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The 57-year-old enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and went through basic training. John Cena, Batista & Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton & Jeri-Show: Tribute to the Troops, Dec. 20, 2008. . He opted to join the United States Navy and even served on one of the ships that were bombed in Beruit, back in 1983. Nevertheless, the 32-year-old returned to WWE two years later to compete in the 2018 Mae Young Classic. Yes, Slaughters military credentials were legit. Slaughter., In fairness to both the WWE generally and individual staff like Powers, it seems unlikely that anyone involved in such things has any idea that Remus hasnt served, especially since the. After his service, Montez Ford embarked on a career in professional wrestling. While Hart included the account of this November 29, 1984, dinner to note that Slaughter warned him to watch your back because Vince [McMahon] is a ruthless guy, it serves a different purpose now. Remus may have, at least briefly, had regrets after that one. Professional Wrestlers Who Served In The United States Military In honor of Veterans Day, we decided to salute 13 wrestlers from different decades who fought for their country before battling inside a WWE ring. Vince McMahon has also hired several former U.S. Army members over the years. Slaughter was a character separate from the real person who portrayed him, and that the real person still was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. confirming that, indeed, the wrestler never served. And no. Road Dogg made his wrestling debut in 1986 following the path of his father Bob Armstrong who was also a wrestler. convention, Slaughter gave him a similar story, one that, even as someone with family who served in the Marines, he bought. These days, the 55-year-old works for Major League Wrestling and appeared in 2021 for AEW. Professional wrestling itself is a rigorous industry to work in, as it requires a lot of training, sacrifice and endurance. The son of WWE Hall of Famer Bullet Bob Armstrong, Road Dogg has always had sports-entertainment in his blood. Proudly serving on the frontlines, Cutler did two tours in Afghanistan before being honorably discharged. Since that time, he was gone on the become one of professional wrestlings biggest attractions. He won the Hardcore Championship twice and the European Championship once. During his tenure in WWE, he win the World, Intercontinental and Tag Team Championships which made him one of the most successful star of 90s history. He held a world title in both companies and main evented various PPVs. When he was just 17, Saturn enlisted in the United States Army and went on to attend (and graduate from) U.S. Army Ranger School. In his interview with, he confessed that he loved being on the front line. He spent a long career, fighting professional matches for more than 20 years. Later in his career, as part of a WWE storyline, he became an Iraqi sympathizer who defeated The Ultimate Warrior for the WWE World Championship. 3 Sgt. He chose first options and remained the part of US Navy and discharged later on in 1984. Nov 11, 2020 happy Veterans Day Randy Orton (marines) Lacey Evans (marines) Jaxson Ryker (marines) Montez Ford (marines) Bobby Lashley (army) Check out his weekly wrestling history podcast, Between The Sheets, on all major podcast platforms, and subscribe to his Substack at Slaughter, thats not me, Remus said of his TV wrestling persona. The 34-year-old joined Impact Wrestling last June. FINALLY Someone Gets It FINALLY Someone Recognizes It FINALLY Someone Understands Who @_SgtSlaughter Is, he wrote, adding God Bless You @JackPosobiec and the same message for all who have served the country. For those unfamiliar, the school is essentially 61-days of intense leadership training. Stars And Stripes: 15 WWE Wrestlers Who Served In The Military, 10 WWE Champions With The Least Matches In The Company, Jaxson Ryker's Babyface Character On WWE RAW Is One Of The Worst In Years, 10 Terrible Wrestling Names These WCW Stars Had To Endure, The 10 Most Influential Wrestling Families Of All-Time, Every Version Of Bobby Lashley, Ranked From Worst To Best, Venuta would later enter the world of politics, 5 Wrestling Couples That Were Really Married (And 5 That Werent). William George Bonin was a decorated veteran of the Vietnam War. That seems to also be the case for many others, at least as far as why this story has, somewhat improbably, not come to a head sooner. Corporal Kirchner was another WWE superstar who had his gimmick include plenty of references to his military career. At 6-foot-10, Detroit, Michigan's Kevin Nash was one of wrestling's biggest stars in the 1990s - both literally and figuratively. It got a lot uglier when Norton asked him if he was messed up when you came back, with Remus saying that we never talked about it much because Vietnam vets werent viewed as returning heroes. A Highly Questionable Cultural History of Richard Geres Ass Gerbil, The Unexpectedly Sweet Story Behind Those Viral Semi-Truck Pregnancy Photos. He had little success during his stint with World Wrestling Entertainment, but went on to make a name for himself in World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and was an even bigger star in Mexico. Despite never serving with the armed forces, John Cena strives to support those who serve and veterans in his professional ad personal life". Your login session has expired. Slaughter is a wrestling star who rose to prominence in the 1980s. However, his best work in WWF or WWE is as a manager in 1980s. RELATED:Jaxson Ryker's Babyface Character On WWE RAW Is One Of The Worst In Years. He served in the US Marine Corps for ten years and had 18 UFC fights. , it just didnt remind him of his own such superior officer because he never had one. . George Washington (1789 - 1797). We may earn some commission if you were to buy something via our affiliate links, Top 10 Most Popular WWE Wrestlers Who Served In Military. Slaughter, thats not me, Remus said of his TV wrestling persona. Tim Kennedy. WWE Hall of Famer "Classy" Freddie Blassie is one of the greatest managers of all time who guided many legends, including The Iron Sheik, Hulk Hogan and even Muhammad Ali. What a lot of people might not know, however, is that Bobby Lashley has a military background. Wrestlers who served in the military. James Mulva. I really did! AEW (All Elite Wrestling) (w)Rest of Wrestling. Published Apr 20, 2012. John Cena is without a doubt the best WWE ever had from all the Eras. He was a heavy equipment mechanic in the army, and in the UFC, he was a matchup nightmare for many guys during his prime. Specialist_Cell_4067 Additional comment actions Slaughter dodges all questions about his armed service record for good reason., The Sun also spoke to then-USMC Captain Jay Farrar of the Public Affairs Office, who added that weve been interested in Slaughter for a couple of years, since he began using our paraphernalia, but the guy has been very elusive. Farrars office had received 50 complaints in the past year from true-blue Marines, citing Slaughters abuse of the uniform, which Farrar said mainly stemmed from when his opponents staged attacks on people wearing dress blue uniforms, whom we strongly believe were not Marines., In the fall of 1984, though, when Congress passed a law prohibiting the use of the Marine Corps emblem and insignia by civilians, it gave the Marines more leverage, and Farrars office fired off a letter demanding that Slaughter stop because his actions reflect discredit on those who have served. Farrar, for his part, did concede that going further, like prosecuting Remus, might not be worth it given the nature of the Slaughter character. Along the same lines, one wrestler of a younger generation, who requested anonymity, told me that more recently, at the annual Cauliflower Alley Club convention, Slaughter gave him a similar story, one that, even as someone with family who served in the Marines, he bought. Remus himself never served in the military. Yet the discovery of a 35-year-old article clarifying his status has had fans asking questions recently about the foremost drill instructor in sports entertainment. All these are the details about the top 10 most popular WWE wrestlers who served in military. I hope you and your families enjoyed @WWE doing what we do best. In 1998, he was enlisted to join the Marines. 11/15 * Zeb Colter. Im a pretty regular guy. The Staff Sergeant booked her in a wrestling match on the show and that's where it all began. Stay tuned for more information! 7 Freddie Blassie. Ill go into the Marine Corps, and Ill go to college when I get out. I got halfway there [and] ended up at a pro wrestling training camp on leave. A follow-up question asking if it was an easy transition for you from being a Marine to becoming a pro wrestler saw Remus avoid going further than the above implication that he may have only gone through basic training. He also joined Army college and after showing his brilliant fighting skills in inter-college competitions, started his professional career. Before he became a WWE Superstar, The Body served in the U.S. Navy. Adora is a United States Army veteran. 5. FAN Wrestling Forum. Lacey Evans began her pro wrestling career in 2014 and she went on to sign with WWE in 2016. He has also appeared in various movies such as Predator and Batman & Robin. Freddie loved his country more than his personal profits. Randy Orton. Not as a character backstory, mind you, but as, with multiple veterans organizations, refers to Slaughter as a, on its website and uses him as a company ambassador at military events. Lacey Evans competed in NXT before moving to the main roster where she had her first feud with one of WWE's biggest stars, Becky Lynch, for the RAW Women's Championship. Jessie The Body Ventura is a retired pro wrestler out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Slaughter Iron Sheik Jesse Ventura All items (62) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Afa WWE - Current . His first WWE run lasted for nearly a year between 1993 and 1994. Robert Remus, never served time in the U.S. Marine Corps, though he claims to have been a drill instructor from 1966 to 1973, wrote Michael Davis and Mike Klinganman. All of which misses the point. He is one of the greatest name of wrestling history as he is entertaining the world for more than twenty years. Virginia . 8 William Bonin. Slaughter name from Jackie Gleasons Master Sergeant Maxwell Slaughter character in Soldier in the Rain that he sounded like himself and not the nervous, monosyllabic mess that he was in the Jim and Sam interview. He also has an amateur wrestling background and currently holds a certification in Krav Maga. Be the first one to comment on this story. Lacey Evans is a legit badass tho!! He was part of the 9th Cavalry Regiment, famously known as " Buffalo Soldiers ," and part of the Louisiana Maneuvers in 1941 the largest military exercise ever held in the US. Jordan is a founding member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, serving . Serving the nation by joining military of your own country is a dream of almost every citizen. (FWIW: Available newspaper records dont shed any light on what Remus really did during his service other than getting married.) WWE Hall of Famer "Classy" Freddie Blassie is proclaimed to be one of the greatest managers of all time. At the beginning of enchanted player's upkeep, they lose 1 life and you gain 1 life. Having won WWF European Championship and WWF Hardcore Championship, Perry Saturn is also present in the list for his services in United States military. A few current WWE Superstars have also had the same experience. Trained in sports and martial arts, I have awards and ranks in boxing and wrestling. , who worked with Slaughter in the WWF, also, over Remus non-service on his podcast last week when answering a listener question about the controversy. After the troll put Slaughter on a pedestal as having always been there for the troops, the wrestler responded in very Boomer-y fashion. After serving overseas, the former WWE Champion returned to the US and got into pro wrestling. Slaughter character or even Remus, frankly being a valor thief at his peak, when kayfabe was still strong, past a few mid-1980s Marines. Enlisting at age 17 and serving for four years, Saturn pushed himself to the limit to become an elite U.S. Army Airborne Ranger. Click on any of the links to read more about wrestlers who served in the military: Verne Gagne Don Leo Jonathan Buddy Rogers Baron Von Raschke Research by Tim Hornbaker All Information is public information obtained through FOIA. After retiring from in-ring competition, Ventura became a commentator in WWE. In California, he was known as "The Freeway Killer.". Vernon Logan, Buddy Arndt, J. Robinson, and Randy Couture served in WW2, Vietnam and during the Cold War. Nonetheless, fans might not know about a few other former WWE Superstars who have also joined the military. Please logout and login again. The Man in Black was once the man in fatigues. Bobby Lashley even obtained a silver and gold medal in an event held by the International Military Sports Council during his third year in the army. That said, he further committed to military service, George Tragos/Lou Thesz Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame, in Waterloo, Iowa. I found this: "Also, John Cena incorporates military dress and mannerisms into his wrestling persona, driving the rumors of his service. Slaughter, he perfected the act, becoming one of the biggest stars and top villains in the business almost overnight. in very Boomer-y fashion. My idea of a perfect evening is to cook a steak, build a fire and relax. . Not to mention, in the ensuing years, the YouTube and podcast booms hadnt really gotten going yet at least not to the degree that it would be easy to be aware of what Slaughter has claimed about being a genuine Marine while explicitly out-of-character. Air Force is one of three Division I service academies with wrestling programs in the United States. The 32-year-old then received a WWE tryout in 2017. Freddie Blassie also achieved success as an in-ring competitor. Peyton Walsh prepare for. Road Dogg is mostly known for his time in WWE as part of the New Age Outlaws and D-Genration X. 1. RULES. The Best Apps/Websites to Watch MF & DAZN X Series 005 Live Online | 5 March 2023, Comparison of BKFC, UFC, Bellator & PFL Fighters Payouts | UFC Currently Stands As Richest Promotion for Fighters Based PPV Contracts, Top UFC Women Fighters With Highest Fan Following On TikTok | How Much They Earn For Posting Video On Their Accounts. Wrestling boards archives (2005-2006) Off-Topic archives (2015) Off-Topic archives (2014) Off-Topic archives (2013) .) Watch every Premium Live Event and enjoy some of your favorite WWE content on Disney + HotStar. Kirchner ended up winning a Flag Match against Nikolai Volkoff at WrestleMania 2. Evans was introduced to pro wrestling by one of her colleagues who promoted indy wrestling shows on the side. My father suggested maybe I want to join the Corps, join the military service and maybe do college later, Remus told Fox. If there is any change, we will make them available here. Will Vin Sant Leave You Jacked or Scammed? Currently: CEO of USAA. He began his run with the company back in 1994, managing Jeff Jarrett. Im a pretty regular guy. Enter America's Drill Instructor: Sgt. He then started competing on the independent circuit. However, during his college days, he decided to give another action-packed job a try. That said, he further committed to military service six months ago on the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast, recorded before a live audience at the George Tragos/Lou Thesz Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame in Waterloo, Iowa. Slaughter, he perfected the act, becoming one of the biggest stars and top villains in the business almost overnight. That seems to also be the case for many others, at least as far as why this story has, somewhat improbably, not come to a head sooner. Which, of course, doesnt include him, no matter how much he says otherwise. Wrestler Military Information Slaughter using every ounce of military experience in his gimmick to Bobby Lashley, who you might only know he served if listening to out-of-character interviews. . 8 8 0 Randy Ortonthat is one name the military records should delete. Wrestle Newz Published on Nov 11, 2018 at 5:00 AM by Joe Lisnow Share Tweet Pin It Share Email Print Image Credit: Provided via out of this orbit perry saturn super kick followed by a spin cycle fisherman's buster to crash holly. From the battlefields of the Revolutionary War, to the beaches of Normandy on D-Day to the front lines of today, American Indians and Alaska Native people have defended this country for centuries. He was a member of the Underwater Demolition Team during the Vietnam War in the 20th century and was stationed in the Philippines. Read the Rules! Pee Wee Reese, Phil Rizzuto, and Hugh Casey. Following his release, he competed in a few other promotions, including Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. News on all your favorite celebs, reality TV, and movies. He would eventually earn the rank of Petty Officer Second Class and spent over three years in the Pacific Theater. In the 1990s, Perry Saturn won championships in the three major sports-entertainment organizations WWE, WCW and ECW. Three reasons why he is the best wrestler : He can wrestle with any guy : Be it The Great Khali , The Rock, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Brock Lesnar,Rey Mysterio. Oh yeah, yeah, Ive been in one, Remus replied. Blassie joined WWE in 1964 and worked as a manager from the 70s before his official retirement in 1984. Before making it to the wrestling business, almost every WWE Superstar earned a living by working ordinary jobs. The military-style business demeanor of Saturn could be attributed to his time serving in the U.S. Army. He worked a lot with a young Baron Corbin, losing almost every time before he got a chance to shine as the Forgotten Sons in 2018 with Wesley Blake and Jackson Ryker. Jay Swingler vs Nicholai Perrett Purse Payouts | How Much Both Earn from PPV Money? Howlin' Wolf. Making sure all the, uh, the grunts dont [go] AWOL on us, and keep em all in line., After Remus claimed that the Sgt. His conduct eventually led to his premature dismissal. Case in point: Yes, he responded when Jim Norton of Sirius XMs Jim and Sam Show asked him if he really served in the Marine Corps last February 18th. He was an 11-time WCW Tag Team Champion, and as a solo wrestler, he . The WWE Hall of Famer was a 10-time AWA World Championship and trained many former WWE Champions, including The Iron Sheik and Ric Flair. 30. I support the United States Marine Corps. Well, I always thought he was in the Marines! exclaimed the former member of the WWF creative team and talent relations department through laughter. A year later, she made her WWE debut on the September 5 episode of NXT. Saturn was a no-nonsense competitor who often left his actions speak for himself inside the squared circle. Yet the discovery of a 35-year-old article clarifying his status has had fans asking questions recently about the foremost drill instructor in sports entertainment. 9/15 Perry Saturn. Konnan is a professional wrestler who was born in Santiago de Cuba. Before starting his career in 1982, he was charged with drug selling and given options to serve in Navy or sent to prison. She was in the Marines. Owing to his brilliance in the ring, he was inducted into the WWF Hall of Fame in 1994. While most of his career was as a rough Southern brawler, WWE used his military experience as part of his gimmick with the Real Americans. As we noted, the former WWE champion did not serve in the army. WWE Network. She spent eight years in the military and served in Afghanistan. Cutler spent nearly seven years in WWE, where he became part of the Forgotten Sons stable. Mr. Kennedy currently runs a wrestling school known as The Academy. During the the Attitude Era, the groups were popular yet controversial. RELATED:10 WWE Champions With The Least Matches In The Company. Ventura is also a politician and from 1999 to 2003, served as the governor of Minnesota. Let's take a look at the ten Superstars who served in the military before or after joining WWE. The third-generation Superstar holds the record for being the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in the company and he has also main evented WWE WrestleMania twice. The Sheik is arguably one of wrestling's greatest villains ever - and every great villain needs a hero. v. t. e. James Daniel Jordan (born February 17, 1964) is an American politician serving as the U.S. representative for Ohio's 4th congressional district since 2007. From 1999-2003 Jacques performed on the Florida independent pro wrestling circuit. Few current WWE Superstars have. Throughout 1984, then, Slaughter was, at a minimum, as big of an attraction as Hulk Hogan, if not bigger. I walked into a caf near the Holiday Inn in Oklahoma City and saw Sergeant Slaughter sitting quietly by himself, Bret Hart wrote in his memoir, Hitman, which is sourced almost entirely from his contemporaneous audio diaries. 16 Steve McQueen Shutterstock At age 17, The King of Cool joined the United States Marine Corps. After all, it is just a wrestling gimmick right? Lacey Evans Lacey Evans is an outstanding professional wrestler who has had several successes in the ring. Valentina Shevchenko vs Alexa Grasso Purse Payouts | What Will be there share in UFC 285 Potential Bonus? Blues legend Chester Arthur Burnett served in the Army for two and a half years. Lacey Evans has only been wrestling since 2014 and is already headlining pay-per-views. After Remus claimed that the Sgt. Adora went head-to-head with Kairi Sane but came up short.