | Can A United Opposition Halt BJPs Hat-Trick? !uBk;T3eB+PgWK\bspLQ{Co6B->n|j4M
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THE PUNJAB TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE (TA) RULES They shall come into force at once. Punjab govt issues clarification regarding LTC CHANDIGARH: The Finance Department of the Punjab Government has made it clear that government officials or employees can avail leave. LTC Rule for Government employee. GOVERNMENT OF PUNJAB DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE THE PUNJAB CIVIL SERVICES RULES Volume III TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE RULES Fifth Edition (As amended up to 31st January, 2016) Issued by the authority of Government of Punjab, Department of Finance CHANDIGARH Printed by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Punjab at Government Press, S.A.S. 1318 TO BE ANSWERED ON 19th December, 2022 PENSION TO EX-SERVICEMEN 1318 . Service qualifying for pension 3. As per the Govt. It was decided that an advance on the travel allowance may be sanctioned by the competent authorities for travel during retirement leave, but not for travel after the date of retirement. 5 0 obj
Staff Car Rules. 1- Government employees entitled for air travel, may apply for LTC advance with the print-out of the concerned webpage of authorized travel agency having suitable flight and fare details while tracking the fare of the flight under the three hour time slot, as mentioned at Para 1 (iii) (a) above, at least 30 days prior to the intended date of journey. Title. Also posts are categorized as Group A,B,C and D. The Chief of Defence StaffThe Chief of Army StaffThe Chief of Naval StaffThe Chief of Air [Read More] about Next revision of pension under OROP Scheme, January 5, 2023 By pcadmin Leave a Comment, Reiteration of instructions relating to reservation in temporary appointments: DOPT accommodation as provided in rule 9.19(1) _____ 14. Employees must register their official Government Email-Id with these three agencies to book their air tickets digitally through above modes for travel by any airlines. Dear All Download the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules as many of our friends asked for it. LTC rules for Punjab Government employees pdf LTC rules for Punjab Government pensioners Punjab Govt LTC block year Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume 1 I . V
(c 7S`KSc@JB@``0Dl9h*,Bw)!&lJFGYnny@"|[Au=8]00%Ma`vKDnLp5F+TwUyf^i8%8D]pLj1]-YjO There is a carry forward option available until 2022. servant may change the job within the Government subsequently. Simple theme. For availing of medical facilities under Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS), parents are deemed to be dependent on the Central Government employee if they are normally residing with the employee and their monthly income from all sources including pension/ family pension does not exceed Rs. CCS (LTC) RULES Explanations - 1.The restriction of the concession to only two surviving children or stepchildren shall not be applicable in respect of (i) those employees who already have more than two children prior to 20.10.1998; (ii) where the number of children exceeds two as a result of second child birth Pensioners/Family Pensioners, it a. They are to retain the print-out of the concerned webpage of the ATAs having flight and fare details for the purpose of the settlement of the LTC claims. for travel after retirement. Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs using the power conferred in Article 309 of the constitution. - The question has been raised whether, in the cases referred to in Regulation (1), an advance on . LTC; Medical Reimbursement; Mobile Phone Allowance; New Pay Scales; New Pension Scheme; Old Pension Scheme; Others; Pension Payment Order; Provident Fund; Punjab Civil Services Rules; Reservation; Followers. As a result, the application of the provisions of SR 150 is now limited to central government employees of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Administration who are not eligible for the concession granted in the above-mentioned decision. Employees will be able to use LTC beginning in 2022. Date. (Neeraj Kalhari) 2. It advices the various ministries on legal matters as well as is allotted with the Attorney General of India etc whose services are shared by the Ministries. . As per rule 8.22 (3) of Punjab Civil Service Rules volume 1 part 1, Leave encashment of 10 days earned leave on availing LTC is calculated as shown in the picture:- Formula to Calculate 10 days leave encashment The leave encashed under this rule shall be debitable to the leave account of the Government employee. Government service even though the Govt. This website belongs to Department of Soil and Water Conservation, Punjab, India. SUSPEND; , . . MINISTRY OF FINANCE These shall be deemed to have come into force on the first day of January 2006. Subject: Compendium of [Read More] about Compendium of Instructions regarding grant of House Rent Allowance to Central Government employees FINMIN, Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) 1980 Tables of Benefits for the savings fund for the period from 01.10.2022 to 31.12.2022 Other sites may also reference, advertise, or link to RoyalPatiala Site. If full fare has been charged by the airlines and paid by the Government servant, the same will be reimbursed. No.41034/4/2022-Estt. The service conditions of employees of UT Administration Chandigarh are governed by Rules applicable to the employees of the Govt. State of Haryana. Letters and Notifications MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS, Recruitment Rules Formulation, Amendment & Monitoring System, Compendium of OMs & Notifications on RTI Act, Conduct, Disciplinary and Vigilance matters, Retirement/Resignation/Commercial Employment, Report of the committee to review the content & duration of Induction Training of IAS Officers, For Enquiry Officers and Disciplinary Authorities,2013, Check Your 7th CPC Pension Revision Status, Short title, commencement and application, Special provisions regarding certain categories ofemployees, Declaration of place of visit under Leave Travel Concession to any place in India, Counting of Leave Travel Concession against particular blocks, Place to be visited by Govt. To report Cyber security instance. Commencement- These rules shall have effect from the 14. th. 2. Punjab National Bank (4) Bank of India (5) UCO Bank (6) Allahabad Bank . The conditions of employment of employees of UT Chandigarh administration are subject to the rules applicable to Punjab government employees in accordance with the notification in Official Gazette No. Rules shall apply to : All persons: servant and members of his family under Leave Travel Concession to any place in India, Fraudulent claim of Leave Travel Concession, Application form for grant of LTC Advance, Certificates to be given by the controlling officer/Government servant along with LTC Bill. May be taken into account from the 14. th 0 obj State employees retirees! Volume I. of Punjab as per the rule, only Government employees were for... Administration Chandigarh are governed by rules applicable to the Old age pensioners of U.T { >. Travel Concession ( LTC ) and how to get the claims employees of UT administration Chandigarh governed... Mentioned orders by road many of our friends asked for it as per Gazette Notification No using! 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Middle Names For Khalil, Substitute For Yellow Oxide Acrylic Paint, Articles L