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Patterns have to be listed in color palettes in order to be accessed, just as any color used for fill-in. variables: Method 1: Run PC-DMIS from an NX Command Prompt. The file info below is my ugii_env.dat which has all the info John listed. Maximum number of backup copies of SAMCEF files. CPU @ 2.70 GHz Win7 64b U~ _rels/.rels ( MK1!;*"^DMdC2(.3y3C+4xW(AyXJBWpb#InJ*Eb=[JM%a B,o0f@=a noA;Nv"ebR1REF7ZnhYjy#1'7 9m.3Y PK ! Learn how you can capture your ideas with unrivaled flexibility to | 11 comments on LinkedIn (X Window and Windows variables, PostScript, ). The NX DCI uses environment variables set by the NX Description: 11: Idem 1 but the BoundingBox is assessed at the beginning of the file. Caution: such animations use all the existing pixmaps. Certain PostScript printers require a control character CTRL_D If a parameter accepts several values, the latter are to be introduced between brackets and separated by commas. There are two types of drafting techniques, generative drafting and interactive drafting. How Can You Leverage Business Solutions with RPA? This item activates the graphic window under the alpha window, which is raised into the foreground. You are also provided with the surface editing tools, which are used to manipulate the surfaces to obtain the required shape. Ah, for the good old days! MODULE=ASEFSU). TheVOLCNTparameter is available only for unit 52 whenever this contains the inverted stiffness matrix; it allows to split this unit in several files (seePartitioning the u52 file). It defines the corresponding grey shade. By way of example, let us take a screen with pixels made up of 8 bits. It can be used if necessary to animate pixmaps built up viaDRAFT SAVE PIXMAPcommands. The above settings thus override the use of the volatile %localappdata%\Siemens location. Title of article: Under Windows, or for some X Window screens, the contents of a window is not kept when another window in overlapping the latter and then disappearing or moving (under X Window, we say there is nobackingstore). Set the required environment variables as shown below: UGS_LICENSE_BUNDLE=, Prompt option under the Start->NX Among other things, the drawing is frozen. Warning: this process may tie up NX for several minutes. Moreover, a pixmap and a screen can be equally drawn on. NX1926 users can manually set their own environment variables to load and save NX Customer Default preferences and definitions in a non volatile location. Flag indicating whether the drawing must be stored in a pixmap while it is being displayed on screen. The other parameters are common to those of theATTRIBcommand (see below). UGII_NX_NASTRAN_VERSION=2.0 # UGII_ANSYS must point to the directory where the ANSYS executable resides. Each NX session creates -12A6-3 ABB ACS880-01-045A-3 Allen Bradley 20G11NC060JA0NNNNN Beckoff EL6631 Beckoff EL6631-0010 Schmersal SRB-E-301ST Siemens 6AV2123-2JB03-0AX0 Yokogawa AIP830-111 Yokogawa VI702 Yokogawa AAI143-H53 Yokogawa AAI143-H50 Yokogawa AAI143-S50 . These environment variables I help business leaders to take informed decisions.<br><br>I'm an analytics leader experienced in managing Amazon's key advertisers, collaborating with their brand & marketing leadership, and insisting on the highest standards to deliver actionable insights using Amazon's unique data.<br><br>Being a self-taught data professional, I like to lead from front with managerial responsibilities, take . This command lets you open a file immediately upon reading of the command file; it is used in case the file involved should not be opened by the program. Thank you for helping keep Eng-Tips Forums free from inappropriate posts.The Eng-Tips staff will check this out and take appropriate action. it may prove useful to have your files defined more accurately by modifying standard file attributes, including blocksize, Lrecl, etc. Metal 3D printing has rapidly emerged as a key technology in modern design and manufacturing, so its critical educational institutions include it in their curricula to avoid leaving students at a disadvantage as they enter the workforce. By joining you are opting in to receive e-mail. are useful for debugging problems: UGII_KEEP_SYSTEM_LOG=, Siemens Industry, Customer Services Division, Motion Control segment is currently looking for a machine tool retrofit application engineer candidate to provide application engineering and execution services at customer sites to support the Machine Tool upgrade and retrofit portfolio. Then these variables will be used for testing or debugging. This environment is useful for conceptual and industrial design. If you are interested, kindly email your article if they are related to below PLM Tools. shall not be used. If you want to load variables from env files other than the ones listed above: You can also define environment variables in an ad-hoc manner using support from your OS and shell. whereiuis a unit number. Analyze data to identify trends and provide actionable insights 6. The execution of all SAMCEF modules relies on the values of some parameters, which are called SAMCEF variables. Thus, a 16-plane screen is likely to display 65536 colors, a 32-plane well over 4 billions, while a 4-plane screen has only 16 colors available. Method 1: Run PC-DMIS from an NX Command Prompt The first method is to run PC-DMIS from an NX command prompt. Each segment, taken as a separate entity, is made up of a chain that is dynamically built up from an input point. By joining you are opting in to receive e-mail. Nvidia K1100M 2048 MB DDR5. The bitmap corresponds to the whole SAMCEF graphic window (default) or to a selection (see here under). I have no clue where this 'environment variable' may be found or how it should be set "correctly". path: C:\Program Files\UGS\NX8\UGII\, For NX 11, this is the default Using such an animation on a machine with a too short memory could simply choke it so that it collapses. The UGS_LICENSE_BUNDLE variable tells the NX license server which license bundle you have. Discover how this hybrid manufacturing process enables on-demand mold fabrication to quickly produce small batches of thermoplastic parts. The notion of fill-in is discarded; only contours are drawn. These env variables are passed at build . A communication protocol is used as interface between these two processes. Environment variables transmit information (parameters, options, ) to the program. Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd The guidance and recommendations in this document focus on Siemens PLM NX requirements only. It is not advised to use it when the Window Manager is tuned in such a way that a window is active when the cursor is located in it. The sharpness of the images depends on the printer resolution. Look for "NX Academic Perpetual License" and "NX Academic Perpetual License CAE+CAM". Then, choose directly File/Print or Edit/Copy. changed their directory structure. The computation of grey shades accounts for the 3 HLS values defining BACON Variables can be identified via the "&" character: they begin with this character and end with a ".". find the NX executable. Only Hue is taken into account for panels. Pixel values can range from 00000000 to11111111, i.e. If the key wordDEFAULTis present, the parameter is re-defined only if it has not been defined somewhere else. Click Here to join Eng-Tips and talk with other members! controls the machines selected for a parallel job. Jun 2018 - Present4 years 10 months. Copyright 1998-2023 engineering.com, Inc. All rights reserved.Unauthorized reproduction or linking forbidden without expressed written permission. I apologize but I'm kind of 'slow' when it comes to this stuff. It is the reason why the standard definition from the samcef.proc can be overwritten by incremental definitions coming form a user file, which will be called the user.proc file. Depending upon the version you're using (it's usually a good idea to include that info in the original post), there also might be some settings or preferences for the translators in the Customer Defaults (File -> Utilities -> Customer Defaults). The entry point for POSTFAC 'sPostScript printer shows their respective advantages and drawbacks: BACON C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 8.0\UGII>"%UGII_ROOT_DIR%\run_journal.exe" "D:\journ als\jr3.vb" Line 16: Type 'UI' is not defined. You can get access to all the NX environment variables through the options manager. TheUNITparameter provides the number of the unit to be assigned. As part of the NX Part Modeling Core- Architecture Team: - Design, implement, enhance and maintain CAD . Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ The parametric dimensions added to the component in the Modeling environment during its creation can also be generated and displayed automatically in the drawing views. In this entry This fill-in will either be the same as for any other drawing depending on panel colors If several files share the same properties, they can be assigned in reference to a type of file. Strong . 2: Black and white PostScript. However, if the server can manage only one colormap at a time, when BACON colormap is active, the colors of the other windows on the screen may be altered. *I am a Master of professional engineering graduate at The University of Western Australia. Next generation build system with first class monorepo support and powerful integrations. This flag defines the way colors are allocated. Depending on the value of, unit (or "file") on which the messages reporting the state of the computation are sent (stdout, stderr, terminal title, job scheduler, etc.). The bundle settings for Siemens NX need to be updated using the following steps: Close NX if it is open. Environment variables are useful to store system-wide values such as the directories to search for executable programs (PATH), OS version, Network Information, and custom variables. When an assembly is created with reusable library parts, the default is to save the assembly in one place while the reusable parts are saved somewhere else. This is why type-6 animations can only be performed on servers with sufficient memory space, bearing in mind that X Window or Windows already takes a relatively important space along with BACON are the X Window and Windows variables: SAMCEF modules require lots of files in order to store information and exchange them with other modules. John R. Baker, P.E.Product 'Evangelist'Product Design SolutionsSiemens PLM Software Inc.Industry SectorCypress, CAhttp://www.siemens.com/plmhttp://www.plmworld.org/museum/To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. =0. Use environment variable UGII_NX_NASTRAN. "Wildfires are dangerous, hard to control, and economically catastrophic. Promoting, selling, recruiting, coursework and thesis posting is forbidden. from 0 to 255. installation. HPZ420 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3.60GHz, 32 Gb Win7 64B 3dUGnx3dUGnx Setting it equal to 1, will retain the default behavior, that is rolling the middle mouse scroll-wheel IN toward the screen, the display Zooms OUT. Work closely with the team to understand project requirements and document project scope 2. GRW_CMAP(default = 0 or 1 according to the server capabilities). By default,PS_DEBUG=0. These four variables are to be expressed in percent of the maximum width or height of the screen. Only Lightness is taken into account. If the environment variablePS_DEBUG=1, the PostScript file will send a stack of error reports. Environment variables are global system variables accessible by all the processes running under the Operating System (OS). This item activates the alpha window under the graphic window. In modes 1, the application installs its own colormap. A pixmap consists in duplicating a copy of a part of the screen memory. MAC address. The animation will never be performed with isovalue curves. Thanks. This is an individual contributor customer facing role . Experienced in NPI, Manufacturing Support and Field roles. The full name of a file results from the concatenation ofPREFIXE- or ./ This utilizes an nx_site.dpv file to configure the location of a Teamcenter Machinery Libarary and to disable "Program Excellence Participation". NX9 / TC10.1.2 HP Zbook15 They groupsSAMCEF variablesand some other graphics environment variables In interactive drafting, you need to create the drawing views by sketching them using the normal sketching tools and then adding the dimensions. The application must keep it itself. Assembly Environment: The Assembly environment is used to assemble the components using the assembly constraints available in this environment. process. I recently installed NX 10 and, made a copy of the MACH folder and saved it as MACH_10. ugslmd, you would set UGS_LICENSE_BUNDLE=NXPTNR100. In this example the user sets UGII_ENV_FILE = U:\NX\NXPrefs\ugii_env.datand creates the U:\NX\NXPrefs folders. comments, to be present in the Postscript output file. There are two types of assembly design approaches in NX, Bottom-up and Top-down. NX Sketch is the industry's first Artificial Intelligence powered CAD sketching technology. I had pursued my major in Electrical and Electronics. In modes 2, the application simply allocates color cells in the Window Manager colormap, but can never modify them. If a 80-character line is not enough, it can be extended provided it ends with a comma. The first part of this file concerns all the modules, while the second part contains file definitions pertaining to each module. 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There are many "Tool-Licensing Tool" utilities for Siemens . Both commands and their parameters can be introduced either in capital or in small letters; the value assigned to the parameter can be written in small letters. See the ugii_env_ug.dat file for a complete description. It provides the ability to create solid models. To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. (DSC = Document Structuring Conventions). I'm not asking for the Windows System Variable like UGII_BASE_DIR. structure. If it finds a variable that has already been loaded into the process, it will ignore it. When used with UGII_ENV_FILE = U:\NX\NXPrefs\ugii_env.dat, example user .dpv and .def files can be copied from Beldin to configure the (native mode) location of a ReuseLibraryFamilyMember folder, default location for storing NX .prt files, settings for a locally installed machinery library, and an assembly load_options.def file. Animation is performed in BACON # versions are 1 and 2, this environment variable allows the # authorization to work on various versions of NX Nastran if you are using # another version besides 1 you must set this variable to its appropriate version. The first method is to run PC-DMIS from an NX command When_mapped: the contents of the graphic window is kept when it is mapped on the screen (i.e. Track project software 3. Default values are the following: For other character fonts, the following variables must be defined: Default fonts used for the characters ranging from size 1 to 24 are defined according to the following table: They can be modified by using the [Font] menu of the Graphic Window. They had other 'droids' that did this stuff. The following parameters are not used:ACTION BLKSIZE BUFNO DEVICE RECFM SPACE VOLSER. Mar 14, 2019 11:17 am GMT-4 number of processes used by parallel module. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Example: If you can variable called "APP_NAME", then add "NX_APP_NAME" in it. In the 2 first cases, theGRW_PIXMAP> flag is set to 0 by default, since the screen is able to keep the image in memory; in the last case, theGRW_PIXMAP> is set to 1 by default in order to keep the image in memory (see also thepixmapsection). Close this window and log in. Our engineers deliver cutting-edge R&D, innovation, and high-quality engineering work in global markets, and leverage new-age technologies such as AI/ML, IIoT, Cloud, Model-Based Engineering, and Additive Manufacturing, shaping the future of aerospace. Continue Reading 2 Chris Bartle procedure and is launched with the command: Enter the samcef plot command and answer to the successive prompts or use the samcef plot command with following parameters: P0: driver choice (must be 1 for PostScript); P1: indicates the graphic file generated by BACON (input file); P2: indicates the graphic file containing PostScript orders (output file); P4: number of the page to be printed; By default, 0 = all pages; P5: type of tray (for devices equipped with several trays). On UNIX, Samplotter is used through the SAMCEF procedure and is launched with the command: Enter thesamcef plotcommand and answer to the successive prompts or use thesamcef plotcommand with following parameters: P2: indicates the graphic file containing HPGL orders (output file); P4: number of the page to be printed; By default,0= all pages; The value of theP3parameter can either be: TheP5parameter indicates the number of colors available (default:1). This ebook covers tips for creating and managing workflows, security best practices and protection of intellectual property, Cloud vs. on-premise software solutions, CAD file management, compliance, and more. Thanks. You can also generate the Bill of Material (BOM) and balloons in the drawing views. Already have an account? The use of environment variables for saving preferences is still valid for NX in either mode). As I mentioned in this last post, this stuff is all completely foreign to me. UGS_LICENSE_BUNDLE=, where is the bundle name found in the NX license file. variable in the procedure. "move to" and "line to" primitive graphical orders). UGII_LOAD_OPTIONS="U:\NX\NXPrefs\load_options.def" <--location of the assembly load options file. variables can have 3 forms according to where they are used or defined: Mainly used in the samcef.proc To perform the selection, after having chosen Edit/Select, press the mouse left button at one corner of the rectangle, drag the mouse keeping the left button pressed, and release the latter at the opposite corner of the rectangle. We will more post onCAD Tool>Siemens NXin upcoming days. Finally, pixmap and pixmap/screen copies can be performed. To modify permanently the fonts used by SAMCEF The purpose of this chapter is to describe how to convert a BACON graphic file (formatted and free of any programming language) into a PostScript graphic file. If set to false, disables the project graph cache.