It includes recommendations for Judges and city council officials in Lake County, FL. Proposition No. As Mayor, I will treat small landlords like the critical partners in meeting Seattles housing needs that they are. Compared to other nearby counties, King County has more democratic voters. Pete Holmesis seeking his fourth term in office. How would you make ultra-wealthy individuals and corporations pay more of their share without driving them out of the city? Midterm elections guide 2022: What you need to know : NPR Washington Democrats are trying to force employers to hire or retain potheads with new legislation. Her answers are included nearly verbatim, below. Third, experience. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Before that, she served as a legislative aide to Richard Conlin, former member of the Seattle City Council. You can see what initiatives are gathering signatures to secure a place on the ballot. 1Amy Walen House Pos. Give to WCV today. 1. Passing this levy now will help fully fund Executive Dow Constantine's plan to preserve 65,000 acres of open space, which includes a $160 million pot to buy and build out green space in south . Washington - Christian Voter Guide For a more detailed explanation of how we decidewhich campaigns to follow, read the item belowunder "methodology" but here's the short answer: Candidates who haven't raised any money have virtually no chance of advancing to the general election. They oversee and control most city offices and departments and make policy and budget recommendations to the Seattle City Council, which is Seattle's legislative body. 9. It is within the mayors authority to stop all sweeps, which I would do immediately and with no exceptions. As mayor, I will extend the eviction moratorium until our communities actually start healing from COVID-19. Military members and their spouses can vote by mail, by fax or by email. To reduce financial barriers, I will create a partnership between the city government and our local corporate foundations to raise money to fund a local grant program to provide significant financial assistance to small businesses. What It Means to be a NW Republican. It is my understanding that he has said he will treat these facilities as a de facto legalization of heroin; the sheriff contends he hasnt said that. No further changes in direction is warranted. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. *******The Shofar, like the one pictured here, is used for signifying the start of a war! Every county has drop boxes where you can turn in your ballot. Im proud to have led passage of the largest progressive tax in Seattles history at the moment we needed to protect our most vulnerable, invest in small businesses and workers, and prevent deep cuts to key services. We want more dwellers per acre. Approved on Charter Amendment No. Here's something Knute Berger wroteabout the history of recall efforts. Seattle, WA 98122. map and directions. Kings County Voter Guide - View a number of the . Below, you'll find articles that will help you get your bearings on why these upcoming elections are important. As the citys election site explains, you have until Nov. 30 (yes, weeks after the election) to give your vouchers to a campaign. State Voter Guides Biblical Voter Broad rezoning does not take into account long-term planning, or the additional challenges our city's infrastructure faces. Michael Medved-Jenny Durkan has the administrative experience and pragmatic temperament to make progress on some of the glaring problems that have worsened notably under the last two ideologically driven and disastrous mayors (McGinn and Murray). I support defunding the police and investing in housing, transportation, basic needs supports and cash assistance, community schools with counselors, restorative justice coordinators, and health services, culturally responsive youth programs, community mental health supports, community-based options for survivors, restorative and transformative justice responses for those who cause harm, civilianized 911, drug user supports, thriving wage employment, and immediate investments in mobile mental health and crisis support teams so we can get the right care to people experiencing emergencies when they need it. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 2, LD 22Beth Doglio House Pos. Drug addicts must acquire the funds to feed their habit. Many key provisions of the federal For the People Act, which is still under consideration by Congress, are already law in Washington state, including the widespread use of mail-in voting, easily traceable paper ballots and same-day voter registration. This search tool from the state is another way to look for people running for office. Harrell went to Garfield High School and University of Washington School of Lawl. 2021 General Election. The job: Position 9 on the Seattle City Council is citywide, which means all Seattle voters can make a choice in this race. This is the squishiest category because people have lots of different kinds of experience that could help them get elected. Proposition No. You do not get a new batch of democracy vouchers for the general election, but if you didnt use yours in the primary election, you can still spend them during the general election. Conservative Voters Guide - Shift Washington Hes also the president of a company that sets up sound systems for small to medium events and venues. Kevin Fuhr, Moses Lake School Board, Position #4. If we allow this wave of evictions to take place, we are making a policy choice to push people out of their homes during an unprecedented crisis that the people who lost their jobs during COVID did nothing to cause. 1Sandra Kaiser House Pos. We have to re-commit to Community Policing in our neighborhoods so when law enforcement is needed, officers are connected with our local neighbors. We need a mix of housing and residential patterns including an urban infill strategy. The City Councils approach has forced many small landlords to consider selling their properties. According to FairVote, an organization advocating for election reform, while no municipalities in Washington employ ranked-choice voting, the approach was used in 22 paces as of June 2021, from Oregon and California to Minnesota. Whose taxes will go up? Additional bike lanes, walking paths, and protected streets can be added to help ease traffic congestion. For more information about voting, ballot drop boxes, accessible voting and online ballots, contact your county elections office. Proposition No. The Local Voters' Pamphlet is mailed to all residential households in King County about 3 weeks before the election. I have admired John for years because he seemed to speak straight to issues and was a sea of calm in an ocean of rogue waves. We need to first focus on preserving our current housing stock, support families and businesses at risk of displacement, and fine tune existing programs to get the housing production and affordability we want. Our highest priority must be to invest more into an eco-friendly comprehensive transit system that interconnects our city neighborhoods. My 22 Point Emergency Housing Action Plan to move everyone inside in 14 months: housing A massive wave of evictions will not benefit anybody as tenants become homeless and suffer more. There needs to be multiple entry points for rapid rehousing including tiny houses, hotels, safe parking lots, etc. Proposals usually require numerous legislative sessions before progressing toward a vote in one house or the other. I know its possible because at Eagle Village, our shelter targeting those chronically homeless, 53 residents exited and none have returned to homelessness. Do you want to make Washingtons environment a political priority? Brianna Thomas, an aide to Seattle CityCouncil President Lorena Gonzlez, works on issues of public safety, labor and criminal justice reform. Check your mailbox! My prototype has taught me a tremendous amount, and I think we need more of the kind of house that I built. 2. To register online, you need a current Washington state drivers license or permit or a state identification card. That means candidates arenot required to run under anyparty label, though they may choose to promote themselves under one. Jump to Other Seattle ballot items to watch for more information. Before we talk about new revenue, we have to talk about leadership. 7, Metropolitan King County, Council District No. If you're here, you already are or aspire to be an informed voter. 3, PierceRobyn Denson County Council 7Linda Farmer County Auditor, SpokaneChris Jordan County Commission Pos. Create less regulation, reduced taxes, and reduce rental costs. Here at Washington Conservation Voters, we work to elect environmentally responsible candidates across the state. A small, well-run homeless services department supported by a sea of volunteers and financed largely by philanthropy brought homelessness to functional zero in Gresham. There's an effort underway to get the "Compassion Seattle" initiative on the Seattle ballot in November. Yes, we have to support individual landlords. King County Republican Party Primary Voter Guide - King County We havent seen the full economic fallout of the pandemic, let alone an adequate recovery, which means many individuals, including myself, still owe insurmountable rent debts. 1Dave Paul House Pos. The Supreme Court justices disagreed and sided with the voters. Meanwhile, the sponsors need more than 33,000 signatures to qualify for the November ballot. The Voters' Guide is available at: King County Elections' Ballot Measures King County Elections' Candidates Or Customize your Candidate guide for your particular precinct's ballot: King County Elections' My Voter Guide. All rights reserved. Seventy-five percentof Seattle is single-family zoned, meaning that the vast majority of our citys zoning code only allows for individual homes, limiting the development of apartments, townhouses, and multi-family projects. This makes Durkan a phony and my fear is shell legislate like the extremist shes pretending to be so that she may stay in power. A return to city sanctioned encampments that provide onsite wrap-around services, autonomy, and have a collective sense of community moves us in the immediate right direction of stabilizing folks coming out of concurrent traumas. Metropolitan King County, Council District No. Then we learned, through videos of his speeches, that the sheriff has two sets of policies: one for liberal groups and one for conservatives. She has a masters in public administration and recently earned a doctorate in educational leadership from Seattle University. During the COVID-19 crisis we saw a substantive uptick in people living in vehicles across the city. Casey Sixkiller is a former lobbyist turned government insider. As Mayor I will hire a police chief that is a change agent, someone who shares my vision for a community-based, community-informed, and more accountable police department. District 7 is in southwest King County and includes Federal Way and Auburn. With the federal government primed to invest billions in fighting the climate crisis, directing some of that revenue to address our housing affordability crisis is a top priority. Email. In our issue survey, Shukri responded that housing should be a right for all Washingtonians. Races we are considering: We are currently considering endorsements for most state, city and county level races (such as State House and Senate, County Council, PUD, Port Commissioner, City Council, Auditor) with the exception of school board races. First, we know it is far less expensive and less traumatic to keep someone housed than it is to lift them out of homelessness. If you do not have one of those cards, you can still register by mail or in person. In answer to your questions, Kenneth Wilson wrote this: Would you eliminate all camping on public property? In 2019 he started Your Gift of Life, a nonprofit organization that advocates for mental heatlh awareness. City of Bellevue. Washingtons primary system was challenged in the courts and eventually received the blessing of the U.S. Supreme Court in 2008. A desirable place to live, work, and play, Everett is home to over 50,000 residents. I opposed this contract in my role as a community police commissioner. Washington Voter Guides Biblical Voter We need to recognize the dignity and needs of our neighbors and ensure that our temporary homes are provided without preconditions such as requiring employment or being free from substance abuse, and that also meet the individual needs of our neighbors without homes. The criminal division prosecutes misdemeanors, gross misdemeanors and traffic infractions in Seattle Municipal Court. If you are going to be in another state or another country when Washington ballots are mailed and you won't be returning until after the election, you have several options. Echohawk's emailed replydid not contain details about whether she was responding to a specific question. As crime increases, our safety measures must too, GSBA is closing the disparity gap with Ready for Business Fund. How will you increase the supply of housing that costs less than 30% of renters income? How will you pay for your plans? 2, LD 29Steve Conway SenateMelanie Morgan House Pos. I have dedicated my life to ending Native homelessness. She also briefly worked for Seattle Office of Inspector General, a new office that issues recommendations for improving policing. `Static.COOKIE_BANNER_CAPABLE = true; [longtime incumbent Republican King County Councilmember] Reagan Dunn" who are . Portlands Residential Infill Project allows up to four homes on any lot and between four and six homes if at least half of them are considered affordable, something Seattle should likewise implement. I have dedicated my life to ending Native homelessness. The beautiful thing is that its kind, humane and effective. Its a meandering, ridiculous, embarrassing, ideological mess. 10 Ranked Choice Voting, Yes on Proposition 1B Ranked Choice Voting, Yes on King County Charter Amendment 1 Even-Year ElectionsYes on Proposition No. I do not agree that police unions have a hold over reform and accountability. She served as a state legislator until 2017, when she launched her first bid for mayor. However, we cannot promote one bad idea with another and force homeless from parks and public properties to the edge of road somewhere else. Message and data rates may apply. In his retirement, he owned a physical therapy business. In the weeks leading up to each election, Crosscut's Electionnewsletter will provide you with everything you need to know about the races, candidates and more. Clipping found in Brown County Democrat in Nashville, Indiana on Nov 11, 2020. Before that he worked under King County Executive Dow Constantine as a chief operating officer. Her answers are included nearly verbatim, below. In a city with an affordability crisis, stagnant wages, and mid-pandemic recovery, it is unreasonable and ineffectual to punish unhoused and unsheltered Seattleites for surviving in a problem we refuse to adequately address. The Office of the Secretary of State keeps thislist of where the boxesare located. Rezoning also allows corporate developers to recreate the city at a considerable profit, starting first with our most vulnerable communities, without necessarily addressing the real problem at hand. Yes. I will review the processes for city reviews, inspectionsand small business permits to reduce the time required for small businesses to start up. I support rebranding SF zones to Sustainable Families and Groups. Chelan County Clerk. The Gresham, Oregon, model is the most appealing to me. Would you support city-wide upzoning to eliminate single-family zoning? WTBBL provides library services state-wide to any Washington resident unable to read standard print material due to blindness, visual impairment, deaf-blindness, physical disability (cannot hold a book or turn pages), or reading disability. To do so, our public safety system must be funded, mutually supported and work together as a team. Lance Randall is the former director of economic development and interim executive director of SouthEast Effective Development, a nonprofit community development organization that focuses on housing and economic development. Find election results here. Yes on King County Charter Amendment 1 - Even-Year Elections Yes on Proposition No. See results for Seattle and King County primaries here. The county executive is essentially the governor of the county, directly overseeing about a dozen county departments and holding the power to veto legislation passed by the King County Council. 1. Theyre also mailed every month between February and the election to newly registered voters. Click here for a printable version Conservative Republican Voter Guide. You can also check on the progress of ballot initiatives. What is your plan to reduce the number of unhoused Seattleites? Connect. I will review the transportation priorities that have been identified as a result of the 2015 Levy to Move Seattle and the November 2020 Transportation Plan. The average response time for Priority 911 calls is currently 14 minutes, largely due to understaffing, so hiring to adequately meet our public safety responsibilities is important. Dominique Torgerson lives in unincorporated King County and started a home-based brewery business there. King County - Progressive Voters Guide He previously served in the state Legislature and on the King County Council. At the citys Ethics andElectionsCommission website, you canlook up financial disclosures by candidateand race and also click over to thedemocracy vouchers pageto get information about the public financing of campaigns. King Conservation District includes all registered voters in King County (excluding the cities of Enumclaw, Federal Way, Milton, Pacific, and Skykomish that do not participate in the District). Do you support rent control? For this voter guide, we'd recommend checking out the King County elections website. First, we preserve pre-existing housing that costs less than 30% of a renter's income. The Jump Start Tax has allocations for housing; which is a top priority. We can achieve that and not discard the green, safe, family-friendly context of SF zones. Ill work with the city council to repeal exclusionary zoning laws. Here's a story David Kroman wrote when Harrell joined the race. P.O. Get into full compliance with the consent decree. In our issue survey, Shukri responded that more law enforcement jobs need to be reassigned to social workers and other service providers. In addition to his legislative job, he works in strategy and analytics at Microsoft. They even ordered the parties to repay the state for court costs. Agree. First check your voter registration to make sure it is up to date. Not all candidates have yet responded. I would restore funding to the community police teams in order to support a community policing model,which improves policing and builds trust between the Seattle Police Departmentand community. Every year, we endorse candidates who we expect to be environmental champions as well as ballot measures that will protect and restore Washingtons environment. But we feel its the best we can do given the circumstances, with limited time and resources. Watch short videos of statewide candidates, produced by TVW. I will pursue zoning changes where it makes sense while being mindful that we must not make currently affordable neighborhoods suddenly unaffordable. Our solutions for housing affordability and homelessness have failed to respond to root causes. Second, we still have millions in rental relief to distribute -- our governments sluggish response to disbursing state and federal aid should not be the reason anyone loses their home. Spanning 65,758 square miles (170,310 km 2), Florida ranks . During the COVID-19 crisis we saw a substantive uptick in people living in vehicles across the City. COVID-19 exacerbated the affordability crisis we already had. We welcome feedback on the accessibility of our website and endorsements process. You can register online or through the mail by Oct. 25. I support the Utility Discount Program's cost reductions in Seattle City Light and Seattle Public Utilities for income eligible residents. 2, LD 11David Hackney House Pos. Local and county elections are happening all over Washington state this fall. The city council is Seattle's legislative body. Bier on the Pier takes place on October 7th and 8th and features local ciders, food trucks and live music - not to mention the beautiful views of the Guemes Channel and backdrop of downtown Anacortes. In answers to your questions, Houston wrote: Would you eliminate all camping on public property? Additional bike lanes, walking paths, and protected streets can be added to help ease traffic congestion. "Our police forces will tell you that they suffer for understaffing - the solution is to integrate more trained civilians into our crisis response. Prior to working for Gonzlez, Thomas was a political field director with the Washington Housing Alliance Action Fund. Its difficult enough to accurately and fully squeeze the viewpoints of five or six people into a story. By partnering with BIPOC and neighborhood focused organizations, we can ensure rental assistance is delineated with an equity lens. Its unfortunate that another story like this has surfaced. Crosscut adopted the Citizens Agenda style of election reporting this year, inviting our readers to take an active role in the process by telling us what they want the candidates to be discussing as they compete for their votes. In 2020, she ran for lieutenant governor as a Republican. Subscribe to Q13 FOX: https://www. Wealth without work. Shes also the former executive director of the Transportation Choice Coalition, which advocates for transit in Seattle and across the state. In general, in odd-number years, Washington voters decide on local races and initiatives. Approved on Proposition 3 - Ranked Choice Voting. Is this approach perfect? We'll write more about this after the primary election. Why are there measures in the local voters pamphlet that are not on my ballot? Rod Dembowski has served on the King County Council since 2013. iVoterGuide. Provides an overview of all state measures, including links to the information for this year's advisory votes, and information provided by statewide candidates. 1Mia Gregerson House Pos. King County Elections is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the statements, and we print them exactly as they are received (including any potential errors). No, I would not continue the hostile terrorizing of our unhoused neighbors. Small landlords are not the villains the City Council has made them out to be -- many of them are families trying to earn supplemental income so they can continue to live or retire in Seattle. If elected I would seek to balance strong enforcement of existing statutes with an equally strong "high barrier" treatment approach. here's a column opinion writer Joni Balter, here's a story our opinion columnist Katie Wilson wrote. What we do is publicly drivenjournalism. Washington Secretary of State. While we cant tell you who to vote for, we want to get you the information you need to decide which candidate best aligns with your values. Voters Guide - Christian Voters Coalition: Christian Voters Guide 2022 Biblical Voter. Candidates are allowed to ask for your vouchers in the same way they might solicit other kinds of campaign contributions, including at in-person town halls or when they knock on your door during campaigning. Addicts still need to commit crimes to get their fix whether they are on the street. About 37% pays for services for children, youth and young adults aged 5through 24. To ensure your questionnaire is considered for endorsement you must fill out the questionnaire below and use this online system to submit it. How will you pay for your plans? Cathy McMorris Rodgers, 5th Congressional District, Nancy Dailey Slotnick, Pierce County Council, Marcia Kelbon, Jefferson County Commissioner, Jaime Herrera Beutler, 3rd Congressional District, Adam Morgan, Mill Creek City Council, Position #6, Alan Richrod, Aberdeen City Council, Ward #5, Position #10, Alex Rossiter, Tumwater City Council, Position #6, Ben Wick, Spokane Valley City Council, Position #4, Brett Johnson, Tacoma City Council At-Large Position #6, Brian Hess, Yelm City Council, Position #5, BrieAnne Gray, Mead School Board, Position #5, Candace Mercer, Olympia City Council, Position #4, Carolina Silva, Pullman School Board, Position #4, Cris Kaminskas, Mayor of City of Liberty Lake, David Olson, Peninsula School Board, Position #5, Deanna Martinez, Moses Lake City Council, Position #1, Dennis King, Puyallup City Council, District #2, Dick Marzano, Port of Tacoma Commissioner, Position #2, Donald Redfield, Electric City City Council, Position #1, Dustin Swartz, Moses Lake City Council, Position #2, Ed Wood, University Place City Council, Position #4, Erica Norton, Federal Way City Council, Position #2, Erik Mann, Oak Harbor School Director, Position #5, Gina Johnson, Bellevue City Council, Position #6, Hugh Anatook, South Bend Fire Commissioner, District #3, Jack Dovey, Federal Way City Council, Position #6, Jackie Maddux, Battle Ground School Board, Position #5, James "JJ" Johnson, Spokane Valley City Council, Position #1, Jason Whalen, Lakewood City Council, Position #3, Jesse Garrett, Mayor of City of Kettle Falls, Jessie Simmons, Port of Olympia Commissioner, Position #2, Jim McEntire, Clallam County Hospital District 2 Commissioner District 1 Position #2, John Colvin, DuPont City Council, Position #7, John McCarthy, Port of Tacoma Commissioner, Position #1, Kevin Fuhr, Moses Lake School Board, Position #4, Mark James, Marysville City Council, Position #2, Marty Young, Cascade School District Board, Position #5, Maureen Sundstrom, Buckley City Council, Position #3, Michelle Belkot, Vancouver School District School Director, Position #2, Pablo Monroy, Bonney Lake City Council, Position #6, Patrick Decker, Lynnwood City Council, Position #2, Ryan Beckett, Yakima School Board, Position #2, Tom Lee, Longview City Council, Position #7, Troy McCoy, Battle Ground City Council, Position #1, Wendee Odell, Auburn City Council, Position #2, Primary Election Endorsements: Kate Martin, Seattle City Council; Jeff McAllister, Kelso City Council; Richard McCaine, Kelso City Council, Maia Espinoza, Superintendent of Public Instruction, David Larson, Washington State Supreme Court #3, Charles Johnson, Washington State Supreme Court #4, G. Helen Whitener, Washington State Supreme Court #6, Primary Election: Dr. Raul Garcia, Governor & Mike Vaska, Attorney General, Jeffery Beeler, 1st Congressional District, Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler, 3rd Congressional District, Congressman Dan Newhouse, 4th Congressional District, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, 5th Congressional District, Rep. Gina Mosbrucker, 14th LD Position 2, Rep. Bruce Chandler, 15th LD Position 1, Elaina Gonzales-Blanton, 23rd LD Position 2, Rep. Kelly Chambers, 25th LD Position 1, Rep. Drew Stokesbary, 31st LD Position 1, Rep. Carolyn Eslick, 39th LD Position 2, Hans Zeiger, Pierce County Council Position 2, Jason Whalen, Pierce County Council Position 6, Mainstream Republicans of Washington & MRW Alliance | P.O. Absolutely not, and there are plenty of examples of media over- or under-estimating a candidate (see: Donald Trump). By using the Gresham methodology, we can eliminate all camping on public property. Our goal must be to provide support and services that focus on providing basic needs to our community. As Mayor, I will treat small landlords like the critical partners in meeting Seattles housing needs that they are. We partner with local non-profits through community land trust and consider a housing trust fund to establish ongoing, publicly funding sources for affordable housing. News and politics editor Donna Gordon Blankinshipandreporter David Kroman. The top-two primary system is the reason why in Washington elections for partisan offices on the ballot say the candidate prefers the Republican Party instead of just is a Republican. The job: The city attorney, the city's top government lawyer,manages a team of more than 100 attorneys, making this office one of the largest law offices in Seattle and the third largest public law office in the state. I will organize a group of industry and neighborhood leaders with city staff to prioritize the creation of a diversity of rental and for sale housing options.