So sorry to hear of Trevor's passing. Funerals are for the living it is a process that assists the emotional needs of families, folding death into the circle of life and love. The trauma and sorrow of losing a loved one make it What is the Survivors Grant or Pension? Thank you all. TREVOR DECOURCEY EDWARDS, age 69, late of Holders, St James, entered into rest on October 2, 2022. Flowers are a traditional part of the burial rite. My deepest condolences to Mr. Colin Sealy and children as well as family of Beverly Sealy. . Fax: 246-429-2082 . Son-in-law of Berrisford and Hyacinth McKenzie. Condolences to the SEALY family Marcia and Lisann our praise are with you. BRATHWAITE KENNETH LEROY, aged 98 of 216 Crystal Heights, ONEAL MATHIEU DANIELL LESLIE, aged 39, late of Country View. Miss you all. The family invites you to view the live streaming of the service; to view, please click here. Not only knowledge Really saddened by Trevor's passing. + Add to Google Calendar The passing of loved ones are more complicated when the death occurs in another country. Visit Now Visit Now Visit Now Follow Follow Follow Tel:246-426-4170 Fax:246-429-8058 If you represent a funeral home, crematorium, charity or grief support organization, partnering will provide you and your clients with a range of benefits, Call us now on (246) 248-9911 today. Please note that the funeral for Marcellus Louis is on Thursday, July 15th, 2021 at 2:00 PM, Topic: Grieving Differently with COVID 19, In this Social Work Season 2021 of Love and Loss Sunday March 21 takes us to a place of 'Loss'. 'Ubuntu' I am because We are standing on the foundation built by Social Worker Legends. The quality of our professional services is unsurpassed and the warmth of our embrace a solace to families who entrust their loved ones to our care. Tel: (246) 248-9911 Email: Barbados. Copyright Ember Distribution | Solved by: Please note that the funeral for Marcellus Louis is on Thursday, July 15th, 2021 at 2:00 PM, Topic: Grieving Differently with COVID 19, In this Social Work Season 2021 of Love and Loss Sunday March 21 takes us to a place of 'Loss'. You were very kind and compassionate towards us and words cannot express how much we appreciated it. Sister of Ray and Wayne Alleyne (deceased), Gay Alleyne, Shurland and Palma Broomes, Stacia Austin and Shelley-Lynn Harewood (UK). He was a wonderful friendly calm neighbour who always made sure to say hello. Please leave your condolences, search for recent deaths in Barbados, find all the latest news about the beautiful nation of Barbados. MILDRED ONETA AUSTIN ne FRANKLYN, of Rock Hall, St. Thomas, IANTHE ANITA SKEETE-ROBERTS, also known as Mom, Nita, Aunty Nita, FARNUM, NEE EVELYN WAVENEY G. C., better known as, MOSES PATRICIA CARMELLA, of Bridgefield, St. Thomas entered into. Create a memorial and let us make it memorable by, Obit Moments Barbados is an online resource for, Through one centralized web destination, makes obituary and, You can plan a funeral in Barbados with professional funeral directors, simply fill out the form found. Together we will make it in 2021. We wish to assure you that the well-being and safety of our community and staff is our top priority as we continue to serve during your time of need in these challenging times. Thoughts and Prayers to you. Funeral Director of Lyndhurst Funeral Home. Deepest condolences to loved ones. Website Developed by, These words say exactly whats in our hearts! I will miss her. Celebrate life with Obit Moments. Kathleen R Cadogan and cousins in Cadogan. Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 729 5677 5447Passcode: 3setrz, Come and stay for the Social Worker love of a loved one. Rest well . The body of the late Trevor DeCourcey Edwards will repose in the Colin Parkinson Memorial Chapel, Lyndhurst Funeral Home on Friday, October 28, 2022 from 4:00 6:00 p.m. Kindly note that all COVID-19 protocols will be in effect. We provide excellent chauffeured and prompt service to all of our valued customers. It has caused much delayed grief, new funeral arrangements and new fears to enter a funeral home or to touch a loved one. Obit Moments Barbados is an online resource for Memorials, Death Announcements, Notices, Obituaries, Tributes & Legacies, Obit Moments will be forever changing the way people access obituaries and memorialize those who have been important to them. Our repatriation service will provide the guidance and support you will need. And willing to share May he rest in peace. Monday to Friday Relative of the Duesbury, Walcott and Edwards families. Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 729 5677 5447Passcode: 3setrz, Come and stay for the Social Worker love of a loved one. Rest well . 09 Jan All Day View Detail Joan Odell ODELL - JOAN ILENE, of 1st Avenue, Bank Hall. Post a free Guest Book note: You and your relatives and friends can honour your loved one with a free guestbook, candle or gift entry. For being willing to listen We at Barbados Obit Moments know that things become hard when someone close has left us and goes away forever, but things become harder when their memories are also gone. Dear Sirs, On behalf of the Payne and Mc.Caskie families, I am expressing sincere thanks and gratitude for the excellent attention, care and professional services given by the management and personnel of Downes and Wilson Funeral Home with respect to my beloved brother, Karl. Nephew of Rudolph and Barbara Holder. Warning: This form can only be used if JavaScript is enabled in your browser. Please note that the funeral for Marcellus Louis is on Thursday, July 15th, 2021 at 2:00 PM, Topic: Grieving Differently with COVID 19, In this Social Work Season 2021 of Love and Loss Sunday March 21 takes us to a place of 'Loss'. May God continue to bless you and guide as you continue your ministry. You can plan a funeral in Barbados with professional funeral directors, simply fill out the form found here. Copyright Ember Distribution | Solved by: Vernon, Cherrie, Ronald, Sony, Maria, Debbie and the entire Nicholls family, Please note that the funeral for Marcellus Louis is on Thursday, July 15th, 2021 at 2:00 PM, Topic: Grieving Differently with COVID 19, In this Social Work Season 2021 of Love and Loss Sunday March 21 takes us to a place of 'Loss'. Lyndhurst Home | Lyndhurst Funeral Home Barbados Welcome We, at Lyndhurst, know that every family we serve is unique, and therefore we strive to make each service a personal tribute to the life that has been lived. Niece of Neville (UK) and Evan (Johnny) Crichlow, Selma Clarke and Millicent Edghill. 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 'Ubuntu' I am because We are standing on the foundation built by Social Worker Legends. My sincerest condolences to the Sealy, Harewood, Alleyne, Broomes and Austin families on your loss. St. . 3 were here. No unauthorized use is permitted of content produced by Obit Moments on this website without permission. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Sister-in-law of Ralph, Keith, Barbara and Audrey Hinkson (Canada), Elizabeth, George, Teresa and Rosetta ONeal, Margaretta and Elliot Sealy (UK). Barbados. We therefore hope that our obituaries feature will help you to connect and send your condolences in honour of a deceased friend or relative. Archived obituaries, Deaths today, Death notices & Barbados Obituary lookup. You can search for your loved one by clicking the button below to view the list of obituaries. Retired Scotiabanker. Obituaries | Lyndhurst Funeral Home Barbados Obituaries Upcoming Funerals 12 January 11:00 am - 1:00 pm St. Dominic's Roman Catholic Church Saint Dominic's Roman Catholic Church, Oistins, Barbados Leone Querino LEONE CATHERINE QUERINO, NE DEHER, passed away peacefully at . And he will make the face of heaven so fine Business Hours Events | Lyndhurst Funeral Home Barbados Obituaries Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily List January 2023 Kenneth Brathwaite BRATHWAITE - KENNETH LEROY, aged 98 of 216 Crystal Heights, . Devoted Wife of Colin A Sealy. Downes & Wilson caters especially to the needs of the living who are enduring grief and sorrow. The cortege will then proceed to the Westbury Cemetery for the interment. Rest well uncle trev . Much of today is being built on COVID 19. Copyright 2022 | Images, stories or any other material cannot be used without written consent from Obit Moments. May God's peace fill your hearts and I pray that you will find comfort during this time of grief. P.O. It provides the opportunity for family, friends and other acquaintances to gather in honor of the person who died whilst being supportive of immediate family and friends. A funeral service is a personal undertaking which is influenced by your relationship to the deceased. Telephone numbers (246) 428-9332 (246) 420-3994 (716) 262-2407 (USA/CANADA) Fax number (246) 428-5768 Mailing address Clyde B. Jones Funeral Home Co. Ltd. Top Rock, Christ Church BB15027 Barbados Email address VISIT US Temporary Hours (Covid-19 ) Monday - 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday - 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. We have been made stronger for what lies ahead. Funeral Director Mezanne Alleyne Phone (246) 426-4170 . The funeral grant is $2,120. Love you all, cousin Jennifer, Jason, Jayah and all the Joneses and Gaskins xxx. Lyndhurst Ltd. is one of the oldest and best known of all Barbadian funeral establishments. I will miss him. Were delighted to also have a prayer request service for those who may need it, simply send us your story of you or someone you know that needs prayers or any kind of assistance and we'll post it and share it with others. Mother-in-law of Jabari Donovan and Belinda Sealy. The trauma and sorrow of losing a loved one make it very challenging to engage in the analysis and decision-making of funeral arrangements. You are made for this role, all the BEST. He always assumed a quiet manner and during discussions even when he was not in agreement, he never raised his voice unlike many of us. Hi Audrey, sending condolences from Audre and Steve (Jamaica), Aunt Melita, Jackie and Sandra (London), so sorry we can't be with you. When a loved one passes in another country, making all of the necessary arrangements can be daunting. Aunt of Jasmin and Joshua Austin, Danielle Harewood, Kyle and Sheea Broomes (Canada). Husband of Audrey McKenzie. Father-in-law of Natalie Edwards. Copyright Ember Distribution | Solved by: Westbury Cemetery, Thomas Gap, Bridgetown, Barbados, Saint Patrick's Roman Catholic Cathedral, Bay Street, Bridgetown, Barbados, Abundant Life Assembly, Lower Bank Hall Main Road, Bridgetown, Barbados, St. Leonard's Anglican Church, Westbury Road, Bridgetown, Barbados, Colin Parkinson Memorial Chapel, Lyndhurst Funeral Home, Passage Road, Bridgetown, Barbados, Saint Dominic's Roman Catholic Church, Oistins, Barbados, Western Light Church of the Nazarene, Oxnards, Barbados, The James Street Methodist Church, James Street, Bridgetown, Barbados, St. James Parish Church, Highway 1, Folkestone, Barbados. It has caused much delayed grief, new funeral arrangements and new fears to enter a funeral home or to touch a loved one. Last-minute requests and corrections: We can easily make on-the-spot corrections and process late requests and updates. I was shocked to hear the news. Together we will make it in 2021. Monday - Friday It has caused much delayed grief, new funeral arrangements and new fears to enter a funeral home or to touch a loved one. May Trevor's soul rest in peace. If you represent a funeral home, crematorium, charity or grief support organization, partnering will provide you and your clients with a range of benefits, Call us now on (246) 248-9911 today. May she rest in peace in the arms of our Lord Jesus. My sincere condolences to Beverley's family. We have been made stronger for what lies ahead. User-Friendly, Free-to-view Website: Our specially-designed, user-friendly, website affords users an excellent way of sharing information with those who need to know. We keep The Eternal Flame as a memorial to your loved one. Leave a message of condolence while browsing through obituaries and death notices for current and past services being held at our funeral home. Comments are closed. Let us guide you throughout this challenging time. May she rest in peace and rise in glory. May he Rest In Peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with you dear Audrey and your family. A service of celebration and thanksgiving will be held on Saturday, October 29, 2022 at St. Dominics Roman Catholic Church, Maxwell, Christ Church, where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 10:00 a.m. for the service, followed by a private cremation. The Family of Tanya Lamontagne, To the Staff at Downes & Wilson Funeral Home As you continue to give of your best to comfort, direct and care for those who grieve the death of their loved ones, God will reward you for this great ministry. . May God continue to be with you all during this time. Social: You can share the event via social media networks. Thanks to Professor Anselm Hennis, Dr Corey Forde and Dr Raymond Massay who assisted Trevor in living an excellent quality of life. All Rights Reserved. Much of today is being built on COVID 19. Downes & Wilson caters especially to the needs of the living who are enduring grief and sorrow. But compassion and care. This year has been a challenging year forcing us to adapt to life in the midst of a global pandemic. Through one centralized web destination, makes obituary and memorial service information easily accessible: search by name, sunrise, sunset and much more, while creating a safe place where families and communities can come together to share their treasured stories of those who have passed and also blog post where anyone can engage and send prayers. Although the pain of losing your wife and mother cannot be diminished or fully expressed, it may be eased by the knowledge that she is no longer in distress. Brittons Hill, St. Michael You can search for your loved one by clicking the button below to view the list of obituaries. The funeral leaves BRYAN'S FUNERAL HOME, Belmont Road, St. Michael on Wednesday, 31 st August, 2022 for St. Dominic's Catholic Church, Maxwell Main Road, Christ Church, where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 10:00a.m. The fond memories of those you love are treasures you will always remember. We will help you honour and remember your loved one in an individualized way that comforts family and friends. On behalf of Marva Maynard and the Gilkes family, I sincerely thank the staff of Downes and Wilson Funeral Home for your arrangements and support given during the preparation and funeral of my brother, Extra ordinary set of services for all needs. The family invites you to view the live streaming of the service; to view, please click here. Sending love hugs and prayers to the family and everyone. We are the Barbados advocate for obituaries and memorials. Sincere condolences to all of you from the Benn, Warwick and Seales families. St. LEONE CATHERINE QUERINO, NE DEHER, passed away peacefully at 101. My sincere condolences to Trevor's entire family. We can say, we did it, weve made it!! ODELL JOAN ILENE, of 1st Avenue, Bank Hall. My deepest sympathy to Audrey & Family. TeL: (246) 427-6345 or (246) 427-6328 | Fax: (246) 427-6328 God saw fit to bring His child home. Sincere Condolences to this Famiy. View Detail 12 January 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Western Light Nazarene Church All Obituaries Recent Obituaries Daphne Marshall December 31, 2022 David Clarke December 3, 2022 Dobree Hall To take us through this COVID 19 Grieving differently is Mr. Peter Griffith, Funeral Director of Lyndhurst Funeral Home. May Trevor Rest in Peace. R.I.P Trevor - May all of us who loved you so much, allow God to slowly heal our broken hearts that miss you dearly. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all, as you celebrate the life of the lovely Beverley Sealy. The quality of our professional services is unsurpassed and the warmth of our embrace, a solace to families who entrust their loved ones to our care. Copyright 2022 Downes & Wilson Funeral Home. To take us through this COVID 19 Grieving differently is Mr. Peter Griffith, Funeral Director of Lyndhurst Funeral Home. Much of today is being built on COVID 19. I will continue to recommend your Company as the very Best in Barbados. Box 29 Loving Mother of Cheryl and Colin J Sealy. Thanks to everyone who was involved in the funeral of Tanya Lamontagne. CONTACT US. Together we will make it in 2021. 'Ubuntu' I am because We are standing on the foundation built by Social Worker Legends. Rest In Peace. Grandfather of Seth Edwards. Your attention to detail, compassion, and patience made a world of difference during this time of great sadness. Create a memorial and let us make it memorable by remembering their precious memories. We can say, we did it, weve made it!! With the death of a loved one, we are here to help guide you through this difficult time with compassion and respect. It has caused much delayed grief, new funeral arrangements and new fears to enter a funeral home or to touch a loved one. Much of today is being built on COVID 19. This year has been a challenging year forcing us to adapt to life in the midst of a global pandemic. My deepest and sincerest condolences to Colin, Cheryl and Colin Jr on the passing of Beverley. We have been made stronger for what lies ahead. This year has been a challenging year forcing us to adapt to life in the midst of a global pandemic. Rest In Peace my friend. We Are There When You Need Us! Condolences to Trevor's immediate and extended families. 10 Jan 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Colin Parkinson Memorial Chapel Your demeanor, your empathy, and your patience is admirable. Beverley Parmillar Sealy, aged 67, of Ocean City, St. Philip entered into eternal rest on January 02, 2023. He had a wonderful positive personality that always made you feel welcome. Flowers create a background of warmth while also exhibiting the frailty of life. Pingback:Best 11 Two Sons Funeral Home Barbados Obituaries - The Maris. The family invites you to view the live streaming of the service; to view, please click here. Thank you for your comforting presence, hospitality, and enlightening conversation during our time of woe. Comforting Thoughts; FAQs; National Insurance; Hymn Sheets; Contact; . MARIE ANTOINETTE EL-BADOUI NE NADUR, aged 61, of Ventnor Gardens. We offerservices and memorialization features that are personal and special. This year has been a challenging year forcing us to adapt to life in the midst of a global pandemic. Obituaries; Resources. That all the world will be in love with night And pay no worship to the garish sun. That in itself has been a tremendous comfort to me personally, my siblings and friends, Karl's children and the wider extended family. I thank you. Take him and cut him out in little stars, Eagle Hall Main Road St. Michael Barbados +1(246) 429-8129. An immense thank you, and appreciation to Lyndhurst funeral home, for providing your professional services for my family and I, during our most difficult time. May she rest in peace and rise in glory. Clyde B. Jones Funeral Home / Obituaries Clyde B. Jones Funeral Home Co. Ltd "Where Honour Dwells and Service Excels'' Roger Hampden Betty Glendora Gale Yvonne Iris Carter Anthony Ward Ivan Beresford Newton Marion Scantlebury 1 2 3 4 5 Send Floral Tribute "To send flowers click the button above, enter your information and a member Uncle of Donna Alleyne, Andre Thomas, Jonathan Edwards The many services that Downes & Wilson provides, facilitate what is really a very personal decision, an expression of your feelings, and your final tribute to the personality and taste of your loved one. Bryan's Funeral Home Belmont Road, St. Michael, Barbados. I worked and enjoyed many years with Trevor @ Scotiabank. Much love. To take us through this COVID 19 Grieving differently is Mr. Peter Griffith, Funeral Director of Lyndhurst Funeral Home. You have helped to make this experience pleasant. Relatives and close friends. The body of the late Trevor DeCourcey Edwards will repose in the Colin Parkinson Memorial Chapel, Lyndhurst Funeral Home on Friday, October 28, 2022 from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Kindly note that all COVID-19 protocols will be in effect. Cousin of Marguerite Walcott, Wayne, Stuart and Colin Edwards. Created by a team of award-winning web developers and designers lead by a funeral professional with over 25 years of experience, the Book of Memories is . Flowers may be sent to Lyndhurst Funeral Home no later than 7:30 a.m. on Monday. Adopted Mother of Umarrall Manick (Guyana), Dalmain Roberts, Fabyeon Burgess-Yearwood (Canada), Robert Harewood, Leslie Ward (deceased), John Turton and many others. My sincere condolences to my dear cousins Colin, Cheryl and Colin. In lieu of flowers, donations to the St. Vincent DePaul Society, St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church, St. James is encouraged. Your friendship since St Giles Boys School, and the Cub Scouts was meaningful to me. 'Ubuntu' I am because We are standing on the foundation built by Social Worker Legends. May Trevor rest in peaceful splendor. Your warm and friendly staff shine light in our darkest moment. We have been made stronger for what lies ahead. You have a very special way that makes all the difference. Friend of the Cox and Inniss families, Scotiabank Family, Tamarind Tree Tennis Club, Holders Hill tennis court players and other close friends too numerous to mention. Our repatriation service will provide the guidance and support you will need. Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 729 5677 5447Passcode: 3setrz, Come and stay for the Social Worker love of a loved one. Rest well . Lyndhurst Ltd. is one of the oldest and best known of all Barbadian funeral establishments. My prayers are with you all. Your warm and friendly staff shine light in our darkest moment. May she have a blessed send off and rest in eternal peace. Much of today is being built on COVID 19. Together we will make it in 2021. YARDE HAROLD GLENISTER, aged 71, affectionately known as Glen, JOAN HEATHER MORRIS, of Clifton, Strathclyde Drive, St. Michael entered, BROOKER - GWEN of Edmonton, Canada, and formerly of Golden. We will miss him. Bereavement Care Funerals Tel: (246) 827-5385 Website: Email: About us: Bereavement Care Funerals is an Independent funeral Director located on the West Coast of Barbados in the parish of St. James. Box 29 Brittons Hill, St . They are not only beautiful, but also an expression of love, sympathy and respect for the deceased and their relatives. Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 729 5677 5447Passcode: 3setrz, Come and stay for the Social Worker love of a loved one. Rest well . Archived obituaries, Deaths today, Death notices & Barbados Obituary lookup. . We understand that it is not always possible to pay your respects in person. Book Appointment or Tel: (246) 426-4170 What our clients are saying An immense thank you, and appreciation to Lyndhurst funeral home, for providing your professional services for my family and I, during our most difficult time. Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 729 5677 5447Passcode: 3setrz, Come and stay for the Social Worker love of a loved one. Rest well . Cherish your loved ones precious memories by celebrating their life with love. Father of Kerri Cox, Sean, Toni and Tyler Edwards. Email:, Address: Dear Colin and family, Heartfelt condolences are sent today from your family in England . To: The Members of Staff & Director of Lyndhurst Funeral Home. Respect and Dignity: Acutely aware of the nature of our business and the mood of our clients and visitors, we at Obit Moments make it our first line of duty to provide an atmosphere that reflects respect, dignity and caring. : 3setrz, Come and stay for the deceased Wayne, Stuart Colin! Our praise are with you consent from Obit Moments on this website without.... St. Michael you can search for your comforting presence, hospitality, and your patience is admirable will.. A message of condolence while browsing through obituaries and memorials & amp ; Barbados lookup... Of Cheryl and Colin Jr on the foundation built by Social Worker of! A funeral Home Barbados obituaries - the Maris Alleyne Phone ( 246 ) 248-9911 Email: admin @,! Children lyndhurst funeral home barbados obituaries well as family of Beverly Sealy and best known of all Barbadian establishments. On COVID 19 and compassionate towards us and words can not express how we. 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