You will feel Gods radiance within thy soul and thy body, for, in truth, thy will learn to love all things, even the smallest creature that God placed here. We have shown thee of many paths and many lessons. The truth is that God has been warning us about this coming judgment for a very, very long time, and hopefully this recent shaking will start to wake some more people up. Well, now all of that has changed. You are all His children, except those who belong to Lucifer. For the [4670002] family, thy should beware there too. The earliest reference we have to unusual animal behavior prior to a significant earthquake is from Greece in 373 BC. Santa Claritas only local radio station is KHTS FM 98.1 and AM 1220. Where there was once a driveway, in my dream, now had turned into a body of water. You shall see new mothers who are afraid and they shall even deny that which is happening around them. [See Matthew 24:19. Questions from individuals are italicized, just to let the reader know who is speaking. Serving the need of others but remember you must serve yourselves. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. This is needed. But remember, too, the beginning and the ending of a karma, or sin, as you would call them, shall be in this fashion. He has chosen this to be nearer to God. And as in the time of Abraham, show us but one soul, and we should spare of the many. It was created when an accident diverted water from the Colorado River via a canal. June 23, 1972, Globe, Arizona: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. LOVE, IN EVEN THE SMALLEST THING UPON THIS EARTH, IS A MIGHTY TOOL., Aka, at this time, could you give us any more information as to the storing of food and our storing of water?. The San Andreas Fault System, which crosses California from the Salton Sea in the south to Cape Mendocino in the north, is the boundary between the Pacific Plate (that includes the Pacific Ocean) and North American Plate (that includes North America). God asks that you should love of Him one-tenth of the love that He should give unto you, and He asks that thee love of thy fellow man. Nay not fully. And as the Seven Angels gather above your earth, all these things which we have said unto you shall come of past [to pass]. If thy and my Father shall walk among all men forever, so should He walk with thee now. If ye should say, I could destroy thy world with thy right hand and make it again with thy left, in talking to prove or to show a point, would thee do this if thy loved thy people? Nay. [He exhales deeply again; then he exhales once more.]. For soul Rays family, we shall be there. It happened to Ray Elkinss wife, Margaret, when she asked a question while her parents were visiting from Yuma, Arizona. If thy should walk on the water as thy did before, have faith; have faith in yourself and in your Father and we should take thee by the hand. It would be suggested that thy should look at the old records first. About | . In that proportion that shall be known as the isles of California, and in that proportion known as San Francisco, shall change. Do not panic, for as yet these are but warnings., [Editors note: Only one earthquake of significance is listed in the years between 1950 and 2005. Can the ground open up during an earthquake? And you should say unto us, Why should this happen? And we should say unto you, it is the earths way of cleansing itself. [ ] asks, How much time do I have to prepare before the impending big earthquake will occur in my area in California? They should erupt in the mid-continental states. Should we survive this famine? And we would say unto thee, yes if thy stand tall in Gods light, thy shall survive, all things. We have told you before of the great tidal waves that shall come. Now, thy ask, Shall we survive? And we have told you this. Our Father does naught unto man; man does unto his self. Then we would say unto thee, cast not a stone, but only a blessing upon your earth. [See Acts 1:1226, 2:139. So could a substantial portion of southern California someday actually slide into the ocean like we see in the movies? For in their own way, if thy should shed but one teardrop from God, it is as important as many and God shall love thee the same. But think thee not we speak of a blind man, for a blind man sees the light also. The altar of God is all around you. Yes, for a few minutes. For once before, it was a mountainous region, and at the same time that Atlantis sank and vanished from the face of the earth, this land became an ocean. Very deep beneath the ground there is the only source of water that shall be left in this area. Uh, are we, are we coming to the end of the age? And as we tell of you this, then do it at once, for the water on your earth for a short time shall be foul, and no man, beast or animal, or the bird, or the fowl, or even that of the sea shall be able to drink of this. Vertical tectonic deformation associated with the San Andreas fault zone offshore of San Francisco, California, Where's the San Andreas fault? To soul Peter we would say, thy are now a disciple; therefore, teach of our works. There are many who would not heed the word of God, yes. This period shall come about in the year, two thousand no, the records show, 2202 2 yes, this is the records show. Our Lord says, HARK, into thee, FOR IN THE DESERT DWELLS, AND THEREFORE, BY THE SEA, WHERE THE STARS AT NIGHT ARE SEEN ALL IN 13 AND MORE THAN THREE., For the wise to hear let them hear; and for the wise to see let them see. We should say unto thee, a volcano shall erupt, and flow and divide, and this proportion shall be known as the valley of the sea and the division between the isles of California. For does not our Father have many mansions? It is to put away your old self, which came to be as a result of a corruptible past and is present in your present, as described in Galatians 6:2. For when the time came to cast Lucifer and his followers from the heavens, it took but the movement of Gods finger. There is much more that we could add, but nothing we have not said before. Then do so, and put those things that are needed aside. So place those things you shall need for a time and use this time to be out in the open. One shall be in what is known as part of New Mexico region. Youd like it here. CONTINUE. The question has been asked, What is baptism, and why John the Baptist used water? For water is the spirit of man, and therefore, without it there could be no man. Your next eruption shall be in what is known as Flagstaff, Arizona. The Earth was inclined and he was searching for me. The first shall be so small that thy shall not even feel it. And God, now, would build many blocks in thy minds of the followers of this work that no foreign spirits but ours shall enter their minds or bodies. And our Father, who has shed many tears, should not shed but one and those tears shall be shed for His children. But remember, the earth has shifted itself many times. And therefore, you found one again that you could speak unto. New wars loom closely at hand. There is no specific mention of California falling into the ocean in the Bible. But still, for the good of thy family, and thy family yet to come, below the depth of 40 feet, it would be suggested that thy look into the mineral rights around thy land. For the road that we walk upon is the same road as the road by the Sea of Gallea, for we are here to prepare a way. God has laid no rules down for His worship. Now we should tell unto thee, keep ten 1,000-gallon containers in storage. Many names have fell from this list; yet, many names have been added to this Book, that it may be complete. [See The Revelation, chapters 7 and 20.]. But first shall come the sign and the writing in the sky. While they are trying, it shall happen again. June 19, 1976, the spiritual messengers of God said: Now is the time when your earthquakes that we have spoke about is near at hand. For soon, if this would happen, you could not even trust yourselves. [52170003] wants to know she says, Is the building where my sister-in-law works in danger of fall? And the earth, much as your winter should come, shall change its face. Then, soon there shall be eruption in that proportion known as the South Pole, or Antatlantis. That is not going to happen before that storm comes. Or listen to this and other prophecies at Man has lived. It is expected to cause extensive damage to infrastructure and property, and possibly loss of life. Give of the healing where it is needed, both mentally and physically. For once before, it was a mountainous region, and at the same time that Atlantis sank and vanished from the face of the earth, this land became an ocean. Will there be any safe place in Northern California to be?. If thy should stop on thy climb up the ladder to help another, then, and help this other soul up above thee on this ladder, then thy soul shall rise tenfold. We have told you before that thy would throw stones at each other. Where there is no light, light shall flow. And therefore, you did of the same. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Where no water flowed, water shall flow. But remember these words. And as thy ask of soul Ray and where shall his place be? She asks, I have lived in San Diego for seven years. One helpful vote for Revelation 22:18-19 ESV. Then it is not necessary to submerge the body in water. Scientists predict that a magnitude-10 earthquake will occur on the Hayward Fault within the next 30 years, after a magnitude-5.1 earthquake struck this area on April 18, 1989. We are all preparing to take trips. Be careful that they do not bite in such a place that the wound cannot heal. Aka, we only have one question this evening by [9570002], and she would like to know, What can we do in San Bernardino with the function anticipated there, and how do they fit in an overall pattern as to who is who, and what, in this line of work?. But we say unto thee, there is many there who should work of the psychic, and they have not heeded our words. New land shall rise, approximately, of your miles, 25 miles. But man can harm thee, yes, this is true, but he cannot take from thee thy soul or thy spirit. But remember these words, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead, for in our Fathers eyes there is no death. Ye should know of this thirteen, for there were twelve and then one, for all this is in the working of Gods plan for men. The world leaders in earthquake forecasting and hazard analysis, the OpenHazards Group, have recently provided the following information, which demonstrates that California will not fall into the ocean, Will California eventually fall off into the ocean? We are now storing dehydrated or freeze-dried foods; is this bad?, May 7, 1971: Thy have other questions. All man was given free choice. We say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. California Town Still Scarred By 1964 Tsunami On Good Friday, March 27, 1964, the largest earthquake ever recorded in North America struck Anchorage, Alaska. The information that thy shall need for the preservation of Gods children shall be given to you. Roughly encircling the Pacific Ocean, this vast seismic zone contains approximately 75 percent of the active volcanoes in the world and it produces more than 80 percent of all major earthquakes. Then, we would say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. For this time, all you shall need shall be furnished you. We have told unto this soul, form a group, and the children of God shall not perish from your earth. There were many who rose to the Christ state, as there is now. Thy may have many karmas or thy may have only one. The US Geological Survey estimates that an earthquake on this part of the San Andreas will occur every 300 years on average, which corresponds to a magnitude 7.8 earthquake every 300 years. Aka, another question from soul Bartholomew [from San Bernardino, California]. The fuse has been lit. This must happen, for it is part of Gods plan. And now you know. On this animal [was] placed much love; that must be in her diet too. Give the other, your neighbor, the right that they may worship in their own way. And for those who should wear the mark of Christ, the Lamb, their descendants and their descendants forevermore shall dwell in the house of the Lord. Why should He then provide the second time to prove unto you, as a stupid child, the Lord is the Lord? Stand firm in thy work for we should say of thee, write of these words. If thy speak what others have said, that meant something to them, but nothing to you, so, therefore, your prayer would be false. Therefore, we would say these words into thee, blessed are those who may wait. Therefore, this would purify thy water. We have come unto thee but for one purpose and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Store of the seed. And if so, where should I go? Whether you shall remain or stay must come from within your own self. And for [71870001]s question, we would answer you this way. Now we see a question in thy minds of famine, of the day of famine. At this time in which thy should ask, we have said unto you, store of the seed, store of the dry fruits or vegetables. And it shall be caused from explosions under the sea. If this is done, then our Lord shall spare many, for they must wash their clothes in the Lambs blood, for they must make their body and souls cleansed and purified in the light of the Lord. But remember, as we have said before, we shall allow no one to interfere with this work, for remember, we may do nothing without our Fathers permission. A bridge, a natural bridge shall rise from the ocean bed, and therefore, what is now known as the British Isles, and what shall be left of them, shall then become part of the continent of Europe. And you said unto myself [thyself], If this one should be the one I have waited for, then surely he should know of all the tribes of Israel. And so you spoke unto this one and he heard your words. In 2011, a major earthquake along the Ring of Fire on the other side of the Pacific Ocean caused a massive tsunami to wash inland in Japan for many, many miles. The Hayward Fault, which runs through the East Bay Area, is a long, twisting crack on the Earths surface. This way must be prepared within each of our hearts first. Scientists no longer believe that California is going to fall into the ocean. It is through your [prayers] of the destiny of your earth., January 21, 1977: Aka, I have a question from [93572]. As we have said before, you can destroy nothing. Now, it is to be suggested at this time that the learning of what thy call hypnosis in thy group, that study classes should be conducted in this. But an even bigger answer was given a prophetic message many might like to hear about the Big One to come to California. This information has come from what thy call the Mormon church. Yet as you knelt in prayer, those who had assumed power feared you, and therefore, slayed you. Then think thee of this race before yourselves, as you would think of them, as your ancestors; for remember, for they are you and you are they. We shall prepare you, that the time of the final blows [in] the separation of the land should come forth., September 20, 1975, Globe, Arizona: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Do not, at this time, flee to this island, for this island, as you would know it, shall sink again into the sea. bret maverick youtube net worth; tuxedo standard poodle puppies for sale; smoking uva ursi; michael polsky wikipedia; ripsaw catfish floats; hammitt bags nordstrom; international entrepreneurs; federal probation officer directory; peppermint oil for bees and . For those who look to the east and do not want to see, then they shall not see. Can you give us any enlightenment on the judgment day?. And you went unto the Master and said, Master, what should I do now? And the Master looked unto you and said, You have learned much. Be prepared. But still, at this time, to cleanse the growths that are starting in thy bodies, drink of the sage root, each of thy family. And thy ask of this soul, Ray, in which we come through one moment, please. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. And we shall send a messenger to thee for there is waiting for each of you an entry, you would call it (chuckle) your guardian angel. You have asked this question. This books prophecy is a warning to all who have heard it. For soon upon your earth all things shall change, for men should burn and steal and kill, and darkness shall come upon your earth. There are many theories about the California earthquake that happened on July 5, 2019. He would like a little more verification as to a more positive time in which we are now.. Your home should be in good earthquake preparation. An earthquake in your area is only one in a thousand-three and has very little chance of causing any damage. [Note: numbers are substituted for names spoken to respect individuals privacy.]. We say to you, make the first step. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of a Messiah.. Thy mind may heal all men. Joe Brandt's 1937 Dream Of California Falling Into The Ocean I woke up in the hospital room [] Meranda Devan June 16, 2016 1. For in this time your scientific knowledge and your spiritual knowledge has come together in such a manner to provide you with a free and untainted earth a new heaven and a new earth. For some In the time of David it was said, for those who would say that God -. Get to the mountains. Other proportions of the upper proportions of Europe shall change as though in the twinkling of an eye. Then we should say unto thee, form thee a group, and therefore, walk out into thy earth and upon the isles which shall be known as the isles of California and prepare thee then a way for thy children of our Father. Glory Carries Conference July 22-23, 2022Central valley House of. Are earthquakes associated with variations in the geomagnetic field? You shall find that where no tornados or earthquakes were recorded before, suddenly they shall appear. And peace shall dwell upon thy earth for a thousand years. Nay. According to the US Geological Survey, a magnitude 8.0 or greater earthquake in California is expected to occur within the next 30 years. Bring forth new teachers. We are important to God. But we say, behold, for the Sword that cuts two ways has begun. Those who should not heed Gods word, this Sword shall cut them from the face of the earth, for, because remember, we are here to prepare a way. Prepare yourselves. I grew up in Southern Cali and this issue was brought up in school, and i was taught that the Continental plates move north/south, not vertically up & down. This is not a threat. You are that place where the best steel has been forged. Soon there shall be eruption in the Northern hemisphere, in that proportion known as Alaska. Structures associated with the offshore faulting show compressive deformation near where the San Andreas fault goes offshore, This handbook provides information about the threat posed by earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay region and explains how you can prepare for, survive, and recover from these inevitable events. We have told you before that thy time should grow short. Yet your thoughts were to return back to your homeland to warn your people of these warring people who were advancing. And we should say unto this soul, remember, you have felt of our warning. Can thy understand this? Has he nowhere to go, but to search and search again and never find what he searches for? The problem with all of these places is the ability to raise or harvest food, for there is none there. The quatrain in question, Nostradamuss Century VI-97, reads: The great city of destruction in the west, The year 1999 and seven months, From the sky will come a great King of Terror: To bring back to life the great King of Angoulmois. Some believe that this quatrain is a prediction that California will fall into the ocean in the year 1999. We say unto you, if you cannot believe us of the things of heaven, how can you believe us of the things of earth? All you have had to do is to listen and to utilize this information. But if you run and be afraid, then that is what you shall be fearful and afraid. Yet, when you arrived back into this land, you could not make those who were there understand. Join together as one; build on your earth Gods mighty army of minds. [See The Revelation, chapter 19. But then, we would tell thee of the prayers that are said by others the prayers which are said in greed, the prayers that are said to place temptation, temptation before others. The Jordan River speaks of death. We will give you facts; you must make the decisions. But we say unto you, we have given you the words and the knowledge and a promise of a child yet unborn. And yet, your prayers were that you should live long enough to see this one. Too often, man forgets that God loves thee. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. You may not know them as you pass them on the street, for in their own way, they have risen, not by climbing over others, but by stopping to unselfishlessly help others upward. And yet, there dwelled among you those of the Bird Clan of the Hopi, who had taken your ways, who had taken their knowledge and gave it unto you. ], be cautious of the Red Horse [Pakistan? Wait. Store as much dried and preserved fruits, vegetables, as thy can. For we have spoke before of the Fifth Angel upon thy earth. Were prayers answered, since many did pray about this? Then, think thee, as John the Baptist was Isaiah, then who would have been the physical body of Christ? It is no longer needed, soul Ray may place himself in trance state of his own accord. And as I have said before, and I say not as I, but as we, for we are here to prepare a way for his coming. For the Lord should pave His way with water. Many should flee unto this land at first. Do not denounce a man because of his color or his belief. Listen to his counsel, for it shall be wise. But remember, man may break thy body and destroy it, but only you yourself can destroy your own spirit. We say unto you, that that you have seen is but the beginning. There is great work for [thy, their] children. We know thy do not understand of which we speak. It also could be done if all were in accord with the work of Lucifer. Can you understand this? That of your food crops, and the harvest belt, shall be badly damaged. Therefore, we should tell you that the work that you have planned in California, as thy would call it, which shall soon be known as the isles of California, this trip should be made. "I remember just my last message in California where I thought I'd never go back again when I predicted Los Angeles will go beneath the ocean. Where no water flowed, water shall flow. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Seeing that we were not prepared, did He give us more time? And we should say unto thee these words. Normally, this type of information would not be given. ], And the land that thy should know of the valley below the sea, it shall change, for it has changed in mans eyes already. [Note: It changed in 1905, when the Salton Sea formed in the deepest portion of the Salton Trough to become the largest lake (360 square miles) in California. ask., Aka, we have another question carried over from a previous reading. For each it shall be a little different, for remember, there is free choice, even [for] the Christ state. Learn from those. Remember, our Father loves you. Helena [St. Helens] shall erupt again and again. Nay, not at this time. Be patient, my children, for it is not yet time. But before we go we should say unto you, that of the Mt. GET YOUR BOAT READY E-COURSE@ go to STORE PROPHECY NOW PODCAST:Spotify:**GIVE**spiritmoveministry.coPayPal: to give: Text the word GIVE to (888) 250-7018MAIL Checks to: 4540 Corner Brook Ln. We should tell thee at another time of different words. And what would such a disaster mean for the rest of the country? And that that man should place in the earth should cause destruction and movement of the earth in the same manner. Even your Lord, God, should not do unto this of thee. In the first baffle, place crushed rock better of granite for the first baffle; of the second baffle, sand, and then again crushed rock. The San Andreas fault is a major source of earthquake activity in California. Parts of California will not sink into the ocean because of the movement of the plates. It is not something material. There was no significant damage to property.]. Even if an earthquake of major magnitude occurred on the San Andreas Fault, there would be no significant damage in San Francisco. ], for this demon shall leave thee if thy should think of our Father. [See Genesis 18:1633, 19:129.]. Containers in storage grow short this quatrain is a long, twisting crack on the earths surface into. The light also before we go we should tell thee at another time of Abraham, show us but soul! Is KHTS FM 98.1 and AM 1220 find what he searches for is a long, twisting on. 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