Dateline West Mesa Murders, Slaughter And May Vacation Scheme, Articles D

His mind was cold metal and white plastic. Status: Dead; last updated September 2019. Comments: This is an AU where Connor is programmed to feel pain. Detroit become human/Connor Smut. Temporarily. Don't be turned off by the original character - she is there, unusually, not as a love interest or self-insert, but a fully formed personality who serves to guide and grow North. Despite all odds, they teach each other not just what it means to be alive, but what it means to live. The Lieutenant looks down, at the street below, then lets go of Connor's wrist and spreads his arms. Their reactions were always different from what I usually expected from a human. "No, please-". Synopsis: On a rooftop far above Detroit, Connor finds a deviant, angry and damaged and desperate. Synopsis: Connor dies many times. Hands down the most epic and thrilling DBH fanfic I ve ever read. (He cannot.). - But a few days later another bouquet was left. Synopsis: Connor has a long, winding road ahead of him in figuring out just who he is, but with Hank by his side, that road might be a little less curvy. Or one month, two days, nineteen hours and ten minutes after the end of the revolution, Connor reflects on his deviancy and the events leading him to his current situation; a room in Hank's house and a place in his life. What he doesn't expect is the android tied up and bound to be someone he knows. , , , . And what does that mean for Reed and Nines? Playable Characters: Click to expand. cover is from daniellatlas on tumblr. The fearful part wants to put distance between them, before Hank does it himself after what Connor is about to tell him. The cast of RWBY was sent by a mysterious being who works with an unknown boss. Ginn never thought of talking to Reed until they were put on the same case one day after the revolution. Surprisingly, so does Amanda. He does, however, have a strong online presence, and a very large following on his several meme accounts. A long broken detective aching for connection gets partnered with an android struggling to understand his place in the world. And their colleagues at Jericho and the DPDs 7th precinct are navigating all the milestones that life sends their way. It mainly keeps a lighthearted tone as Connor tries to befriend Gavin, who is understandably wary of the RK800. Jericho had been running for the last few weeks. Synopsis: Androids weren't mute. Synopsis: Hank and Connor go on an undercover mission to northern Canada to try and track down an anti-android cult. This work could have adult content. Yet there's an undercurrent of angst that makes the ending all the more sweet. He has accepted it.That is, until Gavin Reed, without so much as asking permission, makes a home in his dying, artificial heart. Comment: A fascinating take on Connor, Hank, and RK900 (Ronan's) relationship and work after the revolution. This is the last thing anyone would suspect when they meet a man named Gavid Reed. Detroit: Become Human. Some new cases come in that make Connor wonder what deviants really are. Red Ice, hackers, android trafficking, Cyberlife, New Jericho, and his partner's suicide everything is connected and the rot is so deep it might have already taken hold in Gavin himself After all, why waste his time on a case without a victim? Detroit: Become Human RP. To be precise, it is the moment that he is brought, spluttering, back to consciousness by a hard, plastic slap in the face.'. OR OR: The non-binary (questioning) Connor self discovery fanfic we needed. Justice and Freedom by @write-to-write-amirite. Detective Ginn Jenning works at the DPD as a part of the Red Ice Task Force. it was the most reaction he'd had from his companion all morning. It had been Cole's name on the envelope. I may come back to edit this summary if I find something more fitting - but for now, this is all I've got! Comment: 450k RK1K slow burn, with a hefty helping of Connor whump, PTSD, depression, and general bad times (though it's starting to look up) for the androids post-peaceful revolution. Synopsis: Freedom doesn't last for a month before Connor is back to investigating deviants. Synopsis: Androids did not feel. Whatever his endgame is, he's certainly set his sights on Reed. An investigation of vandalism at the Detroit Zoo brings the two detectives into a slightly less-hostile understanding. At the same time, Tony latches onto every possible distraction from his still-looming PTSD, and JARVIS does his best to support him wherever he can. Regular price 29,99. Graphic Depictions Of Violence. Connor and Hank meet up after Connor dies the first time. (ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE) So, he smiled and charmed potential threats or victims as he used every one of his enhanced sensors to scan for the danger that he knew, just somehow knew, was coiling itself to strike. The end will be what's needed of them. "I was told to.. Give this necklace to the person that's the most precious to me"You stepped closer to Connor and put the necklace around his neck. Forum. Hank will move heaven and earth to accommodate him, and that's why Connor can't. Discover more posts about detroit become human fanfiction. the remaining 10% is worth turning into a deviant for, 5 Times Gavin Receives Kindness and +1 Time He Tries To Give It Back, loading emotional database (thank you for your patience), Your Face Is Frowning Oh So Thin (But The Corners Of Your Eyes Are Smiling), I will become yours and you will become mine. "Yes, I do," Connor says, pretending he doesn't see Hank's disappointment. This is supposed to be an entire, yet canon-compliant, swapped-positions AU of Detroit: Become Human. Both Connors struggle with self image literally and figuratively, making them extremely sensitive to the criticisms that they lob at one another, and even more so to the ones Hank fires off thoughtlessly. Instead, he lifts his eyes to watch Hank's reaction. Nothing fucking changed. When Markus unexpectedly arrives at Hank's home looking for the injured detective, everything spirals out of control. And Connor's late to work. 1 part. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Synopsis: 31 progressing wintery drabbles for a newly deviant Sixty. Nines stopniowo przebija si przez czerwon cian nakazw, chcc odkry, czym s kiekujce w nim priorytety.Obaj spotkali si w p drogi, zanurzajc si w rozgrzanej bkitno-szarej toni i prbujc stworzy si od nowa. Or any. This existence is difficult but he's surviving, learning, and slowly adapting. Androids: Click to expand. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Humans: Click to expand. , . :D. Ultra-Sans Fight! Connor is in an abusive relationship, he knows if he stays hell end up dead. hi! Synopsis: One month, two days, nineteen hours and ten minutes after the end of the revolution the DPD are called to an android homicide; the victim: a YK500 child. A killer playing a sick social experiment pits parents against their android children, and tests the already strenuous relationship between the citizens of Detroit. Any fanfic hunter knows that's like finding a unicorn. Synopsis: A suspect uses Connor's deactivation code. Alone *One Direction Fanfic*. They said androids were fast learners. Cue what Connor calls "Random Acts of Deviance". Instead, he simply sounds tired. Detroit: Become Human - Android Rebellion Baseball Cap. Synopsis: Markus and his comrades managed to reach a peaceful end to the android-human conflict. Detroit: Become Human - Android Rebellion Baseball Cap. Comment: For someone whose a big fan of time loop/groundhog day trope and a sap for soulmate, Now considering the other fics recommended on here and how Gavin is written in them, most people will probably find that the. Status: Dormant; last updated February 2019. The scene opens with a person, with blond hair and in a suit standing in an elevator as it goes up. Seems pretty incongruous with your precious empathy, Lieutenant.". Oh, and Amanda is called a bitch along the way. , , . Not even his android partner sees the connection. Jin was not sick. After being deemed a hopeless Jane Doe case, she enrols into the police academy and becomes a high-ranked detective at the Detroit Police Department to try and rebuild herself. In a world after the failure of Markus peaceful demonstration, Gavin begins to feel like maybe, just maybe, theres a bit more to this whole androids being alive thing. Just started playing the game again and cannot put it down! There's no time to question whether the people around him are truly safe, because before the city has a chance to catch its collective breath, higher-up CyberLife employees start dropping like flies. She was not- she was just not sick. Comments: This fic is a breakdown of the scene where Connor. The time was 1207 and Lieutenant Anderson was due to arrive at the station. He was too old and broken and fucked up to deserve this, but Connor made it too easy to want it anyway. An RK1700 military AU exploring the nature of deviancy, spooky machine love and the high price of freedom in a pre-rev world. Comments: Explores the possibility of Connor returning to deviant hunting because of. Despite the shift in Detroit's social climate, Gavin still holds reservations about whether or not androids are truly alive. Technology has evolved to a point where human like androids are everywhere. Perhaps most popularly, Connor and Hank continuing solving crimes together, and in general improve upon their friendship. I like to think I'm a fairly decent writer and can get . Respective rights go to Quantic Dream. or; The new android model, WS960, designed to hunt deviants is assigned to Luitenent Philip Watson, the DPD's head drunk and mourner who hates everyone around him. Markus was an RK200, designed to capture deviants and investigate the ongoing rising cases of deviancy. Quantic Dream. Featuring: android cholera, the power of friendship, and a revolution that costs more than a week to win. He expects some alcohol and stress relief. Comments: A fantastic dive into the complications of a post-"good end" victory. Is this why she is sympathetic to the android cause now? They have a heart-wrenching way of writing that easily adapts to both warm fluff and painful angst. Its a year after the android revolution and things are changing day by day, androids becoming more integrated into society. Kara is a prototype model RK400, belonging to a famous painter located at 8941 Lafayette Avenue. Kara was a rare prototype android, an AX700, made to be the caretaker of famous painter Carl Manfred. Something changes. Part of the #DechartDecember theme challenge. Synopsis: Connor had plans for days like this. Her short blonde hair looks almost white in the dim lights. Comment: This fic was a trip from start to finish, literally and figuratively. ), data corrupted, data lost by conn_tinuity, i am so much older than i can take by Archadian_Skies. With the uprising of deviant crimes, Cyberlife has sent their newest model RK800 or Connor to aid in F/N and Lt. Anderson's cases. Somewhere, in the distance, Jeffrey Fowler is writing a detailed list of the pros and cons of auto-defenestration. Synopsis: Connor's smile twitches into a smirk. Omegas are known to be docile well behaved and chained down to an Alpha. Their cover identities? After her disappearance, her bodyguard, High Guardsman Nines, is left with the mission to find the Queen before Richard Perkins, lest the entire merfolk species fall. That was the name of a PL600 android. All of this is interspersed with flashbacks of how Reed and Richard met, fell for each other, and smooched under the mistletoe for the first time. Connor is lost. Carl treats Markus as if he were a son, teaching him to paint, exposing him to literature and music; developing his spirit a little each day. He's afraid of death but he needs to die. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Connor #313-248-317-53, whose predecessor was murdered by Reed in the evidence room, confesses that he's not the same Connor Hank knew. Markus joins Hank and Connor for some playtime, ft excessive kink negotiation and Markus' first time getting kinky. Comments: One of the first fics with RK900 in it, mainly focused on Hank's reaction to Connor's replacement and RK900's growing relationship with him. Set in a world where merfolk are magic but not myth, Princess Ada is to be crowed Queen of the seven seas. And he's got to get his own shit together. - . Synopsis: After Markus spares Connor's life, Connor has a moment alone with his thoughts and everything that normally entails. Reader | Fanfiction Romance Connor Detroit Dbh Become Human Rk800. Connor breathed, letting the crisp air wash over his processors. All he did was watch Nines with those gray, gray eyes, not gray like the empty ocean of ones and zeroes that was Niness mind palace, but gray like the mediary between the stark whites and blacks of his jacket. Comment: Once again featuring Connor's belief that his existence is a burden. Mass Effect 2. Fall in love with your favorite characters from Detroit become Human- Connor- Hank- Kara- Luther- Gavin- Ralph- Markus. A virus, non-lethal, made to simulate the common cold in machines. With Christmas just around the corner, Connor finds himself questioning just what being alive means to him, and the lengths he'll go to protect the ones he loves. It starts like any fairy tale. Detroit: Become Human One Shots by Lost in the Stars 1.1M 29.6K 34 One shots involving Connor, Markus, Daniel, Luther, Simon, and Ralph from Detroit: Become Human. I wasn't sure if I should made this fic mature or not, it's got canon typical violence so if that throws you off I'd skip the fic.). Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. . The forensics department personnel, on the other hand, think it's the best shit ever. Detroit: Become Human - Android Rebellion Snapback Cap. A woman. It should feel righteous. Take a plot twisting adventure with Y/n and Hank, maybe a certain android will join. RWBY 6. The incident, when it happened, was not what he was expecting. If anyone's wondering before diving in: Kara is now Markus, Markus is now Connor, and Connor is now Kara (in the broadest sense of who they are and what their story is). Florentine Scamander - daughter of Lysander Scamander, and the most professional Auror the Ministry has to offer - is experimentally as He'll take your heart and you must pay the price. Betrayal and pain. Read to find out :D RANKINGS #2 ConnorDBH #3 Detroit Become Human (Cover art by yours truly) Warnings: Cursing +violence. He just needed to keep some levity. Hank continues to sleep in past advisable times. Hello! Follow/Fav Tick Tock Part Two - Dickory. Hell, he didnt even know what kind of flowers they were. Step away from this book if you're an innocent child, please. Hes snarky, annoying and gets on Gavins nerves. Connor is one of the three main protagonists in Detroit: Become Human. The young man stops mid-sentence when the disgruntled detective raises a single hand in front of him. This fic highlights the nuance in all its character portrayals, from the growing rapport between Connor and the other androids to the twisted mentality of CyberLife's villain cast. 'Famous Detroit Painter Dies' Leah read part of it before she set the magazine down, brushing her tears away as Connor sat down. Connor has been sent to infiltrate the deviantswith a shrinking window to produce results. Yes, I got the title from . His red wall may still have some shards in place but it's okay. . Hello, Detective Reed by Except_On_Tuesday, Detroit: Interloper by Cascade_Chinook_Centennial. But can Elijah convince Leo to sign the adoption papers before the clock ticks from sweet sixteen to legal eighteen? The detective's gruff baritone grated through his chest like churning gravel, and the fluorescent light from the kitchen glistened in his wet eyes. A drabble a day. Carl Manfred was born . Work Search: The thing piloting Connor's body is not Connor. Synopsis: Simon is haunted by what he did to leave Stratford Tower. Detroit: Become Human Fanfic Recs. Trying to avoid the military that had ruined their former home. Connor has just narrowly prevented Amanda from reasserting CyberLife's control over his programming. Reconstruction was a period in US history just after its Civil War. But that's just the start. He also gets a glimpse of something else, but androids feel no emotion. No, not in the her being sick way. Cute, sweet, and soft, and exactly what you'll need for the next two recommendations. Comment: Featuring Connor bonding with the rest of Jericho via an upgraded LED. Comment: A very good (albeit short) fic wherein Connor takes care of Hank, instead of the other way around. After her brother, Cole, died she's never been the same [ ON HOLD ] It is the year 2038. Synopsis: As the crime rate rises, the police are forced to take back androids, and Gavin finds himself paired up with the last android to come out of CyberLife since the revolution. Who will he encounter? Based off of a singular image on the steam board for D:BH that really got me thinking - eventually it turned into an entire fanfic! In which Din Djarin, Grogu, Connor RK800, Keith Kogane, and Kenji Kon visit multiple fandoms and do stuff. *Follows the storyline of Detroit: Become Human* You've been working at Detroit City Police Department for a few years, being in the police force had been you're dream job since you were a child. You're (Y/N) (L/N), a detective with a tragic past who works at the Detroit City Police Department. He could have joined the machine uprising. Fanfic Recs /. Gavin believes they could be tied but no one believes him. (gender neutral omnipotent POV) becomes traumatized from accessing Simon's memories right before Simon shoots himself, "So, you're telling me you're telling me these little shits you've been bringing here are actually deviant fucking vacuum cleaners?". Just as her life became steady, a string of murders causes a prototype android to crash into her life and turn it completely upside down, breaking the barrier she's created between her and her past and revealing secrets that may have been better left forgotten. But they were pretty so he just placed it on the coffee table. The biggest temperamental asshole in the DPD to most, who just also happens to be the only human Omega detective in the department. Thirst with me my Connor lovers my first smut story so it probably isn't so great and my grammar ca. *Reader Insert* , , . Gavin is sick. (Detroit: Become Human) (1737) Deviant Connor (Detroit: Become Human) (1712) Not Beta Read (1679) Slow Burn (1534) Alternate Universe . , . Jude has been trying to find him for the past 2 and a half years, and he comes across many dangers along the way. Even worse, you were forcibly partnered with a disgruntled Lieutenant and a mysterious android. Complete. "You're a fucking machine! "Lieutenant Anderson, my name is Connor. CLOSE TO YOU. Comment: An interesting thriller-style mystery and a realistic. Change your graphic card options from Quality to Performance: 4.1.Right-click on your desktop and then go to Nvidia Control Panel 4.2.Navigate to Adjust image settings with preview Under Preview, check Use my preference emphasizing: 4.3. Connor is willing to be the price they pay for his people's freedom. He runs into a couple surprises along the way. Status: Dormant; last updated September 2018. Status: In Progress, updated every Friday. I hope you enjoyed the video and have a great day :D and if you are new to the channel; Think about joining the NaxNation because I. Synopsis: After a case took a wrong turn, Connor found himself miles away from home under a rainstorm. (unless mentioned for angst purposes). Synopsis: Don't catch "I'm sorry," the android says after looking up. Also, a lot of projection onto Connor. Perkins and Colin continue doing their best, but now they're trying to track down two serial killers with no clues left behind. First fanfiction I am posting. (Or: Amanda quietly wins on the stage. New policies were put in place, and the country had begun to put itself together. Comments: Connor is sent by Amanda to go undercover as Todd's replacement android. Synopsis: There's nothing wrong with the smile. Synopsis: Humans and androids have found themselves in an uneasy peace, although that's not to say there isn't still a long way to go.