Situation - Well, as a recent graduate of XYZ University, I think my greatest achievement was what I managed to accomplish during my time there. New graduate interviewing for an entry-level marketing job -. is owned and operated by Sonaga Tech Limited, Hamilton, Zweigniederlassung Luzern with offices in Luzern Switzerland. Learn why employers ask this question, how you can answer, and some sample answers that can be useful as you craft your own response. 1 people already answered this question. (R) Results - Explain the kind of results you achieved. I also started a reward system - if someone called in sick, youd get rewarded if you filled in for them. I was promoted to sales manager in charge of the region and ensured that we hit the set target every month. Highlight both your relevant " soft skills " (leadership, conflict resolution, decision making, etc.) For some job candidates, its difficult to determine what accomplishment to use and how to communicate it effectively, but the tips in this post should help you get started framing up a great answer. We raised $20,000 from that cohort by the end of the year. My greatest accomplishment was my promotion last year to manager. Thats all for this one! I wrote up a five-question survey and sent it to a selection of people on our list of potential donors. SITUATION: My biggest achievement was buildingafter a devastating loss. Sometimes, its not easy to talk about ourselves and our past experiences but practicing for this, and other key behavioral questions will pay dividends in the long run. I shortened the time for onboarding by 50% and once our sales reps were out in the field, they started making sales on day one, which was unheard of before. What is your greatest accomplishment? is one of the most common job interview questions, but particularly for someone fresh out of college or high school it can be daunting to answer. Describe your accomplishments by promoting your abilities and focusing on results. Even though . Just keep in mind: No matter how few jobs youve had before the one youre interviewing for, you should always have an answer to this question. However, in the end, we completed the project a day in advance and the client was thrilled with the end result. "What is your greatest accomplishment?" is one of the most common job interview questions, but particularly for someone fresh out of college or high school it can be daunting to answer.. We'll cover why interviewers ask about your greatest accomplishment, provide tips for giving the best answer, and tie it all together with a few sample answers. I wanted to ensure our prospects and leads would feel understood, knowing our sales team cared about their success. "My most significant career achievement was being the youngest person ever awarded a sales management position at my current company. Out of the 4 months I spent there, 3 of them were a total nightmare. Lets start with the basics: whats the point of this job interview question? Situation: "My greatest accomplishment was when I was a content leader at a local design agency. CVs are often longer than resumes. My greatest accomplishment was developing a formal training program for the sales team in our last company. Heres a sample answer from a professional interviewing for a Chief Human Resources Officer position: "What is your greatest professional achievement?". Win over hiring managers with our expert tips. Achievements are the building blocks that enable someone to construct a sense of themselves as a success. Beating sales targets. But these kinds of questions can put the candidates in a difficult position, when suddenly asked, often leaving candidates feeling ill-prepared. ACTION: I would use all my breaks to do assignments or write some code, which was exhausting but very helpful. We were losing customers and getting brutal reviews online. Regardless of how true it is, I dont really have any greatest accomplishments is just bad optics all around. Educational accomplishment. Professional accomplishments are achievements beyond your daily work responsibilities. What is your greatest accomplishment in high school? By using feedback from the evaluation forms and best industry practices, I was able to develop a new onboarding system from the ground up. Your interviewers will assess how well your work style and values fit with the company culture. There are times when having no answer is still an appropriate response to a question youre asked. What is your proudest accomplishment? - NewBalancejobs Practice your example answers before your interview. Why Are You The Best Person For This Job? The main idea here behind the STAR method is that every answer should cover the following topics: Now, lets take a well-written behavioral job interview answer using the STAR method, What is a professional achievement youre most proud of?, Situation - Well, my last role was as a manager at a seasonal restaurant in Nantucket. For more help preparing for your interview, check out some of our other articles below: Plus, I learned time management skills that will serve me well throughout my career. I lost everything in a fire two years ago, and it couldnt have come at a worse time as I was also supporting a sick family member and was trying to finish my degree. Our guides cover formatting, writing, and more. Then use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to clearly show how your skills resulted in a valuable achievement. By the end of the year, his reading scores had gone up by over 15%, but the real accomplishment for me was getting him interested in learning something that had previously frustrated him. Be respectful of your current, or previous, employer's "confidential" information. Answering: 'What Is Your Greatest Achievement?' | UK A simple way that you can show a potential employer what youre capable of is to quantify your accomplishment. A change in your condition or outlook. At the beginning of the summer, I created a very strict shift schedule, which we adhered to 100%. What is your greatest achievement top 3 Answer - interviewstips For example, if theres a big focus on customer service in the role youre interviewing for, you might select a story that showcases your people skills over your technical abilities. Your values. She graduated from the more, 25+ Common Interview Questions & Answers for 2023, 15 Best Job Interview Tips To Get You Hired, 17 Common Phone Interview Questions & Sample Answers, How to Successfully Answer What is Your Greatest Strength? in an Interview, 35+ Most Common Behavioral Interview Questions, How to Ask for Feedback After an Interview, How to Send a Follow-up Email After An Interview, 2023, Sonaga Tech Limited. Atlas Copco on LinkedIn: What is your greatest achievement? My greatest 5 Greatest Accomplishments Nursing Interview - Fixed Career Task: I decided to experiment with new ways to promote it in-store. I was newly hired as a junior developer in a small tech company that had just started a branch in my area. In an interview setting, the achievements you discuss can be professional or personal. By reading and understanding the job description, you should know what the job requires. SITUATION: My greatest achievement was learning a new language by living abroad. Additionally, ask friends, family, and former coworkers for their opinion. We had a month of training and a test to show we understood the terminologies used by callers, and I passed with flying colors. Be specific in details, but make it short and to the point. improving an algorithm) Awards & Recognition. My scholarship only covered half of the tuition, and my family was unable to support me financially. Organizing a successful charity event. Buttoned up yet stylish. Your qualifications: Some accomplishments help employers establish . education, discipline, etc.). The achievements that matter most combine to form a version of success that has meaning and substance for the individual. 2. Obviously, the result should be monumentally positive for this answer, since were talking about your greatest accomplishment. For some job candidates, its difficult to determine what accomplishment to use and how to communicate it effectively, so well try to get the juices flowing with some sample answers here. SITUATION: My biggest managerial achievement was maximizing team effort and reducing lateness. Use your strongest accomplishment in your answer to make sure that you tell your best story. Avoid saying you do not have any accomplishments, even if you are recently out of school. Choose something that is as modern as possible and somewhat relevant to that job. The following answer to "what is your greatest achievement" can help you grasp what exactly employers are looking for when they pose this key question: "I believe my greatest achievement came seven months ago in my previous job as an advertising consultant. I would get to the office at 5 am by hitching a ride on one of my neighbors cars and managed to work extra four hours each day for a month. Then you can determine to what extent you made this change happen or contributed to it. S [SITUATION] Describe the situation that led to the achievement, T [TASK] Talk about the task you had to do to accomplish the achievement, A [ACTIONS] Describe the actions you implemented to achieve the accomplishment. Ryan Morris was a writer for the Zippia Advice blog who tried to make the job process a little more entertaining for all those involved. Learning the best way to answer What is your biggest accomplishment? or What is your best professional achievement ? job interview question is a great way to show an interviewer and prospective team members more information about you and your capabilities. Dont make anyone else look bad in your story; just talk about a time you were really proud of something impressive you did. Follow the STAR method as an answering format for a comprehensive reply. Understanding Greatest Accomplishment. While asking about your greatest achievement may seem like an intense question, its not as intimidating once you understand the interviewers motivation. 30 Life Accomplishments You Want to Remember. Whats your greatest accomplishment? is a behavioral job interview question. The company promoted me from a mid-level position and tasked me with improving retention and recruitment. What is your greatest accomplishment in life so far? - YouTube When answered properly, youll be able to share what you value most, demonstrate your work ethic, and showcase why youre the best person for the job. Mistakes continued, even after teaching the waitresses all of the receipts so they could explain the ingredients clearly to the guest. Boost your application with an effective cover letter. "What is Your Greatest Achievement?" Sample Answers and Tips Companies . Choose your greatest achievement that is relevant to the position. But you want to talk about something thats not just impressive to you you want it to be impressive to anyone. By asking this question, the hiring manager can see if your accomplishments and work ethic aligns with the needs of the organization. I wanted to improve, and a lot of the other employees were often too busy to help me out. When a recruiter or hiring manager asks you about your greatest accomplishment, they really want to know three main things: Your work ethic. A: Action The actions you took alone or your specific contribution as part of a team to obtain the objective. Use our modern templates if you'd like to give your application a newer, more contemporary aesthetic. Your greatest accomplishment is a significant event or achievement that you are proud of and that has had a meaningful impact on your life. Unfortunately, he had been leading a client project that was due in a week and no one else was as familiar with the client or could code at his level. My contribution was published by Oxford Press. This one is career-relevant and has a dollar value attached. Way to Answer "what was your greatest achievement?" interview question. 1. This is not one of those times. For the next three months, I was able to begin a weight training program and hitting lessons. SITUATION: My biggest achievement was earning money after starting a blog from scratch. EXAMPLE ANSWER: "The accomplishment I'm most proud of is completing my degree with a 3.95 GPA. Your answer should serve as another opportunity to talk yourself up and let hiring managers know why you should be their top choice. (T) Task - Talk about the tasks you had to complete (i.e. Topic Ideas for Writing the Greatest Accomplishment Essay. What do you view as being an accomplishment? e. Be honest. While behavioral questions may make you nervous, there are ways to prepare the best answer and come out ahead of other qualified candidates who are interviewing for the same position. Volunteer jobs like these are ideal sources for greatest accomplishment answers for entry-level candidates. Three things you should say for any accomplishment are: This is why using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) is so helpful. While he had a tough time reading the words, I knew that he loved drawing and fantasy movies like Lord of the Rings. This is a compelling way to share a big accomplishment with potential employers. What is your greatest accomplishment in programming? - Quora A year later, we had met and exceeded the goals I set when I took on the position. Action. What is your Greatest Achievement Sample Answer for Freshers All your greatest accomplishments relate to an outcome that drives the organization forward. RESULTS: We took a month to find the right suppliers and implement the plan, but after that, lunches were less than 30 minutes, and work output was never affected again. The first step when handling such what is your proudest accomplishment question is to give a good thought about it. My family doesnt have the means to contribute to my siblings and my education, so I secured scholarship funds based on my grades and community service. If so, why mention this example specifically? It mentions transferrable skills focus and time management and subtly mentions that they could keep up when others couldnt.